Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Xtie Billboard AUMMTUkltML aMAU. ^ANO MOWN RETUlIN TO HQLAMa Dear t» Hnr Tat^^wUtelvat la 9BfeB OiMb Bfuwa. ut opt If tor o Via* out Mr. Aon Bade tkc trip to liiV SMTl* look at the ■■laafwmt patks oC OMiy BAmA and neatbj plaees, and aee If tkoe «u ujrtbliic KtJlj new ud worth adop- tlOB for his iMriE h«re aod for laataUatloD in hia bis two-mllUon-dotlar park in ParU, which he wUl open to the Trench people at Easter next. While in New York, Sir. Brown rtsited aboQt everr show or derlce that waa recom- aoended to him as harlnff anj o( liie elfJneQts of noTeltr. He fonnd many of them were only TailatloDS of old tbin^ and a mnltlpUi^atlon OC the same Idea. Where Coney Island, a few Tean a<o. bad one scenic railway. It now has a score, bat they are called by a dosen dlfla- •Bt names snd are toU apart almpiy fey tha tsLiiisliTe Xeatana. One kaa a asm sistw ate ftOBt tfaaa aaMkcr sr ItMrtW JMMB-diaK- tnnttt vllb aad lera^ hat the ociciaal and they an all "sceo- crltlelaai appUea to seariy ■d tta iBneat l Te there. Mr. Brown has offlces there and all la In of conatmctloQ to begin. This afternoon the wccnd annual brass band coatfst at tbe White Cltj la to be held, and forty bands hare entered and will play as a test an ai i am iiaH aC the w«>fcs of Weber. Tbe prlsB gtiaa trUt. Biowa la these con- tasts are a aanlva dnr ckanpliiaikip shield and $1,000 In pslaea. ' Tha bands come from durocat towns within a radius of fifty miles, and ea^ brin^ with it an ezcnzsSoo of from one himdied to Ore kaadicd people, and the In- terest here In tbe dty is slso Tery sreat. as several of tbe bands are from town. Uonday will be the hig holiday of the year, and all places of amoaement will be crowded to capacity. White City and B*lIevTie will e'ach bare at least fifty thonsanil Tlsltors, sod rain will not keep the numbers down, either. Laneaetalre people woold feel more U^e re- malnins at home If It did not Tmin on a hoU. dir. All the theatKt urOl do capaeltr taslness Monday, and erccy tbntra la tbe dty will be open. All tha frat-elaaa kaaaaa -hare been daaad far alx_ wiAa: faa^ ~ tat. tha xcgalar aad asala. my offlee tm What. Ho! Summer!!! II!! Kooday. Jnly 2S. la It wi NATlEtXa Director of a band of one hondred accomplh are g r ea t favorites wlili the American pobllc lacennlty of the prorider of park amoyementa aotam to be oo a Tacatloa or a strike. _^Bome of the tfeiags seen woald nerer do for Aaopeaa parka aad aaaity aU of the others are net anyatfgi^jaiW^gilag derloa hare bees IntndMet ta«;-w wsl as pretty nearly aU the otbtf snoseseata. bat the trip of Mr. Beowa waa not withoat Its sood Te«altj«. mm lie was able to satisfy lilmaelf as to all that waa In the American parks, and while he foond nothing of any great norelty. atlll. he dIJ c<-t •ocne fine snt^estlona and make some deals by which be will be able to add to tbe attract- iTecesg of bis parks and also keep In tooch with certain of tbe aiirewrlest managers In the bos- Ineits and get first call on aoytfaiog new that may be brooght OQt. WhUe at the Island. Mr. Brown was tbo recipient of numy ccnxrteaies at the Ixaods of tbe pa* .people and other abowmen located Ikvau AC flceatcr Dreamland be was nter- i t» d dlini 1 and ibowa ma«y other attea- waa also ■ wdeoo* cseat aad -was that was new in each plaoe. Mr. Joseph C Sicca, tlie wen-known aiddtsct. engineer and boOder of parks end attiactlans from St. Lools. met Hr. Brown la Kew York and arranxed to take eharse of tiiat pert of the work at the new Faria park Ottlc City). Hr. Wna wm ean from Hew Ta#. Aac 20. Ike. mt wm. M-.