Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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40 Tti e Billboard AUQuar u, WW. ■irrLB w APROPOS. tCoaOmiei tnm pace 7.) OlTlle*. MuT Gardenen, Gue«t». etc.— Cusott, Josla KTmril. Oaella Head. MarEuat ~ UUler. Florenea lotte Jotanaon. Gnaata. Cletka. Collcca Toreadon, Amlna B^a. etc- . _ Slopwn, Hartta Bofwortb. Jo*. IUlimeM«, Frank EUla. W. I<. HolMrt. Kaymond Strath, Staaler Bboadca, Bobart Minikra. B. J. Kirk- wood. 6ds Bad. Gerald McDonald. lose^ Gntb- rle, Artbar ^artier, WUUam Jones. Joba Ham- ilton. Harry Prew. Harry Pbea. William Wal- tber, Fred Howard. . ^ ... All coatnines designed and executed under tna nenosal anperrislan of MclTtlle Ellis. GxecoUve staff for Ur. Lew Ftelda.—Frank a )I,ansler. seneral manascr: wnilaaa Bannoad '•ma. ■taoial Bfos jcKcaentaUTe. WItk Tte iR«««gfc» Can CamDenr.—Mananr, 'W. W. Ftacmas: adnaee reprea«UUTe. John Bemolda- stage manaser. Artfanr B. Bvans; -assistant, Bercbard Dlckerson; master mecbanle. •Charlea Fortler: aaalatant. Frank J. BalllTan; iflyman. End Beber: chief electrlclao. Tbomas STera; asstatant. Jack Olia; front operator, Thll Greenfield; moriii^ plctve ooerator, Geo. LcIfhtaD; master of prupeiUas. Jataa W. CUiitoa: in hnnUnc av aBSttar tgl l* ■■• ^Kt^ Jt it broostat wfik tt • iMNIh »* « IM ■adleoce. ^ Tbe girl Is cleTCr. SBd. nfcea O* dressed prettily In a crimsnn. tt « ^ ■ pleaalng, and was for them three PttrtlTSS w. ou» jjm oo.t » THE xn that 'BDItM. ' Bosk mala Theatre. Ko. 6. Fnll atage; neeUl •ecBacr; I7 ndnntes. Seen erenlng, J^ragt 4. In The Tie That Binds, the Carrs liaTe the making ot a good act, and when Mr. Carr haa •Taded the habit of a monotone and added aar- eral oonces of SDsppy acting, tbe offerus win be a moat enjoyable dramaUe playlet. Hla wife. In name and cast. U a rem«rkablT cleTer actreis, and fits the part nicely. The atorr. al- tbongh not an entirely new plot, Is a pretiy one and the climax, a transfonnatloo scene of their little baby la beaTcn. la moat suing. . The boaband, who has ■penUted and Mn ■f* sbste of a fortone. 1* b f W Sgrt <V ta* Win M sign a criminal affidavit la or«« to win b» brother'a ahare and BnvUU bar with tbe tOr nrles of life. SafMHt m kla nattjm>mnlgat» a qnarrel. wtalek IwWa la the wia ^acUng np. Wbaa ttjomgBjtJMamiff^ <ha IMtcd IRatta. Bostoa. New to ba eltica to liear a operas In French and rXttfant Pradlfue. by at BoasB. tbe opera Quo Vadia Tbe tenor alnglog VinlelBa welgbeu ■Ot Bore than 120 pooBds. while tbe aoftrano la tbe role of Lygla weighed not less than 200. In tbe acene where tbe hero rescoea the hero- ine, carrying her off tbe auge, a dommy llgnre was cleTerly sobatltated by tbe management, and tbe liero got away with it wllhoat any one being tlie wiser. He was even commended for hla strength. At Tooloase, a few day* before, a similar cast was alnglng the aame opera.- Here, bow- erer, tbe tenor got stuck, and ttie heroine bad to aare herself—If not the scene—by hiking oS «a foot.. aay. theto was a howl OF MY DMAMS. lissasoger Boy. fima "•antmi," Bachelor Boys^ Boartllng 9W X t re a w uvjo, *^«»iMlDK of the Neighborhood, Qnaker Tor Town Tinkers, etc., etc - ■ . , Seoies.