Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 13; Ttie Billboard CMmiVM; CM- Col. The llne-op of the . -. old pI.ot.UOB. iSSTtwo tnm tfm aad other .ttnetko. tt* cxeeottra itaC «•: W. D. WUuIw, mra^ Qlr: I- O. KaUey. g«nenl iscnt: A. B. Mlteh- 3 imnoter: DIek O'Brien. aflUUl ■mumBm: SMiektoi. kudMstcr: Jim Broderldc, ^SSkk^S!; aam JMtanio JUd. cKctrleUn. rxmrn ud Jtmta kav* Joined the Qtcet Ooo- a^SSSa^M* Maw 1. with their BoUu'e Wallac*. with _Um adaeattd de«. and bMa. aad Captain Otdona. with »er. The Oolted valia Bookiaf AaaoeUtSoo. of Ohl- caaOL ooeiatlBK tha Caitcd CaralTiI Showi. ha* ^ES? ife'iilii«4~oo«ibfiiiiS!r'^ txSSi SSSt kmca aid cattle. Tk^itow apiaedjg EBBClt Karada. who baa beta leaplac tha «ip with the Great Co«maDOlIt.n 8how», No. 1. b«( clositl, «D<1 til blj pUce the Greit Zeno, alack wire and hl(h ti apeae act, baa been en- gagttL I aad Stahl . ta.Ma OoL lira. W. a. AA 8UU Showa tat ' AUNT DINAH'S HAND LAUNDRY. That there Is a crrlnc demand for a really meritorloai amuemeat derlce that ran be lold at a icaaoaable price baa beeo shown by the nnartaU* anccaa a made by Aont Dinah's Band r tk* WaiM'a alNtt, Cbicfa- aaa neaa in nae ooly of the camlral com- ■t to eoMt bare add- It baa ' «C nati, O.. and af' tkia season, the Mlea and paifca fnta <d It to tbdrvltat af proTsd to ba a ita norel apiMannea taS t to playlaa tbe game. Karly in the aeuoo the siiDOancemeot wu made by tb« World'a Qreatest Norelty Co. that ■t woQld Iotrodi3ce a real norelty sod torn oot m real work of srt for a reasonable price. The beat scenic palsters were encaged and tbe moat expert mech anics worked with them. The re- tnlt waa a came Utof ether out of tbe ordinary for a riiaiwable price, instead of the xtmtl clap- trap ataC wUcb is oeitlwr new or attractlTe. n* paHK^ alwaya lonktng far as ai—lag monUr. W"* 'Aaat Dtaak a Mval wiieMM «lS Iba i i i a ul t that the gam* baa prared to bo the ^rest money msker of the iieaiion and tbe fee- 'ory of tlje manufactiirvre Is U^ti_^ to capacity.- WANTED WANTED WANTED CL A* Wortham and Tom. W. Allen ONE MORiE tbOD SHOW Can famlab froat aad fUt oatdt. Can ptaco OM iHra Flatforin Show and Arst-elaaB FhlrTln Well Show with nice frame-m. Cuntsaslwis come on for the following good onea: LOVIKaTON, lU., ANKDAI, BOMB OOMINO. ADO. U TO 20; Beardatowa. n«o Flsb Fry. Ang. 2Z to 2T: Kewanee. labar Day week, aaaplcca Labor Valona. Moio Ura ooea to aaae. Caa place Caa* Badi. Kalf* ■a^ AtHcaa Dip, Jap Allar. Can place to join at Beardttown for rest of season Ferris :: Wheel:: and :: Ocean :: Wave Tbe oao I bad waa aold and wni leave XoTtngton to go to tbe faetocy for lOpah^ Oaa aaa good anlformad 12 or I4-plece band, to Join at Lorlncton, for oar elicos. Tour aaacy good, aa tbia sbow htM not misaed a salaty day tbia aeason. Wire mr. Can aaa some clrcns acta for my elrcoa. Will boy. for CASH, one aleeper, one large baggage car. three MVft. Bat cars; mnst be good and rbeap for cub. Write or wire me. TaylorrUle, III., week Aog. T: Lortnirton. 