Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Time Oillboard AUOUST 13.19ia The Latest Cohtributioiis of the Film Manufacturers Reveal Su^^ the Educational wad ll^ Sost^ TIXAGRAFH. IHBASH or XICHAEIj oaASZ—(Com- edjr; idcaaed Aosnat 9: leoctli. 933 feet). A portrayal of Irlali folk lore In Ute oaji of the MHUtten* MTereiiciity mjQd th* tvedncts of Ooat- TfUe. A eoae«r ia wMcb a au dtod tbnash the ijygy^^J^fcy-«C >fc^ W««jlt .lad XB3. . BABBnranNTS hodbb partt — ' Olnxu; Kleaaed Annst IS; Icaxtb. 977 feet). A McIetT dnma la wBidi (b elopcmeat, a woet nuoTia^ and an obdurate fatber are all noan- cned and come to a happy ftfcung. THK TOBK OP THB BAIiAMCE—(Drama; Tdeaacd Aocnat 13: lencth. 980 feet). Troe lore enricbea the aool aa well aa the slier, which la aliown In the society drama. A yonnK mail loan hU wealth, bat Is aattd bom niJn br tkc loraltT at hiM sweethearts PAIUK FBKBES. . THE TBODBIiES OP A FURT (Drama; releaaed Ansuat 8: leosth 776 teet).-^A eoorled' reallatlc drama r^atlnc ■^''^ bcaatlful natnr. al aettlnSB tje annoyance* cacaed by a Olrt. JEWISH TYPES LN BDBSIA—(EdaeatioBal; itieaaed Ansnst 8: leogtli 207 feet).—An edo- catldBal f*^w*. ahowlnc* briefly, ■Ti<f^»^"t- ^pea of tbia mndi peratta ted nca. SEB PHOTOGRAPS—(CoMdy; rdcaaed Aas- ast 10; iKBSth. «a tat).. A. u hiai niap h aC an I m a psrt'tkat ntpandkas ts wear a tkat bcmjav 9>ot> lad laiAed Ui» two Doya. one kUoc. a mutas . * dasjoian, and two poUeemen, and U dlseorered and thrown away by Uiree wires and one fiancee. Dnrlns his term of pwcBsinn, each' owner becomes tn- mtrad ta a wadd of trouble. BrentnaUy tba pletnze falls Into the bands of a Bronx noUee. ■UB. wbo keep* It tor all time nailed aborc IBIB—(Bdncatlonal: releaaed Annst 10; 974 feet). Tbe Ibla Is a training aUp .npported by the Crmrn E^ilnce of Belslmn for the aona of fiahermen wito harn lost their Utcs at sea. thus enabling the lads to foUow ' la the footsteps of their fathers, in a poBltlon to rapport their widowed motheis. The ttalnlnc th<T leeelTe on the ship la des- tined to make them not ooly cood flsTw i i ii ru. bnt fine, mbost sallaa, aa wel l. THE BED QIBIr AMD THE 0U1U>—CBn- sational dnma; Mliastd Ansnst 12; Icnstb, fllS feet). Okk Sottga, a. eawtag^ iiiftiiii aa la- disB sqaaw who kas-bccB^kHnift by Bni Dos- slBs. a cattla tamer. c I■^art« ta rmtt Mmff' with Dick for Ua la letfta e u ee.-' BM-'J Dlck'a ^hlM The TwHfan wnmMmm ' debt to Dick for his kindness wfaea the child 's resene after a thrilltns chase. OUTEK TWIST—(Drama; released Ansnst .13: lensth. 828 feet). OUrer Twist, an orphan, apprenticed In r<nni1nn to a master who Ol- treats him. mna away, and Is fonnd ■waa dtr lns, famished and pennllesa. by Bill Sykea and the Axtfnl Dodser. tsro ct Voaiaa'm hs s llsans of HMfiM HM vUk a sssTiSS^'vaBla Mm to tSm gH%imM aafl -work far klak- Bo is fcata t tD start tmt with Sykea and tha aa laMtoctacB aad. as a first leooa, a sass. Jfr. Browalow.' is easily tabbed- watch by the Artfnl Dedcer. mtrcr had an the time objected to the crime, bat be ia tbe one captmed by Brownlow sal arrested. A •torekeeper, however, oTeraeaiv tbe.troth when the two cnlpritj are conreialns