Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. T It e e 111 b 4> a r d 19 Paris Season Forecast By PHIL; SIMMS. Summer hu been « joke In Paila. Tbere hun't been uy: um in aune only. The cold nine. wUch brnve kept continaallr I«Uins iwn made outdoor MnaMmentS; look,. like a: alck chicken titer « thnnder-ihower. ■ - , Bo now tlut fall !• appioaditns and theateen. ire beglnnlns to pick, up tbelr.em nna-slto-: ten (or tbetlnkle of tlw Mln, wa are not goinc to Me a creat wetttaer change; tbe .booec* ar* mat Kolns to sentlT open and qntetlr bexln ttaei> •eaiona—a lew wlth^new playa, batvmost ^ot then with revlTaU of meceiaea left oP In the howeTCr. : Ja vOse habit orer bere. Few manacon care tO 'oSer anjrthInt aeriooa at the itaH of the - tbeatrlcal .Tear. He aavea tbeae nntll hla retlTali;! Ithongn, indi- cate an awakened tatereat la playa oo the part o( the public: then he geta real bnay qnlek. Piemiem fall orer one anotber, flgnraUTely and literally. Antbon and theatn mtnagen are doing the ^Ifonae and Qaaton ttnnt to each':'^'*^v-:,-.. ■ ., , ^ "After j«a,^'mj t ita: QaMm; .bMn T0UB <«eniog-llratI** , - ™By so-! aaeaiiit.y.niy-:■ ■ ; v fOHMV ^00»«battStJW»:, TOOBS —^ — "'iuid ao on oBtlr '^er: aettle It. For they are vBoUte^ . tbeae rfaini. and aeldom Udiilga - tlieniaelTea In throat-cutting Jb , loeb thlnga aa that. lUUOBTAIt SAHAB. L'Alslon win be the opening bUI at the Theatre Sarah Bernhardt. Of eoune the dlTlne Sarah taetteU will not play Uw little One de Belchatadt; aa ahe la atlu tcattng oat at bei eonatlT bWB*- - Ume. Blanche Dofteiiei; .wCUk, kaown ,1a America aa 'ooe «t> tha leadlag playeiB In the Bernhardt .company^ and aeen while tonrlag " b ' the States more than 'oacer-' wttt~take the lole. Boataod'a' war alwaya mtkea a tremendona bid tor favor at thla theatre, and uatU .the new play la called fOTthi'will undoubt- edly make good.w::Xa Cknquete d'Athenes (The > Gca4neBt dl Ath- ena), to the "OMmt T Albert Ou bola, wlu go heanal OD Sept. >li< the date of the opening of ; the pUyhooae. Thla la a brand new, piece, and will auc- ceed Ii'Alglon probably la October. I am Informed that Hme. Bern- hardt wUI not be: aeen at her the- atre for aome time—probably not before next, aprlng, In fact.-on ac- count of foreign engagementa. For inatance^ahe , la aoon doe at the Falaca / Tbcatro, la London, where ahe will. do single acta from her ta*orite plays. Juat -as Mme. Be- jane did laat aprlng with much ancceta. It la rially a TandeTllle engagement Ume. i Bernhardt has algned for, and la somewhat aensa- nonal. Then-fOttawa, her tour in America. Fanit, an adaptation of the fa- mona work, by Bdmond Boatand,- win probabl y b» i;one- or the big- ■ St,_lf not XBB blneat thing at .Bcmbardt Xheatte, during the coming seasoBujXi ,Tbo i aetr«sa-man^ SKi,"i*..»Wtsd- Cjunbo. by Georges Turner, may be one of the Silst pro- dnctlona. made at thla playhouse daring the coming seaaon. Dm Cas de dmadence (A Oiae of Conacience) la not one of ttw lieat-Uked ptecea and Is new. It la. howerer. In only tv> acta, and ^ has not a great'deal of Importanco,* thoosb- Iti-Ia ra'i One little play. Paul Bontget la the aotlMP^^e who wrote Le Barricade. It deals with a married couple with three grown aona, one of whom la lllealtlniate, by a lorer loua aioce dead. The dramatic tenaeneaa of the dual scene la wonderfol, where the wife, wishing, not to shield herself, but