Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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ao AUGUST 13, 1910. LAST SALE For the Third Time Norris & Rowe Circus is Sold at . Public Auction—Prominent Showmen Divide the §tockaiid Paiaphemalia NORRIS & ROWE CIRCb& Fero. iDd^ Mag. • (Special to Tbe Billboard). —BwutMcit la pae*. n* Mznnle I* ont, aad Ac MM of tt» «K* tnMos ikMr pane* !>• «• atlMn. DlTiM t«twMJ a haadfid of tfe* atacfe aad pataBfeenalla - of tbe. ■d Ba«c Gkcaa Mn be need to Ike tlwana eC half a docen- well- _jiacms la tbe mdd of white tops. The last Bale, beld aa Aaiaal 6. at tbe winter qoarteiB of the Baceafeeu-Wallaee Sbon. at Pern. Iiad« will mark tte abaOIate pusiiv of tbe once famous ctrciM. ao tbe latMt bidden are Deo wboae lluncUl staodios icnaranteea the prompt aettlemeat of accocats. Tbe toUowlns- wen the pnrrtaieta; B. E. Wallace. J. Ansus- toa Tmii. Mile AfUpetaa, W. P. HalTs repre- Aaae, e e tmd a trrmin Mr of tbe otbero. lododiiis Oudy Staad Oatflt ...... as I«ad Ban S Stake PoDan .s .^.i. S Zeasth Stat^kack ■tami OeoUu Oatat to tttt — 1 SetSIx — Wblle TaUeiii Wagon 500.UO BatUe Sblp Tableaa Wafoa SO.OU Dapple Orar Mare ................ 120.00 Iron Grar Horse t,,.'. 140.00 Dapple Orar Hone : 160.00 Dark Dapple Horae 145.00 IroD Om Hone 1S5.00 Black Hacae .... 155.00 Black Bccaa , 190.00 Iron Grar SMH •••...•-^•••«^«....... 165.00 Bay Hone ITB.OO BaJ* Horse 6.00 Steel Gray Hone 175.00 Dapple Gmy Borsa 160.00 Black Horse 85.00 John, white horse i 70.00 George, gray botse 8S.00 Khig. black hone 135.00 PrtoeeiS, bcewn mare 60.00 Btaak. mm kane 60.nn -C=!_.^ _ Kins.' 'WMSBi Mne (rtad) 100.00 A* •••••••• «98bAT7aOO alatlBg aCi !• IiiekbrT One Set Six Hone Ticket Wagon I.on ■).... 75.«0 ..... 260.00 abore countries at tbe eod of the season la tbe United SUtea. Fiei a moat azteaalTC aeale ace An eattie aew ontlt la kMas kaO^ a new line of apeelal pthUag and all new wardrobe la belaf far tbe parade and entree. This coiapaaj haa flrailjr established itself wltb tbe aeofde of these coontrles by glTing tbem each year a better circus than tiad erer been shown tbem before. Good, square business • metbods hare t>eeD tbe rule In lu handling, and tbe Spanish speaking aaapte la partlcuUr. whose lore for the circus ia aieaa jRcater than that of the Asaettean. hare ahtMra -Snlr apprecUtloa by the aaoat liberal patrooage. Concessions In the war of accom- modatloos throucbont the Caaal Zoae bare been accorded this company hi: the ta**-!- of tbe Isthmian Canal ■ ■ I iliia^ tkat ha*e been unheard of beCan. Tkia, wllk Iks Mm la view of vncooragint Keol. daaa i ai as tmi at ttr their employes. Edward Shipp, equestrl-in director for Bar- nom and Bailey, and Roj Felius for thrw years assistant manager of tbe Forepaogb and Sella Brotbecs* Sksv^ an eqaal o w a ti a at Ihia «q isstloa. M'ttv ka*a aafc It a ■utii ly Toting amj laiigjr to the li usiiaiials ca which tkeir abOlty anpltcd. The campaar far thia y«ar wW he a bic one. and a apeelal feature wm he made of tbe con- cert band, which will be under tbe direction of a well-known leader. Sereral blgb-class cirrus acts hare already been engaged, bat an adrer- tlsement for pevHa ia ccaecal, wUl appear In The BUIbouil «flHk-a tar wc^a. THE RINGLING LOG. Fred GoUmar. ooe of tbe beads with Gollmsr Bros.* Sbows. paid na a mldnlKht call dnrlnx our run from Mankato to Faribault, Minn Fted Is aa actlre as erer. aad wears the good boat- neaa aaUIe. He «r ' ~ — ^ - waat. when ha-lB' FrMar—Melatrrr. Farthanlt with If* come, not only pnrrjded a pleaaaat «y*a BIugllUE Bros.' Adrance Car No. I, recently did two rootes oat of Mankato, Minn. The ant neerJed 1.30S sheets, while tbe second dajr^ aerabhiag. totaled 1.313 aheets. These wen tarty-mile rontea and DODBI.ED. mind roa. ■ Member* of tbe "sugar barrel" aggreg*. Iloo pleue take ooUce. (This Is the flrst of a series of brief bl- ogtaithles of noted Khowmeu, etc.