Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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48 X tie Billboard AUOUST tit tM. Movma HOTURn in atoica. opmtlm ttam and tte fliaa an pur- ootilBtat dttatr tnm Knnge-«r the DUM Btetcs br tbe p remo te f of tbe picture •horn. It !• ttaoosht thmt It ■ depot vere lo- oted at Cape Town or Jotuuinetbarx. and plc- tnte* and machines bleed oat. It woud Induce a nood ouDber of people to become Interested In tbeae abows, ao tbat even In small towns, pic- tDie iliowB would become popular. Tbe class of shows glrca in Cape Town, of whldi tbere are onl7 two, are wmewbat bigber tban tbe arencs abow stTcn In tfee smaller towns and cities In tb* umtsd Btatas, and a tea cn Batl»:jMia-i»... Cap* TowB la 13 cents. Tte two theatres aaat approxlmataly' 2B0 people eacb, and tbey are packed to orarllowlnc eacb eTeninc- Tbe af- facBoon abows, of wbldi two are siren, wbUe ■Ot so popular as the evening abows, are well attended. Tbcre seems to be no good tcaaai for snp- poslac tbat ao-ealled "dead atock" If ablpped to Oape Town for dlstiUmtlOD on blie ttarongb- ' ~ " Afitlca,woaId not command a certain naad. Xba 0BI7 drawbai^ la tbat at bo plelBo Aows In aU Soath Aflta ■IB owaad tat csotwillfd by abont thtae pcr- •ona, and It woold be neetaaary to get aome pie- tan marfalnea into oae before there woold be a ilnnmA for tbe stock. Tbe firms coodnettng picture sbows hare Im- stocka of films on band and constant coming forward hj eacb wetik's man. are willing to sell tbe Olan tbCT at a very low prlco, bot' tbt9' OSO to let them out 00 hlre.;^ :" ^'' v Tte Watti ff wof WOm Company Is lesponalble (or tte foUowlac: v—— An Imp wte laa read of tte tetmlned to aee tte World tor bimsdt: - to Aoot ttet ManaKh oC tte plafii»—an Amet- lean Bison. Tboogb be was as strong as Atlss bis ebtet Beliance was In bis Yankee. Fowcn of endor- aace. He had I#ax to- be well mo unted on a Oaady Centaur (aired by the Exdoatre Warwick —Dam, ,ltala, oat of Swanaan'a No Name by phoenix). Oor Campion was accompanied by his faltb- CBI doc Ambiosto. nnllcensed. tmt as brsTe as *a jU te ana a pcitoet fight Flcture to look Tte trcfdar bad no more than Otsat Hortheni laffl w aj ttaa te MHt^ two ot ToaaB' OTMrr-Ste tetag awar tte Utda ones had te , Mtt stalthr -Hotograpb tte hnnt«r raised bis pasty Bectr sgr ag and being a Casltol abot. B^ned tte entire lot in one eSOtt. Tboraoghly elated te whistled hall «"»—.«- aad from his teretsack feasted aasB a°4kMalata ■dalr wbldi be waabed down wtlh 'i^lSSS branded Lomiere. Ured and weary oor heio now made a D'Art tor a bed of Bxcdaior. Hla faithful dog noting thla Actopbooe, mored orer beside bim, Tigoioos- jy tte whUs worting bis Pantograph. They asleep and dreaming that an aims were WatopioofM snd : by waa^lag orraaliaiilly wfOf Soap and . nia Ite and sC tte taick bot'ttete atm r»- ■alBs tte qaesUon, wm tt^ orar wake npT BILL BARS FIGHT .PICTURES. Anstia. Tex.. Angiat &—^te tare now In apedal aeaafcm at ~ It aeTefal bills for' the rrsn^. pletiires, occuloned br the tecant SOB light. In the Hooae of bm as paased to engi on* and