Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 1^ im Xtie Blllboarcl 47 S^BomM ind Joltet la TgJI tOi m ite) 1000 I»-Oi0fbt Id tb« Bite (CoBjdT) 1000 ao—Ooenlu an OntM' (EdaeatJoaal) ,...1000 SZo£ Nn> >'&Hfn_i?'^> •••IJSJ ^rlG. w—. « ...1000 ...lOOO ... Tao ... m War (DnM) . I BidlBaoa B«m ( fH yi. ._—Bbertff tOraaal 14—A Bantlnc BtoiTt ft y U y) 15— Tba Pboealz <draaa> n—Iftupp* (drMm) .....J.. 25—A M>d Dor 8«*z* IflaMdFI.•••••••• IS—A blwp Walklu Cm (cMMOy) Cowbor't 8triUs«m (drama)... Aoaast— U—iMt In the SondcB (dnnu) U MDOOS. I»—Bis New rurilr (Drama) I»—Boir tbe Sqnlra wm» Captand (Osmcdy) 1»—Bnmptloiia Take* Up AatoaoblUac (Oacdr) Imn aai tka Lav (Drama)... I«—Tba S^^taT'tta atoar Bvlnama) at-n* Uttia Matkar at tka Baty (DraoM) M—A famUj rtad (C a a i a to Oramal Tt—Vf tka rank ac ijoiu ~ I—aa«a« kr — 1—WOiaa'a S-OU man ( S—A Boudfac »—Batwaaa Laia aa< •—Baekat (Drama I 1»—NrlUr'a rarm (Onmat 15— Her Dode'a Will (Cotuvdy Druaa) 16— A Brokra BTmptioo; (Drama) IB—Two Blcblaad Lada (Comedy) 23—DiTT JoB«a and (Saptala Bran ( C a m aJ^ako'a Burttw'ioinHBaV'Iirrillliri -Brr Motbo'a W*«Bac 0«wb (Drama) lOIS D«itti of ItldbuHOnar (Ooaadr) M U—Mta. Barrlnctos'a Hoaaa Para (Draan) Bit ■ IS—Tka Tbtb at tka BaUaea (Drama) .. ■■• - ' CKBAM taupn. ^- -" - (Oaacfa KlaJat) . Bkaa KM ( C am a i ll -Dtama) . ■A THa Tkiaask Bl^ (Ttaraiana).. I ■ACkUdaftkal ^ tu •TO IL Paal aad < Utiooa Drama) «al7— 1 a^A BnTr*n^ 8p7 (DraBw> •—Tropical Java ot tka Soatk 8«a lalaadi (BdaeatlsBal) H—Tba Klckad BaicB and tka Pafa (Dra- i).... I tl—Tka Art tam<a KratanT^ n—Maileaa Domala (tiar^ Aksast S—WIteb oC Caraboaaa (T«|Rad) . S—Caawl aad Bone Raclas la (Tn>ican to—Tka SUent Wltseaa (Drama) to— Ob the Bank* of tbe Znrder Bae, Bo)- laad fTtarelosDe) n—Tka Ktral Sercnadera ( C om»*»< »-fiatla, Ttawad tnm tba BUM SIB SIB (Carl IS—Tba Wa7 t» Wta IB—A PoUecBua'i floa »—U tka Maak ot tk« Rat (Drama) -A BcU-liada Baio (Oapadr) ( B u mit y )....^ (drama) .... Aocnat— 1—Iway ot rata (Drama) * —Taakeeaaaa <Drmma> 8—Oaca Dpaa a nma (Oomedy). 11—Tba Baotaa Uum Oatk (fi Dad'a Ptatal (Drama)", ~ wa ola«lat (Oaaadr) r out (Drama) Joaaa Ba rwm a d .jga r ei eomady), aad Daasktar (DraaM) ...... : S— Uaa Baklad tka Cartala *-'5a Lady Doctor (DiaaM) ...^.wUV.'.- .5—9a.tke Border rOraam ...>.m«*m>.««'- 15—A Jaalooa Wlfa (drau) ..;*>•••••.. Tattler (eomady) tt-^ Oaae ot Bearta (coaMdr-draaM).... ft—Tbe Old Strike l>adcr l»-^ba Laeky 8kot (drama) to—Tbe CoBvertad Oeaeoa (drama).... IS—Tka Oiria of tba Qbetto (Orana) a—Tka Plarwrlcbt'a Lore (Drama) M—Daela Tom'a Cabin (Drama) .... (Comedy) (Drama) 1000 1000 lUOO 800 1000 1000 IS—Vblte Doe'a Lorara (Dtama) SS-.Tke Btraadad Aetcr (Comady) ao—Vba BoUnc Paaaloa (Comedy-draou). T—TM Uttla_P>MekaT (Comadf) n- _ _ (Drama) , 860 reet . 800 . MO . ISO ialy— CHAMPION. Angaat— 11—ladlaa S«oaw'a SaoUea " (Drama) Faat A N EW O NE. DM Oiapaiaq, conaected wltk tka W. P. Haaa fMeas. la alwaya tkara wilfc a faad of -'oclaa, kot kof* la a a*m aaaw - . IrlibaMn wko bad Jaat faMat «aaa aat- iBc tkair diaaer la a Clark atiaat when Pat i^led a bottle of baiaaa^ kaowlBC what it waa ha partook of a felK fol, whMk broaxht tean to bia eye*. Illka, aadss Pat err, exclaimed. "Pbat li« yc errlac fort" Pat. atWilBK to fool Mike alao. ezeUlaiad. Tm crytns tor me poor osld motker. wkals wu brer la Irelaad.' By aad by Hike partook of aooie of the radtak, wkereapOB teaia oiled hla ey<«- Pat aeebir tbcm. aaked kla fMend what ha waa crytoc tor. Mike replied. 