The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBERa^ 191(k Xli« 011Iboax*<l U OUTLOOK IN- |St Louis-Pittsburg-SL Paul ST. L0UI8, MO. lu to tbe genena pablle, oatilde of tliiwe i»bo hare «tood the trufi ot the le-on; to jee^how fortnute or nnrortmate muus««. heen. In St. Loan tU« summer we'tare not been aneecMfnl wltb our p«rk» to a degtee ot Mtta- faeUoB. and wline.we hare made money Jnaome euMTlt bu not been as we Uuosht It w«ild bSTor at the InreatmenU iboold bring. In moat aU oor parka much money waa apent In remod- eling and rebnlldlng, which made an expendltace S: mneb time and «»P}li«l "'"^".'Yi.*Sn' back aa faat aa It ahoold. Ontaide ot tbe tail- ing off^Jn the attendance, the weather waa not richt. as up to tbe month of ADgTUt we, bad hot one Sunday that It did not jelther r«In « SSiiTtbreateiilng.ti to keen tbe 8onday^_at- teidance to a minimum. ,Thla waa also tone wttHhe alrdomea to St^nta. •»jw>?; » lULTe made any money. The Taat amount oC rau made It Impoaalble for ,tbein to - — ■ show-more than half of the time. The man wltb a theatre connec- tion was the only one who had a cbabce to make money, as he bad them both ways; It Is estimated ^t we have about 2500 picture theatres and about lOO alrdomes. and l« It a wonder tbati the, gar' Klena suffered, when the bigb cost ■ot IMas has compelled the wage earner to seek amusement witbin Ua meanat Ilils, more than any- thing, has made tbe lire cent show the winner over Its larger competi- tors. The down-town theatres at this time are getting open for the -ceason of lOlO-ll, and tbe outlook la moat promisliig. HaTlln's Thea- tre was the first to open, and this yewT ehanKed Its policy from the trareUng melodrama .to stock com- pany productions. Manager .Oaren has brought together a atrong com- pany -of people, beaded by Miss Jesanllne Rogers that has' caught «n, and the reanit has been that the seaBoa bas starte^^-with amah Tbe popularlty of Ulss Bogera.wAI alone draw many, > nod awakesi-'M Interest In tbe slodc company tbl^t ahoold make the management harie 00 fear of tbe success of tbe sea- son. The matinees bare been packed, and the eTcnlng shows- hare played to big bouses. - ■' Tbe Imperial Ibeatre this' year abandoned stock ' productions,''' ^nd . la playing tbe Stalr-BaTlIn attiac- tloiia,; It opcoed with, tbe OowD to,,- -' Dixie Minstrels;'rWlth John Bocker . as the principal comedian. The - bt^Bset dld,va tremendous week's DDsIoesa,^ ITbls J>elng. tbe flrst at-: traetlonTlt is hM^tosay just what may be lodged for the season, but the class ot attractions K* the., best, and the outlook. la most favorable for a good seaaon. At the American Theatre, Bosa- llnd at . Bed .Oate opened-to a good week, and as this beose has alwaya tieen a popoHur one,'Bp'rear for the season's buslness/.ls "expressed. The ' attractions ^ will>lh^«^ucfa betttr ' than those ot lasf'aeaBoa, and many of the abows •have'not been seen bete before: . others not at tbe American prices. ' ' . The bigb-class theatres will be In atrong com- wtttton with eacfi other, as both the K. * E. CIrenIt, and the Sbnbbrts wlU conduct two houses here this season. The openings' will not take place nntll the middle of September, and DO line can be bad on them until then. K. & wIU, as usual, use the Olympic and Cen- tury theatres, while tbe Sbuberta will book tbe Oarrick, and their new theatre. The Shnberl Memorial, which Is expected to be Aiady for opening about October 1. Tbla will make In- tereatlag competition, and tbe only poaltlre re- sult at this time is that St. Ixmls abooll be giTen tbe -beet. Tbhi same condition aubnld ex- ist In tbe vaudeTllIs Held, aa we wUI this season witness the real entry Into St. Lonia of the William Morrla Tauderllle. It baa been a bard pronoaltlon for tbe Morris Circuit to get a toot- hold In this city, and It' remained - for the com- pletion of the new Princess Theatre to take bla bookings. Aside from the fact that Morris' entry , will be. new, the Princess will be the first uptown theatre -to try (or the regular' patronace. On Qrand Avenue, the locatloa ot the princes* Is 8000 west, and 'si the city has-been spread- ing oat to the western limits snd snbarbs. It will bo Interestlna to watch the resntts of the Princess. Should it prove succosstul.v we wlu then look forward to more tbeatrcs lb tbii direc- tion. Tbe Colambia Theaan will again thia year be^bookod under the Western Taudevllle Asao. ctAiw. tna in view «t th« eompetltlgn, the best seta of the circuit will be constantly on : view at the Columbia. In the burlesque Held we will tbis year, as Isst, have a bouse on both circuits. The Stand- ard Theatre, playing the Rmpire Circuit, and Tbe Oayety. on tbe Eastern Wheel. - As this condition bss existed for the last three