Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 13, 1*10. Xtie Billboard 48 .| V,./piM*lliFOREi.,l^!fc .,^ (Continued (torn w 10-) Mr FraBcmu ha* engaged Cliarle* 8. Splck- ••u ud Co., to trmiufonn The Subnrbu Into . i^Jdiaae mlidone. About ooe hnodred mm., urSwtcn. eleetrleUn; "d laborers atarted Is SITS* Vt mldQlght, Jo» j!!d_tb. yyrt^waa rorapleted In time ja r ty ItM|t fc»:'Ot_ bual- ,.,^5 oo Mooday. yo»irtg«glg»fcm^ryi« on ?t"to5iM2?*p.tTS5. •M..tb, ll^of «Mm- iS^iThm Tbe transfocnatlca aSordi sraater CntUeatlon of tbe raw^ ^MiiitTor Th««tr«, whlcb wa» formerly Bla- aMTnicaae. la nodersolas Tiat ImproTenenU S will ahortly opea lor tb« aeaaoo. Sol. J. ^hler tbe manager, tiai retnraed from hew vorn wbfre be completed anaagciacata tor bwjklng* for tbe .eaaon. Hlgb-eUa« Taoderine ivltl be lened on tbe bowdii, and aome of the b«dllnera '"SJHL gSSSfc lliSS rk.f»ii James Tborotoa, Jwmtm oocwtt. MMon S;« Ubbey. WUU Halt WuMd. Mat Oarr. ^le fVlia^a. SteUa Maytaew. Blllec Taylor, si libeJ faTorltea. Tlie booklaga wUl be hjr- SX(d by William Morrta. ... TlDiy Auto la a new amuaement derlee sarka. It la tho iBTenUoo of Lloyd Col- C inadnate of tbe eorlneeriog acbool of tbe cSnmbU DnUermlty. ThU dartce haa baan In- .itlli-d at Bay Shore Pailt. Wtf mJtimm aim Iti Ural trial, and a nnmbtr •«JM4tMjiW«p« ^ were the gneaU of the taj£a».^T^(S>l- U> haa aelected a alte bera «>r.a factory for tfca maaofaetnre ot hta derlee. %Mim_—- _^ enter a car. which naemblea an vicli Ita rabber-tlied wheela and . -Mr. The car la laonehed from the ! Shit erer ten rcrolTliig dlaca, cotend- -—- hnodred feet. Tbe dlaea glre a ton to the car aa It paaaea from ^ m-tm-mha. At tbe end of the dlaca la a 5ae of twenty feet, op . whldi the ear U DoUed to a small platform, and the- ear then ffi,. Vd le.To thndatfocm aldewtoe. at tbe Ume awlnglng In a qnarter drde. A aee- K^^.-a-« Ught of ataln are two more obata- Sr aU&.the trardeTS paaa before reach- Sfe'^aUaatlod. The real featnre of the SL to ili^Sn^aa tSe tutta' platform. ip-fl-'— ' ' * and the Tlpay - - >i iMlrtlafl in an the big narki In jj^V' -' SH-VAN SCSESTBAIi. One of thi Wl^t apata of laat nl waa the daatea ef Mlaa Beatrlea. Altbaogh ahe- bad' a aeTefely apra ln a J -MMn. ■hawinit'ttoeagh her work in anch-a-manner that the andlesee did not detect It. TIm aod- toDcea were Terr liberal in their applaoae of tat work. She oaa made a moat farorable Im- aieatlon npon the St. IxKila poliUe. ^HaTllo'a Tbcatie <qicned for the acaaon on Aonat 7. The poUcy <tf tte >><»ae thU waaon wm be'atoek; and tha^flxat pa odwrtlM i will.ha ^t^ljple BlBmbeij. tanMrlr: la.^kM|a«t tkt aaw Mant Tbaatea in I rtllanapelto. girtaa* Sat. iMto bat watt to bncaiM AaVlar aiK^iC the Oarriek Thcatn hen. la^teM 'af )6. Daa..S. Flahelk realgned.^ .... One of the dererect bita of raodeTlUe aeen hoe In tome time la thia wcelt on view at rot- cat Park 3lgUanda Bnroham and .Greenwood, whs atyle tbelr act Two Olrls and a Vlaao. and are a great hit. and while they do not do moch other than alnc aooga at tbelr. aira com- potltlon. their fr atta o ae m a i fM l g , iMjaanner or leodlUoa. 