Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUaUST t$» ^ttNL T B E BILLBOARD In Iceei^witiiliieii^' Motion Fietnie i iiof tihe Open Day and Night ^ Write,'Wire or call M diir new quarters SUITE 4lb-16- CENTURY BUILDING. aLCRAWFORDill^^ CpMPANY FOR SALE CHEAP 1000 SECOND-HAND OPERA CHAIRS STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE FOR THE ORIGINAL WOLGAST-NELSON FIGHT PICTURES . Price, 12 e«nt> per foot. . Exclusive Torrltorlal RigKts given with eaeh set of films. ritllTIIICTIUicI^^^ The MACHINE that STANDS the mr Que eidiilutor writes: ; • : "Yoor .N6. . ftSannot i^ 'bekeii.. ■ It certainly had a-severe; test, riiii- ning twelve hdiirs a day for mQhths and going through ^ which burned. th0 table md ioelted'the oU cup! A few hours after the''fire we liad it cleahed and polished and set agoing as if nothing had happened, just as ' good as'tbe day it iamyei.. ^ "No oiie can g!0:jR^!}NQring a Find out about the N<y.'4 :^^ £riq>h' from your exchange^: or Mhd to us for Catalogue "O." ' ■ • ■ NICHOLAS POWER GOMPANY 118 14w^Hmm:W!L,^M^^^ QiJMdLiTy nSSnSr? ^ ~ ". * "■' tttMlal ■(«ntii fur MntlnRrniih, fonrr Hud Edison EqolpmtBt*. ' a „-l|TCaytCsC attt'iitloii Klwu to urderH for Buppllrv aDd nudllMl '.*''■'' Write us for latest tUm Ust ud caUlogn*. ' l)l•l^l#M•M•lii•l••M•««•«l#tt^hl«•^ THE MOnOGRAPH Motion Picture Machine is A WQN0^ And will INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS. It pNjecti FUCKBBUSK' STE.'VDY and WO.NDEBFDUY mlntitc tvwlDd froca- I |ir(x>r shuttet', etc.. Dot AS U)XG. . ' C. H. D.. of Keokuk. Iowa, writes—•'Motlom-aph MAKING A BIO HIT and BUSINESS INCREASKD WOXnERFULLV.", P. L. F.; of CbicMOgillt.,'write*—"Died'erery day tor aereu and KQg OCT riaWX ijX)B UMPAim.'- t.^miJ»i^S!u^SfSlt.^mbimS?iJm^mB. ^ a n. The t M ttpt m Oekl— OM.Ottat-ik.the Mr tatlrtietorr ■obitl'! WHM tar calaloc t»«v.'' ...... • -,■ - ■■ r ■ ■ • -i SIX BBBia.OF nUi. one ahlpaMBt,M*b,sli{ns and' alldes/ ' i ~- "SlStiOO TWELVE BEBIiS,4wo shipment, with aiiaa and alldes. . • , • ■ -ftlA^OO Ton ■ood Mb iraja. WABMINI F0« ' (OM dollani titr SOe. aiUI yna ^a't llDea,' $T9.(X> aiKl U|i. LIBERTY FILM RENTINQ CO. I08 rOUKTB AVI3IWB. .mrsBt'BO. f Au TO THE I HAVE nOM THE OF MOVING PICTURE THEATRES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. CANA|IA AND ENGLAND: :: IranC WMLD THEIR 0RI6INAL NEGATIVES AND THE SOLE EXCLUSIVE RISHTTa UCENSC-flNm-n PtlefDit Mil PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN AT THE RENO RING-SIDE OF THE GREAT N..JEFFRIES These pictures were taken by BOB fiDOREN, the famous sportinK editor of the NEW TOHK WORLD. They are thla week bein g exhihited at the CIRCLE THEIATRB,-MSW ZOBB^'taad'«t ill«.-AMTOICSA8». MUW;C . TTAT.T.. ROCKAWAT VSMBBi aoA lutnr MlMT tha«tnw te. TRBIimfr DonsBUSINESS. ■ ^: -i- ;.