—spoloales to Tbe BlUboard.) CAPTAIN GEORGE PHILLIP CABTBB. In the Tillage of Cuba, N. T., Captala OkC>~' ter started life aa a ahepherd boy, tendlaa Ma flock and dreaming of the future. At tbe age of Bftecn be >>lned the Bunco Bill's Bery of Beef Busters, acting la the cipaclty of head soap dispenser. After sereo years' serrlce at tbe kettle, tbe Captain waa adranced to tbe prominent position of assistant spud acrsper. Later on be cast his lot wltb the Welach Bab- bit tioape of aeiobau aa aiAbar Jsa a , .XM* . sitnatlaa. haweear. dM mtt.mmt'-jmKtk^SS^. bitiaas - CMala's Ske^MHsmlcr that He aast Indalgsd la the flatle prnftasloa. pea- lag as the skelter-wdght dcaHa. bat sooe met with rererses st the haada of "Fat" Tmlsoo. tbe beef tmst terror. BdleTlng in tbe old pro- rerb, "Paint heart," ate., tbe Capula bled blmadf to Blmlia, when he soon connected with the RIngUng Taagnard as brush manipu- lator. For foor mootha he basked In tbe good graces of the car manager, hot like all tbinga bnmaa, he wandered from tbe stralcbt and nar- row. He died, drcnsly speaking, Sunday. July 33. at Madison, Wis. . Under tbe captloa, "Cookhoose News," we note that a certala dnoa hoaata at a 1 Set , 4 Mala 5 Menagerie Center Poles- 3 Bocae Tent Onter Poles S Dicssing Boom Center Poles 12 Otcssina Boom "-"n-r Poles » Lane Flags One 'Diomedane One Male z3b 2 Blark Maned AfttanT' One Pair Young Tliaiii tsi Cage No. 16 :. cage No. 31 .-. Animal Den No. 26 Cook Hooae.Wagon No. 1 nte wacoB Xo. as ...... Menagerie Canras Wagna . Strincer Wacoo No. 63 »i Cbandelier Wa^n Stable Wagon No. 62 Tableau Wasoa No 4 Animal Den No. 24 FXInee. bay horse s.a» s.oo 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 m.oo -.. 55.00 ... 510.00 150.00 old ISO. 00 ... 20.00 ... 30.00 ... SO.OO M.OO 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 60.00 200.00 3S.0O 40.00 mm W. p. Han was the heaviest purchaser. In addition to his acquisition of tbe two elephants, be seenred the largest number of borsea. Mr. Hall deela in bflcseBesb. and is nsnally s prom- inent 8gnn at hot*e salea; in this case, how- ever, be waa repreaented hr Bart McOaln. He annexed tbe following: One Set Six Harness... .....^;^.'..V4f 10.00 One Sn Double Hamesa 3.00 One Set Dnoble Harness 2.00 One Set Sloele Harness ' 2.60 3fale Beobrnt. Hero 1.050.00 Female Elenhaat. Dacheaa L2SO.0O Ooe Camel «.^«**«....... 135.00 One Camel — 70.00 TsMeaa Brad Wagon 185.00 Aalmal Dea Xo. 3i 120.00 WsKOD ...^^.i^.'.... 450.00 Calliope, Tbtal .... J. f|nli*d were as foDows: 406 Stakes, bsnisa aaa'"*Min'»iiia"....t e.oo 10 Body Poles 4.00 One Set Six Horse Harness (new) 85.00 Mischief, bay mare 45.00 19 Ponies and one Trained Mule 400.00 EarL aaaaaaa kane. ................... IM.OO 5 Bimcbes of ^ _ One Male Llama One Calash One Cash Begister Total «140.00 Tbe bUdinjr was not snirlted. and asoat of the stock and animals sold for lower prices than at tbe flrst sale, which took place on June 11. Stiannoo's bid on tbe elephaota was S3.2SO, but Hall secured them for t2,300. Similar ledac-. tloos were noticeable od other raluable stock and paraphernalia. Walter Shannon was pres- ent, bat had rery little to say. Tom North, Fred Wagner, Arcb Donaldson and Mr. Warner at- IB the aftetaaaa the con wan saM. The en- tire nimber. 13. h n aght tat tZ-TM. J. An- fni-*1n8 Jones booitbt the prirllege car for S410, and Danny Boblnsoa KecnrM s sleei>er for Mr. Wallace and Mr. Hall acqnlred tbe other ten ean at coneapoadlagly low prices. Very little GRAN CIRCO SHIPP. Ship an'1 FpItTw* Blr American Clrcos. knotrn tbron^h C'-nlral wnd Bootb America. F'anama and tbe West Indies, as "Gran Clrco Bhlpp." wlU embark opoa Its flCtb awoaal - towr. ot tlie aarred some la I almiia thi lug daepv cathaaed. aa oM aaak leaned over and wfaHoend to me: "That* Is oaly oae thing lacking *!