outside hia store and bistens to csort la tUoa to Iioa (Mtoo^ cwka,la adopted kr Kb. tr Ma >r ^^ca Cor itfnslns to aid bim and ■ In a robbery. Fa^ln and his looa after this captured ^-myam Ike THE HEAKT leased Ansnst 8: , tor Is sssisncd itae of the r Paal. ber stadias te a d e e per ft n ling Fawn Heart latar nves PaaTa lit* whea a acnbet of her attosata to ask Paal of a larso-aam of Vlsftla Ml eeaa kv «k» Oewofaannt.asaat. or iiba loana oC taa - fin Ikwra ilay MOirtasa of Pam and Oiace. bat wben the merry weddbx party baa paaaed from alsht. she sobs ont ber sorrow on her father's brvmax. A CHANGE OF HEABT—(Oimedy; reletaed Ansnst 11; lensth. 970 feet). Stnbbs was a saUant old sport, one of the tMya, and all else that la c<Bmected with the say life aboot town. Mta. Stnhba takes dellsht in the aodetlea for tbo' prerentlon of somethlns, and Stobba u eonstaatlr tdUas her that he wishes aba wete 'Ma.'mmmF:mmt.-tr hia tkat bo wIB ast no ber oau aha berself orer Into the aort of weaua Stnbbs Is deUshted, snd starta oot edcbrate. Mra. Stabba soon galna what her **f]nf ** Ttnf , In the meaa- whOe. the Salratlon Army has claimed Stnbbs for Its own snd he' soon is promoted to s cap- talaer. lo this capacity he soea. to a fash- looablo restaaraot to sell his war ciya, and MilB<s fsc£ to face wHh his mleslns spouse. It is a tiTlas moment, aad both fall falntins - ■ - tfeair IsMtk. a«0 feet) an «d' paralytle la courted by two Toax 1MB, oee of wbon she aeeepti. Tbe n- Jected suitor. In order to arense himself, stasia some Tsluablcs In the paralytic's home, the In- valid belns a powerless spectator of the rob- bery. Tb£ stolen jewels are then placed by tho robber In the pocket of tbe happy rlra], and thna the Innocent yoons man la charsed with the theft, and particularly ctiarsed by the one who hlmsdf waa salUy of the nbbarr* Hia emotion noa .baarOK-thia^Ila" to eanaa ate 9b ai of hU limbs.' , n enlptlt, aad to the the hand of his . latif the weddinc takes Is opened by the old man. not qoito ested ttnm bis ancient illness. ON THE BANKS OT THE ZUXDEB ZEE. w ftr.r.A^ gTi—(TraTelocTje; released Ansnst 10; leasth, 378 feet). A series of rlews which sire the antrareled public an excellent Idea of the lowland cui mUi of the Netherlanda. THE Bi>AI, SERENAI>EB&—{Caowdr; re- lease Ansost 17; lentk. SIS fsct). ptetTO .w ith a SpgjMt. igtty . A^ Hk a eitate d lorcr dastna a tftea ta coOIbs tU oC tka aid Mtow*s aawdeome vUta. aad the lady, lllnss a pall of watr ~ orer blm when he cooes to play beneath tbe window. A lore token In the ahape of a bunch of flowers, wblch the old nun buys, la re- placed by a eabbsse. and, oltlmately, be gift* up lore-maklns- . PABIS, VIEWED FBOIC THE EDTEL TOWBB—(Sceale: i ileeae Aamt g; leasth. 373 feet). A aahjcct ta i3ek aia r btid's.«ye paaoramaa of Pszla aad ita . t» . . km with Once, ment asent. and Meantime. Fawn ber teacher and OP^j A SIOUX—(Drama; re- lensth. 990 feet). Paul Hea- to teach aa lama : A bony Is 4altk with "kla flkta^ bat with his sun. But _ her own sun, compels tbe Cdt's. Psol qulekly fslls ia , the danshter of the Gorem- flnds his affection reciprocated. Heart also falls In lore with mistakes his kuuHy Interest in Dted OAtniONT. ■ . . (Georse Klelne) ENTOMBED AIiITE—(Drama; released Ass- U; lensth. 