Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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22 Xlte Billboard AUQuar ia» ism. CIRC US GO SSIP In This Department Perfonneis, Agents, Managers, Owners, and White Top Employes in all Capac- ities are M^ntiim^d^^^^^i^ - _ , principal clown of the Hagen- ■Mk-Wallac* dreos, UUska Uut George H. At- Unioa. the pnta mgent, bu a clucli. Descrlb- tbm pccas scent's dax. Uie cJown says; "He wakes'^^^IB tlw mocnias wtaen Goramot Wal- taee' ens ticket* la hie to pat aaMT ir mtOam tar Urn at tag doors of tlieir prlatloB cstabUsnmenti. He ■pnade happiness whervTcr be sees. When the atODcy and tickets are gone he goes to the troQt doer where people come bIods with niore tick- ets and occasloaally with money. LeaTlns tlie door when the performance begins he makes an . He Is listened to irith reapectfol at- axid rewarded with llheral ap^anae when — At algbt be teeelrea more monej na wee tickets and aleeps the rest of the time without TOTlca." A aerlar of accidents befdl performen with the Hageobeck-WaUace Clrms during the show's stand In Frankfort, lad. Charles Phillips sns- tslned a broken leg In an accident dnrtog tbe. Hat race. In the ladies* race. Mrs. Florence Kennard fell tiaai bee monnt and was sereielr ahaken np. Idas AtUnl Bnos. a member ot tbe ■am fanill7 of aoobats. fell to the board plat- focm, snstalning palnfnl bmUes. The abow drew two good-8lsed crowds In Frankfort. When the Hagenbsck-Wallaee Show plsred H s ininant , toJ.. ag.-Mosaay at last week, a Mdn tad to ba MBt aaw a cnsk In tba people to laaeb the la*.' XUa was da* to some sott of iB|m»«maUa baln> Aade. Tba bridge was bnUt and tiia abow dU capadlT afteinoaa and erenlng. The- ralMl i rm between ataowa made some folks oncasy nsacdlnc tba Bight boose bnt there waa no cabae for It.' ;'rhe foUowlng Is the mater of tbe 101 JUacb Wild West Show adTerUslng ear immber time: AI. darfcaon. car msnsger: H. Whltlag, boss bOlposter; P. Dunn. M. Uplcer, B. Dim Jj.jetm ■ad.Bab BbtnuB. bmpoststs; J. Dnikta. K.lflBViT.'iMfiHHc; A. 3lBBH«,-par> Mile. Vers. ladder aitli^'^Ao has trsTeled with tbe Adam Fo i e iw dfc JM»nm and BaUey. BingUng Bros., Hagentack, Boblauo's Ten Big, SIg. SauteUe and the Paln'a Flreworka Shews. Is residing on ber farm In Illinois. Iflle. Vera and ber hnaband. now wltb Son Brae.' Show, waia far twels* jraan known at Tba Oicat —— —-Inn attlsls. ladDded In the nster ot the F0repafigh.8dls'' Bros.' AdTertlsIng Car No. 2 aie-1>mi Orana- lleld. ear manager; Fred Jackops. manager of paper: Arthur 'Means. Secretary; Herbert Clark, Carl Clark. W. Wortb, F. Oenegar, Chaa. Stor- er, F. Gage, Joe Compt. J. I<eTlne, A. Heart, Tnu^ey Smith, W. Wynne, C. Halloway, binposters: P. Hearst; psste-msker. "Tbe drcna keepa one yonng," Insisted John Lancaster, after a Tlslt to the Hacenbeck-Wal- lace circus. "I hare been at tne game 80 years." be adfied, "and yoa can't find a yonnger man than me wbo baa lived the same immber ot elt«d a _secin_oC men by t Edith U Osboro, wU» of Alton tMbon, i the Hageobeck-Wallaea Bbowi. died Jnly 90. at the Lotbeian HnapHal. t. WSyMk bd.. at Mood P'*'**''}^^.* ** - ^MiSr''i''*ttf^"if" Moida^i^Sad'^oM oC mt -ptSSSm it ma- bar laia.' ^r^'*«y*a" Will IMIiiail Clrcna WHd West and New York Blpnodrome doaad a seaaoo of foor wccka at Talryland, Bnlfalo, N. T.. and vldn- 1^, Jnly SO. Tbey hare shloped direct to Soath Dakota. Uontana and Idaho for a six weeks' engagement at state and county falts. Sonhenr Biotbcza haTe purchased two more teama ot drai^bt hoeaea and an eight bandied pound aoocl and white «ottad Statiaal stal- trot. Wta^ B. Ktfsrfc InMncllM. . ROBINSON laUfiSHOWS FEATURES MAMN^ ISIO TOURS WM. DE HOTT AMD MILLIE EUNICE LEACH and VANCE NOVELTY WIRE ACT Peatonng lady^bddmg wire in teeth. Addiess far open tiliie ■8 per route. : WARREN LIMCOLN TRAVIS The man who lifu a little bit more than any one ebe^ to AO. MARTINHO LOWANDE, Jr. IS WITH THE SAME SHOW THE DE COMAS ARE WITH Perm, ad.: 10 Plain it-, rravljcnci-. E. I. IE OAlR'S PONIES A Feature Attraction UNIGER TRIO ACROBATS . ' AND EQUILIBRISTS .V Buries Wild Wert AND Cake WaUdng Horses DE COHA TROUPE ; THE ONLY ^ AND ORIGIIlAi; ACT HAL NEWPORT BnrfHah Clown DOING FINE. THANKS I Mohannnet Khan & Assistant The Great HindM Wondor Worker F eafairip g tha Qteal Bbidoo Badcet MjFil ny . Ibnneriljr witiiLeoaHdtiDan. TWO MEXICAN RimOIES AND^ifciRREL - JUBfPlNG ■'■■1-':^^5^ARTISTS .• JUBIPERS Featuring 16-ft. Pedestal Somersaults. Pad lobnsoa is not connected with Sells-Floto AdTertlsIng Car No. 3, as reported In the Issue ot The BUlboard dated Jnly 30. Mr. Johnson apaned In CUcaco Match 21, with Ben Borton k wlcadCb KlagUas Broa.' Show, and expects to (cnalB wUh tbat brigade the entire season. Boater aC 'an Bna.' Side Show: Prank P. LaVJI., m mgrr and orator; Prof. Booker's ^oma af'VMncatef Itoakeni Wlatoo Bams, trick vlaUairt. "iriiili tgrill. immIcI gxtlati Van aad,.LaTteSg;: --j—-^^- wm open tlie City liansdir In Pstetiborg, nL. H. O' Payne, nntn lataty Two Bills' Show, is noi the Greater Carroll Dog i Is playing fair dates. BlIlT Nelson's Show closed with the BaSalo BlU^awnee Bill Show at lafaretto, lad., Jnly 30. The show wU play tbioogb tbe Middle West and Sootb. GOLLMAR BROS/ SHOWS Ea Route SeaMMi 1910 A WINDECKER ManaBer Gentry Bros. Annex