—Uicale—A snborb ot New Tork. Act I. —Harry's snlte at Dorecrest—The Swlfton — - - Act II.—Groonds and entranre to 11. 12. by Mr. GnataT* UDSICAIi PB06EAM. ACT I. Bachelor I>aya Badidor Bofl Belles of the Tally Ho Boardlna Scbr-* CMdle tat Fm Baady to Quit and Be Good..;.. .HanT Bochelflv _ Oiakae'lMkir. uiey. Boys and oi fiaOkl mo Woolda't Spoon..... Hairr and UuT Ika letter Ton ShooUn't Hare Sat. Dapbna and HaziT ■too- ot a Uaxionette Plitecii and Coddla ^^HOa-^mat - - - >0r-;:'.-9.-V-'-'-'' Cbat us O omethlaK' Tear-Igra- .Cnddle Pigeon «M. — Juirs'saace for tbo Sanee for the Goose Helen, Oaptane and Girl of Uy Dreama .Hasy and Caey Xrery Girlie Lores He ftrt tto I IS. Dear little Oamso jjC.' • Coiidfe nld'ci^a. U. fr«-b (Kaybe lira a »>«")........^ Dney and Hany U..1it. Tlakls Xlaker .hicr ' .XT*- niHS •••>■ CHICAGO VARIETY. (Coatlnaed ftom page 8.) ^iMMt dm aaae act ai Wit MAer tbe baling eC tbo Two Fraaciaeos. wba bara been seen boe eo often that a review of Iba oOsfing Is alniost gnnicisasfy. B. B. Toobk. wba is one- of tbe original Franelscos. haa taken nnta himself a new partner, Harry Allen, and ia oslng most of the old material which has been proTcn Eood at the Majestic and other Orpbe- nm theatres. The clQCk-clock egg trick, the coin and plates and tbe paper snow, sre still ■n erldenee, with Yonug stul playing the part of Boaco, who can't speak a word ot Itngllafc — "Can yoo, Boscor* "No; not s mttiT- Tbe act went very well at tbe BnAtiy-oa^' LOBAINE. THE AUIMATKD OOUb.-: ' Baab Temple'Thsatie^ No. 8. MlalwaiM ■lantea. Seen erealat; Aagnat *. ^ ■ ■. E m erg in g tnm a dicat ot delleata pUk, tte don is disclosed, wrapiied In tissae paper, and St through the seversl tests common to otber U acta. A. H. Lirermore, who manlpnlates the machinery of the "Is it human or mechan- ical?" carries her Into the aadlence and tossing her Into the laps of some of the spectators, lesTes her at the mercy of the critical to re- turn to tbe Btage. It drew mnch applacse. Tbe doll Is no exception to others of Its " ' In that tt bas tiw side morement of tbe HoBVi* Tbeatre, Hol T. Mn aiace; 18 —»—*— Seen erenlng, Aagnat 4. - The Ms bit of tbe try-onta, Tlewed tram tbe staadpolBt or acting, Ibiea, and applanse re- CelrefL Hsrry Sheldon, the aotbor, haa almost outdone liimwie with tbla effort. Leon Mc Beynolds takes tbe principal part In snch i teaUstlc manner that thrills and attention are at the reeldng i>oint, and the sopport of the company—tbe woman in partlcnlar^wlth anch Utle {irepiratloD, Is little short of marrelons. The sketch la melodramatic, bnt the real act ing throcgboot made the dlrer^csi one of con- aldernble vaadeTllle Importance. A tather, who realixes at the last moment that It is bis own son who Is to be executed, goea tbnmgh the trying mooientB srooad siiai last. wbM the pre- cipiution ot botcor to to lAa.jlaea. shot la beard, and all is tluMiiiht to be anr. Bolcide OB the part of tbe commander to prcrented by hto wife, and a conrler arrlTea with the doobly good news that tbe ahot died was at blm wfaOe attempting to pass tbe lines, snd tbe oidn from the general to postpone the execntlon. This last message mnst he forwarded before snnrlse, however, and when tbe bogle Is sonoded, sn- noonclng the saving ot