Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AU0U8T u, tm^ xne eillboard 45 ■tbloaoo, tb« ciiblw of ths White Cltr. Paris Dcxt we«k to acc«pt a almUar ■with Mr. Blown at tlM Mactc Cttj. H. Holderneaa. Ik* elitrcs ot tbe balldlas-aTBt.' BMNni*a puk la Barcdoo*. . Spajo. ijl t «!■ ■ >» ■■j|« g »d. la mace oa Mr. BiOTmnBjMik, Part aTtt* tlaa at an npodtlMi ■ >■■ Mr. Biawm taaa acnad M futnlih an th* amnaaianU flor Best aani- Gaptala Bader, who bad ctaarga ot tba Eaqal- ■anz Tlllige at 8«atUe, ti netotUtloc «ttb tbo c opc ea alooaira of amoa^meota at tba Tarln. UU, ezpoaltlOD for tba poaltlon oC maoaftr. n*d Curamtna and LToeh are trrlos to land a CMcaaalon In Borne, and hare an option, bat. ■a to tba last beard, bad not orcaolaed tbeir ■■aiei beat ol pan7 nor Mcnitd capital to doaa Un deal. DHit McConoell aaimi to be doii iac aboot tha ot anr of the Amricaa dwwnMn over beta, tbat la b e canaa h* baa " Tba «bawt at Ika nar add tw'mneli St tktir conccaalona. Gandjr'a WOd Weat Mtad and tbe Indiana bad to appeal to the Oovctament to take tbem borne. Others are not ao fortunate aa the Indiana, and will bare to ■wlm or flab for 'auckerm. Tbe legitimate abowman can alwajs get money oa thli aide bat tbe piker la soon (oond ont. and when 70a fii^ the fellow wbo la conatantlr dtanalns bis locations and scheme* and worklDS a new lot of people joa will always find a piker and one DOt cood to aaaoclate with. There are many Americans of this sort orer here and tbey are dolss tbe lesltlautte asanaaerB and prasotera wbo wUl aet aaaata an ac feam. In oaa stuflmm VUtt. la fttli. Maia« a ad paM twa ■Ifll awn's Mafic City.. : at that th«i» waa atmaaa nC Mtais tar liosks piatty goad aaaas doabt at diat a acotaa ac .aMM at tba ptkcra. \aaM MUTaAst-claaa park tar Mrta^tftf'a'-iMf'-dnBka tar aaathcr MM. K. Dw wkaaa Ma aaMt- ~ alba waak arJMflKM Ika or tba . at with the Parker ^ Mr. Poweta left tor CAIeaso ta atrical eompany for the winter On July 29. ilr. Powers casaT-ii' boat ride to elichty ot tbe Parkar r Ur. and Mta. Ooiu T. Keaaedy. Mr. Powers cbartetcd dre Ursa laaaehaa. and after taklns a rMe ap Moose Blvcr aboat 23 mllea. the party l e lata a d t> « _bsaatHal little park, called Wlldwasd. iUDOt, where Mr. ~ aad driakablca. DbHbc tba atsv M _ _ patM. (■■H.'ale.^ Tba lwe foe-all ladMa raea tMa Mta. WtfsMaa. Mn. Baitlstt raa- alag seesad. Tba A«e4or-an aca'a taea was SNB hr Chas. KOpatrlek. «bs sas limid fieOow. MUr B oa t 1 1 waa atrnad. Tba fat aua'a rscc tbe tratni* ercBt of the day, with the entries: Con. T. KnatOj. A. p. - rred raber, I^wreoee Hanley. Al. Mysta, Ed. Price, Jerry Barnes and Clint Wels- oaa. A. P. Whitney Snlsbed Drsl. with Mr. FMd Faber a close second. After tbe ramea were over. Mr. Keooedr pre- seated to Mr. Powers a baantlfol gold watch aad chain and an Elka' charm with four dla- Boada and one mby set In tbe tooth. Mr. Ken- Mdy alao presented Mr. Powera with a gold ■td nmbivlU 00 behalf of bimselt aad wife. Pawera tried to aaawsc the ptsaaatattoa Thate were short sddreeaea by Mr. Ksaaady, J. A. Dainaby. Chas. Kitpatrick aad HacBsn Q. Sailth. Oa Tbaisday. Jnly 28. OoTeriMr Bark was Ike Saest of tbe Great Parker Showai. The s h o wa are 00 tbe aticcta .bi tba wack^ o< Aasaat a. . . With Ita new tbirty-two acre xroond falLr aoolPPed. the Boekland Ooaaty AsrienllDral and ■Wtleolti - - - - — - . - tleoltaral Aasoelatlaa wUI apsa the sixty- aaiaaib aaaaal fair at BacUaad 0«Miyat