The billboard (July 1910)

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jUtv 16, IfNl The Billboard 61~ Fair Workers' and Slreetoen't NEW COODS JUST OUT wsnB WDM oxnt nv laie lum- TXAXXD OAXALOOVZ. nc bIfCMt mm tTcr offcrrd for tb» SmrT. Kitzm bwTT. fnll slM TM lacbM. p,r Jo«.. per rroM. «10.M. W» are bFtdqurCera for WatcbM, J*W*II7, rotini'la PnM and MotcIUm. uTUCi * inana*. w mim ii Jmim Tba Horn* of NonltlM PUTNAM COUNH FMR N. Y. itmiv (heater Than Ever For space and privU^es apply to LT. TOODHn. Tnaswir. Bmstir. HY. PADDLE WHEELS HudMocat. tJtnammt, Itgtatnt welgbt Wbmi on tbe market. Beaatl- fullT pmlntrd In brtaht colon. Bona unootnly on ball bearlns*. S2 In. In diameter; nnmbered from I to 60. Price I complrte wit h pad dlea. $10. CASH mn Ao- C OKPA K Y O K a g a. OTHKF W1UUX8 AT M. *U, and MO. We alM carry a complete line of a ro ne emen t and iramlac derlcea. cl a b ■MM foroUore, cards, dice and poker cbecka. BICbeat <-Us* vorkmanablp: loweit poaaible SLACK lOro. 00.. isa rnakUB Street, STREETMEN W« are headquarters for all the latest •ovelUes. Send for our catalog^ue on CmaUm. Canes. Knivea. Carnival BnblMr aaUi, BmMw ana Oa> We are exclusive acents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. EUensteln & Co. Prices In Cincinnati same as In New Tork. TIE SSUSUmi TOT IMPOITINfi CO.. lWa.gaarth Street, Cincijmatl. Obto. Hut Machine Took In SN.73 IN ONE WEEK. Rest rn the Ban." Five Oaid MwdiiaM inooc. Fhw*> icMa orpenolta. The MUS NY LO caaoot be ia«alpu'* latad. MiM«. Af iraeUvew OeMlksteat HHIk Viviify Cs.i Oprrmt*.! Uai lilnm In tb« World , CHICAGO, U.S.A. LOOK HERE!! We ai« tbe low- eit price wbole- sate Jewelry and Noralty Boaae la America. warn roK OATALOflVZ We bare erery- tbinc of tbe latest and lariest stock of jrwzuT UUT Ua Y VOTZLTXSa W« are ezelaein U. a. A. asenta tot the sreateet Ueoev Uaksra. Bamlet* BsraoU Waiekee; alao Bamlltoa beet eeUlay Haerrn QORDON A. MOmilSON w Fairs 1 TUa Mat eontalna data ptoeotad tr The Bni' btatd «atlas the paat week only. The list wai pobllabed ceoplefe la tbe laaoe eC My •. OOmXOXIOOT Bute Bhlr. rm - ib w. . Hot. Albany—Gentry Oh; Clark, secy. Bourllns Grvea—Ptke Cousty Fslr. a. w. Aug. 9-12. Brooklcld^^-Uan'6K*%lr. Aoc. IS-10. L. W. II. M. Stootber. Sept. S-S. DiucaB Bennltase—Hickory Co. FUr. Aoc ao.Sept. 2. Bosene F. Undsey. accy. Indepradeace—Jackaon Co. Fair. ■ Aac. SO-Sept. 3. W. H. Joboaon. aecy. UaysTiiie—Mo. D« Kalb Co, Ihk.' a^t. 21- vl. E. A. Bontoa, aecy. Mnico—Aadrlan Co. Fair. Anc. 16-19. E. B. CSrtcr. eecy. aniaa-^MIlTan Co. Fair. Anc SO-Sept. 2. Enoch B. Setts, ••er. Psttooaborc—Davis Ge. Vhlr. B. Uanpla. eeey. Platte City—Platte 2. J. I- Oormack. Sbelblna—Shelby W. Kparka. aecy. New L eilmt oa—Xew 23. - - Bock ^ J. IC 23-28. B. MMSept. E. ComtcttooB ttni Changes. wAssmrov Evervtt—Snohomlah Co. Afrl. Ann. Aoc 2S- Sept. 3. Loola B. McRae, secy. BABY BEAMS Bsppy. healthy. jilaytU Uttle pels, ceu tUs pair. UKWOOD FUMT. . pine Vkrm. Xerth WalartDrt. Xalaa. Fwra AEMMANE AIRSH Om and Eight Skcb Samples and Prices sent The DonaldsoB Litho. Go. KWPWT ^SSTn KEHTBCKT RESTAURANTandDANGEHALL PBIVILEeiE TO LET corriTraces A^nt Mh. lOttw Ulh. UMb. BIG C^PnY FAIR Septamber 13tb. 14lh. IMia ff. ff. MM6IRID6E, Sierihn. 