the son's life, tbe weapon shoot to kni the fstfaer at tbe signal of the son's destb falls to tbe atage siaanltaneoosly with the ■ " to gat aa .bat aC tha lai Sae*8*3o SSb% ^^'■et^ ~ and was wdl received. atly lOH EDNA KORTHLANB. PIAMOUKHJB AXD ACROBATIC DANCING. Bnsh Temple Theatre. No. 4. Foil stage, and In one; 14 mlootes. Seen evening, Ang. 4. Miss Northlane slnga during both ner plano- logne and ber acrobatic dancing, bnt does not excite mnch favor via tbe vocal route, and prob- ably deserves mncb credit tm omitting It from bar baung. Tbo.whOla. ■ bo OBlttad and no 4 ■ " " ' left to best to with bsr vraidrobe for, two mmbera In one, she wears as which are strikingly pretty and. In a way, redeem the enthnslaam she loses by "singing the piano." One of these coetimies waa a soobrette Goddess of Liberty, tmttoned and laced to tbe tone of Dixie Land; tbe other, a Tama Tama effect, which lilended harmonl- oosly with tbe strains ot Tarn O'Sbanter. Tbe - - - - — t K . ■ mn atage; Hngle, who to ok, aC~SS'«cl!mid'avte Bna., to now, with hla wife. In a aldt along the same aider as mobt tnmble-aboot aerobatie cffsrtsgs, ahly thto to ane ot those wUeb gets over with a imh. Thto to only a Toand. about way ot aay- Ing tbey sre good, ssA the sndlenee ilnds It ont slmost as soon as tbe -enrtala goea np. Hngle, In doing one of bto Tegular falto vrltb the table, abowed ttm sti e ugth of tbe work by '■'~r the fonr-leggad affair—an nnadnlter- _ was gtna to tfatay KELLY Aia> DAtn, OOCmtBD 8DWIRO AMD DAMOntO TBAK. Bosh Temple Theatre. Ko. 8. In one; 16 nlnntes. Seen evening, Angnst 4. Ttaese sons of Hsm sre there with a Tsnde- lOle vengeance. The Srst joke they "pnUed" Bcored a '»i.t'.'"ff dot, and ftom thto point to fide J'^^^jp^JlSsUSm*''''nm **'^ wl^ .'JiiiSt?S5a-tto t i l aa l aK of the atral^ a detail baldly worth cWiaMirlng at a try-out. They dance steps wbleh are langha as wan ss sppUnse getters and, aa a team, there are few better eccentric dancers In the bnalneas. The stialgbt Is the eccentric's cqoal In sB tbe i»poslte details, bnt bis voice Is p ic eml- nentlr dlSqaalUtod as a tkatnre. Tbe voice of tbe aMMWa 'Sni*' btot to the oppoalia effect, bnt tna'Mfe'^MB^ chance to ahow. OEBMAK OOligPT TRIO, XN aOHWHlHO JUST AS OOOO.: Bosh Temple Theatie. tlo. tt. VUI ttagt; 18 mlnntes. Sbsn esantog, .^Mtnst 4. Two men and a wamao. who attempt to as- same the Isnghtog dtnatlona oC the aobatltatcd coont at a mSlmoiilal bureau. Tbe woman ia of gooa voice, some -operatic alnglng being ntlllzed to mostrste this. Tbe comedian la fnnny to an extent, and the stral^t Is not Is- mentably weak, bnt there to room for Improve- ment everywhere. The cBmax, which la the captnrlng of the matrimonial agent by an officer of the law and the escape of tbe coDOtioat tbe window, didn't seem to poll tbe toogbs wbtob seem to have been sntlrlpsted. Whara a good joke waa nas<, tba «iMMta Anted i Its ap- picdatlon, bnt tha :«|hitoc?«h 'aa -whole, vna iiat»» •(,* count la. ''a . Ued Bbsr Do IN THE CLARK, SICKS AND CLABK, AFBICAN PRINCESS. Bnsh Temple Theatre. No. 10. In one; IS mlantes. S^n evening, Angnst 4. Three colored people, one a female snake- charmer, the other two probably havlttg Inherit cd tbe stsge bng from the bones snd'<^ tambo, which th^ manlpolate after tme darky faahlon. Everything to the skit wss ss Improbable and aa poorly handled as Kdly snd Oara. the other eslorad aet, was good. Tiw African Prineeaa waa caned over trem Africa to ahow two large boaeonatrietnnt wUeb aha haafltB..'