The billboard (July 1910)

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JULY 16, 1910. Tile Billboard 29 and la tbeir Iiiate tbe money was forKottvn. But tbe moaej did not perlab, aa aome thougbt- rul peraoa bad ictenad It «ad carried it away Id n(etT< Tb* park WM opcoad ICay tOL Tha Mart was planned and esmptotad ta M daja. Tba maa- agen bop« to Riion tba taUdtpn and park In all wecka. Tbe park lecnia to haTC been bom Bj diot oC hard work the firemen laved tbe caronael and lon-e amaller bolldlnn, AH tbe prlTllega atanda were deattojed. The lire auda a apectacour blue wbleli waa aeen tor *" " Md attracted a laiga Crowd. i. TP.^T.M-Mf A Y ■L OUR BANK ROLL— will It be III tht autgt »m att Pl l lirt Would TOO dan i» Ofaagk wttb jvor old rerolver? ^ . ^ ^ ^ Flat aprlaga weaken day by day. No man knowa when tkcy will break aad Icara bim belplcea. O0I7 one rerolTer In tbe worM haaapHnfa tbat wiU not break—eon aprlagi tm knd the GoTcmment uaea la tba ntw mimr iMa. It la tbe famooa new nodel Iver Johnson Revolver TUa rcTolTcr ta abaolatelr aafe. The onlT war It can be llrcd la to poll tbe trlf- ccr. Yoo can drop It, kick It araond. or HAMMER THE HAMMER and It wlU not go off. Tha .tanaat and bai«eat-Uttlns mMMr In tt* $6 TO Inr Mmft Ams ari Cidi iuhs t1« the: MONEY! N«w OpM to Ml PHvdaiM OaMiht Elkton Fair U, Ba*aBth Aaaaal Talr. K aaaa. Mew manase- r, tnTr, Bktaa, ICak. WANTED SS?iffgJ!g.T WelbviUe Fair August 23 to 28. FrivOegei aad conoes- aons of all kinds (exonitjBftnbling) for nk. Addraa O. K. JQM^ BtmUT, Wdlavme, N. Y. FOR SALE LEASE EXPIRES 139 Opfra Cbatra. Power Uacblne'No. B, Pane, 2 Bheoatata. 1 DlMOlTlDt StereopUcoQ. Ticket Ctwpper. Keetria Blca. Bstta ^Wlriaf —• i-mpa. Sheet, smaTm.-r « pktora atoir. O Bu $. - W,~ ban. v. T. . H V p N O T I • M-THa W sa i ilaa i aaii la a now laventloa. It la aacd to hypnotlae. rare aervasa people, dlaeaaea. bad bablu and clT* eatertalaaoBla. Tbe eonraa ezpUlaa all wpootum, fl«U*HMllat for tbt Sick. Tim - Vm AH o«A>oz eaoTB xb tlo^ia. !"** JPP ixr aece: aenea tbe bar Tarn- SiNk Mnpaiiii WMif Htdlrlne Bhawa and Repertoire Oompanlee to Bar nr new Alrdoma. Baatlns capacity, 1,000. B. G. BAUMOARTNU. fioprtelor, OMg*. !«■ noiNl Botton, It fcaa attiaetcd nreat attei ta^O^^g^^M^aaaa mda a^ ^ny taia^lg NBW W IMNO. DKyW. New York. July ^Tbe FMUe la tha new rldlon dCTlco of which tba Morelty Haehlne Com- pany. 2 Beelor, Kew Toick City, la tbe paten- tee and iole maanfaetnrer. Tl>e ezperleoco wbleta tbia company baa sained In manafae- turlng, aelllBS aad operaflns circle awlnga baa enabled tbem to lodge of joat what kind of a device u anlted to tbe aeeda et tbe greateat numiHT of park manigera of tha eoonlry and tbla new rldlna derlee. The Vntle, la tbe reanlt of tbla ezperlenec. Tbe llrat maeblaa of tbla kln<„was oper- ated an of laat year, hot was amall and com- poaed of wood to tacUltato ehangea while ezper- ImeatlBC. It proved that tbe machine waa practical. aaeeffSfDl, and that It woold dras a Tery proAubla nainaasai. awl. theielMa, the plana were cbaaaS: fMh-WMTt^MMk made larger In erert reipact, and «rtth flttr *«r ecnt. larger capacity. , „ Tlila 1810 pattern ta now operating at Pall- aadca Park. Kew Tork City, and U one of tbe featon rldca of that Park, which baa more new rld lns dw ieaa ttto ytar than any park Itt COWtVTa TUa maAIne la ollka. any riding derlcc which baa arcr been placed before tbe public, aad beeanae of Ita tbna tbrUllDg, nniuoal and -■ - — 1 attention the and aC pMSi com- ment. . v. "-"-ij - ' ■ AUTOianrs annioy musicians. MlnneapoUa. Minn., Jnly 9.