Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Xtl« Bill Film Releases , stripes (Druia) 1000 I i( Two Ckwts (Comedy) 425 KmuccncT (Oomedr) .. ns _ _ SOBoaem (Oru») SB6 IS—Oat at tte Hlcbt (Dnma) 900 IK—A Vaeatka la Hanaa (Scade-eoncdy) flSO CvOBMvJ ••••••••• SSO ~ tto Hvir Mnma) 1000 (tnmm) iSO •raws (comedy) EBO ^— (dmu) fiso -An Dacxpectid Bcwaid (drama) 7B0 -BampUon* aa an Ariatoi (eomsdr).... 3B0 4««n«t— Feat. a^WItta Blldca Bmcd (Drama) 1000 0—Til* Motba and tbe Flame (Comedy).. 87S •—Tte I«dr and tba Boralar (Drama) .. S60 ~ho ^tteck €■ tbe MlUJD rama) .... .1000 t.aijf ■t<ii7 with a New -A TtcaVtr Bns 1>—vaa Bndllfa «H» JDnaa) .......... B—A Tktfm tt Baim'iOamaf b» ftoreat Baanr .Itrl-^-k-c-a SpcSa < It aaA tfe* M(C (Pnrna) -1*—^At Oie DawBln^ or Tbe Fear ot tbe Oxnet (Drama) 8U IS-^rtte and Mocdaeal (Otama: Part U) 6«B jad tto Btr Nephnr Oct tta TJada Got Wlae^t a* at Brcatida (nole)' BderBiater (drama) T30 _ Onllmlted Ttata. or Tha Sawlac MarMna Ikat Tkartled (ewwdy).. 3SS *«7— Feat 3—On the Threshold (Drama) OSS S—Motactac Amen tha CUOa and Oargaa aC Fnaea (SceaSe) St5 •-Ilka CUak ot Gold (Fnca) 00 Utk la Senesal Atttxa rtra*claBaa) .. 4» •—The larloelM* Swart ,ll tmm- t u mmi MB &rina et Hadlaaral IMMcHiiM' M U—Tbe Hlddcn-actMt ftanuu) .. .. .. sn »—la the Bert» aFSa Oi» rWI .... 4SS n—ivfita amnm nmttur toeos mi- oredi MS 1»—The Jony WUrl (trJdt ccowdy) «I2 19—^n>e Ffellar« oC Succcaa (drama) .. IS—Tbe Piinetaa and tbe Flafabona (i _ edy; eoloted) »—Tba FtaT I/awyar <egiHdr> - M—Tbe BeadtiAd lfai»awt qjaOammt.. dM WooM —— — ~eol( RoT^ (( Angnat 3—Aa Anrtmt Meriner (Comedy) «h 5— Tba Aee of Bearta (Comedy Drama) .. tAt •—Tba ..ort'i Prayer (Allegoricml» -170 6— ^taerllte, the Gem ot the Gknarlea (TraTcloBiie) .. SOS >—P Utui ea mi e Watett or Italy (Senile) 411 »—The Water C» /Comedy) ...........das IS—EntombeA AH** (Ofmrnt ............ MB U-Sdtla aC fc»pr k CkKmrntg... tM*:^ 10—Tbe BiUautejMnt (Drama) .......... dBT 18—AcrtMa Bmalm Fotaad (Ttoort... MS Boadac a Kaaate (Oalaaad Faata^).. B8I SB-Biqrlas B IbtfecrMw (taaOv-.-- ^* ^IB^ltlatakca Uotfttj mta ' ' **** 17—Tbe mUa (^aptba at tk* ma) .. , *»—The W< S«—T«« ~ 1»-Th» IHtf— 1—Tbe CToIaael'a Brraad (Drama) .. IS- tond aw tbg (drama) CUaial BeOa (tek) ... let Bev Cdama).. LDBIS ilAirCTPACrXTRTSa COMPACT. Feet IB—Tbe Wild Man of Booeo (Comedy) .. 380 2~S!.^S!Sff (Drama) goo ■ ■mI*» ACdr (Oimedy-Dra- -...-.......-••......«,. via SB—Tbe Bead to BapplBaM (Baoaaea) M-fMtlaa .Taae (>^^ mw »-«ka Hotka Cletea Maa (Cwedy) .... MB M—Apada <Md (Drama) ....i , BO—Faith Won and l4ist (Drama) ...... Mf— 4—^Hla OiUd'a Capttrc (Drama) ...