Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST lab 19ia Xtie Bill board 57 laoBiuK attr.; (1. «>> y***^ "Hlff* A?^ . gStcoU: Lew Boieoob books Taddorill* »tti. BnSn hmwr—KdcD ftwlnso Park; UtmUM »MI«( vnpo.; D. Tnekcr, mgl.f alMt ■itr.: (X S). ' MtTlCW 1 Park; KawMjiav Ccotral B. B. Co., prop".; f- W. Taylor, in»r.: alao mgr. outdoor attnctlooa oaU; local baoda. Calumet—CreatTi "rtS; Pari- UntytnfjM^nk^MM^ (ard stem, ingr.t^aln^.iBV'/^'Mwt'.<■»'<> Oui Sun CIrcnIC ; ^ _ Eut Tawaa—TawMJBtMhI. ». .» K. Br- Co.. propa.: Wm. SotMflwd.; <<• *>• ogr.;.aIaa mgr. (tfr.t (1. z)i..Abm>Mr PMM.; uTt. M .LMBartar, ' Mgr. S»r (1); . " Hinidiie—Bay ~Vn>p, * ian.;-(I. 4. «> Iibpemliig—ualoi ,—. ,_. , .^alon Ball Park and CleteUad Puk; MaiQuctte County Oaa * Blectrle Co., proga.; W. McCorkladale, mgr.; aUo mgr. attr.: (2, 8. x>- Jaekaca—BuM'a Park: Jaekaoa Aanat. 0>.. prapa.; J. Albert O'OaU. mgr.; alao msr. attr.; (I. 4, z>: Maaacar books TaodaTlUa attr. Kalaoiaaoo—Oakwood: Wcblsan Daltod Ball- waya Co., pnva.; L. J. White. BMPt.: alaa L^fiir^Wa'TaSg, P««L Wcblw OalM Ball- waya. props.; B. P. Preaa. acr.; all* acr. •tlr.; (1, xz, s): booka dlrtet. MartwaB—Lak* MloUcaa Park: lIiwk«coii l^ae- «I0B * Ucht Oe^.props.; Jobn. T. ZoaDC. Bgr.; Barry 8. WaitariDaa,'Bicr. attr.; (1. 4. s, XX); Barry 8. Watataam books attr. Owsaao-^McCuray'B Park; Conmaa~'Park Board; Oornana. MI^: (1. 8). This park la altnatea betweea Owosao aod Cornnaa. Mteb. Port Biirso—KewadUa Park; B. J. Karrar. prop. * msr.; alao msr. attr.; (1. 8>: B. J.'Karrar books attr. Bt. Jdsrpb—surer Beach; Drake A Wallace. iMria D. .WaUae*, agx.: Lao. i, sa- •— '~lnaw;Tia«r Time, Co.. , ^'0)k« ' MSi*«'5tV;'«*^*ii:* r. -atto.i Aartln Tial>Ttt»8 A. iMntek, pnv.; Ci>xi. —CMr Park:^lr «t AoaHa, aaopa.; A. Pted* eelek. aai|r*t-|S» z)* - Dslath—Jurland^ Park; Tha -Bransiriek Co., nape.; X. P.'Oal^i agr.; aiaa agr. att*.; (1. ' IiTt. p. Oots t5ila%aS«TUte attT^.^M*r Park; h. A. Oaadataan, pcap. * aur.: also air. attr.; (>,'>,*). iaBBaa>olls.^iC laUod Park; lOsBaaota * St. Paal Sob. By. On., .propa.^ P. J.'Hatadoct. id^Slda^'oi^r^—4^^h*0lty Wos- AeilaDd: Park Ooaatraetlaa Co.. r. B. . piop^. i^r.i alae asr, attr.; (1);B. Camp Taoderllla attr.—Foccst Park; Porast Aaunenea* Cs^ .prapa.;. 8. B. Kahsa. agr.; alao mgr. attr.j U, «).' .TUa park la loealad at (MSmUa MMMat a aabub o( llha- -BMpoilB..^-IiatfftBair'a''Soo*'-OflrtaMt' B. ',W» Jonaa, priDpTIZ agr.; alao tagr. iaMB.'! Qli— Minnehaha tad Iwk* Nwviek: BiaiE-dC^Sth Oxnmiaaloaers, pnpa.; A. B. arlgBVBVWt >' A. Bldcway. Bg^ attr.: Q, AmTuement OSk.- ana. 2 ■ttr.: (2. »). Boebestei^Mayo: City'of Boebestcr, props.; (B. z).—Oeirtral; City of Bochestar. iNps.;'(a. z). at. Paol—Wtldwood Park; St. Paul City By. Co.. props.: H. it. Banet, nsr.': alao Dur. attr.; (J, «).—Harriett Wand; City ot sL .Panl, fopa.; Or. Baas. agr.;.(!).—Wooder- ■ " ^: F. »).