The billboard (July 1910)

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JULY 16, 1910L Ttie eillboard 33; ROLLER RINK NEWS Earle Reynolds Sails for Europe on Mauretania and Has Delightful Voyage—Notables in Amuse- ment World on Board the Big Ship^""" tawr't act. wmm m IvS* ken M picr. M«w York F Haaratmiila. tb< ' aUp la ttaa world " wu nUmt the _ the uanement Jmbere. Flowef* br the cerUoed. In box*. Sth l«r«e ti«« that one could reed the iddrMi iWoek wrn titan eboerd. One yttr etrtklo* much edmlrwl otrertnf wm > Uis» eter SmeMotliic the 6-un en* Strlpee with » nail !3l^.kaw made op ot flowan. ptcaeatad to MdUe DoMU br 11 TTlT "I - Skate Co.. wboae - - AnetlHr attneim flocii piece hae j t a ae Mta d to Alice Uajd im nacr oace. K<3<3ie bh- Si onr one bimdi«« akaten and ehow people me at the dock aajtos Bon Tojage to their '^dStS* the trip OTer manr eooeerta were i tb* nliio. UeKmugmM and. amUm B«y- ikaJtad • nea aalha top deck dortar ue Sw^mT had ha aatiSl at the atart while SSMMTa^SM^rith Urn ha dtt aat haaltate to Keep the atak* money. ne trip was a di raosT inddenta: It wae a Joker. UUklBC c«wi la ttii kan kr deetrldtr oa lUmtanla. while It mar ha a realltr In fatnre It U not In practice now. hot for three honti, BlaetT-nloe oot of eTerr hoadrcd paaMnaen on the Miuietanla were of the opinion that there were twany-eli cows carried In the hall of the ship and that thej were milked at 6 A. M. and at « P. M. each day. Btewarda Jon ea and Baaloo were kept Hmfim ttfca kona aamr- S^eqneeta It paana «aaU ba dk^taad toca •-^tbe haU to mmSm • tn • o^elsek mllklatf. I Uwt. HelUa Doaanm and Mia. abaaaS- ■■raS-later the wife of the faasai etltle . all for the Joke ^and wwe Imad V. Tm MeNansbtoa and the writer Med to keep tbe teke good, bat one of the SacUah waifei« tipped It off thaf there weia la the bole and that It waa Impoaalhto eowe by (lertrieltT- Mn- ailiaiaiaa dieted tlie waiter and told him ha waa m ttte, for ibe rowed op *bd down that to aflk at Wammerateln'a laat week and that the mllklna «C the cowa by electricity was the best thins la Bammerataia's abow. Alice Lloyd bad also beard aboot It while Mln Donefan aald the night sbe waa op there It rslned and she pre- amned It was postpmed. Tbe captain at the boat was then eoogbt, for captains of EnglUfa Millng or steam craft never Joke or tell falae- boods. s«ys Mies Lloyd, and after half an hoar search they fMad tka captala and Mr. Baatai uiklan^ dM gjrtw «Mk. The etptala Md the i that 4hat the Idea was a practleal one and may pat la face on Canard una ateamera. The ladlea looked dlaappolBted and flgaied some war to torn the tide ot the Joke on McNansfaton and Rey- nolds, hot It seemed tbe two Istter bad got mixed op In a whist game and they were not foond nntU after anpper time, and then the Joke bad been well aired. SKATING RINK NOTES. Fred Martin, formerly door manager at the AodltacigB Blak, 8aa JToat. CaL, has beta ShowlaB asM apead lat^. wlaaiBK 68 oat a( 78 races la San JMa^ Bs csptarca the Saata Clara Coanty Gbamploashtp ta taog^ aad made one ot tbe faiteat recotda biUad a Ucrde. Us time being 2:38 2-5 for a aUIc, an a twaaty-Iap track. Mr. Martin la now proprietor of the Garden Rink. Falo Alto. Cel. On Satordsy nigbt. Jnly 25, ha rhced George BlchardaoB for tbe Pacific coast fhamnhnTahlp. Be woo the race hj bait a lafc iB-Oh thaa aC SstS far a iwenty-lsp tTack.^rBb.«M flHMlM «lth a gold loTlnc cnp. Camilla OeVandrey. tbe French akater. cor- crrd three miles In 8 mlnntes sod 17 secooda, at Highland Park, Xock. Pa., July «. 