.lB-«a af- fectionate iinmiwi iinllmWl ■lMilWt'''4a the •t ta tbe: *8aM ~ J-nCOiallBaad-Crbm page 14.) 8ABAH TO TOUR. Le RsriTy. of'tbe Comedle Francalae, la to be as.^ocIated with the great Sarah Bernhardt when hla resignation sbsU hsve taken effect at tbe playbooaa with which he Is now con- neetsd. He to galag to play a version or Fanst by Bdmoad^BestaBd, and very probably some ot tbe other daaalcs aa well—notably Cy- rano de Bergerac When asked when his reslg' nation woold become effeetlTe, Le Bargy did not reply, bat be did ssy he woold not sppear at tbe neatre Bernhardt save with her person any. Tbe llrat of September Mme. Bernhardt goea to London, where she appeals for some weeln. In October sbe goes to America for a tour lasttog aereral months, thomdi In what cities Ken tog^wT'aat aimu Uam the fan. MTJ810- Bobert Lassallc, the yonng teaar, gaa Of the ex-barltone at tbe Opers, bas been engaged by Raoal Gnnsboori;, for Monte Carlo thia coming season. Shortly after, Laaaalle win be seen tor three mootbs each year from Datemher 30 WANTED—ATTRACnOMS For tbe Snlpbor Rock CarnlTaL Sept. 1. J. M, TBTMBLE, Bock, Aik. WAVTED—A Man to play vaodevUla. ahowB per day. Jfatt he able .to arrange, transpose and Mw. Stale lowest salary and experience; ale e Trap D i Mme r who alngs ma*, trated soogs. XUtfJ, ' SVONEY, AUSTRALI*. (Continned from page IS.) and no doubt he wtU pick np some Ideas that he win be tntrodoelog to the Anatrallan public lir. Spencer had tbe good tack to pUe np a good fat bank aecotmt, and aU tbe more credit to lilm for that, hot when be tdla the people of tbe trade that be to going to open a studio for tbe making of two or three reels of lllm per week, he mnat not t>e at all anrprlsed If he finds the makers of film closing aU tbe avennea of Information to blm when be caUa on them. The old saying, that "a stIU tongne makes a wlae head," would have been very applicable In this ease, eaneclally when on a gOB baat to gUk np wrlaUas to aae to baa- _^ full- hostoess'^ tbe psst month, bss alsa started to on the daily-matlnee bnalness. while West's are nmslsg the show on eontlnnoas lines during the afternoon, for the tnneral pictures only. Bnt It now looka aa If they woold aooo be rmmlng oa those lines, as there to one Srm that I would aa soon have their oroflta aa any one In the line in Sydney, and who are tbe originators of tfato daaa of performances. No one bnt wlabas Mk.- Spsaeer all the good li u*leni^fM?'al|^^''Ma-£lft^ Ste There hare been sercral'aew here in the psst three or tour we^a, aad they an aeem to be doing a good bnalness and aask- tog money. By tbe way the new places are braog opoied np. there will be snch a ttletbora of them that some of them wQI have to go to the wall and close np. The film renters here are simply coining money, for tbe prices they get are aU oat of mofiortlon to the prices chsrged to tbe United SiHteu. I only wish that I bad the naedfkA in Jamo^aaaagb MMtltlaa