'p&wan .tkea',ln7•V^MM/■r'''tbem- Ikc StaataT Btaek OnrnMy. at ■riipw Om- dta laat wceki preaeatcd Ika 'DlaaaM Hack- iaea. The Standard Theatre haa annooneed ita «p- talag for Auguat 14. and win again play bor- on the 'Bmpire Cimlt. Olanager Leo OB la having hU theatre newly painted jratcO. amoont of Intereat la being dlaplayed Mna la the coming aonoal coarcstioa of the Ikataiaal Oricr at Saglea. wtdA wUI he held haa* iaiiaa the pceaeat month. It la expected that MkOWMesataa aad rtoitsn wiU attaoO. _Jm. 3.- Wahk.atfarllatw: maaaaar; U tba Standard. Tkeanpkc^Wknaa ^ ^_ la tht pNMtatlMi ^aC tka aaliiaaca «i Htf tore. Manager Joa. Eber. of the ^ajeattc Theatre, Etat Si. -Loala. baa In aplte of tite warm weath- er kept bla attendance at hla theatre np to a HVlBg linla. Surely a great acbleTement for a raadevllle benae In any city. ^BuiT WaUaer. of the Colombia Ttwatre. haa apcat hie vacatioa hr getting married and a toneyaowi Mp to Kaw lortiaiKl Baitcra ta- grtaj^Thle way aorpriaiar newa to hia frleada. Bla MandB win aot.fear for hla happtaieaa, tin Ideal tn eenrr aenae of chataclar aad •So .wa an .eongTatBlate. ' WILL J. PAKLBT. - CLEVELAND, O. (Coatinaad^f)M(ji^|i|ijk^ „f^*^7**S,°' Sth atieet. abew^I a bin Sr^'"'".'!'*."""' »»• ak- prfwd partlenlar aatlafaetloa. If Manager Morru can maintain thIa atandard he need bare so fear of any competltloo la the new the- tJI? '» *1» oelgbborbood. Tbe offering waa Tunio and Tamo. In a comedy norelty act; Bob SPWg. Iba atory teUrr; Kane and Laagley. In SftSSS?"!*^""*'*^ nooaenae: Wllltama and l "-.Cbatter. Song and Patter: Defrel. !St.!? ^ ^»l «'^llat. who ha<l to rcapond to re- tliljjd The Itar-Leated dorer. Atleodaaee K^IJi"".*-'**^?- Cooftti Band waa the ESIt? -•^'•'•J"'- *^"'« ability aa a SK^IJLS?"- .T*" '"Ptewed noon local Sl^^IJf^'" durlne tbe oait few aeaanon ainre "^roong man baa been leader of the onera ISTJ-KS?*"- J^'- *^ charge of IirjSSlS!2?*.tL*^!j*»»^ »yatlTal. glren li the hJiT^KSf "f^- •<«• work of hla m™. ;«taing?**^ ">o «•»«'••«■ .J^f^If*''."; »<"'"' 'antaar. ta "nc. St JLima teporta aa atle<id- •r Tjf y'^T* «<»«W»*«"« P«« wni'llili '^?r.l*"- "?T.S''*'"« m"»»nr nlctnr-a. ua.SC^.T"'' '•'"••ine on Aognat IB. The 'M^!r^''i •ononnce tbe beat that money can g*^,,**^ » daaa «t acta arrer before area TlM dereland Tlieatre, wlilcb baa t>cen dark ttt aoma weeka, will open on Aognat IS, with the SoMen Co. for aa iadeOnlte engagement, playing atoek aoelety dtaau. "Doe" Keene. well known ta dieiiB citclea, who haa been daiac a laadins clown act wltb Blngllag Bratbaia tUa Maaoa. I| ap en d i a g a eonpto of waaha la Mara. .*9a^* ia nadar con- tract to pr adaea a aamibar a( dam acu tor In- door cUenaia. among whlA may he mentioned the Elka' Indoor Olretu, at Canton, O., for the coming aeaaoo. Kelth'a Society, whlcb la con- alderc^- an annual erent In CleTeland, would hardly be complete witboat "Doe." Drlea and Znbn. who baTe joat eloacd a anc- ceaafnl aeaaon on I. B. O. time, are apcadlng their, racatloa la Olerelud. _,Thar an le: act. which wfll ba araaanted for tba Srat time aaxt veA ia <ae of Oe lead- ing raadarilla theatiea in'Clerelaad. The PrcaelUa Theatre, which la being hnUt for Proctor B.. Seaa. tbe.preeeat manager of the Princeaa Theatre, ia aearlng completion. Tbe Preaellla la located on Kaat »th atieet. op- poeite the Ornhcmn, and will add another llrat- elaaa Taaderllle honaa to dereland'a Oiaat White Way. Deflnlte date of opening with fnU