Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 13. IMOi 11 b o a p <i 19 fnim ttrtlT* biia«Nd to ilgfetan fenOMA dol- "(Sinrinatlon of n.lite appMSlBS ■>« JV ,1b tlckllBg w.i recentiT In ifUMfJ* 0«6«. bUTE. III. The T. U. A. locil. Mttmbtt SS. uf wbleh KTeral Iw7« In W n yWny Bratban' Ad- TtxtUloK Oir No 1 ua mnnlMn, ftv* tlM tat UidlMi ud' 7uMwni«, Wm., « tht Tun l&eh foUowa BlnsUac Brotiian* Sbowa at (Mkkeab aad Manltawae, Wta. At La Craaae, I aaw Oharlea Prtmroac. Tut bla dramatic Teotorca bare borne tnilt U DMt polDtcd oat lo the poaaoaloo of a borne, a bvo- ilDe bum aad a ebeck book «t dnwlu ooalltr, la iplU of a proteat l». "^g iy UU f* Brotben, La Croaao baa lamiMt M* MNM It- Brolben^ teoie one bnadred per cent. Did 70a OTor Mtleo tbat the amaller a (oIIjw la Ibe more be talka? Tba beat bUlpoatv I aim kaaw dtda't watcb . tOVK AN D TH E CIRCUS. Janca B. Rolbcrford. principal dflxra of tba Haceoberk-Wallace Bbour, baa ecMpllad a Uat of marrlagea wblcb bar* taken plac* arannd ttiit eboir la tba laat tbrea /eara, to proTe tbtt Mr. Wallace operatea a "clma dllTeRnt." Tbt vcrr UtMt ooe U tlut of Bernard Wal- lace, treasurer of the abow, to Ura. LaTl Schrock. of Pern. Sernla Wallace la a nepb- c<r .of B. E. Wollaee, and la well-known in tba drcna aad theatrical world. At Kokoao, Ind.. mak kilMw la|t, tad BIckdl ud Ladn Wnt* •UN «fM maiiM. BkMI maiiiid u upio- ' miafenai. and aavaiad bia e o nn a tn en with tba (aaw to aettle down. Tat aama weak- Antoala lltrldlaa waa aianted to one of tbe worklnc- ■en. Beport baa It that tba coople will open a rooiDlDK booie In Oblraso. Xariltr ttila aea- •on Sfarle Sattoa and Aad7 Dobblna were mar* rled. Marie la a member of Jack Bottoa'a troupe. Ber mother objected to tba marriase. bat It waa amnced br Marie asiraalnc to le- maln with Sntton'a act oatll bar oontraet ax- plied. 0. S. CocT waa Bairlad laat winter and Bk wUa la wltb tba ahow thto aommar. Sbn •tm> IM Wagner, who haa thn dinlac ear, JRM MRlad between aaaaona, and canlea Hi Vm jtu. Maria Ooanan, wbo left na Badlnl act laat Tear to aunr Oeonre Ctoo- neia, waa prominent In the ttieatrlcal preaa at that lime. Speck Eaoa and Mary TllaToo werv alao married laat aeasoo. Bnrt Bart and Bea- ala Skldmore. OIck Rutherford aad Alm«« Sot- ton. and Bert Deloo and Ida Mlaco. wbo were marrlrd two aommeis l>ack. are atHI with the abow. Other marrlagea lo 1808 were BDI Rod. ttm and Roae. Monroe, and Meat* WIIcoz aii<1 raMuoa Le Claire. It la aald there are atlll ■MW auiTlagea around tbe Aow which bare not been mad* pabUe. BILLPOtTER S EN TERTAINED. MlanaapOlla. Mian.. Angoet 8.—Bolfalo Bill Car No. 3 palled into Hlnoeapolla Sonday. Jnir Bl. aad a big dinner waa giren In honor o( "Talkatlre Hjland'* and "KM Barmood." and a .T<K7 jttac^Mf am* waa had. Bm Xonlaoa. „----i- -Itar., n mtf Ttaraar. iafradaeod t^le Oook. wbo ralatad aoeaa of hla axpailaneaa rnoptog a clrcoa car and wot loainc a man dnriBg tbe seaaaa. Oreat applaaan mated Mr. Cook, and then oar pal. Bratber Hrland, ob. nrd a botUe of gtnger ale. and tba dlaner want on. After dloaer. Dare Bacolett paaaad tba d- Sara. and. then tba abeet after abaet want ap. 