■•'■-•*/-.' •■ They are aXntolutallt'.tatii pMttnlif: ot this great conteat. . , • , Tou'wUI b* abto to ahow your patroas'the JeHries and jfohnaon train-- iBff quartan in California and Nevada; Jeffries hoxins with Jim Coirbett; Johnson sjtarring with AL Kaufman;' all the famous flghtera of the day being- introduced in one ring; at the same' time: Sullivan, FItzsimmbns. Corbett^ Ketchel, Bums,..Sh4ir](ey. Attell, ChoynakI, etc., etc^; Jeffries and Johnson entering tha rias and. batnc •latrydft—d»' tba' baalaning.'ot the light, and every excithMf Ineidant that oo q nrrad dvrlng; the nght,-Including THE KNOCKOUT. The most wonderful collection of photographs of THE GREATEST PUGILISTIC ENCOUNTER OF MODERN TIMES—BO pictures In all, -TAKEN AT. THE . RING-SIDE. If BOl [NREN, ni New Ytik Wiild's GreatiHrtiil EWor. LEASED^NOT SOtD#flOR FIFTY DOLURS (S50) A WEEK. SPEXnAL PRINTING AND COMFLSTB I^EJCTURE WITH-BACH SET OF SLIDES." INVEST J50 AND MAKE $500. They are Just as good as moving pictures and one-hundred times as cheap. '.Tou won't-;be able to present' the :movIng pictures for -months- aiid. months. Ton can oiler theae great slide s NOW. They will ,'get-yhu Just as much':: money . and (JE/T H RIGHT AWAT. They are the genuine NEW YORK WORU> pIctniMk they are now re ady for deHvery r'and '.: ^ : TUKIT VOtHUVKIX G3SS THE SIONEX. If yon ar« a hustler, you -wOl give yoiir people %hat they want. Send N. T. Draft. Express or Money Order for Sixty ($60) .Dollars.-and state distinctly in your letter what week you desire to use the^e ijreat slides. Return-Slides within Ave days after last presentation and Ten (110) Dol- lars will be'returned to yon. -WRITE, WIRE OR CA1,I* DO NOT DELAY.' 'Db -IT NOW. -SEV- ERAL THEATRES ARE PACKING THEM INi : SO. CAN • TOIJv DON'T BE DECEIVED BT FAKE SLIDES. Mfne, are, positively the GREATEST photographs of the GREIATEST-flght aver staged^, taken iby - the GRBATE8T newspapw In Amarlea,'Vp&.NBW-TORK; WOR¥a>-, iUP NIVEN, Sola Owner, with the NewYoikWorll _ 1i: v:.T■ - Long Ptetanea-'Phon«^2?37'Bi^nt.'-"Cabb'-Addr«MT--*^Chairwili'^.li«w.^ y.vr;;^^;.,y,t-*;r--^-^- ;f ;'-^';<iKriirrc?Rrcii^ Canadian RiGHTs^r'OR sale; - -engiiish rights FOMltA^ ; • . * V: ' ':^ ; ^ MAX D. J0SEPH80H, Attorney, 172;Fufton Street, NEW VORK. . ■- ' Mr. Niven, by written agreement with'tbe N^w York Woild, is the sole and absolute owner of the. originalnegatives and has the sole and exdusive ri^ts tb esthibit and. license others to exhibit these-Btribr EklDen iiietures.' Ainr.oth^ person offering these {uctuies, or,«lairotng authority to do ao; does so wrongfully and mdawftilnr. -'Any peiaon.exnibitiiig ■the pictures or m^dtag.'aBgr reference tbube New, York World or Bob-JBdgren in th!^ exhibit!oiia.. vn^^ lA Mr. Niven, dew n «ifdii|gfiil|y and bnngs upon himself a lawsuit for an injunction and 'diimaSgei.- ' If ySn have wa^ •doubtutattweometdaw ad, p^om^.caUor writethaNw ' •