'Vecaoaa yon didn't die at the aama tlma yoar motker did." HEWONTHEDOa Oeorse Bedee, wltk W. r. Maaa'a attraetioaa, taUa tbU ooe, aad Oeorse la always trnthfal. A minliter walktns along the road aaw • u aa d of boya with a amall doc In the eeatat; "What are ytni dolus wltk tkat «as ** Ba •"Wboerer telU tba blcseat Vs.'BlBa laalled oaa oC tka koya. ^Vk." aald tba laiaMsi^ :«1.-«b. •t yaa km. Car w fc a a S Bv ■ tMTa He.- r waa ja Bova aatds t Oe gott oncaa Aosaat 14 at BblacUader, Wla.. nndcr tba dbecHaa at ~ (drama). so—A r-fS T„-_ 80—The Ttaaa AniQit 2—Her Prlrata Sacratu Ig-Madame raalro (OomaBM "■^tBs Baa las Qlrl (DrasM) ...m\,*iw,- - TBAKHo' lj=^amlat s Wans Rata (Comady) ....1000 lITba Ultla Bm* at BaDaad (Drama).1900 M—Tba Oaf»t»ar a ^Dajji|j^ »-aia .1000 *!-Tba ossnunBSSmt faly— ' ' • 1—'be PUs of Bla Coaatry (Biaata) . •—Oooe to Ctwey laland (Oaeaa^FT.... ■-BaomlBc BodBMS (OSMdr> ....... Western »i Cgnedy There is eertate gUBU iae B of a lu^i.^dass prMram -wbea you have (MW or more ESUNAVS on your pro- gram. ' We have worked to hit the popular taste in both our comedy and Western 61insand we havedidit. You can't beat the Easanav West- era pictures, whidi are "madiemthe Wert," and are fMBlaa. Ai>artfrom the excellent dramatic stories, they are also marvels of scenic beauty. We are called the " House of Comedy Hits," a title that has been won through the merit and qaaMgr of our comedy subjeclB. . Yoa BriU taaw to look a long time < £ad two films so aoeorb- ( the foUowiog rdeaaes: KLEME OF SATURDAY. AU6IKT IS, «*TIE m ON TUPLE X' Wastara Drama. AMmBBT AND — KLEASE OF WEDNESDAY, AUfiUST 17, «1KCB8IITTIAI68IWTEB" ESSANAY FILM MFG. CO. das N. Clark ■t..eHICAaO. OPERA CHAIRS from the most iaexfadintytn to llito upholstered chain. Ex(%Uen(% of design, durabHitv, moderate prices are the thingsyou demand. Ourchairs meet the requirements. Address DEPT. S. {liimcan Seadi^ Coiiipaii r 216 Wabash A«*. CHICAGO. Burt B. Butler's Famous Shows Want For Old Home Week, Barnesboro, Pa., Week of Aof. 15tli to 20th Aii dmal Pa. ValuUer Fireaen's CanventiNs OscMii lliBs,Paa» ' AmBSt 22 to 27 A-l Trained WDd a"*™*' Sbow. Will adTaace traoaportatlon for same. Small Wild Wcot aad etbar abow barlas test aadfranti Will faralab tealud froot for Plaatettoa paapla. ~ ^^^^ w For Boonville's (Mo.) Eighth Amuial Streel^Fw^«^ Carnival AUSPICES WOODMEN OF THE WORLD A eOOD, CIXAK. ITP-TO-DATE CAKNTVAI. CO.. wim ten or tweln OOOD PAID ATTRACTI0II8. Alao aereral (ood. FBKB ACTS and CONCEBT BAND, Isclodliis BIO FEBBI3 WHBBL aad CA&RZ-CS-AIX. Wltb men datea for either tbe ireelu ot Aos- 29, Sept. & or 11. Wasted to bl^SBNBATIOIIAI. BSBB ACIB to be booked aaparata. COMG atau COMCBBBIOM PBOPM CONCESSIONS WANTED I For the 54th Annual Richland CountyFair Tktl^FakifStitkminiMit. MT udllSIT (UmUs U|hM) ibMP«ii7a««INl9. J AS. P. WILSON. 1 WANTED-PARTNER 11« 1IBUW CML SBK BB. Ml CMHEIE UHTK Hlfll Gooley-Thom Jigjni M IfUSICIAK to prcvle. BtavT JolB OB arlra. The Qeirfhiid ^ kc ■ ■ Tk Wcsten Reserve Vanderffle Grant a^ J. H. Farrdl EXCCUTIVe OFFICES. 74« Cuollcl Av*.. CI.CVCLANO, OHIO 622-a<24-2S-2C PBrmsitsnt BulMlna,' ADMIIIABLV SITUATED TO PLACE ACTS BREAKING JUMPS • • M h H OaBm p o n d cn ce from PerformeiB and Managers. THE GR41ND OPERA HOUSE Opens the Season of 1910-11 Sept. 1st. Wanted Free Attractions for the FAMOUS PREBLE COUNTY FAIR Eaton, OhkH Sept. 12, 13, 14, IS, 16 No letteiB will be answered if piiee ia not given Describe acts thotou^^yu >| home and nwteaddi^ FRANK MnCHELU Manager Of Attn« •!