^ T—■Vrdl*'a Taratfm (Comedy) ........ MB 11—Ae Hl^Ilbljidcra (drama) flM 11—Tim AImI«bty Dollar (comedy) MB 14— Hie Adopted Vtxightei (drama) 080 15— BoaemarT- for Bemembrance (drama).. 900 SX— Jottn Qrmham'a Gold (drama) 905 1—nnc Hearts (Drama) 870 . i i> Blair-and tha areaaera (Drama) .. IMO ~ t «t * OoBX (Drama) ..m.. MB I «( BtBt (Comedy) ....W.-HB 53— BUlnc Bcbool In Belclom (Education- al) fiM 54—A Cnrlooa Inreatloa (Trick Comedy).. OS St—CatcblBB Flah With DraamUe (Seaalc) dH M—ni^^art Pate ^MoSS SbmS' ** 8S " g B a T « 1Tb Tnm Omr WHmti fQanCf) OS SB—KaptdaOB (Hlatodeal) BM JalF— Feet 1—BeiwlUaaa Batty (emnady) SOT 1—^Inalda tiw Karth (eolond apectacnlar) SU - mmx Fblla tbe Police (comedy) STl BUlac FeaU by Ooaaaeka (edneatlonal) SSb Tha Sonaway Doc (C^HDedy) Sba 4— <Iha Bhlaa from CataBaa to Btacn (CU-__ gfffij SobbIc) ..*•••••>>•••*•••«••••••>• 98b Ta Oae AnolBer (OotacB tumui BOS e-^Jlaka Has the Bbootlas Kaila (Oam> ady) 44B 8—Blabearted Mary (Drama) TIT 8—CoLEooaeTelt BeTle«rln« FiaaA Ttaapa (^iplcal) 180 B—Tba Champion of tbe Race (OmaadF) SBO 11— fnat For Oood lack ( Lum i dJ ) M4 U—The Falthltaa Lorer (eotaad fcan).. BR IB—Tba Orerland Ooacb BaMay (oean- Uanal) ............................. ^^^a IB—^V«ona (acenlc) MB U—A PoUtleal DUctualoa (ceaatrj OS II Fleaae Tttka Oae (eemedy) ........... MB M—A Saad Uatr (Bram aH e r imate).-.,... JW M-AlBBflaa SlaBF (eataaS iMBaWrt).. MB IB—Hbtafeia Tf—♦**T iitaaa) 4H IB—Awfd Symphony (eolaeod trIA) 420 tn ' Mannn (drama) — ..... —....... 7SA SB—(^tcblnc Lobatera (ednfatlnnal) 218 B—Tha Cowboy'a Sweetheart and tba Baa- dlt (drama) ...................... M—aiocs ct Bettra Fraska (eomadr).. looi Tliiia Cfwraj....... 4TB wub a ' Ifr Oa Ici aT-^)eteetlT>'a'brMm''(Onmtiy)''I"""! 681 27—On tba BthlopUa Fieatlcc ' (Coloced 39—Tamxax.Os^B HIi ttrtsr lliBlaA. <Com* V<Iy ) > • . ••'^•' '•••'•••••••••••■••••••a a • > • 850 30—carlioabarfOiiiMlJaMM) looo Ansnat F«»t. 1—^Retty aa an Btraad Old (Comedy) .. OIi. 1—Hratlns Bate in Soamtra ((Morad Ed,- - ttcsttoBsi) • sn — 820 14* ^ .i; — 538 5— No Beat for the Weary (Colored CJom- edy) SM 6— Tbe Latest Faablon In Sfclrta (Comedy) TIB e—firtletb AnnlTcnary of Yokohama (roloi*^ Scenic) .. 248 S—^Tronblea of a FUrt (Colored IDrama).. 770 8—Jewlzb Typva in Bnaala (Edneatlonal) 207 10—Her Pbotograpb (Comedy) 823 10—The IbU (Educational) 874 12—The R«I Girt and the (JhUd "fOrama).. 