partlcnlara. will be anaoonced later. , _ C a. Feckham, formerly manager of rae Oiabaam Umalin on Aognat 1, .made appllca- tMafig a.'iBcalinr of the Orpbeom Theatre Co., whkh la a latuniatliiii clalmlag $1.8<M doe him oa aoma Botaa, dalmlnc mlamanagement of the theatre, ate. The matter waa acttled oo Tnea- day, Ang. 3, by Mr. Payer, the aecretary and treaanrer. bnybig np Mr. Peckham's atock and aettllng tbe Feckham clalma. Mr. Peckbam re- tiring from tbe company. Hogb Blaney. tbe child harltooe. who waa recently a hit at Kelth'a Proapeet hooae. being the only act on the hill to recetre a faTorahle notice from an nntrfcndly local newapaper baa been apendlna a two weeka' Taeatton In CleTe- land. aereUnd la becoming recognlied not only «a a coauaerelal center of the Middle West, bat alao aa a theatrical center, and la becoming rery popular aa a vacitlon reaort for many perfonnera and actora. Belff and Clayton, who hare ]nat_daaad a ancceeafol aeaaon on Weateia 'Tl are renewing old acqnalntanm In Clereland next week. Capt. Vatt Baaalcr. tba l aiaa lag aC ama tel and aelalaaa powder, whe haa baaa ^aaatai raeatlaa la Ctereland. left tar tbe Beat win open on'tlnltM tbe acta working In town at the ae may be mentioned Cotler and Sher- man, tare old-timera In the abow bualneaa. who are doing a daaay moalcal act. The act of Ethel Van Orden and Co.. which waa tba featan-at tba Orand Theatre laat week. la^laitMl •S'Mi.'.watk. .4ae to the lUaeaa of MtK^BfiMMl^'J'.^'v; "VIS BOUBBOOK. MINN. (Contlnned from page 10.) and.Toaco, In a mnalcal I oC Jananeae performers; .Tred Onpree. monoIoglBt. rinde- Manager O. B. Baymond. of the Orphenm Theatre. aaaooMca the foUaartas blsfa-elaaa acta aa conatltnting the openlav.bin Aagnat 14: Nania Niebola, aooaa aad cbaraeter impenoaa- ; I<ottIa ■wmiama. in the playlet. On / Oroaad: ^oia i act: Tlia Aaabi Aoape The Roaaow iMIdgeta; .1 . and LeToy iBrothers. comedy acibtata. . A WnneapoUa aewmaper nun. Tta- Hamlia. who haa produced and managed many auceeaa- fnl Tanderllle acta during the paat ten years, will hare -a comedy aoog act In TaodeTlUe tbe coming aeaaon. known aa Tom Hamlin and Bta Robe XInaticU. Aaaadatcd wltb Mr. HamUn In thIa act will be two laeal bora. Arthur Per- ry, lyric tenor, who Mrmerly rendered the U- l a ati atad aaasa at tba Vaarw Tbeatic. and Mas tailia. hrether at Laaia iMdoe, toadlag maa -aC Vba Japaaaaa BeaeynMaa. That tbe poaalaritT of Mr. and Mra- Lee Ba- ker Qllaa Milb Broya) baa In no way dlmin- labed aince their engagement here laat year, la demooatrmted by tbe crowded booaea which are dally greeting tbelr return, and with tbe fem- inine contingent especially, "an afternoon with Tbe Bakers" aeema to be the preralllng form of entertainment. ThIa week, (oppotted hy tbe capable I..tt1c Theatre Stock Ompaay. they are scoring an especial aoc c e e a In Lady wl ■are'a Fan. Oaa. W. "Speedy** Tcawer atrlrcd In laat week. Speedy aaya that ba win loaf nntfl tba anialng if the Miles Theatre. Monday. Aaaaat 90. when he will return to lila old post aa adeertlalng agent of that bonae, Tbe motion picture bonaea aie bcoefltlng by the fact that ao maoT of tbe regular theatres are dark. Especially Is this shown at tbe lata and Scenic tbeatrrs. where iDcreased patronage mirks a inceessful summer seasoo. Tbe Maaked