60MT. PA. Pan use Unee or tour aood Tsnt Shows at Fair. $54.0Q MIEIU-SSOPE aaS we can prem R. Aay eae ess Msnte It Msks* Ctetebed battea Cam •n-Seepe. with e a ppUe a far auk- lot SOO pletiuee (eaoafh to pay far tba eoaplMa e■^ Extra bottoaa. $1 per baadrad: astza ttasiee. $U0 pw ■roat. Ba tad««» dent aad make asoaey fttr yoor- aelt. Vati " — Tennessee Fair Ass'n Columbia, Tenn. WiUseUafe Annual] quick. igoodt for Mid-Sununer Race Meet, July 19th to 22nd. I to 17th. We work day and night. Writ* J. P. McGAW, Saer^ry. AGENTS, STREETMEN, SPARE TIME WORKERS. FLASHIEST LAYOUT ON EARTH Beautiful Cabinet, 5 assorted 25c perfumed toilet preparations, shampoo, face cream, etc- Actual value, $1.25. (Srculars free. Sample, 20 cents. PARKER CHEMICAL COMPANY. - CHICAGO, ILL. WILKES-BARRE, PA.y FAIR Avtfmt 29, 31» OAV AND PRIVILEGES FOR SALE. 1. 2. lOlO. BIG MONEY IN OUR Get oar prices on aoap and isaorted packksM with Tunable SOAP''o" AGENTS Get onr pricee on soap and toilet articles. Tbey will Intervnt too. Our advertlslnc rted packasea with ralnabie premloms bare tbe daub and Taloe that set tbe money. Ererybody aaas theea. HAKE OBEAT SOUVENIBS FOB SHOWS, CABNIVALSL ETC. Money ■ettan far ea a iaeeiis aad fafeere. One yoonc aaa eirated SlJaaA la aaaoDtha' straight on a noma to booae canraM. Are yon doing, as well? If not. send postal today. We will tMich voa how. E. If. DAVIS BOAP CO., 808 Union Park Court, CUeace. STREET AND NOVELTY MEN We not only meet competitors* prices, but undersell them. Write for our -.ii!ee::cal . ~~ liid. waSSaSb she WKTHTTR AllUtUJCEin CO., for the Kenton. Ohio. Bone Comlnc and Mardi Graa, week Jaty is to 23; free on sti«eta axooiid court boiuie. WANT thre* flr«t-«laaa Shows; Si% this big week. $40,000 In ptUes given away. Masked parades, drills, etc. aomethlng doing day and night; 10 banda, etc. Lotelta, Shields and other good ones come on THIS BIO WEBS. Ko pancnta^ if not on the city square aroond court bouse. Thb* la no shoe string ontflt; STery- body With tble show has a pocket tnll of money. Wbx? Because we play the live ooea. PSIVI-. UGBS. no ezclnalTes except confetti; Jost come on. Also want 20th Centary Merry-Oo-Bonad, Ffrris WhP*!. Hnmsu Hoaletle Wheel or Occsd WiTe to Join w«?k of August 18 for long seaeoB Soctb. WE t"T:.\TT;Hi-: aliutkti-s i:ovai. iT.^r.iAN b.and, .Arijrp^ ':;--i:ct. wiu. n. WEIDKH, tA per rviiie; .Mclh;*, Mlcb.. Jalj H IO, Kcuton, o.. July ia-z3. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! Five Good Platform Shows, Talkers. EVee Attractlona. Sister Teams. Singles. Piano Playeia, etc If yoa hare anything good, write or wli*. Scboylcr, Meb.. week Jnly 11; MaryariUe.'Kan., week 18. Plenty of good oaes to follow. Address, K. ,U. CBAMBB, ears Landea Broa.' Showa, per note. ' GREAT COSMOPOUTAN SHOWS Plaoe Twa Mme HIcb.. week 3nly 18, and other goad saas Hactk. i free act. Shows can Join at Portaga. Wla. -'Addnss a. SMTSEB, Portage. Wis., wart Inly U. UNDER THE aOAMo nr uincif AUS^ICESOF LUNA PARK. JehnMMra, hi.. Augint tthsMi and 10th. WAW TBD— IVee^ Open Air Ai:to and fint-daaanatfen&Sboiws. Addieaa LUNA PARK AMOSB* MENT COMPANY, Box 517, Johnstown, Pa. 88th WEEK OF CONTINUOUS BUSINESS WANTED Ferris Wheel, Shows and Intimate eanceanons. HEGEWISCH, ILL. Population Fourteen thousand. Pay week at big Car Works, week of 11 to 17, including Sunday. WESTCOTT'S UNITED SHOWS SPARKS SHOWS WANT Side Show People and Useful Performers Address, CHAS. SPARK. f-o-^!»|i^w^?SI^. THE UniE RUSSIAN PRINCE single clrawini Tsufk, Roosewelt maA Johnny Mich., week of 12th. •tIractioBiBtliewolM (ontsida of