023 13— OIlvPT TwLs; (Draiiia) 028 LOOKS If you nm a Moving Hcture Show in a bdibII town IKE WANT YOU to .on a and yoa waipBofit; SeeiMl a^L ^. ^ We U6 ^Ikwit to tiun Ml oiill l■tt^^ "Wtrr YOU Npp^ what it MNSttlMritTcHMMMWilSi bs plaoed w flBiflt Ae odeir fa BAMt ik is jgt<HiiCK. V v' . If yoa aie in need of anything pertaining to Jfoving Pictures we can save you MOWEY w.''iHmbj»'( AT GREIAT PAXHB FREBKS. Fl»«t 18—ChUdlab Bacapade (Comedy) MS 'IS—Iflcro-ClaematOBrapItaiieepIaB fill >nim (Bdncattonal) .. .. ............ 354 IB-^-Tbe Bone-Scttar'a Oanshtar (Oraau).. 818 " ~ Bary BIstw a JAcst at) ........ US CHICAGO FILMERS 173 N. Given St. Naar Lalia SB., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS HR. EXHIBITOR! Wbea yoo make ap Fav mlad ta as* OBU T.iMnna;: FILM SERVICE SOanea^lia, ZTraaarllle, Omaba, Fortlaad. Salt LaJw CUy, ns BBXX—Marine Flctnre Tbeatia wllh atasa - ~ Breiythlns Is llrat-cias caadl- y. Pop. 8.00 0. - m BITT Tteaa Bdlaoa two-pla msrMiw, aU oompleta, ISO each; two Bdlaoa coa-pla sm- eblaes, all complete, 8100 each; Film s fat aala. •nt-^laaa cmdltSoa. $18 a raeL MATBB Bllr ▼BBMAN, US 4th Arenoa. PttlabarB. Fa. MOVINO PICTURE MACHINES (8S.00; stereopUeane. 87.00; Arc D a iaua . 88.00; Acetyl ene (^eaeratora, ft.g. CatalOBaa. U EETZ. 302 E. 23rd Street. New Xotk. xonoB piorrmE otrmrs boosht. aoid aad excbansed. Wa want a_ few Boca lata MM Bava UVXWIXS Eaany arranaM ' caab, >****fT Okla. part ca KaUee; — FOR SALE— One bondred reela o( Film at 8S and 81 0 eecb . All in good condltloa. Write na to-day. WICS- ITA F&K A BU7PI.T CO.. US V. Kaika* St. ^ncUla, Kan. LOOK! 8.S00 feet of good Um on tbor lada. "DoUy. tba (arena Qaeen. Ur." "When _Women Tote." conedr. Sella a Collar Botton," comedy, " C aM t P a W eeae Waylaid." ecoiedy. *'How Dare XSB Bna Sfc,** ceandy. First 820 takca tha M. Wa la a bar- C. WAIXACB. Idle Watartown. Sooth Dakota. Sbeatrc. mil AND SONS SUDES FOR SA1£ OR ROIT VUtF raala, sorplna - atoek, le to 2e par taet; ^gnt cmidltlaa; vlU_ send subject to ' Hew Orleans, 1m. laSaT.FnJI BROKERAGE CO. IBB HtoM STtli StfMt. Naxw Y»rk City I (tf r ■ SBHO BOB UBT8 Keep Your 9- On Us IBTKKB8TI0HA1 FUJI TBlTHfBB, Tnesris istsd, \m «tt Are., Bav Tetk (X^, B awa a Baaiass Bsak BbIUIbf. Laimst daaUf* ta the %, Importaa and Bx- M0YIN6 PICTURE MACHIIES SUDES ACCESSORIES. JQTRIES-JOHIISON nCHT PICTURES SbowlajT erery Important i>art bom besltmlsB to tbe kDOck^oot. 16 haod-colored slides, 87.80; 12 plain slides, 83.00: both tvllb lee tar e an d Ore oae-abect litlxwrapbs. Cash with order. (CHICAGO FIQHT PICXiroa CO.. si Soath Oazk street. BARaAINS-BARQAINS-BARGAINS (Mssopspta, 1807, mily 84S; Ifarrel aotb Osntory. 