Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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60 ;T ti eJSIllboard AUQU8T 13, 1910. ' IIXIVOIB. Albion—Edwards Cknmtr Fooltrr Asm. Dec. 21- _24. O. A. Maoaltr. Albion,m. Chicago—National iji*- iv«»«i«r«»' . ffi j fniff ere' Assn. Not. IHT. iTviCrSdat^ Mie- . iralnr. Mlcb. s-''-'"--:;?;-:.'?'^. '.. . . ' »-2S. Edw. c. XMner. m sT/aWMMB It. ■ X>nqQoui, 111. Caen—Cocra .MWm OeL iilr: ' lb A. Ca«f . mt».-: ■ ■■' Oalas—OaUx Mr:.. Aag. Our. aeer. RadOeM-^mr. Sept. 6-0. secjr. Tazewell—^Tazewell Fair Ac R. P. Qopenhaver, secy. SMept. 9. O. F. it. M. CaldwoU. n. Sept. 13-15. Dr. * Abilene—^Texas State Teachers* Assn. Dec 2T- 29. T. D. Brooks, HlUsboro, Texas. XTcrett—Wi WAJUUHGTOV. on Presidential AT.A-RAira. Inlloclc Co. Oct. llUTOlB:vV . Salem—Merchants Home Comtzur wilifcV'^vJta>. _a»-Sept. a. F. O. Hart, 'seer..; TTt,-: A . Tljgi^^Uum Co. fair. Aqi;...aMt.r.,a. ■ " ■■IOWA, '■■ - Fairfield—Jefferson Co. Aitrl. Assn. ' Sept. 2S- 29. Chas. B. Cage. >ecy. £a Porte Cit}-—La Porte Cttr Disttlet Fair Association. Sept. Z7-30. F. >B.t.'B)Kt.jMGr. Spirit Lake—Dickinson Co. Agrl AMKi.' vttpt. 2T.28. A. M. Jobnsnn. Jr., secT. ? .. >.••" XAnAB . ' , Lamed—Pawn*e Co. AjtrL Ann. • Sept, I ■ Harry H. Woleott. MCf. < Acton—Sbapleteb AefcQ AvA.: Asaa; Qet. 6-T. FM ,s. aoaw*n, sccr. Amherst—Kortb«—" " «-28. H. il ; Co. Fair. Sept. 20-S8.-. B. H. BowUns Green—Pike Co. FsIr^.AMB,: ■ Jiac. 'Sr IS. Jf. O. Bins, aecT- ?' Anit. 13^=0. J- Blltle—Boyd Co. Fair A»»n. Oct. 5-8. J. N. F^nllrr. secy. Harrisoo—Sloox Co. AgrL 8oc. B. B. Scbnnrr. tccr. -raw ToxX'.s Sept. 21-2^ -Ugbnier VaTIe.r Fair." Oct 5-8. >. ick, secy. ■OUTH SAKOKA ' ° atte Co. Fabr. "'^Stpt^ S^Cr P. ■■ ■^vl.'s^S'N'-^f. ■ WAS ' WnbW^Whbnr Pair. Sept. 3T-3& V .7^^^ ......WEST yzBeini': .fflfll«»_llBI'Orore Pair AiMn, ,,Ao«. SMt. iatiftB<^T.>^ »ln«er, seey. , , '> ; ' -----iliiW»^W,';15|jt!V»i*.t«-«). A. JOller, IDAHO :Cr. Lewlston—Lewlston-Clarkstnn JUr Assn. Oct. ^v/'' IIKIS.' Jno". E. Nlcketson. teer. ILUHpiS : i':. :^ J^wtotowih^-palton Co. riur: '. Aog.' SS4S. . Ed iBaitalo '-^ Center—BhiTsTo - jCantor OiMnr Park i4X*?5* ■ Dtefc /FklTi Alw. 8^ IMtT^ J. P. > Braiiin4rTPeqnot43rinr V wing - A«A: Sec^ V ;S•:'2M0.^^^■H;::8an^l*rfv•■«a^ — Albaqnerqiie-^mrtletb Amwal Kesr Uezleo Fair. 0et.'X«. Jobn^B. VcVaons, seey. . VOkZE QUtOUBA SaUsbory—Bowan ; Cfc Fair. Oct.' 15-22. T. M. Arrasmltb, accfi ^" WABT£D, wrSICIAHS—Late side show band. Comet, ' dt snd basi; also performeta. SHOW, Lake laty, IB. . Sontb:. (or Wanted—A Trap- Prummar state lowest saliir». A.Mr.-ss KANAOEB HA- JESTIC THXATRE, Albany, Ga. WA STED, FOB THE DBZAXLAITD FLOAT- IHG THBATBB, a good versatile slnslc or dou- ble moslcal or noreliy act tbat can disnge two snd tlira* alcfatn, or dancing Mail. . WM or. write to Oratj. Ky^i, Ang. tPOl; .aaUr TaaMlgi Ky,, 13; Pott Boyd, Ky., IS. - ■ JAiaC BOOHE wants speclaltr and first put — ruht ones. State haU. -Oood coaunls- Long n^cramit,^rytfit ^M: Fair soon. For ston and sslary. OpOB. good talker (or tent aad dieaa.Bymcttse, N. Z. . WAVXED—A-1 comet player; prefer one doubles Btsge or party witta' pictnre machine to work on percentage for 8c