to secure the happlneaa of her three sons against the exposure atiODt to be made by the dying father—who has at this late day found ont the truth, atmgglea for tlie neat- est desire of her life. Le Voyage de U. B^rrl- chon. an old stand-by, a comedy In tour acta, la oae of the plays In the preient repertoire of the Comedto players. THB GTMNASE. This playhouse, which baa seen so many good thlnga, will open September 26, with a revlTal course, but eighteen or nine- teen years ago. two other ac- tresses had a dispute over the same piece—^Ume. Bejane and Ume. Jeanne Qranler. Boya have grown Into men, and then nnbora babea haTe be- come young women and yonng gentlemen, yet, thongh the dispute was settled at that re- mote time In faTOr of Mme. BejMBe: she nerer got to play the role. So, Mme. Slmone needn't feel too snre. At the last moment Georges de For- to-Riehe msy tske it Into his besd that a few more years migbt sdd to the' beauty of the piece, and call the production oif. - However, it Is announced for the Benassance. THB CHATBLBT. Director Fontanes, as nsnal, opened the season at the Cbatelet with Les Adreatures de OaTTOctae. Thla play and this theatre are old Bostasdv Had .... i'jll«**^.;.':aad long CMiTeraatton with the. poet :on «k». sobject. It is andetstbod iJnL.^'"* la busy on a poem-^ay, to be caUed Borneo et Joliette. baaed «a tin Sbakca- pearean niasterplew, and If thla be tree. It to not Improbable that thto .wiU see the light at if.',»5""'?"''«J'«'"«?« af course, the Balat ■"«•». yk*«S (aantacler crowed flrat. may get A_pUy:i br JIaurlee Boatand, the nineteen- year-old m.ot JSdmoad Rostand, to announced as cos of the aeasoB's posslbUltles. ' TADDHVILUI. „™» t'aatre bsa remained open most of the I?«?5r- "^ct<»»d only for a matter of two JJ, oi^^"?' order that a general daan- J5*".?S ^?V,** gtwb.'ke place, llie opening fi.^if"m"?*"'»,J?»'V-^»"» August aoTwlth nll»?*"_ %«'«• <»J>e Two Sehoas).. by Alfred into October, or poatlbty np Into the bolldaya. a.'?SlX!?"«»«JL.«»?!"' eanttaua aa JOBg ?!»'5K!'''" "t' tbto Uieatr*, and; the opening ot thi 2{J..r'H?".fc**'S f*" •» marketfonly by wxts? • " th« Tatlona i-iKiSySt come, probably aiit. ttaS S*."J2 (Tta Adrentnrer). by ilfrad Chpu*, SSt JSS^^—" J"ii.^ •* o»« of the nrlnd- ?Bii^f'JS?" *X tWn 'theatre daring 1910 and rhV.;..-ff.""..?".*'£'' created the nde of ia^dSVeSfniSe^Afe?" ^" *^ OOUBOtB-FRANCAISB. tiSS, 9f "<»>>•» Theatre will continue with prac- th« ..£1^7' 8f '"'"mber. when a new piece, £ iSSS!.ui' "y*'' '» unannouneed, wui tIfcJ!"S?*t ""?.'o* less nopnlsr plays tskea OK for the tlna being. Auna-PaHoot. ot laat sesson's success. La Vlerge Folle (The Poollsb Virgin), which Is to .be seen in Amer- les this year. Mme. Bertbe Bady. Mme. Mona Delsa, with Messrs. Domeny and Calmettes, will take the principal roles, as ususl. The Btst new production of the year will be La Pugltlve, by Andre PIcard. . OPBBA-COMIQUB. The first work to be sung at this house, ae- rottllng to Albert Carre, the director, will be Macbeth, near the first of October, Following this opera will come Berenice,, and then a re- TlTal of Pelleaa et Meltsande. year promises to see an orlglnal iwork of first Importance at hla theatre. He does not say by whom and what the opera's nsme might be. TBB BBNAIS3ANCB. Le Marlag* de MUe. Benlemans. a comedy. In three acta, liy Ponson sa« Femand WIncheler. Belglana u>d biothen, contlnoes