The billboard (July 1910)

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68 T ti e Billboard JULY 16, 1910. Street Fairs ilTcnaty Celelii idifc 'W. X. Sknnter. accr- SELAWABE. WnmlnstoQ—PtaTdeUns and Cun Mi ii nmpUri Stmt Camlral. JUm. LiniraSoB^M. W. A. CamlT*!. Aus. 29-Sept. 3. Otto S. Beilsmlth, secy. AtwgoO—AtTTOod FaU Pettlral. gipt. B. OL Slpe, »«CT. ■ .1 Amm—Aaron Drlrlns Park JM^ nv^M- Chaa. P. Tan Sickle, teer. ' ' Baatdaton—MUwtcentb Annual rnt Hah fry. Anc. 22-ZT. a. Too FbaacB. ace7-« BcanU- taxra. m. „ BellTinc—^ToiaTurlo Carnival. Aag. IMA. Val Biraeh. aeey., 51S N. Richland at^ BaDa- nne. ni. Banker win —Carnlral. Aoc. 18-20. - Bnstmell—Benuion of College Students. Ads. ^ Sale—Old Soldlefs' Beunloa. Jal7 :a>-32. OUa Tnaec. B. B. Ho. S. MdMBrOMco. lU. 'Gla ag o w - L Ai«. 1840. OuirtiaL Aw. M.' & & AOS. iT-u. a Hone PImIe . B. Baaa, wtcy., Kanaaa, in. _ _ Ketnnee—Labor Wa^ S«t. »-10. BaM. 3. wuson. 214 s. amj^Kmmmmai V^^ '".: 'LoTtn^oD—Home OHMlB^v*Aas; Wl» . .A* Hoota. in«r. prlT, Comberland—Csmlral & Home ComlDC. Sept. 1-3. Darla City—Old Soldiers and Settlen' Beonlon. Ans. le-lS. G. G. GrtaM. ttj. Fitrfleld—K. ot P. Band OnairaL Mr 3S40L J. F. Jericbo, seer.: Fteoaa Wlaalow Sbows. attr. BarlTine—EarlTiUe CanlTaL Dates not set. Albert Tolt. secy. Hartley — Celebration. Ang. 10-17. G. E. Knaack, secy.. Hartley. la. nmnnton—FaU Fatlval. Sept. 1S-I7. A. D. UcGnlre, care Baoatcr Qob, Banwataa. la. Iowa City—Iow«. - - - - - - - Bncampmeot. ■■4 Sbowm. attr. KcDettaB—^Kellerton. Betinlon. Aag. 3 5. Ihig "ff*— Eellerton, la. KBoxTlIIa—Knoxroie C iii»i«.lal Qab Caralral. Oct. 10-14. Carl a Q ' ~ " Bed Oak—State Flremea'S Vr^ E. Well. accr. Lebanon, Pa^FaifiS 23. 24,25. 26,1910. .PRIVILEGES FOR SALE A. BtnJJMAN, Secretary, - - IJSBANON, PA. m>er, aecr- misea—Old " M. Wtekersham. Waablnston—MId-Si Wyoming—Annual Wi D. A. WUta. ac«r< Jdr SS-2S. ABC. 84-M. M"» Palmer, aeer- Beo a t eta' dob, Eakrldge. Sana. Oicealeaf—Grroleat Ammal Celebration. Jnly 20.30. H. Vleorr. pres.. Greesleat. Kan. BnmboUt—Anniversary CelebratlOB. Sapt. 21- 23. J. B. WakeSeld. Homboldt, fim,,- Jewell City—Blx Celebration. Am- tU W. J. . Scfamltt, Jeven City. Kah- MaTysmie—Marshall Concty LoE Bolllns. Ans. 3-0. A. B. Campbell, secy, nandall—BandaU CelebraUon. Aoc -S. B. W. FalzHilld. srcy. . •- SylTan Grore—Annnal CaiMML 14-lS. W. H. BreUus. seer- CANES and PENNANTS PBOM FAcnMT TO MrAnni Wc maiuifactiire the most extensive line in the country. If you wish to enjoy a sensation of looming big profit, get in touch with us and our low prices. Do it now, before you mired in the ml ofpoOTStufiFaodpooraeUeaofoUurmakas. Catalag free. Saoqilm mbiqittiBd. Qaltk acting - mm ■i.cii, Sim u. .WnXi OOSfEE A TAVm. BX JiUXUUW BBianupB . or an mas- ■U U *» I lUr Urteansborg—Dale BemloD Aaaa. Jnly 20-22. Otla Tnmer. Ronte 5. klcLeanabarx. lU. maoBk—Soldiers' "mr'— A<«. 