Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST WivHtix The O i 1 1 l> o a r d 13 BURLESQUE WORLD Gleaning News interest From Both Wheels By SYDNEY WIRE. ALONG THE COASTS Unusual Activity on Part of Theatre Managers in Boston/Prognosticates Excellent Season. . Pacific Coast Amusement News TlH- Uurli'niinc •i'»»an Imii KUrti-d anj In •pltf of the hot we«th.r ami the rniny outdoor oppo- Jitl .n re«iim», all ot the «lioir» DOW opeo re- ?1,T« Si Btook ihow. aad • in«n Show, at the CoInmbU. In Stm York. 81m WllllBmn' imperlala waa the Orat ibow to aUrt the ball roll ng. and their opealnc at Hartr Wllltama- Acadwnr at Plttabnrs waa an auapf. dooi one. "o* of^oei up on 8aturd«>, SIS a*, to nlienomenal bualueaa, and although tlw tbi-atrc waa a Terltable own. tbe crowda Jravel.v «Hick to the flnlih aod apparently ei. ^^Iaiiv'"iinpre»»nienl8 hare been made at tta Araik-oiT. and quite a trautWpullOB kan^bjM fflVde iS the appe«aact_ et tto iMAiv^JMi Mlat liKl arlUtle Meat haw nnOa tk* «M ttM- am I«A Ilk* a faliT palace, and a number S «tfe»r Improvements haTe glren tlie place a 5«er(al look. One Item haa been omitted and iSe would imagine, trOPM^WMLggtft- W comrort of the natNBI. MM'HMW. IM MM* douMf comtortaM*. ^ The Mm wniiam* ahew Is not an extraordin- ary pnktnctlon. bat It baa manr redeeming (ea- lurr*. There la Iota ot good, flean eomedr and Dlenty of action, while the cbonia la attraetlT* VnJ willing to work. The nombers nre weU >iBce<l. but the ahow was evidently rehearsed lo • burrr. as In many caiiea the nnlaan and time la bad. The abow la headed hj Hamr U Coonrr. an original and bard-wetUiw Owmaa com.-ill«n. who la well aupportsd kV: «MUr- good ca»t. Eretybody seemed to WW* wttb anlrlt yet there was something lacking. Tbe iBilaWa wag belter than tbe opening, and wSnSmmkr. ■Itbongb It Is possible tbst the MQMdIau were 'forced to atall the dialogue to gire the cbom time to makp I heir changes and act up to the ntage. ihrro bring bnt one stair- way at the Pittsburg boufte. Some of the aum- heis wero parelcularlj good, and the ahow car- rin plentv of wardrobe. 1 conolod fourteen cbaggvs. The olio was well selected and erenl>- balanred. and witb a (*w cbanioa aad a week's lehftnalii with tkt mmbm. th* ahow will noIlT claim a niaca among tha aood'showa of the oM Kchool atjle. ♦ Harry Wllllama' ooe-nlgbter Is already out ana opened to •scsllant liMDew at Wnyaes- bort early la iba waak., »• aboar «ni play aai-algbtera throagb Oblo. aad wtll ncababgr work In s westerly illrectlon. Tliey aiw using tte old Rose Hill Foil]- Cn.'s pai>rr, and bare a strong frame-up. The ahow Is managed by ADdrco' Cherry, with ■■Splint" Ilonder In ad- Tancp. The rosier of tbe abow la a« follows: Nat Arilmr. prlorlpal comedian: MlM Ells Oroi. Iraillog lady and Ursula Gibson, aoubrette. Georci* Edwards and Fred Wllaoo are alao In tbv rant, and the abow carries a ebonia of twclrr chorus girla. Don Fergnaon Is mnsl- ' ««1 director, and Harry Cater, property man. ♦ I rorrcl to bare to record tbe death of an- olhrr nrll'knowa lUum In bnrleaauc, Jamrs Clark, late musical director at tbe Qaxvly The- atre, Brooklyn. Mr. Clark waa sick but s sin- gle week, aad after a deal of saaerlBg paaoed away at bia borne, at IIS Pateben aTeaoe, In Brooklyn boroogb. Tba fnacml took placa at Grrrgrreo Cemetery, Angnat I. Tba fttneral wti aiti-mlcd by tbe memiMn of tb* Brooklyn local nf A. r. of U.. and tbe band of the Hyde ft Ilrbman Tbeatre accompanied tbe cor- tege from the bouM to tbe church. Tbe mem- brrs or iti>' tmlno ot Moose were also well rcp- . mented, and many beanlMtd Ooral offerlBga wtie recelred (mat all parta.aC tta aamtiy.. Sim wnilaBHi wa* altllac in tbe box aaeo at the Acadeny wbm I acrlTed on Saturday erenlog. aad was boslly caiEaged In an argu- mrnt with a Frenchman regarding the queatlon of tlpplne. aim baa lust tetnmed fmm a trip to Europe, and aaya that he aaw nothing there tbil he hain't aeen In the good old U. S. A. His trip coot him ».'