Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 13,1910. ^S^^ii^-iSji^^it^'C^i ■: > T tk ^ Bllll>oara 26 Sllroid. religion, Keprc, toplcU, tmrel .nj £!nin>T Under ■arlcoltnr* are orar • hnodred ISbSf^ riSilns from -WMhtaf Pta* toJLtf. SSmi are glren over to rrraralOffaM. Jen^ SSa Kinf«» Sabjecta.' taken•OP^Sl^ the earUi. from pole to pole, ita Utacair aeeMon InSudeTpIay* from Shikcapeare. Uwrfcllow^i !BvaM?lIne"'Paralfal* and •l)oo Qnlufe.' Th. array onder Watorr ansseaU tint bcUraen the ShoDMrapb and blocrapb wo ataall bo banded SSi^S our deiceiSanta 8.000 A. D.. aafelr •ranned.' aa were the Tletuala ot Fompoil. Uoder 'Bellgloni' are Marly 80 nib1««tai,lneliid- Inr tbe 'Ufe and Paaaloo of CbrUt.' Aero aro ilfo four Taloakte,«I. —— <iw.«. leg KaUioad Siratem* raoalred the work a< ozpcrta £ Bontha to aecor* tu Tarlooa parta, and yet tt la only 446 feet Iodi. One eoidd add to tbei* Itama aif areat leactb and not azbaiut tbo inn anarcea of tbta book. In Itadf It U a ylTtd woof of tbe eomloK place ot mortnx ptetnrca." "^Brotber: Poaalbir yon dida't a*e tbe flcht. aeltber did I. And probably wo both atood'at oome ticker and read the ratnnaw Prabably Toor reaaoaa for aot colBC to Bono were the aioe aa nine—I coaMn>t get away. Bat I apent a dallar t* eae tka pletona. a dollar wcU apent. «of«rSBtaa to • mod eanae. Don't think with jonr f*et Stand on tbem for the InidlenahM ttaiila that coma to mankind. And If tbere'a a SSral wbltewaahlMto b* done srab a braA— .floatttr.Hw black ayott.M the wMte. ' j. H. HiUberK. formerly of 28-30 Oreenwicb •Ttma.Kew Tork Cltr. baa taken a loof leaae af the fourth floor of No. 36 Baat 23d atrect. which I* one or the moot conrenlent and dealr- able placea for theatrical and morlor nlctnre minanra and operatora to reach. Ur. Hallbenc ta fully eatabllabed and tte amnaement of Iila oOlrea and abow roam ar» the moet modem and at* nartlcalarly ImtnietlTe and oaefttl to «p- afataiB, becaoa* l^aaUbent aaakae ■ fnll^jie. Say of avaar alactHM^aiid awabaateal daivleo Kr Ow thMti*. ..Tbwo. «»* afcown aew^aaa sent nrmt uThiic inXna «ii4 tbt latMt la (ba noTtaK pletnr* macblao Una. and a larc* and eomplele atock of ■onplleo. rnrlKma. etc.. art alao alwara on bind at tbe loweat markat prlcca* • A eomolete stoek of repilr n«rt« will alao be eUTled for all Btmralkrxl oiachtar*. A complot* worklBK tibllilt of tbe "Hallbenc" locaodearent Ugbtinc ayalem with econoralarr la alao anbjeet to taapeeUoa. "n^bandlns U ororMedwlth AN ORialNAC MANAGER. UBtfK «C. '.iMtTifeMtN. OnetaMll. Bare mmBBomm At t«ad M tkt bMl, ni .kttMr tbaa the tMt. roar far tt.ML Wto pay mm. IcBd SOc for Ta » . • Marhlnea. . tICO; Sooc Scia, «I; odd , Slldea. tie: Uodel B. Oaa ' Outflta. tZS. Rain re- inorrd from .rour flloi. $1.30 per reel. POE BENT—4.000 reel of ralolma Pllm. W: 12.000 tig.P«r ja««>. ^ope^ah^eat. gll^^i^^ HALLBERG MOVES TO 36 East 23rd St. Uy new oOeee and akowrooaa are tiM Soeat and moat modera. I gniranleo to aare, two-tblrda on mr cuncat bill, noa aWe t he be et lUtht yooner aaw with BAziBEHO MomniikEB. r aoBjc written and .MtfiM Oh. Xoa tit Opw kt pMk, CTldence ot hla originality by Introducing what be termed "Bed'a Day." Be bad prepared oloeteen illdee. each picture of different mem- be re of the ClDclncall baaeball team, together with the title picture which portrayed the athletea In one group. A new aoij; written .and inbllalied br Baydan Beadjh teda. and NnMnd tor tb* i accompanM the alldee. Tbe cBtruee to tbe theatre had beea'appro- prUtalr daaaaated with ted aa the pteralllog color. Crlneoii penaaata, bearing