Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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28 Xtie Billboard AUOU8T la. ISM. OOHt THIATMI HAS NKW SHOW. _ S (Bptctd to n* Bmbaud). —jtuoQUs Joplter Is tke aaae of tbe Fmc* and Ledoer mdaettan wkleh opeaed last week at tte Cort xbe^tre. and luncnrated tbe bm- MB at Uiat booae. Blcbud Carle 1> tbe rea- tored player, and waa also iiistmmental In the belaf of tbe piece, and persoDally snperlDteoded tbe ataslns. mama JOPITER.—A rarce_ Br Catt^ and I Baibaxetto m icUrcd bdlaa actater Joaeph C. Mlr«b Stephen BnefaaoaD, bU nephew L ester J. Crawford TiAqr PeMOeford. bla crony . Wm H. PhObrlck day Brlcbt. GenerleTe'a coosis . MailtWlJaHli StUwell. botlcr Um*wr VAtcr Ooonle Cnrtiaa, a former modd .. SUaa Edna Wallaee Howcr C t B e V tere Buchanan, tbe Major's wife .. maa nances Kenaedr ■tepdanabter .. ^Tlaa Paolloe Perry Sn Piofeaaoc^a wUe .. .. wnb 3m. Jmplac Jnpltcr is aot n ot l e eabte te Ub origtBalltjr and It bas aotblas la It wbleb wiB caose tbe play Itself to be cemeiBbered. It does, ttow e f er , entertain In a maaaer aeaWMl- ably safllclent and la Interpreted by a cast of playera who work hard for Its aaccesa. Carle aaj-B that "Blchazd U hlmaelf asain.'* which explains bis part. He amuses and pleesea bla large foUovlog. Ina Claire and LiUian Shaw are two bright spots oo tbe prosram who na- der moeb assistance W.tta Mlv. Ute Claire, with bcr ImltaUOBa aC Wafira Konar and Hanr lender, la grca^ ate^ gneefnlly sat- oral and dsrideiWy deicr. Her pretty petaon- aUly la ImjuTIIih. sad abe Is In^enDoas to a satlaCylBadesiee. Miss Shaw stngs three aonss, Angelo, Basa Boaaao and It Can't Be Did, ct- ery one of whlcb aba realis es on to their atmoat, and they are fine, wm H. Philbrick dances too little, bat tlsroncboot tbe time be Is oo tbe stase. Kllsteii!< nith erldeneea of what be eaa do. He ElG^s Poisnm Bag wltb splendid ex- pression, and by that alone does enoo^ tat the SODS to make it wua tby eC a place In tbe cataloffne of nnsie ut Ita WKt, Psullne Feny, IB ber part, ia aweeOj t iaiaii. Joseph Mlron and bis Tolce belp OMre tbao a little. Bnrrell Barbsretto Is a flne-looklnic chap, who Is not botbetni by seU-consdoosaess, snd who has an _ . . — ^ jji^ THURLOW BERGEN. eC the Nelll Company. plajln;; a dramatic Grand Opera Boose, St. L'aol. 311on. . MaUy Pebhlefocd. Toby'a daughter Mlaa Ina Claire •rtv MHcted. Toby'a daughter .. .. .. .. Mias Jessie Cardowsle Ida. Anaatasia KIdd. a widow, moeh .. .. .. .. Miss Lnilan Shaw Fntfeasor Joplter Oaodnmie. an expert on Dermatolacx .' .. .. Blehard Carle Mlaa Baoler Miss Bly Brown Miss Packard Miss Peggie Goolding I Knox Miss Gerfldlie Porterfleld ' Steams Tlossle Habbard SGIulmera Mlsi^ Blanche Cortls at... .. ... .. Mlaa Msbcl Asbe I^erer.— '.Edward Corbett. Joaeph Smith. part which Is assixned to her. Hoaapne wiua. In tbe play. Is the good-looking wife of tbe sffloroos Carle, and tben last In ttia laeatltai. hot decidedly araoog tbe flrat as far as merit Is concerned, is Bdsa WaUaoe Bapper. who graces the piece tbnocboat wltb ber arch maa- nerisms and exqolalte presence. Mlaa Hopper creditably lllla erery nlebe of her part and then makes It glow with her peraoaality. One Of ber songs. Only a Man, la a pretty recita- tion, beantifol In theme, conception and