'akar. of Baatoo. laalda of tweatr mlnntaa f*'**.^^ abeeta. all depot abowlnga. At an wtN la Iha hny, agt tti> Brilt. aemtarT|Jaek Baaidoa. baaa bmpoatar: 0«o. Battea. Shortr Tnmar. Tamcn Zmm. Hanty ainkers. Lew Brownell, Btanler Baker. F. Ickapo. Dare Karolett. Kit Klllott. Joe Bj- unL KIdo Mealh. Kid Raymond. O. V. Spaam. Bhlllpoeler*: Pete McReaTy. Pettr Beatdoo. Ickera O^en, Tankaa Proaaea. Pawnca Bill amaon. banner men and llthograpbera. and rjgt •"»•" <*>oke. nogrammer. Bnbbcr. UStrnd paito aakar. Barter White, was tba cot, an it waa op to hira to lock g*:*N "i- w« all hope Oar Wo. 2 ntnma next MimJUi faTMitoaong. WhaD^n^EoTa In Oa Wide, Wide World T tall faat aaleep. and waa OBly awakened when Stanley Bak<>r (boat- "i^th?^^* W«b aad no blank 1- 'J'"'* Croope. bow did jroo alaa ttla ban- jnett Wopld like to.bear trai.!1gSfr Hr- WHte to Zaeb' Loekeaa;* Mlnnaapdla. Tho- :Hlfn:ANB;TI«Ml.'; Aftara maat aoccaaafnl Tanw fjrtj-aartn weeka, Weadick and fJPjri. ira la Ohieago. r KS?aSKr^«"^--*-«>?. Pinla of Ur. Ttom ladatjiiiii iMaaoo faorr week . Bellg ■a tba a<"-«<> or nr. Ttm Nig. «ba bas «feam nf tba S^HSr^fi Indiana, aoldlera aad aB tbe partU-l- »ariooa big ontdoor epieode. of JJi'" direction of Mr. OIU Tufner, the wteraa producer. ■ «.rri_™. !!»'«• nnmber of peonle perme- •Srt'.SSSS'J*'.S**-*ft» '^•T"*" head of hiss, Jtl?!!.*'/ 'ISSJ'*"'' 0"- •>>' oo*"* wi!. _'H!J*J^^ Olekej Circle D Ranch Wild bR.?'^!^.* load CD th* MniatBH SeS •u&T'VLJJ Oblcago. wwar la n Mhir. o/'Li-V^y*" ♦» "•>'• tba/pletaree the lb« -111 * ♦•>• followlni Jnir t"1".' n'x'»n'taiid that the RJta^J ^ '"«"»»t for want of r»al naiiir. ™ "••«• tba. pietnrea tai • TPhl- ~''■'^ M"'" repntation. When on. ,i„ n*af that the pictnr** "nejest ror want of real weetem Ihl ■»5!!vi*"5?'!f'lr- "Slim" BImpimn. from I?5 VkXu,* °i O- whoee feat of drink. IJK "SJi."ffillOB.^ I hare aeen ateer riding aiS- ^yi a t JWMt aay that "Pewee" Jimmy Ml Ma as tba palm for tbli partlcniar line of work. Johnnie Mnlllna ia a toook rider and roper of the first water, arboae reckleas ddaa on "Milwaukee Queen" will aura be re- ■Mlbercd by all who bare wltnaased them. Oaorga McBlroy, tbe raoownad "waddle" from tba Oapltan Moutaia diatrlet, ia a "plum dtaiar" lerateUBg ant dUwr a braok or a atear la a aaddla. Baddea tba bom already mentioned thaia ara yarioaa otbera of prominence whose aaaaa ainat be omitted owing to lack of space. Tblrtr-algbt Sionx ladiaoi from tbe Boaebod agency, Boatb Dakota, headed by Chief One ■father and John Boliman. Interperter Albert Craay Tbnnder, looks stter the Indian battles, weird dancea, etc. Ur. Tom