Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Ttie Blllb o a r d 41 Asotbv aav BMbw «C Ike «rM bu int ravtanA tb* mcm la tb* SSp-r at Hanld Boulter, aiid J«mc* B. ^^SSi VitnU** bas for thm put Bla» 7e«n' ■thr to Ht7 1, Uat, been boilmH nuiugcr lor U« broUMf. Will Bonltcr, asd tboM who in la • poaltloa to kaow slTe bin moat of tbe tfedlt toe bnUdlaf ap tae kraelncae of tbat Ju. B. Bummer, fimllltily knoira u "Jim," bu bMB muusar of tbe protcaalaful office of Will Boulter for tbe pa«t two jeer* and erery loe wlio kaowi "Jim" Bummer koowi tint lie la oaJoobtedl| tbe^beet pfofeielnnil aonc pro- feituiMte eom- with Baiold moter In tbe It la bard to blsatloa then tUa Boalter !<»«»« •'ftfJKJ' • Jim" Sommer •ludlas*'. tb*. diet a Terr biUkt ft . Ohv baTe aecvred . mSi door of tbe Oraad SS7tberwlUbean«« tbrtrnaar trleada. ^ - ' iib'* ETana. wbo ayea ta Maw Tark. SaM. 18 ao tbe United Time, are featarlac Tbere'a Kotll- lac Elae la Lite Like Lore, Low, Lo«« u4 Biedlry of tbla aeaaon'a bita. nabcd l7 U. Vltmark * Soaa. im* Bmud aad Wtllto Weitoa im* a ter- Hllc bit at Ibe ICaJaatle Tbaatn,' CUcuo. wKk oc Joir ts.. 1ft .» nt >a il w Bafc » dUtaa Lore iDi t tt*alll, jHlifcdt^Ty M. WUwfc * Baaa. ^ I rtloe. Br u en tl m Fleaaaat Mlatake. Temputtanas aig[«a«'>Daas:«IMa3a ■ere. . -C.'-'j^ InU and Jay, la rai Vltmark bIta. To tbe Bnd aC'tb* Warij'with loo aad Juat ror a Olrl. whleb aoaffa gala tier tben aereral eneorea niab tly. WUUama aad Oordon are mectlnt with me- «aa no the Inter state time, eluxlnr Daddy ft Kdaoa. eomedr acrobata. plajinc tbraoab tbe ceatial Weat, are naias TemnU- tlaa Btg, pobllBbed by U. Witmark * Sooa. Banr i tbraoab tl PLAYHOUSES. Prickett mmd Thieleo, Iciaeea and manigera of tha BclB OptiM Bonae, Blgln, lU.. are en- tirabr raaaMlaf tha theatre (rem the frost to tha back. P a rar a t o n are now at work on- Opam HaoM. of the New Or- lOTra, baa let i coO' !• Ma thei theatre, which ymsitw ahoat 200. •nt Baor aeatlac Tha talcoey wUl tract to tmttn • t» wffl lacNMa Iba aam« . .4 At art aaat tta laa» tAJ capacity aalj 'oC abaat BN. be Inatalled ahoat Aog. U. Tbe Loomla Opera Booic, Warerly, N. Y., ia belas entirely remodeled and redecorated, and will be opened aboat September 1. Byram L. Wlatera baa the management again. The Unique Tbcatre, at Uayfleld, Ey., wlu open the aeaaon September 6, 1810, tbe Wood Slatcra being the attraction for .the week. T. L. HcMatt will again manage the bonae. Manager A. H. Cohen, of the Owoaao Theatre, Owoiao, Kleh., haa returned home after Tiait- Ing relatlrea in QeTcland and Canton. O., for flre weeka. The QalUpoUa Theatre. Galllpolla, Ohio, man- aged by J. M. Kaufman, will open Ita aeaaon Aagoat S*. with John W. Vogel'a Minatrela. Iba Applctaa Tbeatie, Appletoo, Wla., opena Ito ^eam September IS, with Chu. A. Taktca Theatre Company hu pnr- lOgb Theatre, Ottawa, Kan. Tha Aaaad tha T. M. A. NOTES. The flae sew drop enrtala of Sfaea'a new yaa- dCTlIla theatre, Taronto, Caaida. which repre- ta Wtndaor Caatlc. aad all tha One new acen- 07 WIS painted hy WlllUm Drake, tbe leenle aitlat. of Toeeoto. who alao attenda to the ' the aceaciy for the Percy Haawell Boyal Alezandni. Bohart Naw- Olieeter ef Bhea'e. boot an the X paope. Beth of tbe geatlaoMO ate to be eeagfatuated tor the flue work they hare tnmed oat. JOSEPH OFMSON. palBtug of the Flajece at the BUB. the atasB THE JESTER. Only a clown la tbe clrcoa train. Gayly be rldea tbroogh tbe atreof Patches and paint and a drollery One, For tbe acrambUng crowd at hla feet. A barleqola, be. In hla rollicking rooad Ot jest and tumble and rice; Playa aUU with life, and Ungha at ita carea. With tha eamlral Ilgbt la hU -— a madly tlotaat, bUtheaome "ffc high ■ ' B«t high OB tk* etaat t • OaacB. oftea, tbe aiaibi aid behlpd patchca, and eatcnd with' palst. Arc. often, the woonda ot Ufa. When the Ilchta were oot la tbe ««np»i>g toot. t-j|»lC "»"t?M tell ta p atoTrv!