to open a aim raathgieWwwi^'l-MWCttit prices In a very ahoft'ome wadC to* a'* ■—" At the New Colonial Theatre. LImltad. ma place of amusement has had a cood few thon- Bands of dollars spent on It and a new dreas dr de put In, new folding opera chaira, both up and downatalra, new orchestra pit, and all modem, up-to-date Improvements added, so It now Is simply an Impoaalbillly to get y«ar to the theaDe.' and thto- fiain ataven to morning tm deren- at night dally. Seared shows on Sundays. And sll this trsnaformatloa was broogbt about by the hard work and Ameri- can posh of Hr. J. D. Winiama and Mr. Lcoo Phnilpa and Mr. Charlea wmiams. snrroonded by a lot of ssstotants. aU of whom speak United States. Mr. Williams bas floated his Tcntore toto s caaspaay with a oaid-np capital ■ad ba b«r eaaatfb •ttMOO .worth ot to So aOk. Then, be baa the latoaatlaaal mm Saebaaae. the Great Western Film Bxehsnga. the t. D. Wtlliaisa Amusement Compsny. and ba aecnolea aU of the bimaing now, having gotten rid of aU tbe other tenanta. Here you see a boay place, with an up-to-date .American air an about tile place, ana the short, ouick Amerlcantoau are gdod to Itote n to. . Mt. w miaan aaaatba local pagea of the preaa lacady, 'aadba win aaafca good In hla-Tenturea. Oa that I wm ataka na life. An the barm that I wtob the boys to that they win make It and take care of It. and not let It dip from their grasp when they sre older and may need It. They got out a spedal big program for "Tbe Day We Celebrate." and they will bare all their vixt cot oat tQ take care of the crowd toilay, or else I am a poor geaab at, Ko dsobt the many frienda of Mr. W lfll ama and bto pntr wrm be niaaaed to leam •f the aooa lode that baa awaited their ven- tnre oa Thto aMa aC the glaba. The Opea Alr Tb aa lia (or Xeelae Pictures bas msde Tspid atiitea aad they aie arowing usily. To show how they tske on. Just fancy going and dttln* In the open dr at night, arlth the thermometer about 18 degrees above tbe freezing point, and that Is what they do here. We do not get a frost here, bat we (tet pretty close to tbe freezlog polot, about six dearees off of It, bnt too dose to It to ssy tbst It Is comfortable to dt down to look- at plelaraaL The peaale do It night aftCT ntofat, aaSTaeem to Uka 11. The Government bas ^mt p asa t d some new laws that wUl permit them to cover them with canras now, and they wlU be almost aa popular as to the Bumraer. Bnt the wsy the Australians love the open sir and outdoor life la phenomenal. The Qneen'a Hdl, the Victoria Hdl. the Empire, tbe Arcadia, the Standard, and others too nnm- erooa to mention, are doing a good business, and now a n o ther theatre ia almoet ready opened, ]ttst.a,0Mr doatg boa the NewCslanUl. It nrUI opgi Ito Ssgn to tba BhUe to a few daya, but 1 — when they t_ Company, and If thIa should reseb the eyes of Peta Baker, of Baker and Farren. will he picaae coouounleate with the writer of this letter at once, aa my letters to. him on matters of bnstoess for blm have an come back nndalmcd. I forgot to mention that Mme. Antonio De- lores arrived In thla city from Ean FVsnetoeo, snd gave her first Anstrdian concert oa this trip, at tbe Town Rdl, on the 2nd of Jnly. to an over-flowing audience. Preaa notices m of tbe very Ugbeat order, and she Is, without doubt, tbe Snnest favorite of dl tbe big stars of tbe eu u ee rt Held that make theto apnearanea In thla part of the world. It to THE BIG ELKTOR FAIR Eleventh Annnil Exbrbltloo. September 14-16, 1910. New mana^rnent. EverjtblDj gom. Wanted. Coocossloos and Sbowa. 