Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMaER 3. 1910^ T tie Billboard 15 The Refuge of the Player ECKELS. The paatomlmtst, ifbo harleqnliu the power of ipeecb from hla categorr of accompltshmenta, will have hla naaw on the annala ot the Amer* lean'itage and hla fame wUI lire aa loog a* neonle are Interested In the affaire of Taude- Tllle. The Great SeTerln. who haa reached the nlnnaele of aneceaa In pantomime, eonld never bone to convey with apeech, the aenaationa. which we otherwiae feel In hla preaence, for his mlmlcrr in belnc humbled Into mere eeatarea. woold suffer aa the inatmmental solo when te- dnced to an accompaniment. The monolo(iat la the extreme In the free and eaar Ufe of.adrantagee of the vaudeville over the legitimate performer of to-day. He tollowa no cues, makea no change ot costume, and bis hoora cooalat of generally arriving at the thea- tre when the performance ia half over and mak- ing his atage door exit before the pictures go on. If be ia good, be need not worry over ron- traeta; It he Is fair, that la hla only worry: the Hats of the varloua booking assoclatlona, revcala the fact that a ateady year's work may be had right here at tlie center of the nnlvetae. It's an old saying that "Nothing sneceeda like success," and this truth is more than demon- strated by ancb quartets as tboee of the Western Vaudeville Managers' - Association, tbe Chicago Vaudeville-Managera' Exchange, WiUlam Mor- ris, Inc.; Sullivan & Considhie; Chaa. Doatrlcfc, and the Pantages offlees. The big ofllce in tbe Majestic Building, where the Western Vaude- [ vllle Managers' Association lUnatratcs the ad- vantages of system by their sise and strength, is the- hub of inisiness, and with managera and performers constantly at their elliowa, one may readily realize tliat tbe booking men are not enjoying the life ot ease, which Is supposedly I theirs. I Kerry Meagher and Edward Hayman. who liook the mi]«Ity of the W. M. V. A. houses In Chi- cago, report everythios In erand shape for th.- lYatemsI spirit exlatlng be- tween the manager and agent, and In moat cases between them both and the performer, sisems to explain more satlw- factorlly than anything else the anccess ot the Chicago Vaudeville Managers* £x- cliange, of which Mr. Prank Q. Doyle is 'genersi manager, and whose distinctly original and Independent methods have made the popularl'y' 6f his own name mot» than that of the - exchange represented. The theatrical tnanageis doing .hnslnesa with the Doyle offleea. aeem like a family of brothcra, who have forgotten the personal Jeal- ousy that la sometimes found in other buslnesB competition, with tbe result of a good feeling of eagerneKs for the success of one J sence in Chicago. Ia fact it Is felt very sirouK- ly that here Ib a stantlanl of synteni and Ideas, which is bound to remain a success, and (me wttb bat a vague limit to Us growth. Mr. J. C. Mattliewa* who personally bandlesi the boofc another. | lags of the American Mnalc Ball» Is an enemy 1 Eight P/(mC/PAL 1/AU/)£V/llF Ag£JVTS or Cff/CAGO \/.CMfiTrff£ltrj8-JSaifUSiOUmsS S£ANKQ.Pm£, It he Is good only for the smaller time. thi> above conditions ate hot hta envlronmenta at all. and the rugged path over which the mooologtst is compelled to travel, sends a thrill of theatrical horror, down our sympathetic spine. Then there are tlie danecn, who keep adding Bew wrinkles to'the llat ot dances, .which or- iginated when man: learned to laugh, it not be- fore. Dancing la only another atyle of exprea- tlng emotloa. and la at obc« eanae and effect, being both ^prodncca and leanltlng ftom levity. In thia branch ot vaadevHIe. art often reeelrea ita most severe alip of degradatloa.—but It la iH sr.* all the noveltr acta. - - *croi«^»fr. ^Icycl*-. slack wire, manikin, aninial, Jaggllng, llloalon, trampoline, ventrtlo- qnlal, and other oSerlnga almost too numeroua to mention. So, it Is not bard to see tlut once vaudeville » llTcn the right q( iti own way and the atumb- ling blocks of all concerned are removed, that the legitimate stage itself must inevitably tnm Into some form of vaudeville, and it will be- come no longer legitimate at all. Among the reasons too nnmerona to awnflon. why vaude- ville la impeded.; nrObably the moat Important Ia that stombllng block originating through the lack of ayatem In the hooking oIBce*. where th<> pertormera are brought together; but not on a •yMematlc plane of equality. Chicago, aa the intee-oceanle theatrical center of the nation, la bound to become the hub ot the great vaudeville wheel, which should rotate K*'*.5.1'"" every turn. At tbe present time, the Windy City is snfferiuR a contingency be- tween the Union, the WbUe Rata, and some agenta. which, when once trannftMrmed Into a rantnat solution, will pave tho way for the purging of the ''aktrt system." a lamrntable. but a truly extattng": bit of degenerating bus- iness methodrot some'of the smaller tHtofelng ot- ncea. As the Union bone of contention nuctnates in ilw, Juit 10 dOM the p«rtwmer*i imra«. all oecauiio his na tural-bom Independence repels tne_ tliooght that no matter how gooil hi- b«pp<<n< to oe, be must remain on the same plane of pres- tige as the amall time act. And while all this IS using up a disgusting amount of time In its settlement, the dlirerent agencies keep right on In their attempt to better their own apeclal "rgjoijand await developments, ! «nieD Labor, Day haa rolled around on the calendar, to^the anawer of tbe questinn. "What l»„to-4ayT" the'Taudevllio season In Chi- cago will be well under way, and m ;t every house, Urge and (mall, will have thrown open Its (inors for another :year. Which is predicted »«ndevlllo Intuition to bo tho most aneeeaafnl of theatrleal hlatory. A glance at cooling seawD, ami a.