8HREVEPORT, LA. Gtadaten* Opara Co. Doaa Not Meat with Much Succeas Hare. Tbe retnma on the Jeffrles-Jobnson fight flaahed np at tbe Clraod Opera House b«» were rather dlaappolntlnc In detail In regard to a blow-oat aa the Northctm Padfle wits, arhleh tateee. kaowa tkat tie Westere DkSl^vtta was ta ha mial RoUefiSkatars' ASSOCIAIION e-^ Organlaad *• flea siaal tare a ttnlAed a(3^ta oMr •katlBg ta g eneial. Addreoa SZtTT All the Stars of the Skating World AM XZXBX28 OT THZ OROAXTZATIOV. used. Uoney waa refunded all dlasatisfied pa- trooa St tba bozH>0c«. Tbe Gladstooe Opera Company bare opened at tbe Ciilno. White City, New Orleans, after playing a rather onsocceasful CDRagement of aeren weeka at the Oladatons Theatre beie. Thla cotapaay will (eatoie aeeeral good teleca, and ptodaee Tba Hlkads^ Chlmaa o( Nor- Bundy. GtrcOa, The Bohemian OM. Tbe Mas- cat, Tha pirates, etc. Tbe Gladstone Thestre ■tralght TandeTllle. Hajestie Theatre opens to capacity each Bight, offering TaoderlUa and Bstton ptctarca. Tba Falace Theatre la oSerlai; Cbv bOla twice a weak to paying crowda. Shrereport has a new motion pletnta boose nnder tbe name of the Z>rearaland Show. It optaad Sstnrday, the 2d. with BaaseTelfs Balm aa a headllner. ami has seated eapae- Itr'feMHi.since. ROWAKI) T. DIMIOK. fBsar BIca. bssUav tm WBHaa Jbtils. has his rtaS «aa of tba asst atlKtaal teoraUdas tba TsaacTllla warU. Ba Is bosUag acts Ml on la _ . la a danrtgg paelUoa at Baontnek. Mich., tha dsaelnc golag on all tha while tba act Is ba- lag pteaeatsd. Host ot the moale af tha act moat be arranged to waits or two-atep time, bat so far Mr. Bice haa had no troable In far- nlahlng tba right acrt of TanderlUe entertain- ment to ptaase tbe tbonsands of danceri who flock to thla paelllOB. The place will accommo. date SO.OOO dancers. Blee also haa arranged to book tbe I«fie .Xbsatn. at St. Joe, lUcb. nlng American's VandeTllle Page. Is Is Ksw York, stteading to boslnesa for both cntcrprlsea. While there he wm he the neat ot Mr. M. B. Spingold, at Albiiar link. Mr. SiImi M Ib tbs General Baatan «piiaMilBHia tm UUUam Morris, Inc. Joe Whltebesd and bis wife, Flo Grlanaa. bava stopped off on tbeir way to thetr samiBar abode, which thla year U to ba Hah I«kaw Mar- cellM^ lOdk ^^bgr^jasa^gMt gjS^S'lflr career. At Aonra, thla week, the Marimba Band Is playing the Otty-foorth conaecntlee sreek nnder the ^Urectlaa of I. O. Matthewa. At the Aastleaa Ifaaii Ban. sreek before last, they was the ssaiHal hit of tha bllL Adolph Uyers. who docs all hla bttftllg throogh the Western Vanderllla MninV ^HB* elation, will go East next weaK flSr wm Bipal eOBferenea with Pat Caacy. BUY—MLLEB SKATES—SELL a U Ibst ttiaak Vsw Tadk Mfr. Cylinder Ptano OeBaaa, atnyle action and with Maa- doUn attachment, for Skat- ing Sinks. Ueriy- co-romida. Ttat and M. P. Shows, etc Mew mosle to order. la sscoBd- „ aa arlth astr maale at ■ Latest Model. BaU-Bearlar Blak Skab Mlekd-plaled Steel, BalTBaarlaB Clah aaUon Alnmlnnm or Boxwood )»»fltn Henley Racing Skates by speed skaters eia ij a hei e. and are also iBsiMiaala tm IndMdaal gat. wbsie tbs flnsst tat wmtt coaplets skate la the aurhat la asslnd. POLO GOODS and OUIFUS Mb Cb HDILETy miuau CHICAGO SKATES are RELIABLE rwheda tostsenstli KilillM Our new Model "I" Skate equipped with tX-in. red fiber wheda rWi nainfMtared. It is the best rink skate tt«t has ever wiBvitliitMBd tin aoBllM " of it - - ■ ■ ■■ ■■ , TaOBlwwta SKATE CO..