Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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12- rr ti B i 1 l b oar d SpPTEMBER 3; 1910. -OUTLOOK IN- Boston - and Omaha BOSTON, MASS. Let m pause for a short while, to tnm a plTiotwy £ye toward the accompllsluneiits ' of tlie comlo? dramatic season of 1910-11 In Boaton. While no great iJramatlc effort has ap- peared In the field, several of excellent caliber in the matter oC subjects and aathors have heeik moulded Into Interesting plays of great import- ance. Tear after year, the public's demand has been answered, and the manr who make, pro- dace and "Write messages of Ute -drama toil on from season to season^ It Is not always the finest plar that; reeelTes award of merit; the stage manager, by a mere ; coincidence, may devdop the turning point of tbe play. When we sit before the footlights on an opening night, bow many- appreciate tbe amount oS work, tbonght and expense InTOlred In m single pip- dttctlon? There are so many new plays '.com- thc TlayxDarkct Hioatre was built. Twcuty-seven years, after the City Theatre was opened, and fifty years after the Gaiety. The- atre, now : the BfJoD. was opened: Dnrlng the Interral therevrwere- nineteen theatres In: this city and op to the present time of tnirtyr 'two:years the city of Bostm has very near one hundred places of amusement. It is a well-known and evident fact ttiat the public of this city contribotes more money for amnsements tluin any other city of Its size In the United States, as the standing- room sign' is quite frequently displayed . In al-. most every house during the season; Whilo it Is true that Boston Is tbe most critical. It still Is the most liberal and more stars. have been made on the flist-idght productions here than anywhere. In tbe absence of any new successes at this time,;-; the Slmberts . have made It pofislble,- tbroi^ a recenay'arranged tour, to produce some : new attractions,' a new musical version of Herford'a The Florist Shop; liuder's The Grape Girl; : BxCDse Me. a new play by Angnstua Tbranas; a Brady attraction. Including The If other. The Cheater, - The I<ent, and Frank Worthing. -In A^'Gentleman of Ijeisnre; Xew Fields' mosical^^pmedles, with the long runs , of success. The Uldmgbt Sons «nd The Jolly Bach- elors; De Wolf Hopper,. In A-Matinee Idol; Ueb- ler d: Company's famous Alias Jimmy Valentine* Tbe Fouith Estate, and tbe biggest mnsieal sne- cess In .years. The Chocolate Scddler, by'-the new theatre on tbe site oC the Pravidenee rail- road station, the land alone cost 1700,000 while the theatre Is to cost $950,000; It Is to seat 2.000 and have a snmmcx loot garden to seat 1.700; tbe archlt»cta have been Instmeted .t to (pare no expense, and It Is conceded ^tbat BOBttm win support and la now looking forward to a Toot garden similar to those In Mew York, nie old Oipheam will be under tbe direction of Wm, J. Oane, general manager of the Moving Picture Company of America, and the resident manager, will be J. K. Cowan. 1 Frank' Monroe, the actor who played the part of Detective Doyle In Alias Jimmy Valentine, will give up the footlights and will shortly open an office here to do real detective work for the American Bankers' Association. It Is . claimed that he was the most apt pupil, and that bis theatrical training stood him good. Plans are also under way for the erection of another new theatre on Elliott street, to be built by Uebler & Co.. of New Tork, and Fred Wright; the .manager of The Man From Borne, Bie piece that made the record ran of ten monttis In Boston, Is to be the manager. Con- tracts have already been signed for tlie sale of the property and the assessed valne of the land is $206,900.. Of wbl(ai the land carries $101,000. Uebler & Co. have agreed to take a twenty-year lease on the land and bnlloings- !i Henry Russell, managing director of the Boston Opera House, says tbat he has decided to follow the example of tlie German theatres and he will give orders to admit no one to the theatre after the curtain Is raised until tbe end of. eacb aeene, and all the artists have been instructed not to accept any encores vrtutever.