— - •^ooderland AmoaameBt Oa., props.; P. < B. Oamp, tusr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1, "■ .Ojao; dur^st. Paul, tnf — (S). w Laka IMiS?%ark; : Waahlag- a.; 3m " (s. S) csamr nic Aaaa., ptapa.; Jaa. O. Arm- an.' acay.;' ate age. ■tfcjTr - U«ht * Poarar Co.; peops^: D. J. a<r.;^alao agr. attr.; (B>. TWa park Is fcr colond people ezdoalTaly.—lake Park; 0»- By., U-*-" " lunboa Ee« By. 2?^,"^J^-:J*> S).—Lake Park; Oolnmbsa U * E. AtWvPnps.; S. — tight A FMrar Oo.. props.; D. J. r.; a. 8).- - - - - . t. M.^ pta alao mgr. attr.; !&. Allaatr ~ ■Uaare'a Pi Wrath—Maare'a Park; B.' -&- ■eraataa-Aaaeraoa Park: A Pom Co., pnpa.; O. •too agr. •ttr.i'lird: B(. Jaka Woodford, mgr.; (1. Park; Oearga U. D. KaOy. ila St. By. ■wiMuu^Bolrt Park; ™cr.; aiao OMtr. att «ocuioBally Brat.daaa (lira, earalTak. ate. Botiar—Amoaeateatt' ■*MalMa ' * - :▼■>' - ■alL Oarnlltoo-^Balna' Park; Dan Balaa. crop. A _ «>fr.; alao mgr. attr.: (B, a). C^WJ-l-kaaJaa Park: BoathwcsUra llo. Sffwle B. Co.. .pnpa.; AL Baaeoab, nut City—Booaar'Verback Park; F. P. Boa- d«TlUe Olrealt; (1. 8MoK<a!%aaBii haSn S^X^J M?" 9'!9^*':l*)t .■..Bod. fcCl ly^T* -»*"o uircmi; lai: cnaa. ■. Bod- »^«J«*«ck«r Klwtrtc Park Co., propT; Can- SkUJ^i^"??'' P"P*: 1«» Yoont, mgr. D Tandertllo .— « , ., _Jor- Lakaalde: 8. W. Mo. B. Baacom, mgr.: alao ud Bealtr Co.. prapa.: Praak VOaoaall. Baedy. prop.; Thoa. L. Taatc. mgr.: alao mgr, attr.; (I, 8); Ted Sparka hooka TaodaTllle. Maeoo—Stapbraa Park; City of Macsa, srsga.; O. a AcoS, mgr.; (2).-Maryital laiaT^i Tbao. Balchel, prop. A mgr.; all ' (t. 8):.Tbeo. Belebal hooka attr. Herad a L eke Park Sprlaga; B. O. Uuotm, pm. * agr^Ma a Tyler, mgr. attr.; ate Mb attr.; Orairfiord Olicolt: (I. g). . - 'H**—' 1^ lageison, leaaee; It. r^lBMMa, agr.; Fred Osnaa, saat. avji Iked Ooaaaaa, mgr. attr.; (1, 8, ' xU Iksd Oeaaisa books TaadeTillo. ■t. L ea l a Poraat Park BtehUote; Park Olrcnlt A Baalty Co., props.; O. BsTcrkanp, aigr.; mgr. attr.; (1, 4); TandarlUs bodnd throngh W. V. A.—Dalraar Oaidaa: J. C Janooponlo, prop. A mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1. zz); local banda only: Morris hooka Tande- ▼Ule.—Saborban Park; United BaUwaya Co.. propa.; Sol A Jacob Oppenbelmer, mgra.; alao mgra. attr.; <xz, 4).—Weat Bod HelghU; Obert BZrawlng Co.. propa.; Loala Obcrt, mgr.; Lotila Obert. Jr.. mgr. attr.; (1, 4): book . direct.—jlannloa'a Park; Uaanlon Bntbera a agr. attr.; raaSnir £aBp4' 4i: Uward rina.- Baebmana, mgr.; alao agr. ate.: (I, z, 4); boeka direct.—Bellpsa Oaidsa; Baaqr Otosa. Kp. A mgr.; alae mgr. - attr.; (S^ z, 4).— pira Osrdtn: Joa. Oallasber. pnip. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1. 4, zz): hooka direct. Sedalia—Uberty Park; Clly of Sedalla. propa.; B. 0. Laadermasn, mgr.; Uberty Park Board, mgra. attr. Springfield—^Doltng Park; IMiog Park Amoae. meat Co.. propa.: WoL B. Jesard. mgr.; also agr. attr.: (g) - playa opera.—Oeatral Park. Wblto CMy:''OMted Aaoae. Co.. propa.; B. u '8taB% mtff.t ate i^. attr.; (1. S). Webb Ot^^OMMt; B.