Mix. who baa held tbe poeitlon of arena director with the 101 Ranch Show, and the wild west tournament, onanlaad hy Mr. John Cort, at the Seattle wiM'u Valr aad aamfooa other oatflta of aote; Hla aeacai^Mtoaaato aa aa all aroond wild weat parf ofig 8M waU kaoara aad hla varaatlUty maksa hla a Mat daalrabia man tag the pod- Uoo ha kHdS with tbla ontflt. Knowing bim aa I do, I waa greatly aarprised apoo my airlTal at tba camp to see Mr. Mix oat In a paatnra throwing boomeranga. Aa I bad no Idn that be bad sTcr done that atmt before and aeeing what I at dnt tbooght waa a Joka (bIm doing tbla line ot work) npoa watching eloear aaw tliat be waa really making aome rery derer deliv- eries, and that he eeemed to be fairly wrapped np In his efforts, which 1 must say are on an entirely different order from tboee executed by other boomerans thiowaia wtwae axblMtlona I aia aa&ib>dliiNBk>k9B that itjFaa bgr aioat American boaMggaaa^ ajfHa, whoan aola OhJaet U to aaka a diflBTlEi air with It aad opoa Its retmn catch'K to a aat. while th* mora ex- CTt exttaenta of tha art eatdi It In their band. Ix'a demoualratloo la Intended as one of eda- eatlonai and historical TsJue as he Is using th* natir* made article, making a cast and upon the return of the boomerang It knocks empty tomato cana off tbe to^ of poets placed at different angles from the thrower, thereby ahtrwlDf that tiiey are a deadly weapon In tbe band a of one thoroughly reraed la tbelr tiae, and not a toy aa moat paopi* baia been led to baUcra. Althaogh HlA axhIhItisB to txOIr woadagfiO. baddaaUat aaw and aaiaL ha mod- aatty aaaarta that Itta aat a hard ataaL aad althaogh hla work la aatlrdy aa a diiaraat haa that of Cd. D. F. TaaOiatar. tt apoa watcblu that gcntleoaa'a pcifuiia- aaea that be got his idea (Or hla pi aata t aor- d^. I most not fan to mention the lady ridere. wbo are riders Cram the word go, typical weat- em girls both in borsewomsnablp and appear- ance wboee ease and gracefulness enbance tbe charm of their dare-deTil antics astride a' horse. A SAD COINCIDENCE. la, Mich.. Aagnst «,—The day that bU _nK car waa to hla home town. Altoai i*a iH(t paiaad ftoa thia life. After many ' aajoam ftaa home as manager of the nnober two adraaea car of tbe Hagenbeck-Wal- lacs Showa. Mr. Oaborn had anticipated with onosaai pleasnre a visit to his home town of atnrgia. Qowerer, a few daya before hla car was to arrtr* bar* ha waa summoned home to aee his dck trife and after a conadutlou of pi^y^i^.^. ^fc. .n»f»i woman waa taken to tba Ljthsrsn haspital -at ft. Wavaa. Upaa arrival thrr* her coadltloB waa naad^to ba io weak that ab* conld aat u ada n a ih* operation aa gliaaii aad party WH n j a d a r naming. July 27, iha taaaSad har laat. Mr. Oaborn and bis aoo. WM ia a Bambar of oaa of tha brigadea of tite Hagaoback-WaUaea Show, were with her when A* died. Tha taoard waa conducted at Storgta by the Latberan pastor and the interment o«tBl iad..iB the loieal cemetery. Ttiere were flaaaa^Aaaapnd 8ord oSerlnga Including a h s ud iO—plga JW tha boya of Mr. Osbora'a Mr. ^ " _^ Mr. a N. Muaaaa haadM tha car daitog Mr. OUbom'a ahasDC*. tha- Utter aatBrntag to r»- •aa* hla datlaa at^aClw, tod. Mr. Oahem UMIFORMS Bands, Maitary, Minstrel First Part. Minstrel Parade, Ushers, BeU Boys, Base Ball. Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc, etOr MkrUTllMb r BaSarwdntf JIMIm WMmllitliniGo, BRILLIANT. • PRIMO UGHTS For Ctrenaea, all Idntla of Tent and Outdoor Shows, Ooncwn'on and Street Men. Write for CMakfliw. . WINDHOMT * eO. lOM N. 13th St., 8T. LOUIS. HO. WANTED TWO GOOD PLATFORM SHOWS to tola tt oaee. Old PluUtloD, Tbiaa or V>Br> la-One, ail A-1. Travd in oar own cor*, la Band or Muaidana of all klnda, PrtvUeg* la.ol au Uada:.aa ^agiff!: Ma^sigtaa WARNINGtoSHOWMEN we HEREBY SERVE NOTICE That our 1910 List of Show Equipment is an actual necessity to your liiuiinns^. and you need it now. IT'S FREE—SEND FOR IT. We paint beet beanefe M short notice, with no dday. Oat Mill nuutelluiie. '^V^aratfhoi^wlifBrBOItXB WEYER UGHTa UNITED STATES TENT & AWNWS CO. ■BW. K HaUMANN, Jfb. L MHM e. MeOAmRV. Tteea. 22-28 North DoSptali WAkTBII r. OmVKMI.' BBWANO N. UTnUttKII, CHICAOO, ILL. URRAY & COMPANY (INOOIUH>RATED) One repertoire tent, 70x85, 10-ft. side walL Top. 8 ounce drill. Side wall, 6ounce drill; thoroutfijy wpsd; medtiiwe wwl a . ftlO>,mO«IO Poles and stakes, S40.00. «40-«4« Meridian StrMt, CHICAOO. SEND AT ONCE for Our Big LI at of SECOND-HAND TENTS. ^NREE HOTEL CAB^ Sleeping eapcudtiea, 11. 23 and 25 ALSO EVERY SORT OP CARS TOR SHOW PURMSfeS HICKS LOOOHOnVE iUID CAR WORKS^ RAsrl Howe's I jui i sm Skiifm^ V and calliope mUe, stating your fmli'iiiiiiiil aaS adary ezpeetad.' lER, Bandmaater, care The BOIboard, CSncitanati, Ohio. GREAT PARKER SHOWS CON T. KCNNEOV, Oenacel Maa flVrtWtillll;! JfPSEPH V. SHERRY iPiriiicipal ig Ooim 1910 JOHN A. SPARKSP SHOW WANTED OUIGE VCp^ GIRGLB n RANGBF ■br elreoit of aloa bl( Statn IWra to open Augnat IS. Hirea mom Oowbon. Cowftria with outaia: Mnaieiana to complete Itand. Write gnlek or win. Ton waaea to sood Moplc. Addreaa wnx A. DIOKSY, care U. S. T^nt * Awnlns Co.. 23 M. Daaplabaa It.. Chlcasn, lU.; after Ans. 14, addreaa Lotanaport. Ind. allektMaia; two i FOR DIVERTED AiOi miaitG^^ Our new patented inverted Rag and ,t Cap MantlcB are iutiiiR: Kag ana made to rV*',""?'-' They are apecially constructed to STAND SHAKING and VIBRATION. Give a brilliant WHITE U6HT. And are PORTABLE. ^ —Write for mnplea and particulaia— THE BLOCK LIGHT CO, YOUNGSTOWN. OHIO. WESTERN office: 12 Fifth Avanu*. CHICAGO. THH! i»TT.TJ»rtAiMii IB AMERICA'S UEADINO AKD MOfX WIDKUC OTRCUIiATED WKESOiT AMVBBMKMT JOVRNAXb HIIIWOllC A YXIAR: e MONTHS, $9.00; S MOUTHS, $1.00. "PMSUaOM VK AWJ NO SXIRA CHARGE TO FOREIGN SUBSCRIBBRS.