Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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16 Xhe Dillboarcl AUGUST la, mo. AMUSEMENT PARKS News of Concessions, Attractions> Devices and Peo- ple of Representative Amusement Resorts of . Several of ttie I^g^^ AT THE NE W YO RK PARKS. , Bat weather, the dnlliiB kind, baa made' dol- ;Un ont ot peuiles for tbe mrk men. General ■attafartion •eema to prevail, -bwliieaB haa been Mod wltli moat outdoor amnsementa and wbeia It tMB't tin reaaon ninallr can 1w traced. In' a KDOd-slzcd clt7 in PennaylTanla, ttie writer vutted a park of wondiooa natnral beantr—added to this a band coocert, a amall zoo, a few lemonade staoda. a flTe-cent atreet ear tide and no one in attendance. Tbecc - rpaikelglM Bll« aHS lMni, U pay for It. -_ Inatance tbe chie of IMMiM Vark in New JTener. Now In its fourth aanaan," and its foorth flnanciallr aneceaafnl one, despite tlie fact of .'bains hainpered hj the narrow minded element «C Jemeyites. Laat aeaaon and tlie year before, conalderable money waa spent in laying out walks, arbora and pretty rustic nooks. Bower bcda here and there, and a general tone of com- I all aboat. Imt tlw apending element wonid — xm. ttmtr fair, a langhaUe ' t loser, and then , ,__ , did eonaUaable Tills season them are thrillers galore. ! old road walks hare been cemented, ladles . asi Isnger fear soiling white dresses or shoes, tbjn oie an aocta oi new fangled rides.- gro- well adapted for nvA a competition. A medal worth t250 has been;dooated by Mr. TUyoa and there will be handsome prises for aecond and third places. SomeiwiaTkibly adept dlTets and awlmmers hare bees derdopsd at Bteeplechaae Park among tlie women who have taken part In the contests held there and the entry list prom- ian to be a large one. ~ bl^^ ^i^t£' 5S£fy ^' tbejitttadaiice i* Tbe bdl at HandoMB'* I,a Tell Bros., la Toor Sis Vonr. IMI* Onnat, Jn^ aad Bnwt^ Six Unslcal Hoaaes, IHxhv and lUk. ^IMMB Ben All's Arabs. Oolt FblUlpa and A.-ntT CHICAOO AMUSEMENT PARKS. •WHITE CTTT. At White City thU week ttaey have babies 'galora, and tbe.paik does not boast ot ~a bahf Incobatnr. Tha laaaaa ot this is that the sec- cad annul bahT abow Is in progress tinder the directum ot Mr. Im. M. Sioi. who originated and so saeecastnlly condncted the baby ahow at Coney Island < several ■ seasons ago. It Is proving an exciting event for. the many prood mothers who have entered their yonng hopefuls with tbe tirm Intention of winning the piano which Is being oOSnd as lltst price. SURPUCED BOYS' CHOIR, tesque, idlotle and sensational and every one draws a waiting line—what's the answer? Give the' pobUe whatever It will pay fOr, and the money comes. Over tile signatme of Wella Hawka comes tbe annonncement that the Pwamland dinetata bave abolished their- press A in other parts of ttp note and wonder it others may follow. That Wells Hawks was not only a snccesafol press agent, bnt his labors were largely Instm- mental in Dreamland's huge success, every one admits, and none more generously than his former employers—then Why was the depart- ment atMliabed? Has the pobUc avrakeaed to ..tfea .ftct.tbat the press sceat ss aa ligation "'ii. tunamtag obsolete Aaywaj.' Biwki inl'.be . ■m ls s ad . sacely missed by his Ic^on .a( -Maills. ' ss wells says, "in my father'a noose tbeie are , many mansions, so I've selected one In Park Bow." Coney Island soon will have a aeries of aero- plane flights If the plans of George C. Tilyon, of Steeplechase Park meet with snccess. He liaa engaged an aviator named Edward Meyer to conduct a nomber of exhibitions in his bl-plane which he hag perfected. The machine Is now being assembled in the Pavilion of Fan and Mr. Mvct exveets to be icadT- within a tew dajs to .mAt'-V» aighta. B» kw A istblne. coastnetsd - llMiiiHsrao tbe priaeWes a< tbe Wrlgbt Bfos.' tBTOtiaB bat with ideas ot bis own. In which he baa loade a nnmber of ascenslonB at his home IB Bed Bonk. With Improvements he has de- vised he expects his craft -will meet all the re- quirements for trips In the air. He has had some' experience as a balloonist and at the re- cent Atlantic city aviation meet gained some valuable lessons as an air pilot from Cnrtisa and Brookklns. Mr. TllyoQ. who la Unanclng the ' fiOtb In the ahOity of ~ to SB aloft -with him . • tbe H-pIane Is belns to StMBtedMSe Park wUl be _ to visir tbe macmae and thereby gala »me IntilBate knowledge of the ma chin ery and i WaaimU oa of tbe crattv i Mlliinr ji^iiiiiilniiiWir aiilar eoDtett for _ - - - ^ gsalt ig LIberati's Band and Opera Cboras has mc- ceeded I,omtkardo's musical aggregation to this - - - ■ - "ng music of .Xbe Jrarlons Blinr proo- ftm i im to a HinasHa leason. KlVKHV'llUW. Of RIVERVIEW OOINQ WELL. Detroit. IfMi., AOS. 8.