^ ■ ■ ■ ■' • •■ tcTHam HANDS rasue'litvrrATfON Plttabnrg, Pa., Aug. &—The membera of tha PttUborg local of Stage Employu are to hold a Mg picnic at MUIer'a Farm on Bnnday, Aognat 14. Sereral hnndred aUge medianica will be preaent. aa well u a nomber of the- atrical maaagera and ageata from tbe aorromul- lag territory. In honor of tbe opening of tbe Oayety, PlttahorB*B Baatcm Wheel borieaqne hooae, aa iBTltaUM la eKtcnded, to all of tbe male membera ot MOaan^ Bortig and 8eamon*a Boweiy Barleaqncra. Beaay Jaaaea ia eepe- dallr terited ^ MARRIAGES. . XtBDMnmnu.—MUi aattha Kleta, of hUaM^lMB^' Pa., and B ch ul W. Bnnken, of OBtaM, Mk MHben eC tka IteUe Black ■j>agr.^|aiay^jaillij^ lert^wajifc^at tto Umlt JUSX-KSMOL-vi. EOwaid btialla Daly, both Taoderflle married in Jeriey City, Joly 31. tbclr home aa McPherwm, Kan. BIRTHS. Bom to Mr. and U*^ of the Lyceum Ceaiadr olaerllle. Ky.. Joly X. Bom to Mr. aad. II Bloodln Show, i KwaUa. Mahoi. PEArm.. VEBNON.—laabella TanM, as actresa. died Joly 36. In Chicago. foDawlag an operatloD. Her remalna were cremated and tbe aahea were Shipped to her chUdien in Loa Angelta. WTATT.—B. C. Wyatt, manager of tbe Ma- aoo Opera Hooae, Loe Angelea,- Cel.. died at hla realdence, 1742 W. Sixth atreet, Loe Aa- gelea, Monday morning, Jnly 23. For aereral weeka Mr. Wyatt bad been in. hot It ww not nntli a few daya before hla death that hla lllneaa took a lerlooa tota. He learea a wife, wbo la In New Hork at nceeeat: a danghtaiw ID^Mi Balmoo. leaUUac & Tlrglnla, aad a wmJW.^ Wyatt. who hu been aaaodMc* «Hh Mil fiafiier ia the manegaawnt oC the Mhob. He. Wymtt waa one itf the anat aa iiftal theatrical M aC tka Weat. aad it k bailaecd ttat Ua fkVKn —l P; MBia^Maaaier of Draaa* laaB Paik. at aaeaWrJIIL. wia killed In aa Hla aon. who ta a alectMdar tntha puk, daa. bad an arm and a Hg bnkea. Two ethar panU ot the car weia kOIed. Aa minaia tlon aratam car tan lata tbe aatomoblle. OBBOBRB.—Btepbcn A. Oabome, a m ot tbe wihielia at the Tan Cnrler Opera Hooae. Bdieneetady, N. X., died inddenly Aagwt 2. Be wu 34 years of age. CONNOBB.—William Connora, bonndlng wire artlat. died at the home of his slater at Delta, O., Joly 20, from typhoid ferer. aged 83 years and 11 mootba. He aUrted hla profeaatooal ca- reer with the Slg. Sanlelle Show la IBBB nd waa a member ot the Son BToa,* JMMi at tta> time ot hla death. HU body wai ta Toledo. O., Angnet 1. CLAY.—Bamael George Clay. W».. . , ^ a prominent figure In tbe theatrical bOBuaoa la thu cooatry and one ot the oldest Uni IB IBB woHd. died 3alv BP. aged e3_Tea>a._ H* «aB^ couaUj, PhUadelphla. Mr. Vaudeville Xheatre Manit^r Our g Service Ranks First LET US PROVE IT THEREareNOBUMPSon''TH£ASSOCIATIONSPEEDWAY'' OUR BUSINESS has assumed enormous propor- tions. We have passed all competition, and now stand alone as THE LARGEST and BEST EQUIPPED BOOKING ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD THEATRES FAIRS^ ■ :> PARKS . • ; CIRCUSES < CliXJBS"- and EVEKY KNOWN FOKM OF BNTEETAINMENT WESTERN Vaudevitte Managers ASSOCIATION -. • .-I" Am Hated with ORfUEUU CIRCUIT W« Cm MNt TIat May Arita "THE PAT CASEY OF THE WEST" ADOLPH E. MEYER PBBSONAU.Y TO THE WANTS OF ALL GOOD VAUDEVILLE ACTS SUITE I205 AND LEARN WHAT I CAN DO FOR YOU MAJESTIC BLDG.. CHICAGO