ex- pression, and which Is Interpreted by ber In a manner perfect. There are aerersl otbere in tbe cast, snd a ciionis._I>iit-tbej.J>aTe da aOar.tkaa to THE. l|l»KMIj3= HWFT ■ P<»TypWeD. The reopening of The Speodtlirttt'wltb'many of the original east scbednled for opening on Angost 15 st the Hudson. New Tork City, baa been postpooed to a lat«r date. GEORGE NASH ENGAGED. New York, Aug. 8,—Annocmcement Is msde y tbe Anthor's prodnelng -Compaoy, that Geo. ' ~ been eDgsged for Cbulea Klein's muers. wbleb wHl be ptodnced Mr. HaA win be new play, Ttie Oai ]> Mew TMk to Oetaber, WANTED-A NUMBER OF First-class Paid Attracttons Also Ferris Wheel, Herry.tfo.roand. Ocean Dip. • Liberal Proposition. Fmar JMILK aid barbecue, st. ivj*. O., Weik Septembar IB. Irngt REICHRATH'S PARK tB per cent. Alrdome for Husical Cob Merry.Go-Koand for Labor Day. IMNTEiM-1 CARNIIML COMFANY Week Aug. 29 for Bluefield, W. Va., auspices of Volunteer Fire De- partment. State best terms. Address R. R. Roberts, Northfork, W. Va. WANTED.-REAL CARNIVAL<X>. VONKCRS, N. Y. POPULATION 80,000. 6.1 Tblai tocr.- GBO. to tba world, employs 6,000; largest elerator WDrks In the world, hat taetay also. Hist fair bere onder aosplcca BUu big winner. Wanted^or .ilini Bros; Wild West Show OOWOIHLB and mouilB. of merit; also, good SHOOTINO ACT. Host Join at once: oome on. or join by wire. Remembrr, wo never state aJl in firs: i'-::-:-. A': ir-_,>. JACK \V. Ki.XG, Mgr., Rivervi-jw Park,, liallimore, Md, $20.00iMeward for Fred Jacobs* Mr. Jacotaatreetniaa by occapatioa. and waa heard iMt tbe White City, Des Moines, Iowa 10» Acre Park—Tbeatre, Coaster, etc CAN USE SHOWS OR CASNIVAI^ COMPANT. State Fair Week and Liabor Day. I^bor Arsembly Plciter". WHtf thousand People. What you got? L«t us bear from Blgb. Dive. - The Smith Greatei* Shows Ao^ast 8-IS. inclusive Reaver Falls, Pa., on the main streets, ^^■■t uSMtw^^MKifc^ Billed for a radtM ot 4^mU«a. eerioir Company. Angnst 29-SqNember S, indodTC, Elyrla, O. Day and niglit; during Tri-County Fair. .' - September iBctaatve, liOiatn, O. First one in three yeaia. StVMBMv.U-lTt ftadastve, Defiances o. Old Home Week, oa the ■ti e a ls ; p a rad es, airships, etc; 6 special da9& WANJXS* —ONE PL.ATFORH SHOW OB OXHBt TRACTION. Want Fat People, Mldsets, and Noyelttea.. Addreaa as per route. JO' er =WANTED FOR= HOME COHilMG WEEK AT BELVIDERE, ILL., OCTOBER 10TH TO 15TH. Sevenljood Tent Sbom round, OnmBBiooBoralll Want to hear from Aeroplm':'ailtfxofller.good used as free attractions. - " ' Garousds, Mmiatuie Rwlwsv, lAeny-so- ' dunoe; win allowed. be BELVIDERE COMMERCIAL CLUB. Wntc V. II. 0'Dor;:!"!i for coawssi. O. n. W'nVht for airjueemonts. SIM WILUAHS AND HARRY WALKER'S ^ mtmamrsmM compant : . . Colored Talent Musicians for Band and Orchestra, Leader for Orchestra, Musical Act,'I>rara Ifijari^ ContortioniBts, Sinj^re, Dancers, Cake Walkers. Those doubling band given preferenoe. Lady Siarers, Dancers, Cake Walkers, Buglers, Drummers for lady drum corps. Lady Soprano Singer to feature. Want anything that is good. We pay alL Fine PallaaB— aU state rooms. Send photo if Ctasible. Address SIM Wl LUAMS anri HAMIV WALKER, Academy of Musle. Plttaburg, Penn. WANTED—Good Clean Shows and Concesaont Alwgobdplaht. shofw, AddnsB Rock, Ark., or C. E, Simpson, Aik. Three wedis to follow.