Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Tt&e Billboard 21 BotTTlUe. Tt., Joac 10. 1*10. XUkIumU, O. IV«r a«ata—We bpard from aath«ntlc corre- Mionili nn- that Mr. Henrj Potter, of tlie Pe«r- tSUtVottm Aerlallit Co.. hu bfto Id * Terj Mrlmii •late of sIckoeM for « Ions time, whlcb ba> brought him aod bis fmmllx to a state of K«ni tliat oeeda oar aialitancr. eapeclally for bli trlfo and little child. Plcmic call attenttoo of all other elrenac* to this wartby caoa*. nod ror ibrm to lead their aahMrlpUMM to Tb* BUI- "^'^ - ilMw flad idlMcrlpliOB IM o( the JXaadM Sbowa and mmv erder for „ -t $38.80. Youra tnilr, W. F. WAJXETT. SubMTlptlona for Mr». Itc nrr Toller of thr ■ r<ail*ae I'ottrra. from tb^' tl(>w-«*a Great Loodoa l»'ilivI'ao t-t.nn Rd. Nathan tl.nn am aMf»f« S-OO Chaa. a. Tajlor. 1.00 Snaa •»>.... «.m w. O. Dale .... i.on W7r. irSm.,,^-%.9» M. Oarland £ Ml Too WltlUm Teialer.. l.On HP Carl 1.00 Karl Wricht .... 1.00 trill DelaTOye ... 1.00 H. Dabert^ no jferrlii I-OO <]eo. Atlard 00 Mr. ft Mr«. Krllofc 1.00 John Smith SO il*ml>en» -M. G. Bamra" Clrcoa: Mix Frrnrb S2.0)i <i. (Shrimp) Sett- Wm. Taff ler 01.00 J». A. Morrow .. I.OO Tole Awtow 3.00 Harty Parrt** Mft* Mw. Wm. bm ■«» ■...,.■ i^. ^Cm > ^...« .>... S-oo wSn HkOe: 1.00- ■■ Perc.T Melroae ..»3.00 W. 1.. Trarla fl.OO The BUIboaid haa forwacdoil cheek for the aWMt to Ike Pwhw FMteia. Venice. CaL COLLMAR EMPLOYES INITIATED. Belolt. Wia.. Aac 4.—At rort Atkloaoo. ~ I. ■■«>■■. CBs* Lode* K«. 000 - r and lalttaiad _ , aCrtke eltcaa. The followinc *-mle the (aat:" Oaa. P. Bahoi. Tom l-i'ilt. Roy Kriley. GMnie Patit. Harold Keot. CrcO Ixnranile. Out Drlmca. W. H. Barkr. Al. Dean. Phil Keller. Bert Noye* and 8. W. Heckpt. Ad elaborate baaqoet waa aerred after Ibe lolllation. Dr. Fred E. Trron and llaaa|»* Cbar. Gollmar were elected life nea- ADOITiONAI. ROUTES. (■tcflTed too late for claaaUcatloo.) : BOY INJUIMO 0V. UON. Ulnncapotla, Minn.. Ang. 4.—Dorlns tbe i>er- formance of Campbell BrolhetB' Showa at Ely. MUm., Moodajr, July 29. Ctaarlea Paaatlnen, twelTo jaais oC as*. cUmhcd opoa a lloo'a as* IB tfeo MBOiMl* and Icaaod over to gat a batter rtew 'at Ika acropaat, Tba aalnal made nereral Ihnvta at him. tearln* tbe Oeab oa tba bcir'a laca and knockinc oat two teeth, it waa aac- eaaary to take onr a doaeo atlteiica sad ha waa lataa .t* tka tocal hwtltil. wkcra tt was alated IN HER DANCE BEWILOERIIENT LEADING FEATURE bMisM's Fams SHws, Seani 1910 STODDARD&WALUCE StiH GalliBca Good Laugh WWk Sun Bros.' Showi. Regards to Friends. wmniiirlrMSiiiCiik side Show Man that can do two tnma la aide ahow and make otwDlngs; alao Mnnldaaa to Strenxtben band. This show D«ver cloff^. Adil. COLE & ROGKIiS SHOWS. C!ire Tbe BIM'joard. €aaelol:i;l. O. i;. H. Jonc-s. Mmager. Snakes, Ifiaias ui WiM Aiinls Larat alack iMad. ■afa to tonii. if yoa wast jam ofdM* t aiTlva oa timo and la good coodlttaa. otOn the o!d rellabl'. W. ODTT.T T.TABX. TU r. Ooflimarc* Bt., Bao Ajstonio. Tax. Ataeda'a Rypnotle Comedy Co., Otaoa Broa.. acta.: Caffeyrfllc. Xas.. 8-IS. Arnmant Xohaa* Mack -(Ghi. Xa. S). Jan. Flea- Inr. mcr.: AOtav^Nak.