Oraatebats. M. T.. Bsplcabtr rnkT^fCnb «os ot tbe beat bsrasas ladac pudiaais la tba Cast sod a bane abaar ta" wMA mtntr Urtely partldfalc. roar tl.OM rada* haadkapa bass besa ar- rasfed and la addition aaay elaaa laces, la aOl, orer 3S0 horses hare beee eatcred. smoac this list belnr aome of tbe beat honw flesh In tbe conotry. The horve abow will drsw maay aatrles from Tnxedo and ntber andety points In- aamach as this department Is under tbe personal direction of Joseph Byan. a son of Thomas F. Ryan. Mr. R^an la well known as an exhibitor at'borsea. The nivmlums in this Ucpsrtment Wll exceed (1.000. The sssnclatinn has Totwl for the flrst time ia Us. hlstnry. to hold tbe fair Amy sikI Dljcht. '_W> ar tba f e at a i ta at tbe fair win be an . .._ ' Ip . aakMBOblla anaafactnrers of tbdr Maay' flee exblbitlaaa and acU have been arransed for. O0U6LA8 COUNTY AT MINNE- SOTA «TAT«>l»Am<v:^ V nine slnre the history of tbe MlBBeaata State Pair. Don,ia« ooonty wOI bare aa exbMt. Tbe Alexindrla Commercial dab of Alexandria, Minn, has taken the matter la hand aad with the aid of the Connty Asricnltnral SoeietT and huilness orranltatlona of the county will en- djaror to hire somethlna worlhr of sttcntlon. ^^.•"'"•■■dria niah School will also bars an aaaihi t of the past year's work of tbe blch- - farm-manual training and I departmenta. PAIR FOLljO!l|l«IM:;;|IOtk^r The Blllbaard Pob. Osw, * OaelBattl. o. tala a flataiday algbt aat ■■Nlar aaaa pieMa of com aad asMn prae> am ear '^■«"B«Tcaaa(y. NEW JERS EY ST ATE FAIR. The datea for the New Jersey State Fair, which will be held In Newark tbU yrar, are October 3-8 InclaalTe. A basil log new organl- aatlon baa Just Ijeea incorporated for $5O.000, under tbe laws of the State of New Jt^rscy. ami It la planned to glre tbe most compreUen»lve farming and Industrial exhibition ever bt-M In tlilB aectlon of tbe cotmtry. Work ban been under way for aereral weeks sad from tbe de- maiMl for space fram exhUtllOfs aad coocea- Bloaalfaa It la likely that tto aiaalai l^tkn at the dfly acxsa oC isrlSMd §SmS-Wm be ■poka At la a ikoct tiaa. ' nr. Talsht, a waU-kaeara Hawaxk aro- r. V tba saaseal aaaapsr. Mt. VsljAt lias a thasaagb aap etlsaca la ifcsatrtcals aad baa beea ooe of tba leadlac flgares la sU tbe bis sportlnc sffaira tbat bare occurred la New- ark In tbs laat twenty years, ScTctml tbrUllac acts bare already been engaged for the free ea- tertalnment of rlaltors and theae wUl be freely added to. All of tbe attraetlre featarea of the "old fashioned cMuty tail" win be a as l fad the up-to-date ni " " * be retained, and wUl be InaUUed. Ttie officers of the new asaoclstlon are Prank A. Dodd. president; Jameit P. Stelner. vU-o- president: Cbarlea relntbal, treasnrer, and Fred w. Valpbt. sarrstsiy aad ssnsral aaaager. It la piaaaaa^ t» aoMad a p a aiila af 9M,OtO ta make tba iaitlal eCstt af tbe aew aasodatka a big WALTER SIBLEY'S SHOW BURNED Walter Slbley'a Famooa Pit Show, known aa the (Teateat "Serea-ln-One," co exhibition In tbia coontry, homed to ibe giotmd on Augttat 4, la Coldwater. Mich. Mr. Slbley'a ahow was with tbe United Camlral Co. operatnt by the Cnlted Falra Booking Assodstloo. They were plajlbg Coldwater. Mich., on tbe atreets. Some member of Mr. Sibley's show dropoed a match In a gasoline taok. which exploded and bum^M up the entire ahow. Long dlstsoct- comroonica- llons with Mr. Sibley braagbt the news that be deesB't haUesa it wai be posstbie for him to ala *apa a^ia tar tfela year'a faira. The waa 107 bia»P-ta MP. BMcy. cARNiyML.iMin wild Tbnata^ - awlat to tba aetloas fllaess of bis Tba W- O. W. State Encampment, which was to be beld at Colon City. Tenn.. Aagiist 8-13. baa been postponed to August 15-30. Lee Barnes, working 00 the Lolo Sbow with tbe Al. O. Barnes' Wild Animal Clrcoa, has left to Join tbe Great Parker Shows. alcctrldaa oa the Lolo Show, la tbat «Mr **Til'y'lfsspaaa ?