—Btvcrvlew Park. De- ttott, Hieb.. icporiB that tbe present season tbna far baa praeea to be tbe beet in its career. All the available apoea the groands Is occu- pied by pleased coocesslonalree. Tbe ridea, such as tbe coaster, circle swing, carousel and ]oy wbeel, are t>elng especially well patronised. Some of the well-known park men at Rlvervlew, this year are as follows: Michael Baxter, with' his knife aad cane and doll racks: J. H. Smith, with Ms ootlaK staad dw Jgnjf^ Saltk; rBsk -VTesfca. saalBBis-.a^KFbedy nastf; A. D. Tmle aad bb pn at the plate board and four ball gimes: Wagner, the atrennona, at the dance ball: Dippy and Lonle, at tbe African dip: Mr. and Mrs. Har- rington at the shooting gallery: Ht. and Mrs. Davidson at tbe tee cream cone stand: Crott. the Canadian, at tbe Osb bowls: Stroog-arm Mac. with bis handsome strllier: Mr. and Mrs. Schwarts. who know how to play ten plus: Llt- Ue PbU Pfeiffer at tbe swing: Wilson, with -hla roly poly: Henry Fink. Fred Bullls with hla dodger; Gns Zesman, Vlucent Rhelo and maoy others. Francesco Creature and bis Bands Terdi. Just doaed a magalBcent lasaiiwiai al Ihi raslii that lasted devca woSK^TaafRlBt by Gas Son, is playlae hcte aotr. TROUBLESOME SWEDE GIVEN Aag. <(.—Staaacer S.- H. Foteat Park. .Ulaaaan^^ ' secared pnMaeciaa of tlie —' ■ which , _ The plot dasis vrtth tbe.salssiidiislsiiMagi of s new- couiLi Swede servant snd bss msny rldlcolous sltaattoDa and Indlcrona climaxes., and occnples aboDt twenty minntes' time, fnll stage. Thst this sketch will prove a tilt was demonstrated by tbe very enthoelastlc manoer la which the audiences received It. It was presented at Forest Park, the week of Aocnat 1 and after Onlahlng tbSr snaMcr.aaatbala: aildsaes, will probsbly be seen «a tbe'S.'* 41 ClRalt this fall. HAS-NARROW ESCAPE. Wlleellng, Vs.. Aog. 6.—Dare Devil Hamilton who alldee down-a chnte on roller skates a mass of Barnes and laada la a lake of water bad a narrow escape from death at TTlii I IIm Patk the evening of Aug. 3. In making his slide his foot attack a_oall aad be landed la tbe water on his dioked btm ao tbat he lost ad It _ OeNVBRl CANCEUNa ATTRAC- TIONSV , Angnst 8.—^The business at baa baa dlaappoiatlng and on Denver, Coi. Lakeside Park this acconnt the'OHoasenMat baa cancelled the engasement of the As s erlran Baad^ .whiA was to hne opened Angnst 14 for foar*a« ~ PARK NOTES. The Capitol' CI^ Goastractloa Company, of Baltlmoie, Md.. te bofld aad openta amnsement devlees. was laeotpecated at Chailcstao. W. Vs.. laat week. The aothorised-capital stock Is ttO.- 000. with $50 sabscribed and «5.00 oald. Tbe Incorporators are: R. T. Lilley. W. C Sehmeia- ser. W. B. Hndglns. W. B. Hnntlsg aad C. J. Kolilman, all of Baltimore, Md. LpS .AMQEI.E8i CAL. . '^COaMUMliiim'^^^ ■ Tbe vaudeville attractloiiB ttii . been above the average, aad the' baa appeared tccqaeaay. ' . At ttolM ^aabss^rheatte, - ■ aats aew.tothe.Iaeat „ _ fllila' nntnna wttb aoDe vety'derer work with temls racquets and Indian duba. Haverly and Wella. aa Mr. Piker and Mlaa Kidder, win the audience at once with their new jokes snd patter. Phaama, billed aa The Goddeaa of light, has an act tbat ideasea with Ita gorgeous color and the scenic effect la entirely in keeping with the beautiful dancer. Bipee ia lly cood waa her Flame Dance. ~ ~ Tbe promise made by the msnagement RivccTiMuaillK to the that it wi B^3'has vaeaisd to"ta*or o^^Uourde and his haad. ■WUA has with It as soloist. Miss Tbelnia Fair, who ia Uie poasessor of a beau- tlfnl oprano voice. -Mr. Edonarde Is a protege of John Philip Souaa. and a graduate of the Boyal Conservatory of I>lpalc. The feature hoi weather attraction at RIvervlew. ia Atlantic Bead!, where daUy exblbitiona of high diving are billed, and