Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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TtieDillboard 27 POWUS. ..lof icactk. — feet). Hmttle Brawn, • BMr f Irt. Is tccuaed o( itemlUuc a wal- Ct of Boorr- wallet really haa bean ear- by (be ownrr't doc. Battle la arretted ■mj tte owner of tlie wallet agreea to make a ii»alilnt cfilnit ber. Tba ownar, at bla ^amtTndm bla d«s carrrliix >!>• mlacloc wallet ZrSm Math. He dailies oC and aquarca bln- St ■ «* tk* aawiac gbH. . A HUSBAND (Drama: released IS; lenstb, ).—Nellie Tbooiaa ind jlMraid are 1b Iot* with eacb other. pMiig mack, a aebool chain of NelUe*!, pajra kor • vMt. (aUa la lore with Frank, and, at a nMIe par^ la the wooda. abe tbrowa ber mrm» anmod him and tella him so. Nellie's 'faihrr >cos this, and, tblaklnf that Frank la trUlDK wltb bis dancbter'a affecttona, ordera Mb to leare tlw plan aad aerer sec bla danicb- writes a .aala <«.-.M1a8,-^w—Mwart, 1; hw oolj joo.' WID'TMVwat at tbc cfoaa reads aad marrr m» aowT" The stnptd am- aetucrr dellrera the neta to the other (trl. wbo. thlaklns that abe is mesnt, rides oS to meet Frsnk. Bat she drops the note on the (roond, a od Nellie finds it. Here foDowa a race be- tween two women to meet the man th«r both lore. N>Ute ^Mi^fcBMrtwU^aoJ^g^gm bTesslnc.* "** MADAME CtJlIRO (Cbmedr: released Ancnst 13; leiiftb. ).—Mrs. Thompson, who is Terr Jealous of iMT biubapd. amnses a meeting with lime. Clilro. a fortane teller, with the hope of lenrclne who the other woman Is. Tboopnoo Sods this oat, aad ha bribes Madam Clatro to let hiaa wcai " - - - - - pUre at tbe afaace. •ecsr. aad wkca Iki I . incaM, Wa. T lia j ill lN«i:>taii BDISOK. HIS NEW FAMn.'X (Drama: rdeaaa Ansmat 16: leogtb, .)—Michel Lafsrette, a school teacher, leares Mt natlee France to co to Amer- lea. to better proTlde foe the maintenance of his wife and eieTen-7ear.old sod. Be waaders into tbe (rest Soathwest, and la rlren oeenpa- tlon at 1 Urs« qiurts mlae. A rear aftar Bla arriral la America, his wife dies In Ftancc, and bla rans m I* nat hy azpraa to Ua tktbcr. At'dkaat-lba Uaa liaa laavaa FMaea, lOcbal KaCaiPcMa, Mi. fatbir, la killed la a attalntc acrldeat. Wbca tbe bar arrlTca la Holcoab, blx-besrted Aadx Kendal adopts blm. Aa ae- eldent leada te tbe' adajgtoa sC two ernbaaed cUMna tt • I HOW TBS aOnnUi -WAS 'CAFTUKKD (On- ed7: release Aasast U: ICBfth, /. —A Jollr. happT. nneoat e at b iaal Utua eatdoor comedr which talttj u i aBu a a with a apUt of mls- cbteroaa yooth aad apitagtlaMi lore. BDMPnODB T. {OoiMdr: I manjear lene> the I DP ADVUCDBIUTra »: liMtb ^).—Oaea Uabair to tbe aad- lenee. aad (aOeara bla a apa rlta cae oC napednc • parlor. ataMad birda aad eoastmetmc of a marrelooa aanplaas to tr tbcooth tbe air. by boylnc an aBtomoblle Of comae. It would be forelsn to hia character to admit that thuc was aarthlas about an sntomobtla that he did aot know, aad b« acomfoUy icfDsea tbe !•• atmctloea offered when tbe machine la deUscrcd te blm. He la oven ao eooddant of bla own ~ nilT that be doca aot praetico la prtrate be- 11iB*tlM.Ms tel ly aad .Waada to take a I ^||b.HB» - SaaM nBay Hi^i^ aceax dnrtn^ THS HBTBAimBIKIT (Onaa; rdeaae Aa- (ost 18: lenctb, dBT feet).