—Patrooa of the concerto at Lake Harriet PaA, aad mambeca of the MliUMapoIle Park Band. haTe made eom- Dlalat to tho Park Board and to tbe ICInaeapoUa AntomObna CInb, tbat antomobUlita atartlag tbclr maehlnca dnring tbe concert bate dlaeon- fitted both tbe baiMl and tbe andlenee. and mar tbe pleaanre or tba maalc Sigoa bOTe been poeted br tba Park Board warning ownera of cat* att ta start tbalr englnea nntll the cloae of mimbHS apaa psaalty of arreat. SEA L KMi .pte APMa Mtnaeapolla. Jflnn.. lUy Sl— of tbe big aea llona at tha Loogtallow BaOtotieal Oardena escaped Utt wt«k and waadered to Qa boina of Lean Seteldt. aas« SStb OTenne. Sooth. wbaM It waa caatmad aad tbe Zoo notified. Xaastar Ttaas todally Importing new ipedmena tor both tbe aoologleal and botanical ezblbitt aad tbe trained animal ahowa and tbe great elephant, the Empreaa ot India, are prorlng £ri^tteMMirt|M^aar HAVE BIQ FO URTH. waeellog, W. Va., Jnly 8.—Tbe Wheeling Park dniw the laigeat crowd in Ita history the Foortb. ths figoica nTcn out by the management being atlccn tbooaand. Moaart Park, tbe only opto- altloB park '". fflLy ^'iBifeiilnif' "immSt^ S*aSSt^MSna t»s i i uNt aa Jig sST ttSEr ot fiiswna m;inu<'. ■ tPOKAiii PAnK MPUtAli. Natatoclam Park U ver. . . with Ita many attractlona. A new ,_. ——^ from the motmtalna of Idaho, haa been lolacd to the foorteen animala now on exblbltloa at the Park, wbUe tbe Zoo U not large. Manager Wllleon la contemplating getting ae*er<I_cnb bears, and Iwfora tte aeaaon la orer it win be enlarged eooslderabU- fiot. Bowan'a Band Coocerta are glTea attemooD and arenlng. SPRINGFIELD RARK WILL OPEN. Springfield. IIL, July ».—White City will epaa In a nominal way aqgn, aad a nombar ot Roe acta wlU be need. PreC Pled Blood'a. Capital City Band wUl tnmlah tba mnale^ Indodlng a Blx-pleee onAeatra far tba danetal- psrtltoo. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR. Detroit. MIcb.. Jaly 0.—Tbe atate gnnnda narer looked In better eoodltloa at tbe preeent time. AU tba graaa Is In good eoodltton mat are atao In good ahape. „. » Secretary J. E. Hanaoo antlclpalcs tbat aTallable foot of space for cooe ee a l o a a wUl bean eold by Anguat 1. Jodglag tram iba tbe cooeeealoaa have ««aa galac IMalr.r Hondrcda of ao gat l ljw iS»aw»a, raeelw state fair hradquarfnaMa Om shicaa c< Tba matter of a s ieatlaff tba wlasar^ was a' falr than bar* ay at Nt Oa all ildcs tia ' liHUtf txelaiBitloBa ot de- tUbt at tbe coming appearance ot the Wright fiSniat^ aeroptanea at the fair. People every- wbn« bSTo exprecaed their determlaatton to ace theae marvels of tbe aerial werM. BEN JOHNSO N IN MINNEAPOLIS MlimsaBnltr Mbta.. Inly a.