Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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80 Xlie Billboard AUGUST 13, 1910L FAIRS A ND CARNIVALS Items of News and Notes of the Plans of Many Fair Associations and Societies in all Parts of . the Ckwntry-The Caniival la to bare «nafar If (lair do adt ML Lake Otty bad Ita (air laat jmr mad axpaet to npeat uiniua- I7. • Wltb tha eatcrlnir or tJicae two towns la- ta tlw talr boslneaa a new drcolt will be formed. ■.Th&i dretilt will cooslts of Uamllne, first we«k ■ta'Septembtrr. Lake'City comes next, 2nd week l> September and only flfty-elght miles away 'jbtaoB Bamllne. Wiaooa follows, tblrd week of (te same mooth and onlj forty-fiTe mllea from take City. I^aat cornea La Cmaae. Wlieonsin - * — . — - — - — — ■-. ^ BUSINESS MKN_Tp HBUP (TAili: RaaliTine, Tenn.," Ansnst 8.—The bnalness bouaea -of KasbriUe are tbia year aaslatlTH tha POblielty Department of the SUte Fall ■ extent. (Malix of the promliient . miTinftctnrlnt coocems baTe slgoMed tbetr . >wllllngnesi to send oat In tbelr mall. a little ■tam-ptgv folder;that the mansgement'.of tbe .Stainesiwf State Fair Is now bavtngr printed. -Hieae foldeis will tell aU abont tbe many f«a- ' tarea-to-be-aecn-at tbe Vlr tbla year.'and will alaa eantalB a Uat of tba proealncst points of latercat . about' tbe e)ty of MaiJiTlIIe. niere wQ] be 100,000 coplea of fbla folder l a s o e d, and -any of-tbe bnaliieaa boOMS, wbo bate maU co- las to points In tbe atate, and wbo are wiUbiB ' t» ns* them In their man' for the State Fair, cas get a snpply. The management of tbe State Vkir proposes to make this the icteatest fair ,::la-itiie-.lil*mr «t tbe Valr Association, not only aa.acileoItBraIr " ' ' le a 'at : ~ UlnneapaUa. UbUL. Ana. 6.—Olom H. Cnr- . :tlsa. ttts fsmoos avianr. ued an ansrwcr la tiie HenneplB Conaty District Ooort this w e ak -to, tbe cbargea btoncbt agalaat MM' In a bieaA nf eoat ract an it Instlt srtaa :lgr jHtiiy-B. .IDaaarieF |8.dOO daniacea dalalar^ttatilb. - loaa sad tbe awtatv danlsa tbe cbaL__ a'ceimtar claim for-CWOOO "wbtch amoont be ■ nya be- baa loat tUansk m iafepma entationa^ , Bade by Xbeade cencetBlnr tba eooditiona for a meet at FlMeBiz.-ArlBn and Ibreinb loans to : Sbearic wbldi an as yet u np a id . ' JBOMIQraUTAN M EN- Tnsealooea. Ala., Anr. K —The 'West Alabama Fair Association management closed a contract wltb tbe. CsamopoUtan Atousement po agay^ J ttatan wm be doe oC tka'dUoC . at tbe fabr. Xhaie i>m<»ajflf- tecB or aixtecB pay abowa, ildlnir deTlen,'baiioon races and several good free acts. Tbe territory of the fair last year embraced only one coooty. bat has this year spread ont into eight coDottes. and It Is expected tbat the attendance, wblcb was orer llfty onoaaaaa laat yaor, win be qoadmpled tbla jmti^i^j;-i--iif('iy. BIG RACING TOURNAMENT. - Albaqnerqne, N.' H., Ang. 8.—^Ibe manage- ment of the thirtieth annnal New IfezIco Fair and fltat State Exposition to be held Octolier S4> anr plaaa to make tbe laciav tOBnainent F. M. PORTER, Uexlco wltb the lancet 'fleld erer entered and SifiOO in prlaes; $2,000 in prlxea is offered In a baseball toomament which -win be entered ^ tanma from all oTer tbe Bonthwest. ^Cbe C. w. . Parker .-CanilTBl Company, 'Ned iltonghton. A CORRECTION. On page Ofty of tbe Jaly SO edldoiiat Xbe Billboard, an adTertlsement ' aapaatad that the Wisconsin and Tllliiola lalSi.Waiii^Tafi and Badoc Circuit wanted attmetkbs'far'day and slgbt aatnra . of tba adwtlaem ent woold moeata that-Cda;^raald be bM-at sIght It. eaek. oC .tha -cUlai .oa' tfea .dtcalt; ,3bU is . _ a»t asaalon ■TlVtB Sep- 1 • ■ ■ " "f -■ Bpringlleld. VC, • Angnst- 8.