88$; Power Csmetsfrapb, complete, 8100; Power Camerafrapb Mo. o, for 813S; Edison ooe-pln KInetnacope. new, $146; Bdlaoa Model B. ods- plo, wortb 82ZS, for 8185; Standanl, flTO, for 81S0: Edlaon DnlTersal, 84S: qptlsrapb No. 4, for 875; Optlcrspb No.. 8, only 8SS; Spot Llgbt. 830; Mecbanlcal Cloud. Mooa. Balnbow Effect and Spot Ugbt, 880; DSsMlrlna Stcreoptlcon. Poee, Berpentlns aad Balnbow BUdaa, Hlrror- Bcopcs ssd Badloticaaa, Pcatsl Card P(D)eet«a, OaaoBrapb. t». UetlM S I DEIS ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES •fe.00 Par Hundred. SEND POR UISTS. 600 St B Slid—, ».00 P bp Sat MANHATTAN SLIDE CO. 138 W. 37t» St., New York Cl«y BCf&IPT WAKTEO—Short cast, low ^. one~act farces, etc. WUl pay cash for same. Alto want plctare micbloe man with ootBt. gaa and elec tric. Prefer one who baa specialty for stage. HEHBT WABD, Ssraaso. Oi^ WAXTZD AT OHCTE—For lone aetsoo. Sketch Team aad any act for smtn wasoa shew. Ta> be. rial Im I and other mnalHans, writs. T~ that wrote before, write sraln. Ifall Iset. diaea WX, KBTBOW, Hymen. Zad. P. (Aaa. iMca write ma. GEO. H. HAMILTON, DAVE J. ROWERS and BILLY STEAHLEY Let me know year addieaa. W. H. BlfTZK. 881 HerUmar Bt., »af8li, H. T. Orchestra Leader TloUa. Oonbia Bacttana. Locate or tranl. AI. Oh. JUu. Jm' AT UBBflT THE DALY TRIO Oae Hale, tare tfenalcs: ChaaiM tm m^VliS: de-rtlle canayera write: Mao with pklar s 8M* ebtae write THX DAI.T TilO. BUi issB l l d. ML AT HBERT-V JAMES HARKIsESS "PROf^. AND BITS. . Thereatbly capable of haadltaa state ertw ateCBsawh BIADELINE HARTF0IID^ CHAR. AND QEN. BUS._ One plees prefenvd. AddrM B. Oen. DeL. MONQBEN. FENN. KEBBATIOBAI, (MXBIHED (3X09K, me ORUS—Wa book aU.Uads oC *" Aett:'aBXtSS« m'ham MB SecretaHeToC Falia. oat^toor nnnM Masaaers. Bosd yoo ererywbete. — Amnsementa. Opera Hooae Maaa««a, -—-. Show Manscets, write me rair wanm; ten .an In flrst letter. IMPOBTAVr—Can 8lra a bl« CamlTsl Cb. a sweU contract tor tbeweek ot September 19. Cbattanooja Jmii usA^ (3o., I " Ky» . ta K tember 19. Cbattaoooca Fair and B rpoal tloa at CbattanooBa. Toa.. ateMt. Btarllaa . Private Car for Sale tot a star aa a busln e as esr, or for s smaUeom- pany. CSrrlea ten people eoratortably. ubmr ration end. bed room, state room, slttiiif room, dinins roeaa aad Mteh aa eomi*rt riy_e»eIa*fe, For qalcB filBafc- UBSSBK MaSi^MX EQirrpHSSS THE KIRSCft aiOW And BpedalUea. ties. Actor doobUac P. T. U; Waenla U; WANTED Gmcessions of aU Kinds ; for FREE Park AOOR UOR. BEECH HELENA. Season runs late BB it until ChriBtmas. I'lvBIS CHARLES MOROK InTcator and coaatracter at Oeabia Bomaiaanlt and •en I will (iTe same aa secorlty for partner to aai^ gage la the aeropltoe baslnesa. Immedlita rs- tarae. Addteaa 1888 BMadway. Seem 881, He*