—A yaoac bnabaad l< ilcclarinc his lore for a lady cneat, when his wife catches Mm in the act. and orders iMtb from the honae. Tears elapse, bat the loen that the bnabaad and wife bora towards each, oibrr haa not abatad.'^ aasatatcd aa tbey are. toward tbe abore, where they apent ao' many happy erenlnca. Tbe man recognizee hie wife, ao mncb older, approachea ber, and beita for- (Ireness, which, after a rery weak resistance, la (Irea. ACBOaa BD8SIAN POLAND (Toor; itleaae Ancnat 16: lenctb, 338 fMt)d^JXka MMt Mdsa of Tlewa in tbe realm of tb* Obab' nd'CbMaek drilla an remarkable. BErnSINQ A UAN8I0N (Colored fantaay: released Aosost 20; lesath. Ml feet).—A joooe princa (alia la lore with a peasant sirl. bnt beeanaa at Ida traaUfc *a lajacts blm. Dis- cnlsed a a a MMBt IW (Haa to bar aad ere looc be,wlaa bar ha*M: ■lanlliia to stso ber great ptoaancTko rcraalB UmmU, ft la aor- priaed to laam abe la •«■■ MM* aMBT than npoo Ibelr first msettar Wtm fbttMB^Hares him and hla court. FUMRELEASESl mOORAPH. 'nno— reet u—U the amtm State taw Id—Tbe Ikta at the Wladov svr (Osendy) aao (CsoedF) 8M _ s—^saras--.-—s- »ahlo (Dniaa) se« Jair—• Faat .!~"UH*?»»^5^-ffl«^5^ 11—Wbat the nitiT iliM fOniaidi iiwa) Mr 1«—A Chlld'a Faith (Drama) .TJT.™. MS »•—A Flaah_ot U«ht (ftama) M »—Aa the Bell* Baas Oat (Aailif dBT — q i b H , ) . sss ■a ttaaa|>j^ om Anriat— Faat. 1—An ArcadUn ICald (Drama) Mt 4—Her Fbtbar's Pride (Orsau) 9a« 8—The Hooae With doeed Bhotteia (Dra- am) MS 11—A Salatar r Ii»won ( drama) MO ■DiaON MARDrACTDBUlO OOMFARZ. /■aa— ibat |«—djbe Baoao «• the mi (Diaaa) T4d Id-'OBltad Statis Ufa SarlBc Dtllb (Ma- eattoial ^ MO n- ' ' ' ' ' at (Conttnned oo p«xe 4d,) Brush Electric Ughting Set For Oaa, Oaacilne or Kenecne; 10 H. P. 13M Iba, Ust MOO, anbject to dlamint. WBIXX ZfrDAT FOB. aAXAXMO& 3 centa a K W.—what it costs with a &UBh Outfit- Hid the S toiS oub «Uch you are now paying tbe Electric Light Company. Also save one-half of the lamp cnmntby psing 60 volt inalead flt UOi : Use Direct Cuixeot, wbidi k ■qpjBdqr to AttccnatiiiiB THE CHA8. A. 8TRELINGER CO., Box B-3, DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. REELTICKQS TRIMOUNT PRESS j7 A>I !'.\\\ ST. Mi'STON. MASS. THEATRE WANTED Want to rent or will manage on percent, modem house, privilege of purchase, in the west or southwest. Write de- tafls and best terms. Geo. D. Lee, Mgr. Monitor and Mop- rimac, Elitch's Gardens, Denver, Colo. BOOKED SOUP UIITIL SKPTEMBER tt. ONLY A FEW MORE OMTIS OPEN. WIRE YOUR AT ONCC rOR OUR Rl >DucnoN or the Johnson - Jeffries Fight FX>UR-COIjOR UTHOS. lO CEIIMTS EACH WE ALSO HAVE THE laSM-WIUBTirt IELS0l- 8« flMT PICTy BBwi tOSTffi'S USX CHICAGO KILVf EXCHANGE 46 JackaoQ Boalevoid CJJICAGO. ILL. 14th ami Don^l&ss StreeU OMAHA. NEB. 401 Barclay Block 321 AUaa Block DENVES. COL- SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH J IVIF*— — — m SOPSi p E F E IVDER ATLAS O WL- AXIF^ ROSIO .••i:^-T»1-7 F-ourtt> .•ifroc-l. C"! >; X-XXl. <>. I on,J l>f.liiM<-.- -t>rii>ii.' Minn 1 »3«>. Connect with a real live, up-to-date Film Exchange that can give you a real service. i Reference. MOTION PICTURE DI ST RI a <J TIN G &. 5ALES CO j ITALA ~ THA^ThOLISER FILVl D'ARX ^VAXK eTe^^^^OXHER*» '