^ X. J,^ Aefosant lohav Mark' 40a, ^Caw 4). rraderfc-k B. Thirketila. .agBit- Mocr Votk. - S. J.. 10-20. . ■:■ -■ ;. ., , Beanttm of the BtC^ f.'JL'ltB9. OMr.! Mo.. 8-1.1. BeoUb Pornlrr. Harrr J. — " Inmbiis. n.. 15-lT: ID: E. Urernaol 20. Oaaao JOm. #. A. Thaaaaa. bbt.i BaMwIa. la.; JO: Haaktatoa II: Caacada It-lS. Ha* Bnfl nale. Chaa. r. Dal*, mar.; Latea- Tine. Mn. Haman«Tlll«> IB-SO. nitnihrrk-WalUee Showa: Noblearlla. lad.. 1.1: Lehannn 18: Martlnarllle IT: Spencer 18: Worlhlnnon 19: IjiwreiMTrllle. ni.. to. Hinman-5 Meal Stock Co.. ■ No. 1. Lacy M. Ua.rea. mcr.: Lehaaoo. Kan.. 10-30. Nlcro an^ L,oo« Show: Slacon. Mo.. 8-13. •ITOBK. Elwln. Walter SaTldfe. mxr.: O'Nell. ,■!«»»«., 10-18: Rwtmc 18-SO. 'Wnrtham-AHen Tnlted Showa: Taylorrllle. III.. 0-M: LoTlocloo IS-jO. .Wm. Warren, of the Warm Ilro«.* Show. Nventrd oa tbe oceaaloa of U« tflT- I Mrthday. with a dandy pipe. After the atlea apeecb Mr. Warreo had all (be I at the ahow aa hia (neata at a baaqoet. BQtNARD BRUSH CO. r l i i tiilOii , CHICAGO. MONKEYS Beara, Uobs, Leopard*. Dtncoa. Pecearlea. Af- rican Porcoplnea Red Hirer -Hoca. Llamaa. Flantasoa. Pelleaaa. Lyas, Gtaat fgaaaaa. Ar- madillo*. SaafeeaL Owfeataaa. Paira CL Aaimala and BInIa af M wHn. " OLE CO.. tw Bin » atr. Ka. WANTED Boss Canvasman For AL. F. WHEELER'S SHOWS Only eiperlcnred man need appl.^. Wire a* pel Route. Addlaon. V. T., Anc. IS; TOhland. Pa., }»: LawnaawriUa, Pa.. U. Door Talkers Wanteii for EDWARDS': ANIMAL : SHOWS Uut he cayaUa «( ■ea that** \ AKIILAL I Cadetataad, It la EDWARDS- AL. F. WHEELER'S SHOWS : Want Strong Cornet and Slide Trombone t: moat bar 4** Jilialila. tat oatatda attracUoa. Good "Ooa<A' ■ay. O ih t i WariUaamea la all Oapartaiaata. ~ ^ Hms,. Pk,;M8 I mmi m iua S!, Pa., lit Dancer: moat hava A-1 wardroha and aspm- ^ AOdlaaa. H. Y., WANTED FOR s mm m Female performeni of all deseifiplioiiB, iMigim^ announcer for side show to make second openings, must be able to handle "Coochee;" concert people, first-class train portera. Perfoimeis address GHAS. SWEENEY, Bqaeirtriaa Dif^^ mwidaiia. Addre^ WOODY VAN. All othen addfcoB Robinson's Famous Shmwam Wabash, Indiana. Largest makers of eveiy manner of tents in the West. Eveiything from a foldisg twtMd cot» eomhinwt, thktywusa may in your buad, oqp to "big topo."^ Our slogan is "Anything Hade of Canvas." _Oiir ■tonrting guarantee io, "If you don't lite it, for any reason, send it baek and got your nan^y." That guar- antee applies to everytUng we make. It has never TCt. .bsSB call .„ calkd upon to make good. But it's there on the job if you should wiA to tlllwi odynntiigri of It. fitee catalog for you. Wemake any special thing yoBaaigriailBiitk... C ani l t wiillfg.Co rHSIS Imjf IRSSIIIIo ACTS AND PERFORMERS with the HOWE'S GREAT LONDON SHOWS Merritt Belew Hon* Act lieiin(ltak)JUIanl thatlt UYENO FAMILY 6 Japanese Jmt arrived from a successful trip through South America ENGAGED EARL WRIGHT Artittfe tdiekTamUarwilh so many Original Tricks Pasturing a Someisault-with a Chair, with a 22 ft. Drop