at the Renals- With Ulle. Luelenne Boger and Ueasra. leviea and Berry In the prIneTpat parts, nntn October is. when the leal hoaae-wannlng tor th* season 1810-11 will tske plac*. That It. Mon Ami Teddy, the piece with sn Amerlcsn hero, which I reviewed shortly In the . spring. Will be revived. After which will sppear the (iay by Oeorgea d« Porto-Rlehe for to long time talked Bliout, Le VIell Homme (The Old Man). Ohantecler la a men baby by comparison with 'Lt Vlell Homme. Even before Bdmond Rostand ever thought of the roster hero, or aven bifoie Cymao de Bergerae waa atarted, people were jnueutaing thla play—or the play~ aat waa to be. At laat It u a reality, and tUi teatoa la mppoaed 'to tea: It. : Two aetiaaatt. have Jntt fnarreled over whleh shall pay Itr^Mme. Uarthe irandea and Ume. Caslmlr-Parter (Slmona. who created the hen pheaaant In the blid-anlmal play)—and after making the abr boas far a while with ertmlnatlona and recriminatlboa, Mme. BImime haa won. She la due to create the Bve to "the old man," Adam. The present generation never heaid of It. of pals—hand In glove. The apectacle to always a drawing card, and the. management of the Cisatelet bank on It. It's no gamble. The first new thing of the year will be Araene Lu- pin Centre Sherlock B<flmes (Arsene Lupin VersDS Sherlock Holmes), and the principal In- terpreters of these roles have been engaged. Messrs. .Hoary and Albeos will play the parts of the burglar and the detective,: while < Mme. Oermalne will play the principal feminine ehar^ acter. Of course there -won't be snything se- rious about the play, which will be In the aa- tnre of a musical comedy. . . ^MASXBBUMCK SEASON. After ttie tashtoa. of our own Sbakespeare EVistivals, which come now snd then In some psrt or other of the United Ststca, the coming winter wUt s^ here a Ugeterltaek season. Bat as to which theatre Is to get it., there to eon- sideralile dispote at the present time. It rests between the Bernhardt and the Cbatelet. In atther eaae; so'far aa the location of the the- atres, are conceraed. It won't maae nmch'dlfter-' caee. : Tbey fac* «aeb other, one belag on one side of the Plaefr de Chatelet, the otiwr on the other side.' The weight of oplnioa aeema to favor the'Bernhs'rdt. . - ■ Manna Vanna, Interteur, Intmse, 'PeUeia tt Mellsande, probably Maeterllnck'a traaalatlon ot Macbeth, and almost surely bto 'I'OIsean BIta (Bine Bird), will be seen la the Bernhardt The- atre, and certalalT; all that la aeccsssry (or the actrata'to ^do la-to bundt. these playt. and there yoo are—or rather, she b—with the MSet- wimek Seasoo. PersoaaIIy,-'I don't place moeh credence In the Cbatelet .tMory. ?AUIAMBB». ' The Variety Theatics GoatroUiac Ck>mpany. which baa a nanber of theatraa la tba Inlted States, England and la Ftaaee. to la eontrat of the Alhanmra (Baraafoid'a) here, aod Smtua- ber.l la fixed aa the date of tbe.graad open- the meantime mnch work bas beea done Inaldo the ptayhoate. It aied to be ratb^'bir cumbered with partltlona and what not. after the faahlon ot most French houses, but it has been remodeled Into one of the most comfort- able anditorinms in Psrls. It la redecorated with perfect -taste, and is a dandy show-hoass til the way ronnd. I ondentand « line ot vao- devlUe better than thla part of the Continent - haa ever seen; to booked for tha coming sessoo, snd includes some of the ^eat-American