years, 1 look tor tbe same results tbla aeaaon aa al- ways, that ii, tbtt both will go gloaismtklDg money. It might be well to conalder the motion pic- ture men, as they will again be an important. factor In the Held of popalar priced amusementa. We, have probably tbe most proatable city lb tbe United Statea tor Ola dass of amnsethent. and It doea not aeem to be a dlfflcolt matter to get espltal for the ereetioo of these theatres. The result la that aome of our picture theatres are palaces la conatmction, and as the Are lawa here are tbe most aevete In tbe country, macb money must be expended in their constmctlon. Aa atated above, we have some 2S0 of these theatres, and every week flods new Incorpora- tlona for addition to this list. O. T, Crawford has put op some vety expensive balldings In this city, and all of bla Investments bare come up to ezpectatloos. The others -have all made money, and I look for a gdod sesson. ' From the foregoing it'may eMilr be seen that there Is but one eoncInsIoa"to .be bad ot the at. lionls SeaaoD, and that Is that we ahonld again be, as In i fi>nn» yeazs^ on tbe paying side of tbe ledger at the clow.- Tbe Independent attractions wUI be Iiere at the Odeon Theatre, and at the CoUsenm, as us- ual, and both managements have much that Is good in their list of bo<Alngs. The Ccdlseum will again give the blxsest grand- opera eom- In force this year. Mr. W. B. Merrill, the resident manager, wiu see to it that the pa- trons are given conrteons treatment.: Tbe Grand; wrbleh receives Mr. -Davfs' direct pnaonal nqierTlslon, wUI, if anjtUng, be better than ever. In tbU respect I might say, if there. Is anything In vaudeville that Is good, Mr. Davis is sure to have It'for the Grand, and be has, by his liberal polldea and careful management, made It one ot the best ot onr theatres. . The Dnqnesne. wiilch wUI reopen September S, with tbe stock company , now-boosed at the Grand, wlU continue to please its patrons as of old. Mr. James Deacon, ueasorer <it the l^cenm, could apeak not aught but good regarding the coming seaaon, and It tbe opening week Is a criterion of fntmre natnmage. tlie second year ot the Weemn will be Ketter than tlm flrst. IMnles. and as they come here axaln with a guaranteed aubscrlptlon sale, the season will be aoccessfnl. As far as can be forecasted, I think that tbe showman will not hare any cause for complaint on bla St. Ijouls business, and that the seaaon of 1810-11 in St. Louis, at least, will show macb gain over Its predecessors. Trusting that all my rradera will experience a profltable season, and that I sball have the opportunity of seeing St. Louis giving them the beejLI. am. ., Willi J. rWjLSLBV.- PITT SBURG , PA. Optimistic In every sense of the word ^ will about give an inkling ot the conaenans of opinion ot tbe many managers of tbe theatrical piafas- slon In Pittsburg, from the first-class theatree to the smaller booses, nothing can be seen bat good In the outlook for the laiO-IOll season. The caoaea are many. First, we have again assomcd OUT proper atandlng is the line ot prosperity; second, we are to be the recipients ot the best their is In tbe varloos theatrical llnea; and, laat, but not leaat, our theatres are managed by an - able Ixxly ot managers. Mr. Tbomas J.- Kirk, Jr., manager of the Mxon, was verr pronounced In his views of the coming season, and It the ttews promised sre alven we will have a seaaon of surprises at tbe Nixon. Hie very fact that Mr. NIxoa baa declared that tbe pricea will be from 91.00 down, has created a more than favorable notice. Mr. Davis promises tbe best for bla several theatres, and looks for the best ot tilings tram the public In appreciation ot bis elCorta. He Is deaervlng ot It. The Alvln, which Is entering tbe sec<Hid year ot first-class attracions, that Is, since It baa come back to the fold, ptomlses a season of rare Intercat. It reopened tor the aeaaon on Auguat ST, and the same liberal management that characterised tbe Alvln last year, will be The L,yeeum plays the popnlar-prlced, and well does the name imply. Mr. B. W. Oullck's poli- cies have done a world of good in making the Lyceum one of the most popular <tf oor theatres. Mr. El. Knrtxman, who la enterlnx his second year as manager ot 'the 0ayety, promises many good .tblngs In the line of barlesqae. Mr. Knrti- man's first- year as manager produced excellent results and this year be wfil try to make the banner year <rf the Gayety. Mr. Barry Williams, ot tbe Academy, always looks toward vue good sM* ot tblars. and cut see- notbli^ bnt • Haorlsblng season. As the Academy's season umally ends this way. this year wHl bardir grave an exception to the role. Tbe smaller theatres and tbe moving picture- theatres bave no season, as business baa and no doubt will continoe to be good. Tbe warm weather does not seem 4o affect tbe lovers of the IBm, as the crowds seem to Increase rather than dlmbdsb. It Is, after interviewing tbe managers, quite impossible to see anything but good tor the comlnx season. With a eontlnoance of the many god policies so general In oor tbeatrcs. and with tbe honest efforts made to give Pittsbnrgers the best there is, there Is no question hot that the 19IO-191I Hieatrieal season will be the ban- ner one for Pittsburg.