1V20: Beardstown a-2f. Addrcaa C. A, WOBTHAM * TOM "~ W. AliEN'3 UNITED SHOWS. AUNT DINAH'S HAND LAUNDRY Makis i25 ti $50 a Day at Fairs-All Racords Broken A. E. Taekaaau SIO Bbck itfcat. Camdra. M. J., aaya: "Aimt DIaab la bandaontest aad beat money-getter I erer law for tbe price." J. E. LaagCtrd. Jr.. Secretary aalt Lake and Uia Angeles By.: "Olaah Is tbe big i ■rtai at Sialtalr." Jaa. riamaat. Oeeaa TIew. Va.: "Can reemiaiead Dinah to anooaa looldaK Ar Ma ntocaa aa aauD faTa af eat." B. A. Hack, ROGERS. ARIC, Aiiguat 23, 24, 2S, 28. OLD SOLDIERS'REUNION horn rates on all isilroada advertised by Railroads. Big crowds ezjiected. Ccmcesnonn Fd*r SjiI** Apply to J. WYTHE walker, chairman. ^^qnccaWOM ror Oaie» q^^^ menUon R«nM» OommeHiial Oub.) WANTED tfifc Yirgmia , Merry-Go4toand, Ocean Wav^ High Class Shows and Legitunate Concessions of all lands Open day and night. Our Bfidway this year irii bs ttw iBOBt daborate we have ever attempted. Tell all in first letter. C B. BROWN. Manager of Privileges, PARKERSBURG, W. VA. WAIPIP AT AGoodRsliaUa F. W. Lee, write or wire. No boozer or chaser need apply. Brown's Amusement Co., Malvern, Iowa. WEBER FAMILY Acrobats and Equilibrists Originality and then some. No one denies it. AH agree with ut, StiH hm tkree wedn npn for Parks and Fairs Address, care THE BILLBOARD. Chicago. Ills. The Original Wonder Cannon THE CAMEKA THEY AME TEYING TO IMITATE Oiui't taka dwaeaa with Mmatiilas "Jmt aa rxxl." Tbenja WW WOMWa 9Uaum. Satk of It la tka ■Dataataaat tb* Mar. ranld mtialt Icaa aaA plalaa that SM which '^eaift ba hMt." aad which plctDits that Mil oa ilsht. They are Coining Money Fain, plenlo. (treat conot, la fiet. cT w jwhe r a pcopla nthar •re biK flelAtor the ma n with tha WOND BH CA MNON. W.0O BCT« A 0DKPZ£IZ OIITVIT, tor thf ma n with tha WOND BH CA MNON. B OUTFIT, comiatiac of WOnKE CAWfOV flSMmii, tripod, and caoogh simpUea to mala 400 flnlihcd photo battons. Sztra plates. tLOO par haadred. Gilt daaiai, SLSS per gnm. WUl ihlp combat* oatflt opoa iceelpt ot IS.00 deinalt, lialonco C. O. D. . wa Mil plates, fnima. daralogtaut tw iiae i a aad aa g llea far an photo bnttm and eleere merhhw. Wnta to-day tot nUB CATATOO. Qkago Ferrotype G>, Dept. 120« Chicago, IlL The Texas Cotton Palace NOVCMBEh 8 4o 20,19f 0. WACO^TEXAS;. Its name tells you of a unique exposition of Texas Prod- uctik BeanwoQf ;]>eoorated3a^^ WAOOj tfe glib ol^^pp^^ WhMl^Pexas. THE WAR PATH—^For Amus^ent Features and Goncesnons. Pat on your war paLitsnd jin^ ing her^up. "'":'"' '-^"vf--'"'^-'^' t.--;?. yr'-- -''-^'^-^ WANTED—Shows for t^ji event,that axe like us, NeWt Novel and Up^to-llite^AttraeCIVft. wantlllOlleg^ fl^ on'tl^ Wf^^^l^ \ T. XOU WHO AND WBEBOk