woold badly It^ becoaae a law. local aberUt as a trnsiii to pi and carries with It a heavy in the Senate is a bi-^ —- ring only prte Ogfata tnres. These bills Isg thla week. MOVINS PIC TURE THEATRES. Prlckett and Thlelen have disposed of their Icaae of the Temple moving pletare theatre at Bgus. ni.. to Frank Vanston. a former Elgin natloQal Watch Factory employe. Mr. Vans- tonbas alnady taken charge aad icoMaed tte jm .itmi mk tka ■liiSSSg. ^t NOm OP THK npABk £dman and Gaylor are apendin; the mouth of AoRUat at their home In Bicbmond, Ind.. where they will rehearse their new comedy sketch In which Miss Gaylor will te featured next aeaaon. Three people will be required for the new act, as well as special acenery. Frances Lynn Vail and Baby Lynn have "8pllt." The former Is now working alrdome time Id St. Lonls. for O. T. Crawford, bat M- pecta to join ber old partner, Frank DoYall, In the near future. Eugene WaUneln'a Uvlng Bronze Statoea open tbeir Western toor September 6. yardaman la tbe extra added attraetloa on Hawn's Park Clrcnlt through Ohio. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED. Washington. D, meeting of Waabl_ Louis A. Bold was L Tmndlo, flU tte l.-^t tte last V ^M. A. ■b^ aM Tho^ to gesB has been adeeted'to soeeecd hte. Before leoTlng Oswrgo Ur. FUlet was ted with a Tcry handsome watch tob : former aasodates at tte BIdiaidaaa. ' WABT—Neno for ban. T^d four BUl- ~ P. WASTED, QXTIOa.— Good Bepertntre Oompany, for week of August 22, tX Alrdome. Portland, Ttii< bI<A1B & THOSCBUBG, Managers. BIO CABHIVAIr—Wamego, and 17; large crowda, open In our tijcstre. agers ColBmblaii L. Sept. IS, 16 — an Piifc^^ii^ldiflaj^'colored 4 reds, almost new, and Holy City RTMps, 910 for 2 days; 4-page pictorial heralds and half- sbeet Uthos; other Sims, SI a r«l per week; liObln Mflclilnr. tx^rnplete, $,'-0; machines on la- atalimi-'ata. C. K. I.IN'DAL^, Kar liartxir. Me. -: TDK UlE >■ flas-IlaUv Oolflt, Medal B. In A-l ecder: trar- dlng box soes with same, $lff; box alone eoat tS; win adl or trad* 8 reels of Ont-tlam film. In best oC mabw oriar, IS sobjeots, good stal^ fM>; 5 sets of dnas seats, stringers and la^s. |l2:.Addraa» U W. ^ PUT. I>e Pay's Baetrlc Stew, Mfillen. Wtoeoaaln. SOB BAI£—PET BIiAOK MONTHS OLD, $85.00. WHIXBWATBB, WISCONSIN. BBAB ODB, 8H Tte most attraetlTS and fsselnstlng of all aoT- dtr ball camea. Twenty-tonr msmmoth steel " ■ " a Aatooiatle bm>tIbc ttilh pood. A mlnlaturo rs- prodnctlott of an old mill scene with the water, tte wooden mill wheel, and the flab, all In mo- UoB. Write for full particulars. J. M. VATiaHr TON AMXTSaCEirT OONBTRTTCTION CO., Hotal Xaysr Bldg., Paoria, Hla. WANTED—Good, dean Pay Sbows and Conceo- aioos. Crowda o( 2,S00 people or more. Gome get tte money. Sept. Ib-lO-IT. U O. STUB, SecretaiT, Powersrllle, Mo. - , snd otter Oaiatfd AMi aaUaa a . Sept. 1 to 10; wtlta dcactlplta aad it o p owd tanaa to nsn> wm S. * L. 00., Xaatbaitrnis, V. J. WABTSD TO JIUZ—Two Alleys; alae one or two a mala and gallery nlitslfc SEOOXZVe SAUXBX', Half Interat in Merry-Go-Roond with Lovers' Tob; has been i good partner who