<.'»». more thaa kal( of wblcb WIS spent In ilnplog tbe waltats 'Md other ■enlsls on the other side.' •The raster of TiM Imperials is as follows: Harry L. Omper,. Oeorga H. Tbuntoo. Wm. F. nr,^. Waller Johnson, OUle Franda. Tlolat HlUon. Allison llngbea. Mart* OoadMV. Sm. R. T1iiin>ton. Nick Mnrnby. Alice Blatr. IMOy ^anichan. Mlllan KenneTly, May Oaora*. Roae neiin Ma.r Alberta. Firm Bbrtaer. Cbrlatlne Miller. Kelle Lewla. Smllr Vangbaa. Edna J!5''-..*!2rTi««. "atab. :llarnfcl Aadersoa, ^Tke Plttabiira Ineal of the I. A. T. 8. E. are a big oating on flnndny, August 14. The pinjic will be held at Fl.her'a Farm, at Under- elltr ..n the ontakiris of pittslmrg. A large niimt..- nf thealrtcal people will be tiresent. and the male taembtia of tha Bnwety Bnrlea- ssTiJ-sa iirj5?^^ ^ n J'"", ^'<>"''« of New York and Parla. Tbe "Irlk from Itappyland and The Olnger Girls are r-hearsing at the MetronolU Tbestif. ■N*w York 5i ; ■ U'*" manage the Bowerys llLT2i''=,"' y- Chlpman. The Olrla from SI. »1.'"J1L^.''JSW»- Tba Ola«er Olrls aad Ibtl 2U2r*'^ I" ahead nf The College Olrls 5SinirT!!f!i • good man. and has K'^JIIr^t.'*T. wheels.' He wss at one The Bowery Bnrlesqners. with Benny Jsnsen. win open tbe season with two one-nlghters. playing MIcbler's Ttaestre. Altoons. August II, and tbe Csmbrls. Johnstown. Aognst 12. Tbe show opens st tbe Gsyety. Pittsburg. Ssturdsy, Augnst 1.1. playing all tbe following week. Art Pbllllim Ik In ritlstmrg, making a big noise sbesil of H. dc S.' Bowery BurtesQuers. Art la a hard working agent and Is making good. Harry Slispiro, _^bead of Morris Waln- atock*B.BrMoi:.OIrta.(WaMan>. to-alao good <»aA la tha tatamrt «r Ma.latmMlli The Uudsay-Morrlsoo Stock Company baa lo preparation Clyde Fitch's clever comedy. GlrlB." In which Florence Reed scored aucb a suecens at tbe .Majestic Tbestre Isst teaaoo- Jullet of tbe Tbrea UUlloo Dollar Conapany, at tile Colonial, is a«l» alg kl iia. waaa df aae, and has only been b al sais «k» p aa W a OM and one-hsir .vears. Charles J. UU-h, the manager of the Colonial. Uollls and rark Theatres, who ban been witb hla family at HIasconset, Nantucket, for tbe awnnwr,; ratnmail. f«g tha apaalag «|C tha. Oolo- IDACRItn. Mlw lCiliW wa« :iaailwt l««r witi tha jBoWw CTay Cj^^ la at O. Snmaer Borrongbs Is shesd of Bsrry Doel Pirker'a Under Soutbera Skies. Mr. Burroughs la a real agent and a practical showmsa ot tlie old Khool. He Is doing some good work shesd of hla show, and la writing some excellent newspaper staff, ^ Kd. L. Jooes Is back at tbe desk at the old tbcatrtcsl landmark at the Commerrlsl Hotel. PIttsbnrg. sod Is getting, rcsdy for his old burlesque trlendv Ed. has been spending tbe summer at his aiKla'a bona la Qa«bee. Tbe Wslaon ahows are rebearslas at tbe Co- lumbus Hall. Philadelphia: SberMaa at Saeng- erbiind Hall. Brooklyn, and Cbarla BoMaaoa at BHorado Hall, on Ttb avenue. . ♦ Jack Reld and Ella Reld Gilbert bare «^ alstwd from Pete Clark's Bunawsys. Jack Is iSriat, the beat irb* cawfOtaH^ .the haal- ■aw.