^^. Jto^ B. B. BOBTABA. laaeoBda—Waahoe Park; Blec Light A Battway Ooc. propa.; F. B. CUntoo, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (2, 8). ^ Botto—Colnmbia Gaideas; Batts Eleettle By. Co., props.; J. B. Whartas. m^.t (8. 8. z). •treat Falla—Bleetrle Park; Qtcat FaUa St. B. B. Co.. props.; B. I. BaOaad, mgr.; iB); bands oaly. Bsstrles—Bsstrtce: Chaatanqna Aaaa.. props. A ana.: (8. S)..—Beatrice Drlrlac Park; bT.T. ^ Balaon, pron. A aigr.; alao mgr. attr.; (5. s). OsTld City—Ohaataoqaa; ChanUoqaa Park Oa., propa A mgra.; (2, z. 8>. Palrborx—City Park; <1, 8). Kwney—White Bridge; J. J. KUoe. prop. A mgr.: (1, 3); book direct. Uacols—Capital. Beach: Capital Beach Co.. . props.; J. A. Bockataff. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (I. S, z): J. A. BnehstaB iMtoka TandeTlUa attr. •^*orf0Ut^Fr^lta]cr. Park; Jno. Frcytkalcr. prop. BcaA Park; W; IfBHk- Bov. teoaee A awr.; (1. 8. z). : . looth Slonz City—Oyst^ Lake Park; Banr A.. Kayr. prop. A mgr. /ork—City Park: S. A. Dean. m. z).— East Bin Park; N. A mgr.; (B. i). <T0 be coatlnned next week). A mgr.: VOTELTT KEN LOOK HEB£—OH! YOU KID hat bands and neckties, just oat and selllne like bot cakes, assorted colors. $4.50 p«r bondred. prepaid. Ob! Yon Kid Cane Pennants, assorteil colors. $2.00 per bnndred, prepaid. Samples . 10 centH. Send for small order and see If I haren't told ^ou' tbc tmtb. B. D. GACSE. 523 S. Ualn Street. Elkhart, Ind. DOUBCrVOUR MONEY There are alz clear weeks yet left of the aummer—the best of the whole year. Amnae- meot parka, camlTals. faira, etc., are in fnU awing. Pocketbooks are open. Weather Ideal. A large share of the pradta that others axv making can easily be TOnrs. A fSar MILLS AMUSEMENT MACHINES pnt to work nOfEDIATELT will donUe— nay treble yoor money within the aezt 30 days. Tbree bnndred kinda to select from— anionftst them tbc Tery machine yon need. Low prices. Cp-ta.the-mlnate propositions. Coarteoos t reatm ent. Write this auaote for catalngae; SEHX FBXE. MIUS NOVELTY COMPAihr Xilla' Bldg., TaekaoB BHd. aad Orson St., CHICAGO, r. 8. A. BUTTONS We make buttons (or erery panaaa. k qnanttty froa oaa to a nlUIOD. rBNNAMn. nHM mi CANES WX XAKX TBZSE O OODS. WE IMnP* HAK9LB TKSX. To gli* FM> tM lafafBatlaa at Stat «rltU«. atata rT"***'r «Aat fWk waat aa« Ba atl ty. ^a—Twaw BASSB OB.; Factory: 141.14S W. Xlohlgan Street, CHICAGO. TEXASP RANGER Can:use 30 good Cowboys, Cowgirls, Mexican Troupe of Cossacks, SIDE SHOW, Punch Man, Magic, Dancing Girls and Musical Act. TELEGRAPH LOWEST. Vcr route this issue, Maj. C. 1-. Rhodes, Geii'l Mgr. ^ ^WAITED^eOOD 0IYIII61ID SWIMMIR8 6 Male net jumpers, character'actors and comedians. State all in first letter. No Sunday shows. OHIO VALLEY EXPOSITION GO. (Aug. 29th to ISept. 