-. LOUia U KAOrMAM. ST. PAUL, MINN. ^ The tteatrea In St. Paul ate opening up In toll blast, and the coming seaaon will sek many new facea bi the theatrical circles around town. We.bave a number ot new theatres Just opening up this season, and another la coarse ot construction, which will enable St. Paul theatregoers all ot the amnaementa they deaire for the coming season. The new Shobert l^eatre opened on Auguat 28 wltb their good line ot playa. and there Is no reason why they should not do extra good. Another theatre in tbe course of construction, taking tbe place ot tbe old automatic penny parlors, nnder tbe mansgement ot Jamea GU- owsky. The new theatre Mr. OUowAy in build- ing will be called the' Albambra, and expeCta to open September 1. The Metropolitan onened Its refcnlar season ■ - August 2S, wltb Mrs. Fiske In "~— - ■ Becky Sharp and Plllan of Society. Week commenelng Angnst 28. wa hare the retnra of Tbe Three Twins. The Shubert Theatre, which open- ed tot Its Urst pertocmanee Ansnat 28, has aa tbe Initial production the great New York newspaper play. The Fonrtb Estate. Mr. Jamea Melll. ot the NelU Stock Company, annonnces the fare- well engagement ot Miss Sarah Tmax. In ZIra, wblch closes the stock season for this summer. The opening of the regular sesson' we bave for the annnal visit ot Utt A Dingwall's In Old Kentucky. The Orphenm aeaaon, for Its aec-. oad week, had some very good Taudevllle stars: On Stony Oronnd, by Lottie WUIlama and Company: the laughing success. Flbider's Fm^ Dished. Flat; Bernard and Weston, Jos. Adelmann Family. The Oreat AsabI Troupe, in magic and mya- tery; Fred Watson and LaToy Bros, make up tbe bill. The Majestic, for the coming week, have as their headllner The Zleeler Trio: Mr. Cbarlea Stnsrt. the noted English tenor; Neapolitan duo. singers and Instrumentalists: MIsa .Pearl Lester, slOKlns and dancing Boubrette: The Hoeya. com- edy sketch, and the Two Lees, the gtrUwIth'the beautiful batr and tbe.:,bar mnalclan. Mr.'Moehlrr, of the Star Theatre, announces tbe opening for the com- ing season. Edmund Hayes la Tba Original Wise Guy.. The Wonderland Amusement Park, after Its strenuous Elks' week, has tbla week Les Anions. Kiropeaa acrobats: Hernert and Germain ttying trapexe and casting act: Koebler'a Military Band Con- ' certs; Harrison and Hawkins, Dutch comedians; B. F. Morton, monolo- glat; Bobby Boblnson, balladlst and lllnstrated aongs and motion pic- tures. The famous Cnrxon Slaters, to their-great aerial novelty act, —: are coming. ' The moving picture business Is more than thriving in St.. Paul, and all of the theatres ate doing /excellent. We have a num- ber ot small tbeat^ opening np almost every other week, and business and showing ot good aims are second to none in the country. The State Fair for this year. Sept. S to 10. Is bigger and greater than all Its predecessors. The attractlona are almost too nnmerons to men- tion. The 101 Ranch Shows will occupy the big Hippodrome building, and a performance ot vandevUte atars will be given hi froit of the magnlHeent grand stand. Mr. Gregory, who has chsrge of tbe amusementa. has more than exerted bhnaelf to make the affair a en-at suc- cess. Tbe pageant ot nations Is golnic to be something that never has been reprodnred before, and. no doubt, will attract hundreds of thou- i sand* ot people. Tbe exhibits at tbe State I Fair are larger than ever before. 1 H. p. WINTERHALTER. S STAGE MANAGER REMEMBERED. PittAnrg. Pa.. Aug. 25.-^09eph W. Walsh, stage director ot the Barry Davis Stock Com- pany, at tbe Grand, was. on Monday evening, tendered a pleasant sqrprlse by the stage em- ployes. No sooner had the curtain gone down on the last act of A Stranger In a Strange Ijind than Hr. Walsh was told that his me*. ence waa required in the large room beneath the atage. When be arrived there be found all the atage employes assembled around a banu- somely-decorated table, and there was plenty to eat In sight. Atter tbe good tbtnga had been disposed of. Stage Manager 9(An Iioac arose, and. on behalf ot the oUien. pr aaan la 8 to Mr. Walsh a handsome dlamoad-stodMI HiA. et for his watch fob. At the csBctaaioa oC- the summer stock seaaon. next Satadar ning. Mr. Walsh will leave ter Us Boston.