- ;-: . - Charllo FInberg baa another, new Mea.,f«r bnrleaqne pnbllctt.T. Sam Deasanr. Jaho Ueb- ermsn snd Jack McNamara, keep off.- ♦ Oolton and Darrow. Joe Opn. Frank Ktco aad There are two teams on tbe bill at Keith's Theatre this week, who have summer homes In or arannd Boston. Xka MI sa i a Twast have a farm of their owa aear Kaw Badfaed. aad tnfl aad Eva Mosart ocoipj a eolUga at Haogh'* Neck. Qnlaer. daring the hot moaths. rraak Lalor. wtio Is msklag his Hiat appear- ance la TandeTllle here at Keith's, wss for- merly the star la Nott, the Tailor, and Com- ing Thro' the Rye. Thta week'a vaudeville bill at L«xlngtoo Park, will be beaded by tbe Torn lYoope of Japan, lo paatlmea of tbe Qrleot. The bal- ance of the ahow la msde up by Sterllag and Chapman. Tbe Blacks, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thome. A musical week Is snnounced at Austin & Stone's, with Bennlnger's Tenetlsn Ooodollers as ibn festnre. The Joggling Bear, an aston- ishing Illusion. Introdndng several ladles, snd the Msnhsttsn UnMs Borieaqoe Company On- tsbes a «ns bill. . - ^ -- Four pertormancaa wW ka gtsaa to the Oo- bora Company la tha Sairaid ' caUcaa' raid this vreek. under the awplcca aT Mia aam- mer imlverslty. Tba" Cobvm Flayaia aiw an organisation of KkDIed Bbskeanereaa acta**, and their performsnces have woo high praise at tbe collegca. where they appear yearly- Mabel Wilbur, who plays Soala In Tlie Mervy Wldow. St the Msjestlc Tlicstre. Is a Brooklln->. Maas.. girl, who has worked her way up fmm the choraa to the «rima donna. O. Hembert Westley. of tbis rity. turn wTl"e-> a new play called Tbe Mann* Oame. which had Its laltul performance at the Vatestlc Theatre. Mtf SK, br tbe Obatlatta Bant Compaay. Miss ^ jljy.^t. alao foraiaDie, ss the audience was mostly posed of sQflragettes. and they made an demonstration, 'assisted by memtiera with of tbe order. The Grand Opera House has been completely overhauled and will opea tha aslddle af Aia|Mt with A. H. Woods' Odaatowa Myatstr. SEa^ Bger Magee predlcta a praaperoaa aeaaaa. The Coloolal Theatre was tbe first to open Its doora. and It haa aa tbe Initial atirsclfoo. Three Million 'Dollars. Tbe caat Includes Mark Smith, May Boley, Louise Simon. Juliet, aad many other prominent entertalDem. and If the opening night la any crlterlua as to tbe popolsrity of tlie players aad the piece. Its plsy. Clyde Fitch's biggest eOMdy saccess. QMa. wUl be presented tor the flrst time la Boatoa at the American Moslie Hall Ibis coming week, when tbe Undssy-Morrlsoo Stock Compsny wlU olfer s production that Is gusranteetl to be ful- ly equal to tba original. This Is tbe same piece that ran far a whole jear at Daly'a The- atre la Kaw Vaefc -aad baa bsai aMaaa on- of the TCtr ka« Hdiia Xr. ntah wrote. -Hany Brooka. a Bcnber oT the Cbarlolt* Rant Company, now playlag at the Valestte Theatre, Is tbe aathor of tbe sketch eailtled A Love Gsme, which will shortly he prottoecd In vaudeville. The Intematlonsl VsudevUle Assoctstloa. sn* otiier sddltlon to Boston's booking sgencles. hss slresdy serersi bousra and acts under control, snd It Is rumored It will shortly slllllste with one ot tbe large VaudeTllle Agencies lo New York. Boston Stock pstrons are rery much Interested at the annonncemeni that Mlas Eleanor Gordon. ' I popalar leadtag womaa. will lake her plat* ajMBbar a( tha Uadaaj-WKrison Blork OoaKanjr at tba Aaerieaa Ilaale Rail, and her debnt will be made In a