concert. Write or wire, TODNG tc WARD COMEDT CO.. Big 10c Show Coder Canras, week Ang. 8, HiekoCT, H, C.; week AnC'lB. UaeolntoD; N. C; week Ang. 22. J|^.JJ^ .... . :■ -,. . LADTMUSiqANS Wanted atOaee. Soio oornet-, tromixine, darine^ pleioIOk'aaxo- —others write Work year roonO. Stats IHee,' ability. aKe. nalary. send pbotg, oni- aaasuemenls all In first letter. ELUWOOD BAND * OBCHE8TBA, 722 Main tSL XawVoifc. • ^jtlliyEtion^ Wanted •At Lansing, la., Sept 14, 15, 16, for Flail Fes- UtsI, Free Acts snd some good, clean shows on peieentase or flat rate. AH forma of conces- ' Addreis JTOniS BOBjBKH, Lansing. la. 9LOT MACHINE** on baaa and tor aala at -gnatly rednesd prlec^ —' aralia . eaia . peanot and $S to IZ&prDay This PletiBa_OaaaM Blc. or wheiojir-Wa eaaOr tta it. • boiy comer or pic la are. wUl net yon , at abera. Zoo eaa aaka pletaMs aa *"« Jiff lloa BpT' Kata tau itm turn SHaSH down to' small button alae. moo STTitei^^tiS^ ■tnpla—Vo >OtampUaa< Tripod. tS.M axirs. e_ A PlcnjRK 3C AMD MORE W"* nNIBBSDIX ' Vluiuiiao wQl flnlah 10 or MOBB FHOTOB in t XXHUTES sr. IQDIB-HTATT PHOTO SSmT 00 •M WaablagtDB An. , Wk, VBffSO tOMUT ONE MINUTE $54^0 . XhB Record of the . . eiHElU-ICOPE ° Ada «• -can pcort It Any 000 can opente- it Make* 6 finished buttus pbotogtapbi a mln- nte. Price of Can era-Scope, with supplies for log ' fit). Iiiki'fiifl»i(»kWbrk?^ and Stona PERMANENT REDS A SPECIALTY BROOt«X^YN. INJ. V. ' - ' la nvwmanuMettirMlbyus'raaiualvaly. AEROPLANES-BUBBLES rA.Kr.r"'*"~ THE PATENT CANE & HANDLE CO., Wolf Bimbllah, Mgr.. 4S Ann St., N. V. City AU complete,- with palnUasif' i condition and almost new. Street, Phlladelplila, Pa. per tmndrcd: eztia fiamea, SLSO per gcota. Bo Indtpea- dent and make money for yonr* self. Write toi^ay. W. B, Konntfoio, 100 Xaldra Lans. Hew York. S. Y. WE ME THE LOIEST-niCa IMS! FOI CANES. WHIPS, BADOBBk CONFETTI. TICKLBM^ FLAGS, ETC., CTCt:^^ Park jPaoviai' Pnkiinial Order*. Privflege Men, Celebratum Fdlowan, Jobbaniil ATTRACTION WANTED ANIMAL AND TENT SHOWS AK^ARtBEN CAItNIVAL The. Great FaU Festival of the &fiddtii^i^ Address ,. ,^ R J. PENFOLD, Sicrilaiy;^ v lyi^bonglM Slir^ ISe Dot, • <«.00 per 100. $25,000STOCK ' iUdieMl to priciat lata llutii Notions, Novelties, Toys, Souvenirs, Camival and Stmt fair IMS Taxi Gab Hat (new) groas, t7jio. dos., 60o PanainaHat, " 3.25 " 30c Souvenir Lcx>p Whipe, '• 5.00 60c Japanese Wind Bells, per 100, S6.00 " 75c Jap CtwjjcJCnneB (imported, extra heavy) ■per. 1,000, W2.00; per 100, $1.25 *FbR OUR NEW CATALOa. HITESON CO. irara, Importars nnd JoblMrs - •SON ST.. OHICAtte. ILL. Ttie Billboard TheoiMt epB««n^at bo^^ mtdr amiiatdlor IIm on qC -' ■ CETT OIVE MOW ■ — Thb supply is being firhawated lapMljjr. DDirir f Cvtet, U ceals, 3 for 25 ccab Ip^, l-KICE 1 ti^a.- COTer,25 cenb, 5 for tiM]^ for OUT lllostrated CAtAloffoe of the . most complete Hoe of Fan<7 PeooaoU oa the market. Coonect vfto us and yoa I - ^1 41C41S Ha SlNot Gddaiitti. OUa ^ will make moner. ETerrbodj fcnowa tliat I TBB BIia,BOARD HAKES A SPECIAL OOMPIjIMEIiITAIIY RAIBl we ere retljbi,-. Tnt BOUnAi' MOvra.TY OX ADVERHSINO TO MEMBERS OF THE PROFESSION ON PROFSa- MIO. C0« 37 Unat tama SI.. Stow Xart. K.. X. | fyM»AT>, AWP