tbe picture of a baaeball aa well aa tbe word "Beda," were tastily suBpended on the eaeela in the lobby. Ball bate were stacked In gronpa and tied at the handlea with red rlbbona. while a large American Dag taatlly draped with rlbboiu em- lieniabcd the ticket ofllce. Sl^na and posters Bn- noonclng tbe character ot ttie day were alao In OTldeace. Mr. MUoa waa there with tbe presa work, too. Tbia enterprlalng manager succeeded in plsclng artlelea and notlcea concemlog bla plana on the tportlag pagee ot the different ClnclDaatl newapapara. m addition to thia be recelred the privilege ot dlatrlbattnc eirenlara which an- nonoced bit ingcsjooa luan to the tana at the baaeball park. By tbe time that Wadaaaday had made Ita apneeranee, huge jgioopa were eagatlr awaltihc the oppormaltp orhtSiMI the Boog and eeatng the alldea. An the aewe bora atteDdtd la f body In order that tbey might eee the ptctoaa of their farortte team. The faoa were alao there In large lonmbera, and In the CTeaIng all the Cincinnati playera tbem- aeleea. accompanied by some of the Pittsburg Ptratea, who were engaged with tbe local team at that time, attended tbe Son Theatre In or- der to e>¥ their facea flashed on the screen from tbe projector. Eren August Herrmann, owner of the Beds and -president of the National Com- mission, took occsnlon to Tlew the alldea and witness tbe appreciation with which the audi- ence beheld the plcturea of their faTorlte ath- latea. CROWN HLM SERVICE J. A. STOUT. Haaatfw. 111-113 FoBrth Avenoe, - . PITTSBURG, PA. Newl Independent Goods for the I 6 reds weekly, 1 shipment. Hot SiBprr Months 112 red* weekly, 2 shipmantSt Machines and all Supplies at 15% off $7.50 11.00 THE CHRONOPHONE TAUOlie PICTURES ; In New York Stale Wifte at ooMrfdr GAUMONT CO.. Pcoiiisylvaiiia Condrsss Avs*. nUSHINO. k I.. NEW YOU 8TREYCKMAN8* NEW POSITION. Chicago, ni., Ang. 6.—H. 3. 8i who tar a long time baa bees aotlaa pletne boalnena, baa ttaa at adaettlalag ataaager ftv' ca gajli g mtafi ta tMHi Money-Making Side Line ItaTalIng Saleamea, handllag tnppUea or booklnga for Tbaatrca aad Uoalag Plctaie Showa in ei State •( the Ohiaa. '•SI da weU to eauMar ea • eide Ua^-the latndaetia* eC i h aaa i a. The kariatM win «at, la aar way, lalait t i a wMh pcaatat Uaaa. Att ttMtpa g> WMt n l l al. Addreea J. H.. 4M Baetrio BUg., Oeaelaad. QUau THB BITTERS' DmECTORT XELLS TOU WHO AND WHKIUE. THE ENDLESS CHAIR OF "IMP" FILM SUCCESSES is due to the fact that we employ the highest salaried and most talented group of performers, scenario writers, stage directors, and factory workers in the entire world of moving pictures. We pour more money into our productions than any other producer—and the results ^pestr for toemsdves in every "Imp" released 1 Yet "Imp" fibw OOSt you no afociB than. ^ oidiaaty iort 1 Thinkl Btn an two wqn."hnp'* dniintt--^lMiBir 'olMiit - Y tt AmONG THE ROSES Absdntely tiniqw fat plot, rich in staging,'dear and steady as a rode in photography, artistic in acting. A perfect gem in every respect. Released Monday, Atvnit 15. Lengthy about '' tab: Ufap yqw exchange postal oud eyeiy innr aaA .releM* ^ SENATOR'S DOUBLE All the scenes in this remark able drama are laid in Wash- ington. The story deals with two senaton and the jBster of one of them. It' baa 4: ba^ppy ending after a strenuoiii tinSe^ apd is the kind you can bode for ft 1: return date. Rdeaaed day, August 18. Ii«qgth 995 J- FRANK HATCH FILM COMPANT ' iO^ ^n>u«tl» Avenue* one shipment, ^.00; 12 reeb shipped two shipnwpts, $14JiOL 10 , iMiBUMSi ilaBtlt Tkkets. 10,000^ 90 ceats.