—Tbe - Sptlngfldd Mr ia i>nlldlng a pooltiy boaie .tlila year. Tbey will rearrange the old pooltty hODse Into a dining bonse. ' ' nie fair assodation Is birering eight hnn- dred doUan in raeea and tbe entries tor radng mentn baT* Iwen' lioofeed' ftr -tUa yaai'a} (air. Tbe datea are September 7 and 8. _ ^_ ^ . ■ SOME DELHI ATTRACTION&. Delhi. N. T., Ang. 8.—The sttraetloDS slrcnd^ engaged for the' Delaware' Ooonty Fair; to lie bdd beie, Anguet 30-Sept^- 2, inclade John White's Corned Circos,- Sbields and Gale. In three, big featate acta: lack , Fry, the high- wfae ar tist^ aiad tlie Yeriiella ^in 'trapexe and Tbere wOl be flfid eoatcat^ "baAed ia tbe Tonne ' Ken'a ■ Oirlatlsn ; A—dal^ia,, «C .tbe eoanty.- aad' (atowiaf-coafMaaaa^aHlaanaC^'biy noted asdenltnrlatB.fkom dUbnat paria aC.-tbe FAIR TR^SURER DEAD. WInebeatn. Va., Ang. 8.—The Winchester mair management Is bnflding a new gtaadstaod. remoflng its agricidtaral ball and replselng some of tbe old bnOdinga wltb new and more modem a tni e uitea . CM. Pnre^ for^maay yeara trcas- arer aC Oe fair, baa beta. laM.ta tte .manage- ment br death.' The datea oC'lha^Mr ara Sept. :Mumuiiiiir^^»^^ 'Soutor mna oC latt HalBilw-taw: .aapiMBea aa caanad ' jmu r;wo te8. ■ The Dawson Coonty Fslr will be held at Lex- ington, Meb., Sept. 18-18. Tbe jtrotmds hare been put into fine shape and the baUdlnrs Im- norad. Contracts for all tree attractions hare been mad PADDLE WHEELS atiuacsat, ht -wbsd _ tte auikst. Waaatl faDy painted la britbl eolots. Bona amaotUy OB ban baattnvk 82 In, la - ■ Te^LEHONAOE? If s& yon dunid try oar It is made from lemons tedoced to .. Simply add water, sweeten and it ii nadr 1 ^^ooad makaa 45 gallons Pric^ tSJSA. CO.. B-2430 HAKiOSON STKBET. CHICAGO, UX. Incandescent Lamps 16 MICHIGAN AVE. aataaamaldi ■a' SIDE SHOWS WANTED in the South. liberal treatment. Address F. A. LOVELOCK, Se ci g toi y . WANTED-MIDWAY AnRAGTIONS For Outsid* Midway far AppalMhIan Exposition At KNOXVil.l.E. TCNN. SEPT. 12 to OCT. 12, 1910 Lot opposite main aad ooty entrance to the Exposltloo Oie aa da, WRITE QCICK. CHARLES J. BROWN. ■ • 316 W. Chnreh Ava.. KNOXVILLE. TENN. — ErvjNGtiAM, Illinois, .:. ' September 26th to October 1st Want to hear from Carnival Companies, all kinds of Shows and Privilege People. Let lis know what you have. GEO. J. BAUER, Siecretaiy. iTfflffffii Improred Cane Aaaortment, UO Caaea, InclodUig SO Blngs................I Improred Cane Aaaortment, 240 Canea, iDdudlns 100 Blngs................ lam I mPWied Cue Aaaortment, SSO Canea, Incladlnx 100 Blnga 10,00 bmatadCaaa Aaaortment. eoo c^inrs, Indodlng 200 Blags IS-QO m^.!!l..f'^ru?V*h fSf ¥"^L^^ ef.Vat made, per gr. _BJ10 wgolln g gallery Oatflt, complete, 2,SS7 pieces, for only SOO Aaaorted Pocket Kalrea, for Eslfe Backs, a Good Flaab Laiaa Catalogns Free. KnlTca, Watches, Umbrellaa, Toy Whins, and Cans Neta. Deposit, BalaiKO a O. D. Pennant Canex, per lOO, fxjii per 1,000, fU-OO. CLEVELAND CAME COMPANY, Cleveland, OUa. BUY FROM AMEIiiCA'S URGEST WHOLE SALE NOUSL EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF STREETMEN'S eOODS«"NOVaTIE$ CUTtERV JEWEkRY PENNANTS SPECtAlaTIES CANE8 NOVELTIES OP minimm mnaa 1I».B*I2. O.B.Bal%4piMt^ Ro. B.13. G. B. 8et% bettv gnula, grooi I,M SEAUTIFUL PSEUDO-MEERSCUAUM PIPE SETS ForadMmiBt8; priM iiidi»veUyid^ They lode fine- take wdl—good value—and aani^--'v-W*.lfmfaiay ^ ^H MT -^lW ft ft^- tionally good spedalticB. ■ We seal ae ciialag mif ^"lii 'jjUh it niMMiirt ht writing for catalog, siqr if you want Streetmen's 256-page or the hige 708-page book, and state when last you received our catalog. WK aURSX Opmlma, Sbnat VUr aad Oamieal Wofteca. TMTeUng Uedldaa S ha a a , Ct rena e a , Ane- We an Uamifactaianh I>b- ' lond' 22l-222liiMStnit CNIOMO, - ILLINOIS J}w*»: Wateka, OaOMN Oaaaa. I vamL^bMaaMc nSiAnm aad - tiaa la «—* ftotr. Qolck ta StaUoamy, OtT Oooda, Bnnditaa, laa- tb« and Bobber of an etc., etc, etc