on Satnrday and Sonday after- noons swifluning contests sie bdd. The Temple tha Ogasevtlsa e( <M of KnowMae Malda. - tbe m to add to ltaanar ataHcis who Might to voMIelpat- lag In tbe varlooa (anas o( a a m aament this re- sort has to offer, snd 'Mo'take pleasure In llat- eniDK to the pnjgrams oA^acd by Crestore and his band. The ratbskfUet Is proving a favor- Ite rcodesvooa to " ' W a n ais B aad htaihaic'-'to aipj^^as OeonHte at Fttast Park tor tbetaiaar who-visit this i«- aoct. B s ll Ms a Is wdlv^aowa to tbe.aosle tor- ers ot Chlcaco oa sceoant of bis popolar eon- eerto given during the winter st toe 'Nortb Side Tnmer Ball, and lila lengthy engagement at Bismarck Garden last season. Tbe Steeple Chase at Pofctt Faik it emt «( the kadtal •ad to. anaOr Wived.tor sS thsoolHto . staadpotot ao act seen rcceaUr at a laeal theatre cao In any way compare with that ' ~ a J. Curtis and Co.. In A flfsslsa at Thla act is cleverly wiltl e* aad pre.' to a way that brings many eartata cilia, Cloeliig tbe bUl. The Three Navarros give a Te- markable equilibrist act. At the Oipheimi. The Five Olymplera. in their pooes as bronxe statuary, bead tbe bill, and la the best thing of the kind ever seen locally. Annabelle Whltford. in her Brtnkly Olrl and Aeroplane Girt otferlngs, pleases, and the former Is eapedsUy aood. Bsns Hanke. at the pUno, does ssaM ezeelleat playiac. - The Vtaaer Sis- ters, to a owlBarfnc set,' are near tbe top in their Uae^ aad their beauty In face and llgnre does Boeh to make them a snccesr. Clown »rtho's Csnlne Comedlsns are great, and win a lot of applanae, showing wonderful training. Mr. Clement De Lion mystlBes bis sodience with bis handling of bllilard balla. Donald and Caraon l»ve a Scotch act that went wen. lAwla <Mc- Sd" nfi^ionas; 'vtmtk 'S h^^^^^^im i i ^ ' the bm!™^ ■ ■ . Mlaa Eve Kelly, -mttt ot O. P. BnaHsr. toe character actor, baa been engaged aa the new leading woman wito tbe Belaaco Slock Ooapaay, to Bucceed Misa Florence Oakley, who goes to Kew Tork to head one of The Spend thirft com- panlea. Mlaa Kelly Is now in England, bnt will arvtve here abont September 12, appearing first in Kocb a Little Queen. Tbe Olrton Stock Comnany. at tbe Grand Opera House, baa drawn well, and nieaaed tbe past week with A: Mldalgbt Marriage.. PWIewlnK thla The QaNB^af the HIghway-wm he the at- traction, to whMi Hiss Ivy Sbepaid wHI laske her flmt aoiieannee. playlmr the Iredlag port. All local theatres are dolag imed mnlness. despite tbe warm weathtr. XSe bMchW all do a bl8 - ■ ■ ■ — - ATUBEimr AN CXPERIENCEO and CAPABLE 10 years Circus exper- ience. Can handle any- thing from one car up. Sober,Yeliable, best ref- erence! Join 'anywhere. Would invest in a good attraction. that is, or oouldbeftamed up to get the money. Add. yiff., care JBillboard, CSiiaiiiiati, Cnio. . FRINCESS OLSA T|e Eiuptnulli Glner Daacer . Who, by her pleaang petaonality and eer- tain d^ree of magnetic force, together with her vholesDme renditions of tbe fanuHW Cleopatra dance, has won for herself the ap- proval of the public throughout Europe, South America, Mexico, Canada and the United StAtes. Soon to be seen in the United States a^in under the manage- ment of "Vic" IVralta. playiiig big time. People Wanted Baad Actors. Musicians, ^>ecial- ty People who < double, Leadiug La^y, Soubrette^ etc., also. Boss Ganvasmao, Woridngmen and Driv-: ported by special river steamboat. " Address NEEDHAM AMUS&i VAXTED —Aeroplane, AlOUa, -PilirBa. Bldlag Derices, CamlTal Coinpaoy, SbewsoFall kinds. Outdoor Attractions. ConcesaloDs, for aereral fslr?, E, T. BTEPITENSOy, !M Vuico Av«., htempi.l, Tez^, THE CASEY, ILLINOIS, BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION wIU hold a BOSn; COMING AND KACB MECT- ISO, Ausoat 181B-20. ISIO. 30.000 people to draw fro sa. Borse Bien and prirllece cocrtapoad- SMB-MllcMad. AH poraea has' — ''^^ V «. B. riTZPATBICK, WANTEO-Stiows and Concessions I for Home Comlog and CamlTal, oo pereentacSb. I October 0-7-8, tuder antplccs BoslDeaa UeB^" Leaffae. Main streets, X*roaperoiia commBatt^- aod biff crowds. This la a lirr one. Write I CO. OEIOKR, Ashley, in. I COMOESSIOir AUS PBIYILEOE MZV, I HAVZ A £OOKI ThCL Stock Show and Races to b« hdd at DsGbto,. .M»» Ssgt. JH-SMpi WaaM <• bcw ftaa "