desliea to i northern season doses. PA BlUboard, ClndnnaU, Ohio. KEBBT-eO-BOITHD WANTED—At aoce; moat te lata machine, with dooble-cyllnder engine {BO old Jimk wanted). TieU aU, in—a t pneo fqrqiat cash, in drat latts. ■ SOBtAM K. BBNBON, Box 271. Elyria, Ohio. of sU . . Fost-Oard SealSi^.CIImaz Peaant ' SelMri: Panehlag Bag. Onm ICadilnes. Baxsle NBR, BlTerslde. B. I. FOB. BAI>E—SomerssDlt and Trick Ooga and Doves. Pietnre Machines. >Mlms Crank Piaaow two-legged Kangaroo Dog; will exchange tor Films, Qymnsirinm Guods, Penny Machines. PBOr. HABRT SMITH, Gratz, Pa.' EXPEC T ■10 ■ JWJItMif■. pt. gahSTlDe. O.. Ang. I IWr wni te held Sast.: -tat tte biggest fair hTffio u^™. alxty-two years of existence Is Tery bright. A spedal exblbit from tte department of agriml- tural extenalon of tte Ohio SUte TTnlveralty wm te a new featnre. Gov^Bannon will addresa tte people. September 22. and Warren G. Hard- lag, tte Bepnbllean nominee for spTemor. wUl a fldr sas tte paopio September 21. Tte oUMiw- «afc:. • workers OB.tte stags. 'Tte Ukeaeas ptfnted In this Issos^- shows Uss Crispl la the cbarscter wbldi hss msde her fSnODs snd in wlilcb tte costnme. and make-up are of ber own conception and orlglosllty. Mbs Crtspl was Om leading lady vrltb-Jacote & Jermon's CMdea Ctooha.' to ^leh attraction ate will re- ^_ In offlccrs ct '- M. T. M: a. , baa been Is now ptasident oC^No, FOB SUE TEBT—Candy top and side walls. Se14; Oono Iron. Hamhaizar Pan, 2 Torcbes, . 9S.00 eseh, toor Cor VOM, cask -arlCb reds. $4.00 each, good esnditlon: new Pathe Passhm Play for rent. Wads EaU, Wanaa, 0. GBEAI FBEAS FOB SAIiE—Half Hone, half Cow; horse bead anu tall, cow on one side; one knee 8 inches lower thin the otJier knee; two 20- inch hoiTis on front foot: five years old and tealtl.r. Arldr.M AMOS JEIXKY, 331 Spring FOR SALE CREATION ff A SRAND <{ PRODUCTION OF with electrical effects. Paintings ara raga latloo theatre else. 18x30 feet, can be ased la Ya^e^ n i e^CT Pietnre IteatteitejIrti^gBd at seven pslntlngs reprcaantlBg tonntfaa"'of tbr earth In alx days. Apparstas: 3 Sdopticoos (Kllegl make), wind machine, thnndar sheet, xlg-zag and forked lightning, twinkling stars, moving storm doods. snnrise snd sunset with deecy donds, rolling ocean waves, volcano crop tlon. OylBg angels, ribbon for twfUght offeet. colored, gelatines snd everything eooplete. ready lo show. Should pay for Itself In atert time. Palaflags alone worth tte asking price. 11.200. M. U KNAPP. Blveraide, B. I. Par. Add., Billboard WANTED nnfKDTAIKLT—Rlacltfsce ComedUa □P In medicine bla.; Singer and Dancer and Or- gaxi taker preferred. Mnst change for week and be BED HOT ACT WORKEB. WUl wire money direct for (!rSi-t. Wl.-f err write J. S. MOB- GAK, Wix^tua, Ka.Ljr.titi, Aus. 1j to 'JO. wire. H. C. HOOBB, 2145 Tth Ats., Ttoy, HUT. Wanted-Medicloe Performers One good Street Maa: i Eanaas City, . quick. Add Lake. lUna. JONES BROS.'WILD WEST WANTS SIDE SHOW PEOPLE Inside man who can do Punch and Jitdy or ven- triloquist act; Oriental Dancing Glrla and Lady Performers. Baff Punchers, etc Long and good treatment. JAMKS W. BXA3nX, WsshlagtSB, -Vm^.AMg. Tt: maga naaOaB, C, Aag. IS: Oaaal Dbtst, Oi^r.dag. M. WANTED For FBENCH'S NEW SENSATION FIiOATINO THEATBB—Good Comedian wte can prodoce Mmlcal Comedy, good Dandag Team, {>ketch Team that can double In B. Address S. B. PBICE. Mfrr. rr<>r.:h'i> Nexv ?rr.