Carnlral held at Forest Park two sreeka ago. pcorcd a great auccesa. Manager ■. B. Kabm haa dacUad to offer aovdtM. ta tht waj .dC qpaoil far ^■ ' win aktUed pbrcBOlogiat will he present at tbe Alr- dMM to examine the bnmps on Tarloos heada In the audience, with a rlew of finding tbe rtroper afflnltles. .Another week will bare IlT- ng pictures and tK-ant.r models. Tbe standard attraellons at Forest are being well patroalied. indodlDg the dancing partUon. alrdome. etc. -A feature of the park's management la the absence of any rowdylam oa the gtoonda. careful poUo aorseiUaaea belac amiatalaed at an timea. Kcst w««k the bte Ok Cataifal wm taka pUcc at Twin CttT W oa d e H s ad Park, and Mii- aeapolla Ledge No. M. B. P. O. B.. to work- ing Inatly oo the plaaa. Xlka wiU hare diarce of erery amuaement aa srell aa the main gate, and Itesldes tbelr own shows, from which tbe.T get the entire receipts, they win bare stands selling sourenirs. flowers and confectionery. At the Elks' State CooTentloo. to be held here Angnat If^lD. at least one thousand out-of-town i;ik« rrlll be oresrnf an't down-town stores bare agreed to decorate In Flfcs' colors. NASHVILLE, TENN. (Coo tinned from page 10.) ta nHa •( tta hat "^ill - ' Prsaident Tatt wM^iM^esmo M Tt a ae si ** daring the fair, oa aeceoat of more urgent dates to be ailed at that time. Mr. R. L. Burch. nreslAent of the aaaoclatlOD. said that owing to the presi- dent's ' eancetlng hla date here. Justice Lnrton would likely do the aame, and Lnrton Day wlU ba changed. The peat B. T. P. A. bad their aaanal anting at ago. prarcd i a. Kabm haa ta tbt w» ..«C . tatcrtalBBwat feto pa t ie a a. Oae weA ta tbe near ftelnre ba haown aa Ph r enolo g ical week, wben badger waa brought to NaahTtlle by a drammer for this oceaaloD. The badger waa matched agalnat a tborougb-bred btill-dog la a. genuine free-for-all' flgbt. A vaadeTllle company was engaged from tbe New York Hippodrome, and each act down on ttia bill was very mncb appre- ciated. Pelletlerrrs Orcheatra waa alao engaged to fnralah moalc for the crenlng. Tbe premium list of the UIO Tenocaaea Stare Fate haa Utely haa ' - — a complete Ugt -«C fcrent departaaanta. NashTllle Day at tlie Tennessee State Fsir has been declared for Tuesday. Sept. 20. and wlU be proclaimed by tbe Mayor a public holiday. Half holidays beginning at 11 that morning win be glTen by the bualneaa hooaes of NaahTllle. and MaJ. A. W. WUIa, postmaater. baa already stated, that ha araoM dadata a hsUdaj te tba WKEE FAU, IxaxIWAI. at Dnadce, Michigan. Sept. 1-2-3. Free AcU wanted. Cteacesal<»ilrea , ahoald write. Good town. Plenty of money. I W. F. CBADOLPH, Secy. WABTED—Good, clean Pay Sbowa and Coneee- alona. Crowda of 3,000 to 3,000 or more people. Come get the'money. Street Fair, Sept. 8-P-lO. ino. LOBEN .JOmsBTON, Secy., Sewal, Iowa. PIOBIO ABD Br- !;.' at Oeatcr Ball, Pa.. Sept; UW., IPIO. Day, night: ftee gates, ror i (no gambUng), DANIEL raiMPB^ Ocean taty, .Md. WAIMTED s - FREE ACTS. SHOWS aad CONCESSIONS (Contlnned from page 11.) SoIllTan and ConsMlne hare purcbaaed the Grand Theatre, Sacramento, from O. dard, who will eoatlnne tn the m< iMialneaa at the Acme Theatre. Blossom Seeley, a weU-kaowa -■ gone Eaat, to eater raadtrUle. I Walter C. KeOy. Tba Tliglala Jadge. left' bete