leading role of Clyde ntcb's great comedy. Girls. It la possible that Boston will hesr tbe fs- mona Fadette I.adlei Orchrsira la apea air coDirrts this season. The Fsdatlae haaa Jpat completed an right yesfs' tour aC. tha ■ Wilif under the Keith maaagemeat. Tbe stork rlsltrd the haw af I son. ana af the UltMdtli snd tbe resalt of bis vlatt waa a son. Orsndpa Deaataa say*, noorab! BoMtoo will see fsmona ballets from Rnaala ss the fnrmsl oblretlons nf tlie eoart otBelsIs t St. Pelersbnrg bsvr been removnl tbrongh Gstll-Cssssis's endesvors. Protests sgslnst the presentation nf Tbe Great Trunk MrHtery. fonodeil upon the munlcr of Klale Sli-eil In the Chlneiie C.ilnny In New York, whirh was srhediiletl to open the Grand Opera Bouse, were died with tbe Msyor by tbe MiS'SSy'dW?.- Bass P^l. than la ■ tra! (hrra tataedy al the Xew The- ati*. tbe efferlag being Tbe Girl from Nahsnt. It n a bright aad csteby little comedy, snil win prolisbi^ be seen no tbe mad this senaoa. The Cllmsx. as given hr Josrnh Weher'a Compsny. will re-open the Psrk Theatre Ang. 20. -This striking snd nnkinelr eon-*tnteted plar hss held tbe New York stsse for the greatrr part of two aaaioas. MIsa Saphla Salpb. of the Three MiniflO IM- Isr Compaay. gdaylag at the Colonist Theatre, hsa aaggeand to the Police Commlasloner or BostMito make aarcral ladles special nollcenea. with the right to arrest, aad that they be snn- plled sritb whistles, so thst tber ronld rsll help If tbe one being arrested abonlil resist. Now, who conld resist. At the Hob Tliestre. tbe vsndevllle pmgrsm this week Is msde np of Hamilton and Rones. Charlefi S. OKhorne. Tbe Three Shorties and Mae Marnonald. tbe Victor song blnl. Miss MscDonaM hss s voice of woaderfal raaga^aad hss under consideration several MatteinMr anm from grand opera managef* Ibr iwst aib i OB. The Biiwle Ismia of Baatea. win have the opportnaltr't* hear the wartd'a amt emlaeat arttsts at tbe Beatoa Oraad Opera flonse dnr- tng the coming seaaoa of Orand Opera, the manaaement annonnces a iMrtlal list nf fsmons sincrm- I>«n-is A'da. Una Cavallerl. Fely I>er- evne. Gersldlne Fsrrsr. Grsce FIsber. Olive Frematsdt. Alice Nellnm. Bnby Savage. Enrico Camsn. t.eA Slesac, Coaataattno. BoatOB. Mass. I.. G. GROSSMAN. LOS ANGELES. CAL. Miag Ivy Siiapani Attains to tha Rank INihapa the beat a t tiaa U aai aC Ote neat week raa TtegMa IIafm«..-ia She Bnaad Sin. Tan- Mtle gaenr. at the Malaatle. Bar weife of the mevlona vreek la the comedy. Aa American Widow, waa a delight, and her emotional work Is aa highly iilesslng. Next week slie wilt pre- sent Iris, which Is said to be one of her best psrts. Tlie Belaaeo Stock Company. In tbe Shnbert fsree. Billy, bss plesae«l snd drawn so well the psst week lliat a seeond week has beea an- nounced. - Tbis ida^. aa presented by the Be- laaeo compaajr la oae of the best cMscdiae ot th* seaena, .Mr. KMaid Ttr MIe, cairM off tha tnoi was well' dMaea. Wk John Ganton will be the offering. At the Wblte Horse Tsvent. a comedy trsns- Isti'd from the German, lias been the current bill at tbe Bnriiank. Tbe work of Mlas Marjoiy Barn- bean and Miss Mvrtle Vs'*e. who have veev similar oarts. wss bIgtilT plesstng. Next week the Bnrbeak company will begin a season ot the merry tnenr. offering Utile Johnny Joaea. PcrrF Bmnaon. formerly of the Kolb and I>III f o n ra. hss been engaged to plar the aame part, Sa la a very clever adart with a.lNnil iolee.,aad-«rt^ the Bnibank CfB«MK ttla jMMk pHV-riMM l«»'pa«»..ICk'