880 feet). Amoos the crass of the BaUcas Mountains dwells a tribe of woodsmen who for years bare be«n oppressed by the mis' of their country^ At the openins of tho star? tbn- aia tbe captsta of the loral ■ctoee, liiii rii iiiiBMi lel to oMala.a laa- wheie, bonad ta.a. tkM^/he fa left la ehaige of one of their 'oMifeML T:fEooa the sentry falla aaleep and a jsuas ^snro slrl takes adrantase of tbe opporttmlty to free the prince. The ti'Qtry awakes, but too late. Tbe alsTe wbo 9*?t tlie prince at liberty Is arrested and coq- demned to answer foe It with her life. She t» entombed in a carem and left by tbe band. The prince, wbo has escaped, leads a tribo of soldiers to tbe csmp, sslrlns In time to save ■ - "a DBIRS or 8KOW. IM CBAWRnX TAU— (Scale: tcteaaed Aa_ -at IS: leasth. UK feet). Bliiti "•"■■■*-'■•«. deep TaDeya, dense forests, open fldda—all eorered with so deep a spread of white aa aaold aoaad zMIealaaa la a story. In the stiaab 'aC'tka'-eBlaEO tha^aaStaBca win see snow wHcfe' nacbaa te tha taaltm «C tke bnlldinss. BIOOBAPa. . THE CSnSEB—(Drama; rdease Ansnst IB; ■ lensth, OM feet). Ia this story Is depicted , some of the methods of the nsuier. or mooey j shark, and the poalahment meted out to blm. | WHEN WE WERE IN OCR 'TEENSl—(Com- i edy: release Anguat IS: length, 47S feet). Diplomacy la one of the mott Taluable traits . In s man'a make-np. Tom did not possess this qoaUty, aad whea 3(ay ibewed to bba her latest oalatlaK. Tea aaU "poak." Hewatd. ■ bla riral. was aaio alpleiaaHr Be seated bar! - aad b at oaee top«e«Aad la Itay^ ' nis p e r ta i h a Tsm.' aad be at oaee May'a, calla It "the worst erer." May. bow- crer, knows her owa bamllwork and aeialos ttie canraa, blda them "beat It" for, aa resanlo her, they are both In tbe "In-bad" class. AN OLD STOR7 WITH A NEW ENDING— (Comedy; releaae Aosnat 18: lensth. 4T5 feet). Miss Paullae Smith Is forelsdy of tbe factcay, aad tbe glila, Jealoas of her. plan a nractieal hgr a take who la i ~ ~ imel. He. . . aad laoMdlatdr villas May a. mmwmjtS^ tob am MoviBc PSdve Opriljljl in a few weeks by mSL Fukre uipouiUe^ as we send yon a machine. $5 starts yon. Send for particnlars. FOR RENT Uatil Fardief Notice Tkese Low Pkice* PreraiL TWO MGHTS FOR $15. ' ONE WEEK, $30. Summer PpIccs -ON Latest Indspcndent mm oa tbe autfca^ all aMkML'-'i aa iadneeaieat for y oa to ma yoar hoaeo aad Aear •Uaa at lav pdeeo. wire objSeb to-dat. . . ■-. . 7 e reela, 1 shlpaoents, 3 reels each.. -■ ■ 9 reels, 9 shipments, 3 reds each.. _ 12 rc^ 3 ahtpinen ta, 6 teela each, VtM t iBBk. Eahlblter paya i »|a iea thaxs ee both ways. Oat ta Uao. Ona't PITTSBURGH FILM JB2LGHANGE. Inc. JEFFRIES-JOHNSON CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST Showing the best rounds of the original fight, blow for blow. 'The Greatest Feature Film in existence. Wire for it at once.^ Now is the time to m^B a big deaa-up. Four-Colored One-Sheet Uthogrephs, lOe each, r v;^;v:iv - FEE T s ags PER;SEtV ■Aimiis. SPOnS f IGTUIE COIPMIY,- MOSSLER BUILDINOf 'CHICAGO, fLUNOn.' A. JteMILUN, AgMt.