—Ben Jehnaaa. tbe wioSaini twacr b>eal atoek actor, who won — " ~nlM aad commeadatloa when aeen hers original (toria Stock Company and who a member ot tbe New Tbeetra Ooapany< ... .. (B Mian la of New York AUNT DINAH'S HAND LAUNDRY GETS THE COIN NEWEST BALL GAME SUCCESS ORDER NOW FO R FAIRS Biggest and floart daiHea fbr the price, S46, conmleto; 126 wilh oidar. Paik Haaagers and ~ WORLD'S GREATEST NOVELTY CO- 60 ELM STREET, - CINCINNATI, OHIO. A KM, UVE, HIGH-WIRE, AERIAL FEATURE ATTRACTION (OF NIA6ARA FAUS FAHE) f A lire C U A DnV WORLD'S «REATE$T AND MOST JAaiLo tf nAKU I artistic high-wire perfoimb SOME OPEN TIME FOLLOWINQ AUOUST 21st. No etbar High Wire Act p r s atn ted to tba poblle la so fnll of Original Ibata^ and poaslMr no other aeruu attraction can be wlljjtaeid whick arooaea giaatsr interest than tbe HABDT BIOH WIBB ATTBAOTION. It la an .Mlatle Display of SklUfol and Sensational AchleTements. sgrecably rcllaved by a plentlfol aopply of fannj and amnalng antics wtilcb eommcada It to old aad yonng all^e. Everr feature in this Big Nomber is wltboat ' ' ot contradiction. NEW, NOTEI. and BXTBAORDINAS'~ fsTored with reengagements at most of tbe principal throngbont tbe country. Tbere must be a reaaon. WKKK jmiX lltb. CBDAB POINT BE80BT. SA WflUIUi r. Ol WBBK JVLT Uth CBDAB POINT, SANOtlBKT, O. SatwaOpanTlma Follasiflw AMSiiat 21t. FarTltnwndTa MMttiRriraaBil The Oraataat Pan Xakar aad Maaer Xakac ia aor Tjnghlng mnnr Show. Beat propoalHen asar aSsiod tba Amnasmaat Xanagar. Large rstnrsa on a amall iDTestmeot. EasUy managed. Any one can he ane- ceastol. Running trpsnsss hardly anything. Al- ways ready for Mslneas. No traoblo to gat tba people in. Tba roara of langhtac tMnt patrons draw tbe crowda better than Oar Improved minora are made of a ] nickel composition metal. They can aot'roat aad wUl not tarnish. Same appearance as tbe glssa mir- rors and answer same pnrposa at far less coat. Be- ing light In weight and non-breakable. thcyaTa tha only really portable nlmca aver made. Wa bar* made tbo langbliia minor a ipidalty. and can to^' aara is gac t OR AN C A Pound of tha Powdar Makes Forty>flvs Gsllensef Oalleieus Omngaada, and Rataila for $40. We guarantee this powder to make the beat Orangeade on tbe market. TUtsa tba beat, and paya yon tha beat profit. Doea not contain Coal-tar color or anything prohibited by any Pnia viood Law. O. a. Serial Mo. 1178S. No tioabia to prepare It. simply add water. a gallona ot tba Umld. Price sa.M per laoaace bottle, fiampla at any one kind. lOe. poatpaM. We aell Ooolen, Glass Jara. Tnmblera and Tnmbler Catrlera at loweat prlcea. CHAS. T. MORRISSET CO., B2430 Harrison Sl, CHICAGO. JLL ROLL TICKETS... ROYAL SlaSR- 30,000 ~ •took netota. Six CsBts a ^ TCB TMaMB. MMBB BALL. goaranteed, WBITB FOB aAMFTJg. ■a e,tO. A. Shaimokln. Pana. Fleaaant work, small investment lifany are getting richSmafcing PENNY PICTURES at Fnirs, Conventions and Summer Resorts. Get next to this pgopontion. You w31 makemoMylkaBtteatart. We tell you how. TJIE SENECA PENNY PICTUilE OUTFIT — < Hakea 1, % 4^ 9,15,24 or 48 pietmaa OD a ft[7 piata. Write now for price and fidi InfcHr- mation. SENECA CABIERA ' MFG. CO. Dapartmant 4S, Roe. RDcbestcTp NcwTork Is spending a few daya eanolls, as tbe guest of Caryl B. Storrs. drama' tie (dUor of Iba Ulaaeapoila Tttbaae.