«t!on, Cairo, Illinois. WAMTED- For 4-In-«BC and Platfora Dwarfs, Fat Girl or Fit Han, or Imate Fteak ttet can get Plantation People. Address "Bnihoaid.". St. Isaii^ Mt. "T" SHOWS I bloomers. Id CONCESSIONS. Urns seasoa; Want Large Mirror for Fhltlea; a) .Biqrds tor Oapk Pietnas or Mosical Comedy >iisw'aM!a*t ON^MMV.I'ttb a. Jola at «aee as p« Mats.' W s d »« Oitsr. Mlaa., Aog. 8-14. JOHNSON 4k STEVENS, Managera. WANTED—Attraction for Colored Park: Menry- go-roood. Ferrla Wheel, 3 or 4 good Shows and Concessions with refreshment stand. City with 65.000 IntebltanU. (0,000 colored people with no place to go). Write at once: state terms In flrst letter. Address ANDREW 8TUABT, 221 B. First Street, Oklatema City. Okla. DATES FOB MEBBY-GO-BOUND MEN—Tte 8 biggest montte ot tbe season are on hand and your organ doesn't play. Bow do yon expect to make money? Better teve me come at once to fix yoor organ. C. F. BATH. Organ BoUder, Abilene, STAGE CABPENXEB WANTS POBtTION with good atew. Age 29 years, welgbt 170 lbs; no boozer; non-union, but willing to join: will take Address A. Carpenter, Gen. DcL, Amar- AT LIBERTY ALFRENO & CO. Greateat High Wire Walker In the World; no limit to telght. Blggeat drawing attraction for Fairs, etc. Can fnralab three distinct acts. En- gaged as principal feature. Greater New York City Interborough Fair, week of Sept. S. For partlcnlara, addresa MBS. A. A. SWABTZ, Mgr., 252 Pulton St., New York City. FOR STIR i mm FAIRS. Tour Fbar-in-Bami Scarf mode on thia Fonn is Pafeei and does not CO anxnid Am Gdlar, wean lander, always in abape^ |$n trouble to put on and takBof^.perfeellf PATHE PASSION PLAY FOB BENT. PICTOBIAL P08TKB8, Holy &ong Slides, a J. Maiphy, Elyria. Ohio. 60 COIORSAND PATTERNS. UOHT. DARK AND FANCY. MBmni caijM VMi wm. AfBrta and Dcaianatnttoa^ Wiite for ov Lowtjat Wboteaale Pricea. NOONEN MAN8FACTURIN6 CO. p. O. Bm 94, NOT^ReehalU. N. Y.. rsB by any on., anywtera, aad will get a play •vatywhere. No eap erlenco nssdsd to operats. Prlss big or Utile. atwilL Oct' It aow. wfeBa K la new. A Ufa lastinx tolat. CSa a ta, Chait Id, and StiTkar. «25. PBICB, OOHPLBTB, «S5.C0. Aaother aaw oae; two way "Drop Cass." aa- titj different than any otter aude asw. _|te away tnsa It. Piles, Chsti S2S. Catalogaa Vtaa. ... nuur xAnTAOTOBim od.- The Laifest .SasaiioBal Ad i dieWoiy. THE PABMELE THEATXE, PUIIsiaisIli. V«k>r whiefa laa Taoderllle aad pletarss last will. la tte fatoza. play saly lesttlmats tlaas. as tte r aa dstlMs aad botIbc | ]|EA|K,CUBS. BMUIW ASCENSIONS PROF. LONGO THE BALLOON KING Some open Ume. IjONGO BALLOON AMD BI- PLANE CO.. Oaanua. Ky.: T. Lob«o, Ucr. tad Aeroaaot. Wo i WAETED—For 1. B. BOTEB-S JESSE 7AME> SHOW—Slide Trombotie, Baritone and Tute M Band aad orebcstrs. Bsad actoc a moat te to loin on wira, Addrssa AD. mMK, MQIs. lU., Aa» — — — --■ Home AddrcML I -—m.