*'*'-*^ SOUVENIRS Novelties and Specialties For Fair*. CanUvala. Or* cues and Celebrallona A coaaplete Uae at CaxalTal aad ...per sroea. nn—Oaa TO—Gas 8—CamlTal Whips. >• SI—Camlral Whips. 1»—Imported. Self- PVedlBC $2.00 2.SO 3.00 4.00 *M COE, TONGE ft CO. Ninth and Lueaa LOUIS. MO. StroetmBn! Darnival Workars! Fair Fellowars! Oar IBIO Catalomr la ready. Bead for a tan to-day. It Is bipger than erer aad la tall fraa cowr to eorer with goodo that you aecd. We carry tbe beat asaortaaeat f«r yonr boslacss la the Dalted Statee. Jewelry. Watches. Optical Ooeda, Kalres. Bason. Walklac Canea aad 3(» tloaa. Whips. Confetti. Duatsra. Babber Bailie Itnbber Tape and Tbivad. 8aa aad Whistle Bal. louoa, and Catalral NorelUea of all d ca e ri ptlcaa. Deposit rsqoliad on O. O. D. SNHMtTiaiHTiliei. N. Elglith St., ST. LOUISs MO. With or without board. Evwythiog mw Uaoof piaao. A. L. STANLKV;.«8B«- SMkStiNlaNtirTaffcGlgr. ' FAIR WORKERS' and STREETMEN'S NEW GOODS JUST OUT WHta for our MaMt ItM IM utaa tad Catalegua. MaMadrRCe «o your addraaa TOM, THzmnTn. I0»—Ax Lace Pin groaa ( ».-tO 101— Dewey Seta •• lO.BO 102— Battle Ship Chain .. " 3.40 lOO—Uberty Seu " S.OO ^*'***** •« a 40 Sra'cf'a'*UBk Seta •• 4.00 106—Bsnicle Bronchr, •• 13.SO Tbe biggest esloe erer ottered tor tbe money. Extra beaTy. foU sU<? 'v, Incbcs. Per doi., I1.4S: per groai. tULSO. Same aa bcbnr la Self-lUlIng Foactaln Pen. the be^t erer pat oot. It gets the ~ " gmas. « Jawaliy. * We sra fnaatala Peas aad SACK 4 totmai. ■wuHmi* » Hsoa ar Motauii^ m-ns a. Chlc^ak m. McFALL'S DOG CIRCUS AND BEST ATTMCnON OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD ^aa* Blad. Watt WalkUw; IWtgr^ifc LCalta r~ Waltalac; Pate Oag. ■iiaiiaialti !isus^''.jr8&a-&^j AGENTS STREETMEN DEMONSTRATORS NEVER BEFORE ON THE MARKET THE QUEEN XJLE QUZZS mc PESCIL8. Non-leakable. ml>ber flnla hed. Big 2Sc seller. Large profits. OOlCPAMT, M Wabash Arenas, Chicago, HI. MS ta- dia mUMmIIM. Sat at MMi WANTED JOIN ON WIRE -WANTED NATIONAL AMUSEMENT COMPANY (THE CLEANEST SHOW ON EARTH) WANTS—TROUPE OF J APS for Jap Theatre; OSTRICH FARM! one BALLYHOO SHOW with good front; one GRIND SHOW (must be D^MT taMtS^abMM^dHHMi'^'''*^ ^^w^ CUrioiiet, Tuba, Snare other eood privfleees open. WANT—A-1, sober and icUable. doee CONTRACTING AGENT, up in Prognun, Oountiy Store, Cooteat. Must know your bumnees. Will pay goodaibiyfotfaeit^Mii. We funuah the attiaetKws for IBIESBBK. COL. USSinillEI GUMTAL. Nipst Itt tl 13tl. miTi rum, lit, till KB. - Mprttsifeti2MiL miktat:iilnmi^tm^:iy^ HtMRV OLDHAM. M a w ar. &SeSSSanriSoSF«m SSSii teywrrtiBt^ wire DOC. ALLMAN. Grand Island. Neb aCNERAI. DELIVERY At liberty for Jadks^^ A. BIG FREE ATTRACTION DEUEL'S OQg, Pony and Monkey CIrGus ft { W- F^mushing a complete entertainmeol from 20 minutes to one hour. Twdro flmaB iMntiftill^r inafced poMB. tmnfy doiB and ^madBgiP, featuring famous military drill and kip^OK pontoB. AdlAm^ ,irt;;-.yei^^ aaUles, Ky^ until August 13. " —PERMANENT ADDRESS— 621 Luttrell St, Knoxville,Te||