talent as wen as other people from Bngland aad Europe. - BOUFFES-PABISIENS. Thla ta Mme. Cora Laparcerle's playhouse. It will open towsrd the middle of September with Xanthe Chex )<>s Conrttoanea. which I re- viewed for The Billboard laat spring. It Is by jBcqqes Richepln. What Is to fbUow-tbla revival baa not yet been announced, as Mme. liSparcerle Is as yet In the conntry resting. Her sesson taated nntu well Into July, hec revival. La Dame de Cbes Maxim's, taking too well for her to let go. PALAIS BOXAU :: September S to the date marked off on the almanac for the reop- ening of the doors of tlito play- house. 1,'Enfant de rAmonr (The Love Child) to the title of the play, and It Is by Allevy snd loul- lot. It is a "vaudevlUe" as they call them In France, a comedy as we on the other aide know them. MUes. Msrcelle Trven. Mar- Kuerlte Tentpley, Cslvet and Qaa- }oa win appear m the prodnetion. THEATBK DBS ABT8. _ La Save wUl be the tirst spec-" tscle at the Theatre dea Arte thto fall. Jacqnes Booche. the capabts director of thto playhooae. hss ser cnred the adaptatlcn of the d'An- nunzlo "rhymea Ubres," aa dona by M. B. .Cknnde, and proposes to. make It a ctassle la the Flench theatre. The action of thto trag- edy 'wIU be ffdlowed by a sort of choms, full of heroics, sensaal- ity and bloody doings, Uking one bsck to ancient times. THB CLDNT OPEJIS. Like most of the other playhonaea. the Cinny. In the l.atln Quarter, will open 'With a Tevivsl. Martoge de Oonrdes by Gsrdel Herve. Thla wiU be followed by an original work by Benjsmin BaMer. tha nsme of Which has not beea se- lected. It wm be: a bairpanenr. though. sDCb sa one sees excln- slvely- at thto hooae; - THBATBS DE L'OEOVBB. Lngne-Poe vrlll open the season st the Theatre do I'Oeovie. between October 18 and 23. The fint tpeetade will be a piece In verse by Uesara. Jehan and Henry Boavelet. M. de Max. well known In America aa Sarah Bern- hardt's lesdins msn, and aiao aa having been aeen la Bejane'a aupport, will take the teadlng eturaeter. Aa the aecond part ot the. same bin a Japaneae legend will be staged, the work belngiby Bobert d'Hnmleres. It will be sccom- paaled br mosle and the principals wUI include de Msx Lngne-Poe and Mme.-Snxanne Despres. In-addition to tUa work, the Onvre wlU gtre at the Femlna Theatre, three aeries of 15 repre- sentations each, ot pieces hitherto unseen. SBAKBSPEA&B TBEATBE. '.Camnie de de Salnt-Ooix will return to rsrl.* from bto summer home in the country and oix-n the Shtfcetpeara Theatre about the U*t of .St>p- ttaabar. ..Ansae tte works to be pnwmtiit in the neaeli are: Antony and Cleopatra. All a Wsn Tfcat Bnda Wen, King John. Macbeth. Xoe»*a'T>ehar iMt. Romeo and Jallrt. Mnch Ado Aboot 'Notblnr, Richard III- The Merchant of ;Telli«e. OtheUo. Hamlet, Winter s Tale. Ttollns .ana Oresatda. A Midsummer J»''gfc« »^ Dresm. Qrmbellne, The Merry Wives of Windsor. Aa xoa Like It and The Tempest. ' It to proposed to locrease Ihe orchestra snd tite cbomaes by s considerable, number and the "mol>s" will .be an Important featnre of the pertonnances. There will be speclsl music also.'^M. B. SImas wlU direct ^J^^ J>S: thio of tbe prodaetlons. Thto Is quite the..:BMat ambitious program a French eompsay baa ever attempted la the Shskespesre line. FOUES-BBRQBRE. Thto music bsU has been closed aU aomaier, but tt Is now making up for lost time. The aee- (Contlnued oa page 62.t