« having routed more nov- elties and new acts this year than ever before,' while Walter D'Oria. in addition to his numer- oua city bocaes. wiU continue to look after the big chain ot small time theatres in Iowa and the middle west until Harry Burton assnmea charge ot the new branch ofllce In Des Molnea*- Booking ttteatrea In Wisconsin and Northern Illnola keepa Thoe. BurehiU busy, when once kl* attention to his local booses baa been released. To Mr. C. B. Bray, general manager, must go the entire credit tor the success resulting from business activities rightly, conducted, tor every-- ooe of tbe fifty employes ot the association, whether tbey are located in tbe Chicago ofllces or not. are falthfally carrying out Mr. Bray*a Ideas. Tbia certainly as much as anything else has contributed to tlie success of this con corn, bat If yon aak Mr. Bray tor the secret, he will amilo at yoo and MT inst <>■■» 'oid. "Syatem.'^ The Doyle offices nave never ceased growing since their birth on April 4, liKIS, Id a small room on the fifth door of tbe Merchants* Build- ing. Now they occupy seven large rooms on tbe fourth door of the Chicago Opera Bouse BuUd- Jng la growth which la surely idienomenal In auch a ahOrt apace of time, and Mr; Doyle admlta It on the granada ot "Honesty: la the best policy." Tbe SaUltan ft CoBsldlae oOces, with Mr. Paul Goodroa - at' the wheel, never overtook tbe big bets, and have ateadily pulled up among the best of the bigger agencies. The popularity. Jovial nature, and politeness ot Messrs. Goudron, Nash. l>aVries and Wilmer, speaks loader than all other reasons for the growth, which has not been ot the spurting bat more the steady variety ot success. That something whlcb always jaermeates the: atmosphere, wherever-a Morris olBee or theatre ezlaia. Ia not made ifiomtnent thtoogli Its ab- MR. HARMON IN THE FARNAM Bl-PLANE. Be «ni stve aerial exhibitions at the aviation meet to be held near Boston, S^tember S-13. to no one, always one of na, and no one i to care to deny talm the credit of being the busiest man ia Chicago. Chas. Ootttrlck, with only a few bodies In the city Itself, devotes most of his time to the llltoola and Indiana ctrcnits, of which the Ooa- trlct offleea are the generating rooms ot vau- deville power. Then there la Mr. Buchanan, who haa conslderalile small time in the city, Mr. Waahbum tbe Pantages' Clrcnit. Hodkina. head- quarters, the Amalgamated Amusement Assoela- tloa and other amall agenta, who altogether, hein to .Ans the one naonstcr wbcet of TaodevlUe ayateiB. -which Is so oeeesaaiT toward the wel- ■ fare of Taadernie ttidr.: Ibeie Is n> end to the poasUilIItles when once thia: ayatem baa : been : near perfected, but as months loll by one cannot help, but noticing the crowing sfapleneaa of vaodevtUe as entertain- ment, a form of dlvendoB with a standard ot value aa Intrinsic as there is In grain and steel. The Tsndevllie, which la more and mon- becomlng an enterprise of millions and mil llonalren. a public benefice for the maltUwWs. and not tbe cunningly devised trickery of tbe charlatan. let all give their hearty support. Let no oritanlxation attempt to cut a^umior that which years ot experience have brought t<>.:etlit-r In the nature of bonda of aystematic miialK.r between themanager. agent, and the perr<>rroi>r. WORCESTER, MASS. The Franklin Square Thoutre, at Worcester. .Mass., opened thia week (AhkusI 2ft) with Checkers. An excellent hmise was in evidence at the Monday. perfonnanc«-«t. Tlie house was renovated during tbe summer, and presented a comfortable appearance. Next week I'ald In Full will lie tbe bin here. Tbe Worcester TSeatn-. on Eirhanse street. .It Worcester. Mass.. will riKipen September 5. Mr. John F. Bnrlr, resident manager, wlio na» been In the White Monntslns. New Hampshire, returned last week ami will assnnte hlft regular duties. Mr. Robert Clarlt, advertlslnc agent -for 'the Worcester Theatre, at Worcester. Mass.. will rrsume bis ilnties tills week. Ml3« Bessie Donavon will return next week, and assume hor position as treasurer of the Worcester Theatre. Robert Kane's Manhattan Opera Co., at White City Casino. Worcester, Mass.. close their sea- son September 10. They have enjoyed a Terr successful season, and will return next aeann.