Jnly SO on Steamer Sierra, oa bla way to Aoatralla, where be la hooked for a toor. I Mabel Bunyea, known aa The American Beauty, and Melrille J. Gideon, the aong wi4ter.' left on Steamer Sierra to play a atx-weeka' aeaaon in- Hooolnlo, at the new Princess The- atre. They were booked by I. X. Colien. Manager John Morrlsaey, of tbe Orpheum Theatre, arranged aome derer adrertlsfaig for Annette Kellermann. who la attracttng large crawda at erery abowlng. This week Mlaa Kellermann waa arrested for fast antomoblllng, and, as a result, the locsl papers carried large lUaatratlaas and long reading notices. Directly oppaaHa the Orphenm, 100 feet of blUboarda ao- lanti her appearance, aa well aa a apeetal aetrle aign In front of the building. The latest snnooncement la that the Saroy T ba at ie wUl open Angnat 28, with Wilton I ■ ggll jh ggBattla, ■Mnttia'CMIBaa aad her capable company., at the OMaalbIa' tbe paat two wacki, did not do the bnslness they deaerecd. It irama aba struck a very dull Ume. The Spendthrift, with Doris Mitchell. foUows. • ■ James E. Backett. In The Prlaoner of Zeoda. la drawing good houses at the Alcasar all through the week, where popular pricea preralL At tbe Prlnceas. this week. Mlapah Is being presented by L. R. Stockwell'a local company, to moderate business. In spite of bis total bUndae&s, Stockwell appears aa "ooe of tbe wis* mcD" at erery perbjrmance, and atlU continuiii to make bis aodiencea langh. The American Theatre haa gone to mnalnl comedy agala aa their dosing number, with aal olio made ap of Strength Brothera,.PbU Staata, I Bmna Bcnaer; Bieaaer and Gar*, aad tha ScrrliB' Boitgarlaa Trio. Xlm mailtal CIM ~ la oDder tbe Ohcetlaa. of SOka.K preaented A 'Mayor'a Bketlaa. IX OAKLAND. Berlnl Grand Opera Company, at Mora Park, is proving a splendid drawing card. - Tlkia week Martha and RlROletta were presented, and both operas were rendered In a manner tar abore tbe popalar pricea chatted tar admlialoa. Weber's Prlaa Band caatimHO aa the eatdooc attraction. laetta -Jewell, sapp aa t ea hy Bishop's Stock oi CeaipiaTi. ia a Mf orawlag caid at Ta Liberty, Tl at WABASHA COUNTY AGRICUL1UBAL ASSOCIATION :ma» fab la th* N. W. to i ttada over a tadla tha Hlaa. Slate Mr. For tlie James Shelby Shovrs MUSICIANS & PERFORMERS Ferformets doing two or more sets: must be aobcr and reliable. Show noTer closes. Mo pa- radca. no night drlres. Can use good comedy team; also concert people. P. S.—Thoa. Mass, write. Addreea all mall J AS. SHELBY SBOW. 518 B. Mala St., Norfolk. Va. scons BLUFF CO. FAIR S*pt*mb«p] Good onldt with seToral showa. small hand,^ and can furnish aome free acta. Can make aatla- taetoiy deal and pcalMhlr cat other' daUa In ' B)i«o°' Itoiii ta iwaail ' 'iA.' B. WOOD. SeereUry, Gering, Nehr. , ' FREE--MT NEW UST OF MAGiC Escape Acts sod New Oeationa, joat off tbe "tress. Sent free to any addreaa. W. AI.BCRT 'RII'P. S Foster St., New Bedford. Mass. Bight tbaaiaad dollara iuiTe been depoatted as a guarantee pntcbaae-prlce for the pa u iier u located at the comer of Fourteenth and Barrlaoo streets, tht full price of the lot Is tdO.OOO. On tbis alte It Is Intended to build a Morris Amert- i can .Music Hsll. The lot bas a trontaee of forty feet In Fourteenth atrect. and mna back 206 feet, to Ilarrtaoo atreet. At a point