- the largest ocganlsatlona of Its kind In tbe world. AI. Wood>''rT)rank iUyatery, at tt^ Grand Opera Rouse, drew sn^ a; crowd, all anxloa* to aee the Chlnanen of Boiton'pot la ur opea objeetioa, . that tlw police had to be called to preaerve order In front'of the bonae; the pnbUe clamoring to be given an opportunity to aee the play. It Is tbe first time In the history Of the old bouse that: speculatora were In erldeiiee. ,v ti. G. GBOSSMAX. OM AHA, NEB. The result as to the ptofita fbr the six theatirrs In Omaha for the aeason of lplo-11 Is proUemat- • ical;i:tlme only will tell-whether Omaha can or will Bopport six tbeatres. There are. of comae.; all klnda of opinions held by the dUTerent man-- agets and people Interested u to what the re^ suits wIU be, bnt to tbe writer, the outlook ap-- pears very good for a line season of dramatical entertainment. As to what the harvest will be- for the men behind the box-once, time will tell. Here^s hoping tbey aU proiper, for Omaha Is eettlng along In the ISOiOOCa and rapidly becom- ing an Important theatrleal city. Tbe bnslneas. Of course, wlU .tblf season be divided between tiz tbeatres,:'; wbereaa last leuon- but- four The new Brandela and the new WUltam Mor- tis: bonae are tbe late eootenders tor the pnblle- approval. The Brandeis will book all -hlgb-elas« attractions under tbe K. & B. CIrcnIt and Man- ager: Bntgess has iccently letmned ftom' New Torkii and saya bis bookings for . this bonae arv the beat: that have ever-been oaered:.Omaba an-: A.H.WOOD5' ATTRACTIONS UNA AB4RBANELL IN MADAM SHCRIiV LAURA NELSON HAU. IN NEW YORK JULIAN eLtiNGEIIIlTHe FASCINATINO WIDOW Ing that have as many new points that no forecast can be aocnrat^ measured. That Is. critically measnred. ' The coming season, theatrically, will no doubt be . an aosplcloiis one, and Boston will con- .trSmte Its share of amusements, from the or- dinary:-moring pictnre-tbeatre, to one of the llxst ondertakbiga of Its kind In America. An aeroplane meet at Sqnanton, Mass, Sept. 3 to 13. ^-The 1 building of two new theatres win mark tbe opening season here, one by Uebler and Com pany coeting $500,000, and the other by wmiam Mocrls Company, costing $355,000. The atrained relations between the tmst and the-Independent ::managers have been harmoni- ously adjusted, «nd: the .Henry W. savage Com- pany will, in tlie future, play all the popular houses; whether under the . control of the trusts or the independents.:- The indications seem to point toward: a very snccessfnl :seasoD, as each and every tbeatre has>iHit Its.light foot forward and secured ..the best'-svallable': attractions on the road to:4ay-::^In the .'early'dayv plays and actors woe. iiot:Teiy papoIar':andh.aiir:attempt to give a performance-of^-anyvikind^riras^: cried down by the Church. From the drat pndnetian In Boston In 1700 of The XTnhappy Msrrlage. until the Orst theatre was built and (vened, Angnst'lOi 1793, tbe only public performances that were given were prodnctlons at the various balls and tav- erns by the British troupes. The opening per- formances at the old Boston Theatre took place on Fehmary 3, 1791. Two years later. In 1798^- Whitney Opera Company; Sotbem and Marlowe. Forbes BObertson, mme. Nazimova, Cyril Scott, and Mary Mannerlng, under the Sbnbeit manage- ment. Well, 1 presume the biggest sensation of the coming season will be at the Colonial— Frohman's Arcadians, there being, by actual count, one hundred In the production. Why. do yon know that we are even going to have The Bound-Up aKa'ji; The Girl From Sector's; that charming little magnet, Blsle Ferguson, In a brand-new vehicle. A: Matter of Money? The