3L P. BTTGK- LET. ftoawtary, Slktoa, Wanted Quick—Clarinet, Comet, Trap Drummer, Ttoaibsae. Othera WdSTI.MVllXBL 1HBA — WANTED—Ferris Wheel. Metry-co-raand. Tent Sbmra, clean Carnival Co., with stz siso Cbnccadona and Amusemeato fbr the Ms M. W. A. Second Annud Picnic and Log Boo- ing, August 26-37. Several leading candldataa of tbe state win address tbe crowda both daya. Lance groundB. plPntv pood wator ana sbade. An.-W! r AO ;r.-^- O. VIRGO, BfO- rotarj, B«I S'JZ, B«J-tlr»TiUo, OkU_ WANTED Singers -First-Clain that bare bad experience in movlac-]|l^ tare theatres. Good salary and pennancnft Stttoa to tbe riKht parties. State f nll p artlcn- tors In ^n<t if-ART. ST TvaiTRTa a th K'AXFff, 14g W. 5th St., CineinBati, O. LOOK and see who will be at the Georgia :: State :: Fair lOI RABCS WILD WEST BROW, Vev, Hi FAHTS FIREWOBBB, Oet. as-gl. want to adi Restaurant, lunch atanda and roaat beef priv- ileges, not exclndve, to s few good, live ooea. . Our Midway is filling up with top-uotcbera fast. A few cbo!ro locations left, so yon will have to ■ ,rr .- ■ . ^<-r-- t i.' : HASBT 0. BOBIZST, Btcj. A 0«n. Mfr.. Maoon. Ga. OldHomeWeek Aug. 24. 25, 26, 27, New Plnla- tlelphia, Ohio CONCeSSIONS and RIOINO DEVICES Billed for flfty miles. lO O.OOO t o draw from , aodwe get the crowds. XEWMAB A SIGH- WANT TO SELL PRIVILEGES Of an klada tor Street TmiT. BaadOlBb. n. T.. Angaat 31«ept. 2. nXD L SBSgllB. Secy. no older to-day than whca jaar ■mawaa trayd- ing on tbe aame dtcdt as aha and her party In ISOl. She hss several good srtlsta with ber, but I have not heard ber this trip. No dodit I shsn do so when she makea ber next appeer- snce tomorrow evening. DB. WM. H. H. LAMB. Q. T. IL P. C Vrdney. M. a W. GREENSBUR6,IND.,FMR AUGUST 16-1h, laiO MERRYGO*RODND-FERRIS PRIVILEOnPOIISALC Tbo ICBL.EI REF-RIGERATOR For cottagrra and Campers. Abeototrt y no c ost to_.o pe rate. Wr ite far ^j g i rtleahjia^^^JPt Ntfiilietp Fancy Go«^.iuii Jewelry Stogar Bros.' Book of Spoddtlas contains more vdoable Information to premlnm houaes, novelty deders, atreetmen. Knifeboard men, Yankee no- tion workers, mail ocder men and jewplers. etc.. than any other catalogue Isaoed. Bver y thing new In red novdtlea, camlvd gooda, Jewelry, watches, sllverwsre, cutlery, optical irooda. etc By aatlafylng na that you are a legitimate dealer, aa we want to keep thla liook ont of the consumer's bands, and sending Id yoor par^ : maaent addteas. we will b» pleased to send' you this book free. 8IH0EB BBO*.. U Bow- e>y, Vew Tork City. FOB SALE—200 feet 10-ft. wsU, Bopes. Pdea, 7 length 8-tIer Bines: boarda for three lengths: drop curtain; 8 plecea Scenery imrpooe, g Torches. Bargain; first tSS tekes alL SB. J. O, BOWBEB, DstU's lake, JOah. WB^' ■ Everything In good shape. Can be aeen In op- eration at the Bloe Grass Fair, Lexington, Ky.. August S-IS. Waold condder some good Mr. The Buyers' wtKS and wtaera.