The billboard (July 1910)

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JULV 16,1910i Ttie Billboard 63 ROSECAKE MOLDS. V,--t. 1ST MIeUcaB St.. ToMo, O. ROUGE. IL tu « l uuattie Co.. ISO W. SIM X. J. 0. "SAYSO" OOlIK •AHUM. A. T. 1>T UleUiaa lrt.V fWM^ 0. SCENIC PAINTERS. And SmIus ia BoMUy. Etc 4.T. tattm- (•.«. 1S28 V«n Bnren »t., Ohietfo. lU. KEcls (• Dwjer, 281 K. 14tb it.. N. i" City. M»b.>ll Art Co.. 6S0B N. STtli St;, Omtiui, Smt. Uvrfurtb, 21SS BOOM It, Olaelanatl, O. tSi Co.. loc, 144 N. U iL, StenbonTlUt. acSriT' Sctn'e Studio, >>» fljcaDor* St.. ColBm- iJSin '& Loodto q^dnJbVnjiM. SmrT & voUud SMle OoLi-nu liukat ft.. ■C. Loulf, Uo. Bowanl Tuttle, IMS Center it. UUmnkoo, Wli. SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS. Sill* Kllm EidUDt*. Ownuboro, Kj. 8ELF-PLAYINQ PIANOS. BtfiT-Wood riano Plucr Co., Kuau City. Mo. lam * U»l7. 20e Wibult Cb'can, lU. ■adoipk WnrUtMr Co..- OImIbmU ud Oklea«o. •HOOniHI: OAIXMIIKS. K K BovSui * la^. S4X iaekaaa BlrSToi'cai. 4. J. ucCuiioogh, SMdan^att;; inSrVnOtlB, SOS X. 91 at.. PMIaMsfeta. Fk. SHOW PRINTERS. <Mkoim Show Print Co., 3SS Aarlnm at., Bart- fort. CoBo. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS, ft Bock. T28 BID* IsUod art., Chleaso, III. Ot Moolla Broa. * Co., OncBTllIa, 111. M*boU Art Oa.. SMS K^lTIk at,. Oaaba. Kcb. EJ. B»r*ta * Ok. MS S ia rt Bay. BrooUni. U. ft T«Bt aad AwD. '0*.. n4S Oteplaloca It.. Chletco, III. SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. Wok KalaoQ. S OofSwcU Plao*,. Sattk CoK Aawrleu BoBcr Blak Soaplr O*;^ Cblnto Boiler Skala Oa.. Ufl BM.. Cblcaco, lU, IL C. Benler, Rlehmood. lad.' IttSiBroel Wluloir Skate €»., SLOT MACHINES. ^ Kaaofaetaran of and Baalaii is tan 4k Bea)r..SOS Wabaali a««., CUauiL to. m» Kareltx Ce.. Oklcaao. HL ^"^^ t A J'"5S« S*" ^ ".s. Weatara aTo.. Ck'so. ■adolph WorlltBar Co.. ClaetanaU and Chlta««. SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTE. «LOT MAchink: supmani. KiUUt Supply On. 1 BijiHitB sLi CMcMtt. SNAkK^IAtKMK'!:':-' W. OdcU I«aiB, Baa AataBto,^1ta; ATauraic Sufea Co.. Sta Astaale^ Ita. BnmuniJie Saake Farm. Bex ST8, BrowMellle. SONG BOOKS. T. a. Babba. SSi WlUUa at.. New Yaik^S SONG SLIDES. 'or niaatratad Saass- Hcaco rua kxebance. 4« Jacktoo Bird.. CM- jj g»^ WUl»«; DeOTer; Salt Lake Cltx: Sao 'til ^* I^UawOK Kx.: New Or- H. A fa. piin Chlcaco. IlL iMeomle Piiia SkrTlee, 196 Laka at. OUeuK lad.; llempbtirTiS:; ftSS: ^*b.: Salt Lake atr; UuaeaMUa. lUn^ W. MaV^cii «>»2rSS!"; WiSlii l«rl * Co., 04 D. MMi««t-'y?a ajirfrfj:i.