biggest success, both artistically and Unanclally, for Mary MaUnerIng la A Man's Worlrl. and that also makes-its Initial bow to Beantown. Id snmming up what the coming season wUl produce In Boston, which Is the center of the New England States, mnst act as a guiding star. It is not possible to make mention of all the plays and comedies that the'managers and the public believe eonslderstion, and what:tile future dramatic crop has in store no tme knows. : But the expectations are that the results will anrpaas the previous yesrs ss to Improvements and aAlevements. William Morris Company, which, for the past two years, held a lease on the American Music Hall, operating high-class vandevllle, has transferred Its lease to the Moving Picture Com. pany of Massachusetts and, while the Morris Company still retains large interests in the Mnsle Hall, tbe name win be Changed to tha Orpiieiim, and tbe Morris Company Is to bnlld a The Columbia Theatre,.after a thorough reno- vation, started the fall and winter season on Monday, August 22, and ManagtT Fatren states tbat be wUl give the public the best. There la a new unlon In Boston, alBlIated with the 'Bostm 0. h. V. It Is the Actors' Union, and over 160 signed the charter list. It Is ststed that the members comprise aetata In all lines, and G. M. Barry, of Newi York; organised the union. This union and tbe alBllatlon' with tbe Central I.abor Union Is the: outcome of the mass meeting held in'connection with the acton* grievances with the Nstlonal Booking Agency, C. W. Ftaser and Mrs. J. J. Ooogan.' Charles Frobman will. present -at the: Colonial Theatre on September 12, The Arcadians, a new musical play, and If will be watched with Interest, as this Is tbe first instance: tbat Mr. Frobman Iws attempted to puton : musical comedies. Elsie :Fergnsottr:win:-be': the latar^to: open the Hollls Street Theatre, on vXabor Day, with A Matter of Money, which proailsea ' to be even more attractive than Such a-Queen,-) the play which first Introduced ber as ii-star to Boaton. The International Vaudeville: Aaaoclatlon, of Boston, Is now affiliated with tbe Gun Sbn Cir- cuit, the Bert I^vcy CIrcnIt, and tbe .O'Valgnle, thereby giving tbat association connections which will book very near 150 theatres thrmigbont tbe oonntry, and a movement Is now on foot to coU' tt<A a complete circuit, loelnulng Canada, Eo- rope, France and Australia, making it one - of aiences. Tbe Orphenm has In the past years given us tbe beat vaudeville, but will have gen- uine opposition, something that they have not had to consider before. In tbe American Moaie Hall, which latter promises the cream of all In variety and vaudeville. This takes a large "slice out ot the melon" which tbe Orphenm' usually "cuts" each year, Aa a result, the pub-:: lie should profit If better bills and later acta : are offered. We believe, however, there Is room tor two bigh-clsss Tandevillo bouaea here; In tbe line of bnrlesqoe, tbe Gayety promises the niftiest on the road. Last season, theHrst: for thla' -bonao,; as a burlesque .bouse, was a money-maker. Manager Jobnaon : says: "This season will be better ss we are going to (Ivo Omaha the best attractions offered by the Bast-, em-Whed or. Columbian Amusement Company," Doe Breed, manager of tbe Krug, will band ont better shows than he nlsyod isat saaaon. The Krug promisee many of the big sncci^saes and a plenty of the old favorites. Mr, Breed baa four mad-companies this season and that- they will aocceed Is a foregone conclualon,-»0 long as Doc Is at the helm. .:: The Boyd, 'heretofore, tbe only legitimate bonse ih the city,: flaying the big attractions,, bnt now transferred to tbe new Brandela, will be a flrkt-elaas atoek honset with-an excellent company headed by Mis* Bva: Uing. tbe most popular stork aetreaa that ever played In Omaha. All in all. the prospeeta are bright for a good acaaon-ia this city, H, J. ROOT,