24)1>: L. HAGEN, DinGtor of Amuwiimits, 12tb « Flitti Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. , WILKES-BARRE, PA., FAIR . ' r ■ August 29, 30, 31, September 1, 2, ll^ld. '' DAY AND HMWITk- PRIVILEGES FOR SALE. R. IRELAND, Secretary. MOIMtUTH COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR ASSOCUTJQI At UmI Bank^ N*.J>» Sop;|. 3,5,6 andj : . privileges open: Cigars, popcorn, candy, franbrartsn, seaf(K>d, picture postal cards, palmistry. High-class. Big attendance. Address E. A. SLOTE, Rod Bank, N. J. SOUTH SIDE FAIR ISUP.XQNG ISLAND. NEW YORK ' '-'9«pi«niiber4fm' iBm, Tllt..S«lK....... lUrlviM* Mm ConccBalouteM. Nv iraiiUlai. ISve Tewse TBI HG KEIS—FMB MB STKET FMS IN tU KENTICKT Ml TEKNESSEE Openlnc 8eptenit>er tt-IO. Parte. Ky. (A bla one). LezlnctOB Street VUr. aosplcss one of larscat orders Is ciqr; clos«l-ln lot. We own anil control all rMlaf derices, some abowa and the« bir electric lighted candy wheel. Wanted, some more shows that are abowa with ahowmen behind theas. Alao more hla;bH:lasa prirUeKes. Protect all when nosalble. Showa* terms, 30%. Vtor Paria date, address CHas. B. WEBBER. Secy. Bonrlxio Fair. Paris, Ky. Fur after dates, addren Willi E. 'AIKEN A CO.. care Cbas. H. Webber, Paris, Ky. If you don't know aie; ask ' old;tlaief. .Voar yeatw wttb^ .GaskUl„^J|nndy, Nat Beese. latuMC and Uan. Boblnaon. -Xhr - —• —aa «a the rslla. , .■ . aar ol sMaat. WANTED FOR TRl-eOUNTY FAIR, Winoiia, Mma. scrrxMBcn at. n and xs NoTelf; Roole 'V*'/■:-:■:•■■ rnKwrKmrnmn «mb-i»«b-; . A«l«ndanee, 30,000. We Expect 50.0001|il|!iiy««r. BIG. AEROPLANE RACE MEET CURTISS, BALDWIN AND HAMIL.TON CNOAOCD WANTED-ALL KINDS OF SHOWS, CONCESSIONS, ETC. percentaice or flat rentaL Address at once WM. T. WARD, Poughkeep £Y BIEVStHOFF. Supt. of Privilege^ 1402 Broadway, New Yoric Gty. WANTED -RIDING DEVICES Caiouad, Ferris Wheel, Ocean Wave, Swings, Human Roulette, on percentage, for ROCKLAND COUNTY FAK ORANGEBURG, N. Y.. S«pt«mb*r 6-9. 1910, 60,000 peo^e in attend- AddiBM O. A. BAUER, Superintendent of Concessions, SPARKILL, N. Y. Wanted—Good, Siiliir^i^^ ;:1ila/i|.«iHMi«;:MifM - all bl( nun this tall. Open at BrookOeld. Mo.. Ancnst IS. Mr. for 4 wjek*. Answer to Woodstock. HI., week Ann. 7 to IS. DPKCAN COXCESSIOX CO.. P. M. Atwood. Maaawr. NATIONAL SLEEVE CAMEliA, No. 20 W. dC. B^MMa, l .caa' ilaca sap Mew and perfect. A money mskar. Bent or Its hind. Makes lKi2H alas pletoiea. ISO.OO t» 150.00 per day can be made In cood locaMoaa. Koa< 0» raalTs CIV. I<ena with adjimtable focoa and dial pUte tor taklac DietBaaat different diataaees: alao macaetle reTsraible plate holder for taknKnWVB. Takes pletorss rspUly; aa faat as yoo can get persoos In fro nt of t>a wafc No azperisaca reqaliaA. Aaj oaa can operata them by foltowtas IT**** lastraeSeaa. CUaara eaa«tel% tUM. Plates, le ea^ JP***I"C^ ^ >S paeksse. Uooata. ISe to aoe per lOO. Dcpoalt of IS.0O tmatad w .an ocdcrs;. balsneei O. O. D.. and charses. WIU answer sU qoesttons promptly. We are klao dealers In aU slsea of dry (enotrps pUtes. NATION/(L PHOTOGBAPH MACHINE COMPANY, SEND YOUK BOVTK TO TUK :