- ^ ..OiKlaaatl o. ' "TTT^ SOUVENIRS. ; ■. a Wood & Co., m nttk at*., cueaaab ni. ^I*£CIA148tlbBS. ^B^TW^W OUik at.. Ch'«i». SPECTACLES v5Wipt«V«.OLA«8ES. «l»»cr Broe.. 83 Bowety. Kew Twfe'.air. SPIRIT GUM. V B. Stf In Coemelle Cot. iso W. SUt at. M. T. a STAGE HARDWARE. iS-••"»» ^cnae, N. T. STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. ««• »«MhM Bteetric Oa.. SOO W. BOUu N. T. a , :jyEKEO SCOpiC VIEWS. "■i*""'*'•** Ocki:SM■ ank at., Ohteaco. 8TREIT MKNW •Uim.iES. . ' —-'--ynnaiMi: - citr Vo ^ • •••• fc'" Haate^ lad. S S*^?* at. St. Xou'a. Mak B.n- 00 Bowe l J. Mew Xeik Oll7. >a, Cblcaco. .raadaaall. t-. wiMar, at.. — TALKINa> MACHINES. Oaamoot Co., OMgaMO' OWw,. Fi Oifc l o t. .b I.. TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Bdw. E. Brown, 116 UaU it. Amora, 111. TENTS. Baker A Lockvoad, fth * WjraidMOi Olifc. Kaa- aaa City. UtTT- \ . '"T:: . . Columbna Tiat; ■■ll:^n..Oai„:IMH0taK O. Canile.Ooadlo CE, Wf Mawafa' tL, Kaaaaa City, Uo. Uousiierty Broa.* Tent Co.. 100 S. ]lalk.St. St. Xoals. Uo. J. a Ooaa A Co., Detroit, Mich. O. XL Kerr Uf(. Co., 1T07 W. Uad'aoo, Cb'(0. W. H. Loahbaucb, CoTloftoa, Ky. Mnmy * Co.. Ine^ 040 Meri dian at. Chlca«o. Tbomaon ft Vaadlreer, SM M. Paa^ Olflaaall. D. S. Tent and Awn. Ooi., 048 IL.-OMiMaaa at., Chleaso, lit THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINGS. Kaanabetv Booflox and Celllag Oa., COatoD, O. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND WIGS. Wm. Beck A Bona Co.. 10-12 GaiSeld Place. ClDC'noatt O. A. Fueter, 521 Walnnt at, St. Lonla, Uo. THEATRICAL LUMBER. Joba OlUeapla UuiImt Co., LpoaOtet A Seward ; ata,. Cblcasaw UL ' ^ THEATRICAiL; pkoPurftBs. Stcsnao A Well, 7S Woaater at, B. X. C. TICKET CHOPPERS, a. T. Brl«ht. StrawB Bids., Ctorelaad, O. TICKET PRINTERS. Aieoa Tlekat Co., SOO Itearbora at, Cblcaco. Calvert I'Tlatlas Co.. Kaoaaa City. Mo. Xatloaal Ticket Co., Sbamoklo. Pa. Eeea ftlatlas Co.. lOtb A Harney eta, Omaba. TrloiouBt l>reaa. ST Albany at.. Boaion, Maia. Wrldoo. WlUlaaa A Lick. Fort Smith. Ark. Weldoo. WlUUiaa A Lick. Saa madaco, Cat TIGHTS. 8k«iaaB A Wall, IS Woaatar a^ M. T. RIty. TOY BALLOONS. ftaaele fleke^ Bodcy. Waah. Maarila Brea.^ SS Ataatle aTe-. Boeton. Maas. Oae. A. FatBld. 41 Wanes it. New York Oty. Skxyaek-Tadd Co.. SM N. 8th et, St Loola. Uo. 8k Boerery, Kew Teck City. ' Hooac, 272 B. VallMih Wso. TRUNK& A Baa Co. JS9 Colo labia ave., PkllaMDbla. ra. B. B. * 8. Traak Ooi, 4«7 Woad at, Pittitart TURNSTILES. Baciatarias aad Oaia-OoatroUed TmaatUea. a. V. Brisht Stmwa Bids-, OleTclaad. 0- UNI FORMS. OaMoolla Brea., A Co., lOM 8. 4tb at. Otcea TlUe. m. Waaliin UaltetiB Co.. 214 Clark at. Cblcaco. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Paelflc Ooaat Ammenent Co., Aacilcaa Bank BIdc.. Seattle. Waah. Tea Spactar Theatrical Kxehahse. Ceatoiy BsUd- lag^ KSBMS Olty, Uo. WATCHES. 