23-Ss. W. H. Byan. secy. - ... • Stlncelon—Farmera* CkBilitL . MM. ^ R. Cnbolx. secy. Sanin' Boslneaa Ifaiifa . Strongbmst—I. O. O. _ _ _ _ CamlTil. Jnly 29-30. C _ Swanwlck—u. w. A. Picnic Ilakcfton. weg- Swanwidt. in.'' to Carahral ' a-M. Albion—Albion Street Fkir Martin B. Spanslar. aecy. Anderson—^Home Coming Week. Aac- X%. A. If. Carpenter, aecy.. care ChaaAer of Com- merce. Anderson, Ind. Aabom—Herdianta* CandTal. Oct. ;S-7. ^oha C. Locbner. «ecy. Bmwnstown—Soldier*' Betmlon and niinw Tian- Inj. Ang. 17-19. D. B. Vanee. aecy. Clinton—lloise Show and Home-Cnmlng. A ax. 17. 3. V. Adams, aecy. lA Granse—La Graace Costfr >!uB Pndaeta ~ w «^ 0«t« aekaal_«Sak. Qct^M B. Wadddl. I «r OcC Oedar Bapids—Caiahal aa< , ..8-8. G. K. BartOB, aacr> Clinton—Eagles* CarniraL Joly 184K. Sbows, attr. KEimjCKT ■Bannlon Soldiers of all Wara. Aoc. ~ >L GdOs. Box S. rallertoa. Ky. SUd-Sam-n.^ FestlTal. Aoc .1 arfcout Sbows, attr. Fn>U*al. .Sept. - of St. K. Bat- ■ttr. Ilva Gcoise of Michigan tam. aecy. T -,>«<„y—Mid-Smmner E. of 1'. Fi-'ii-.-al. Jaly ' 18 23. Cbas. H.. Hayden. srt y. Uanlatlqoe—K. of P. Street Fair .an-l laathraL ■ Ass. lB-20. J. N. Poishar, t^^r. Maoltoa Beaeb—Farmers' Picnic Aug. 23. I. OToole. secy. Uaiqaatte—Maccabees of the World. Opper Fe- liliianla CelebraUon. Sept. —- A. Ubaialial. ' aae*'.; -Barkoot Sbows. attiu . ~ Uchts ot Pythlaa Cantoal. Dates sot w. F. —r OL.MLyillXiatr. IkaHsSL 'oiy attr. CARDS, DICE. SPINDLES. CLUB tOQM SOrPUES. 185 Dwboi- n St.. CHICAGO. DoU Rack, 18 dolls ....$20.00 120 Canes, aitsorted 6.00 Eoaroel Laj-out, painted, 1 to 60, arrow and paddles 6.00 IMPROVED AFRICAN DIP for style 8—wltb Paddlm Ssyle T-.Si in.. nprl(bt. Xos. 1 to Igiih fiihd for Niit8k»]i{ Speciiiliis. \3£ WeUavs tbs Hot Sellers This Year! Tfeest m SMplMOf thi hiiirarfctf Uf sdhrs stowi Ibow Mwktok: Beads Shells Ring Tops Washers Peari Platss Gpid Stones Attaehing Pins Agates Tools Sample Rings Send now for a copy of our New 1910 Catalogue. NEW IDEAS NEW GOODS NEW PRICES ROGERS, THURMHN 90 Wabasii Avenue, CHIMGO, ILL le Great Virpia-Carolinas-Georgia Fair Circuit SIDE SHOWS and CONCESSIONS rnNrFS.SION MFN ^0(Stn MISS THIS cmCDIT:—Odaz, Va., O. P. Our, Sec, Aug. aO-Sept S; RadforJ, Vs., VVii\.w>jivi^ HAt^i^, ^ ^ Caldwell, Sec, Sepc 6-9; Tazewell, Va., H. Claude Pobst. Sept. 13-16; Roanoke, Va., A. Scholz, Sept. 20-23: Lynchburg, Va^ F. A.XoMfock. Sept. 27-30| Winston, ]L C. Col. 6. S. Webb. Oct. 4-7; ^Saleig^ N. C, CoL Jos. E. Pbga^ Oet. 17-22; Ghaitolli^ H; C, C. M. Daniels, Oct. 11-14; Colombia, S. C, D. F. Efird, Nov. 1-5; Augusta, 6a., F^c«idi &fl«ui^ Vi9V. 8^U>^ M. F. Adams, Nov. 16-18. For particulars write each secretary, or <a* F*. FXaJllPi^Oy - - C^irciUt 25ecretar>^» Roanoke* V