-m».,tiSSSr.m aary to haaa a Ut» baminc hecanaeoC tbe caldl Erery one wbo knowa bm knows that I am sot in any way a chilly pcopoeitloB aad the Ore was DOt B s edtd to tbaw me out. Erery day thta mask baa beam eold caaasb flar Ucbt-welsbt oTcreaal^ :aBd wiatac aMennar la as neces- aarr as tt naaally la at C b il elmM. Now. com- pare the day a>d date la Maachealcr rad In Nen- Tock and thaw eomipaso tbe ellMstlt aad tbermometric condltlsiis! Aad yet, la weather of that sort, the ootdooi; resorts sctoally did good bosiness. hot not a torD-away. BeTertlng to the theatres:—Tbe Princess wUl open Monday with a rerlral of The Chimes of Normandy, bnt, aa tistial, the credit for the book la glTen entirely to an Engllatunan. and PI: nanette, tbe composer, la not mentioned st all. The Qoeen'B will rerlre Drink, with J. Pitt Hardacre aft Coapean. In which part be baa appeared seTeral thooaand times. In this case the play Is called Easily Led, snd is billed as belnc written entirely by Bardacre, while poor dead Zola la glren no credit o( any Und. Tbe flaiatr wm xartTa .Cnpid aad OaasMassnae. aae aC Owaa amataui mitt aad water aflblia, a(- fteted <be antbetle itaek ar xapertscr com- pany of Miss Hoialmaa. Blood aad tfanader melodrama of the wocst kiad win bare Innings at half a dosen. beoies and Tanderllle wU bold the boards at ten places. 'Famile Ward, the erstwhile American ftlar with tlie big bank ac- coont aad the small voice, will I>e tbe head- Uaei^t Moea^aad StoH'a Hlppodieae. She THE FROLIC Altev Ridiig Device Tke Navelty Machine CoBpaij of 2RtehirSt., I. T.Ciii and sneoeasfolly oper- ating at Palitada Faik wfaaia it haa beea the CMTiM 36 Peiple ii Tm MiBuiit in* capadty basiaaaa. A loader in wiaalac t«- ParkMMMfmwM!* hiltwTMk ahoHM aaa It ep*r> ■tins. ^ ow alteraate ears swing oat while slteraate oars ttwaid toward rapportiBC stnetare. That* an tlx ears, ii> > sails each. California Frank's ALL if STAR Hippodrome and Wild West Attractions Hav« Juat Flnlshetf a 8uec»os«ffttl Run off Twelve Weeks Big Hiiwoilnnie Tine HAVE THE FOLLOWING FAIRS BOOKED.* Cortland, N. Y.. FUr. Ang. 23; Toranta'^Bnposltlon, Ang. 2T; Toledo. O., rair, Sept. 12: Detroit. Mich.. State Flair, Sept 19: Trenton. N. 9Ui.SUte Fair, Sept. 28; Bichmond. Ta.. SUte Fair. Oct. *: AngTiBta, GeorKla-Caroliaa Fair, Not. T. HsTe a few open weeks between Bichmond and Angnata for my wild west sod free attiactloaa. .-tfANTEO—Tto Join at Cortland, N. ¥., Aug. 21, front door man that caaaMbe wild mes* ■ [■•■■' i a K-.To ong Lady to nlay Calliope and learn to ride; Canraa and seat.Mep. AMnm.wmMSawSimntSkoia. tHh _ i —= _ ^ _ —, , and Oolnmbia ATaona, Fhlladelphla, ^> ^*^*9xlJSi T*^ *awi5^tatiTa, Zoa MoCUiy. Vaitsd BoeUat OOoaa. PateaS ■t ft >. Minar <ailitaBia Fnak^ owner and Xanagar. \ .. "THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE" oma special ticket, mar printinR, say eolors, aoeuiately numbeied. mwmr loU ■ SPECIALPRfCESFOR THE BIG ROLL TICKKT: 6.00O-S1.26 20.000—»4.60 £0,000-« 7-W 10,000— 2.50 26,000— 6.C0 100,000— 10.00 Prompt ahipment. Cadi with th e order. COUPON TICEETS, 6,000—I8.M 1x2, STOCK TICKETS—SIX CENTS. Oet the ■anniiii NATIONAL TICKET CO^ Shamokln. Pmh. At Parkt,Falrt andAnmmant Ra*ar1«.fv«ry«bM« The Qreatast Fan Maker aad Xoaay Maker ta oar L aug hin g Ximr Show, Bast proposition arar offsrsd tha ABmOBaat lUB>car, Large returns oa a small larestment. Xaally managed. Any one ean be ana* ccssfnL Banalng espeaaea hardly anything. Al- ways ready tor BaiMa. Ha troohls to get tba people la. Tba wan at laasMer from pteaaeA pttroDi inm tha cravia batter thaa any baUyboo. Our Imprond aslnaea a>a auds e( a blgldy pellshsd nickel eompeslliao aataL' They ean not mat aa* win not tanUta. Sana appearaoec aa tba clan mlr> rocs and answer ssme porpoee at far leas coat. Bo> log Ugbt In weight and oon.breakalile, they are tba 0Bl7 leaUy portable mlrrori erer made. We btra made tbe langhlDg mirror a specialty, and can for- niah Ideaa that are sore to get the money. Writ* to^ay for fall partlnilara. J. M. MATTOBTOM MMBwaam ommaaioaiom ooururt. SaM