<> make VUat'a work natural. He ought to doee the' art by bavlog the subjects kiss the bartender Rood nlRht." Among the celebrilles ilolDi; bospltsl time at Rochester. Minn., are Eageae V. Debbs. of labor fame, and dri Salter, of SDOwblU'a bri- gade. Both unfortunates hope to soon be abte to shake the Minoesola dast from their boc^ Who ta thaader earea how. when or wlaere JBsihe died? The pmeat day problem la when aad whan win tbe abow. cloael laA Webber, foraKily of SeHa-rMo Adnr- Ualag Car Mo. 1. reeeatlr tnaaCwfed hia baa- gage to BInglIng Bi o tlm a* Adraaee Car Km.1.' ■ Little lOT Stanley, better known as the "Grasping Kid." recently recelred a flattering olfer from Tlllle Tlile, to represent her Dancing Dock*. Mr. Stantley bees to annouDce that be prefers dear old PrOTldencc to a winter among tbe JaspenrlUea. I have no sympathy for tbe local billposter who claims to'be over ma with eommerdal poatlng. tben complains because the car maa- ager refuses to post more than the eoatiaet d*' mands. If there Is anything on earik tkat raQsas a fellow to think of home and laatker It la the soft-bearted (7) crew who draga your car into a mldalftbt swttcblaa t>ee. Owing to Editor Whaloo baring ctmsnmed an orerdose ot chloride of life, bla Otabtowa Oa- Ktto failed to matatfallM this week., m&mmtr, the editor promlsca to make op an.tat ttaa by Isanlng a nightman extra. The hmad shoe brelhera. Warbler aad Statta. bare been cattlig some fsnry didoes wltb the pie skin, ftnmor bss It that the iMir are whip- nine their arms Into sham* for the coming Ilfiogrsnber MIInostpr base ball game. Bneafclog of 1.200 sheet country rontea. re- calla to mlad that XabaVay aad Mahler, ot floodhart. Walter Beck. C. A. Wbalon, Jack Webber. Fred Prnfooad, Wm. Mahler. H. D. Wrlgbt. Wm. CoUet. E. Mabaffey. Alfred Tay- lor, Jolin WyDD. Ctaa. Lindley. N. J. Niry. Fred Staole}. E. E. Boddisb. Prank Ware and Jerry Swift. Ed. Wachter has charge ot the UtbognnltB, with tha tollawlag aaaiataata: Om* SUtta. Lea ^IrlkksM. t. llTkolfaM aad IB FlBnr. Tom McOraw la the oadal pragnnas'. W. B. Pringle. at one dm* paadl pailsr Cor Gentry Bros.' sbows. Is now boMbc aowa Ikt dty editor's desk on tbe Qnlner, Ifl.. JooraaL Bill is an old.timer -at the newspaper gAOi^.. He has a soft spot for the press sgent. and wUl go tbe limit wltb stories. Bis wife, Jeaalc Pringle. Is this season playing tbe character roles with Poll's Slock Co., Sprlngfldd. Mass. After baring read In the Qulnry Journal Ed- itor Wheeler'a two-pan unraTelllng of Elhcft Hubbard'a acrsmbled Itegliah. I feel for ba'Ing managed I* aneak by unnoticed. If at any tisw jroa are feeling brown la tka ■aath, aad tha JiifH ot yoor only abirt par. aist M:. Mlhv. -with your flnger-Up. doa*t tbe world batea ^^^^^ltta r- CIRbafS^liAfl THEATRE M * Bawe Or- s( the Waa^ lagtOB theatn, Bpiiitsaa. Wash.; whaa Iks clr- eaa doard thIa aeaaaa. Is nMtlaK wMh- spl tadM aaeeeaa In hIa aew kald. Ha was recently complimented by being offered tbe position of geaeral adrertlslac auaager of one of tbe big daDIea In Spokaiie. The millionaire owner of- tbe paper liked his arrangement of tbe ada aa well as his genenl adrertlslng methods ao wdl that be thought a little drcna mrthoda lairs. doeed Iota tha paper,.aa.wia'aa Mo.IIM IkMp tn. waold eoatrlbala •B-ttr'fMtap:annaB jaC bla panar. Mr. Myata wmtftua tm SSSBmOm nattering offer. Tbe Washingtoa Theatn la «■ the fMUIIraa Consldlne Cirealt aad ptajra asaoB MiA-daaa aeta weekly. Slacs Mren asMnad ciaiaa ut tha boose, ha feaa MB tmft four _«h»aB 4dr a* a t i n