half way the lot wldena from 40 taot t* IW-lMt. A syndicate Is now preparaaff expenalre holUlaff. Those ftttnre ClMBiNNATI, <K' . (Continued from page 11.) widely encored titan any local aongater. who hare beard bet pfadiet a Iwitbt for tbe dainty little aitlat. An nnnamny attracttea pcogram Is being nescotsd this sreek'at tbe pretty ant-door tsu- danna boaae at Gooey lalaad. the famous np- rieer reeort. Clwrlea Swsln. who bas been eery successful in tbe training of cockatoos, is showing bow wril hto pets can entertstn; F. Chrlstop'ber. who is sUDed In the srt of msgic, well ssslsted br Mile. Verona, aires sn act worthy of mention, while Carry Turkey Boya. fnmoti for his connection and good work with the Primroae Minstrels, to aa amnaint aa erer. Lain Thlca gisea coon sonin aajhwiw^|hajga, iSr%so. la'can- ttat ta la- The Mlttn ^ _ the free arena to making good. The mea wim auke np the company are graeefnl and'perfect ia their poses. Last week was a Mg ooe at old Cooey. and the bin Included many good acta, whlcb received well-merited applause. Lamout and MUbam baTe a tranafonnatlon moaicsl norelty that wina everywhere. Harry Lake coold glre cards and apadee to any street fakir be would meet In a day'a trsrel. H. B. Campbell kept the aud- ience laughlag tbtoogb bU .whole blacfc-face art. aad. the Three Slatecs Cclecy d M i m tba gtraa them for thetr U aee i I maiaa n aa • mnet alatiM aai tMtlwtiirlHiai*.- UaaMaa amMa aa adraatata la. a baaa FOR BALE—Bathing and '«~»»-g Bcsort. oa car line; 8 mlnutea* ride from city; S-eeot fare. Bualneaa wen ralahllilied. A good ptoca for aa amaaement resort, no ether Ming in tba cl^. FopnlatloQ ahoat SS^tlL Other baalai PRA^ J. PIqua. Ohiou Electric Giri Show Tlw Girl Who Tamea Bleetiteitr. If yon want a good act and ttare flBO.OO to larest, send for particulars. Have good llthogrspbs for this set. A besdllncr In Tanderllle, csmlrals and fairs. 0. W. ALLBW, 2308 Tth Are., N. Y. Notipe tl Manners NBW FIOltaBB TBBATU, complete Sept. 1. Bnf WO. fCafb attached. In A-1 show town. MAXWELL" BROS.. Managsia, Mulberry, Ha. tloaa. . The BiaaWea tolling act. are not la The Weber Pamlly. atz'la all. who tnat cloaed at Coney, are as they are billed. "Away from tliem all." and ate tbe elerereet acrobats seen thto year at the Island, liot one of them loaf for a moment^ but work erery laataot they are on the stsge. Women and men alike are grace- ful In their poses, and do tbelr work In a nat- ural manner, which Is commendable. Amusement Manager GIrard wlU be In his glory oo August SO, oo wliich day Iw haa planned sn egg boat. eapecUnr far tha.'ddl- dren. Be wdTtlsa priaco to tha BNat-aSehat In tocatlng tba ^aaln eggs. FTHEATMES An bIMi tl iMMnUp IN THE T. M. A. (THEATnCAL NEOUMICAL ASSOCIATION) arhleh dead. Patdy a Baamlaat dwirtaHoa ottaabcd ta aid the alck aad dtotreaaad. and to hnry the ' ~ Ladtca ia 110 eitica la United States and Opva Ita lodgca to the tbeatrlcal world. Doctor'a iefrlcea free. Weekly sick benedts. Small does.* Tslk to tbe employes of any thea- ti« and he eoorlnced of Its raloe to memheta of the profession, or for informaUja r tlM ortaalaatloa of aew l ad t w^ tnn* Jis.. - B. C NEWIMN, CMM HSr. *HEWt1lli|an■^^■;^.,^ 1 |a the ooly efltelal organ of thto by tbe Grand Lodge of , vat. T. BCTUCB. G. P.