3r.'BkiBa Oa^ SM Maaiaoa at., CUcaSft UL lisiir amii^St Bowery, New Ytck OMy. WIGS. Kabe-Vp aad Tvioot Waeka Vitcgr Bwtas Supply Honae, Decatnr. III. C J^WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. PBtBUB**'.rtt aal WBd AaimU Stei*. 4M WatblBgtt* it. BuCalo. N. Y. LoqU Babe. SMOMSd at. New York Oty. WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES. T. O. Uott, 415 Dearborn at., Chicago. III. 0 0 STAOE XOBXT 0 0 Looka like cennlne creenbacka. Sometblnc new. SaaiBl a SiO for lOe or $100 (or 23c la atampa. wnawB. SOS w. siad t. obi—a, m. ntiibw*. Pi. • Slot Machines Outdoor Acts Wanted Tut Anaoal Aatomn Fleeta. Anc. IT and IK. lOIOt T.11 all In Or«t l.ttrr. FTtED SKIT* Secretary. Clarktrlllr. lowa. CWbbmb cbatia. not inlabed. tor laalde or oal elde aae, only iS.3S per dea. PMdlaa chairs Solabed, atroac and atltaetlTe, oaly fftOO pe) doe. Caah dlacooat. . Sample «t Cotb. (t.Tw Wiaaera. Aleo popalar llae park - aetteee aa' opera ebaira at moat reeaoaable price. Writ, aa wkat you leqalte and aee oa make (ooA W. A. CBOATB SKATINO CO., Albany. N. X. OurSpMialty This Year Isth* American Dollar Flag IXTsffsto; ■on.fMt and nin-ptr>ali 4x7 fart. O saw l mmm m"^ stripes, 8 ft. pole wilklMM, M fMii; anallla rope, gdvaalsad •twOO AairiMn Flag Mfii: Castotia'Aie*' WE ARE THE ORIGINATORS OF MinUIK-FOLDMG CHAIRS TWELVE YEARS* experience in nwmibo- turiiig enables la to offer you the perfect sort for Store room, theatre and general seating. . Patent rights substantiated by an infallible WOOnl 01 :;<IOIM(t JIWCTWMM, life aaTiiiff, Bwai lt j WBITE TODAY. THE HARDE8TY MFG. Ca CANAL ObVBR. » - - ' OHIO Do you make Show Cards, Signs, BaiiiMn.Soeneiy,StenGila, Trade Marks, Etching, mu8tration8,AdwtttihliDeWaB»St^^ Advertising Slides, Electric Signs? If so, you will get a whole lot of useful information eveiy montli out of Signs of the Times, the trade oilier in the world of signs. An illustratM text book foragn men ana aigents. $1.00 a year. Address, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, 416-418 Elm St, CINCINNATI Hie Leading Journal of the Moving Picture business in Europe. Has the largest circulation and is the best AdvertisingMedium. bar none Iptloiii SS.00 ■ Yaar. Sampla Copy Mallad Fraa. 31. 33 and 36 Litehflsid St.. LONDON. W. C., ENGLAND. The Bioscope THE LONDON M U S I C! H A^ L li la the iccocntaed orsaa of ▼andarlUe Artlata . don wtU Sad a ftientty wateoaaa at 14 (.elecnter Xir«itr-«nit BKaajtriUwhasa, im MaAlan S^WMk. tb roncboot tba world. Amerieaaa vblttec ia Lm- »r sSnt. W. C. NXV TOBK OSVioi. SS W.,