Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1010. The Billboard 21 IN PUBLISHERS' ROW Notes of the Songs that Plromise to Become Hits. Gossip About IHiUishers^ Wri^ Singers NEW YOR K MUS IC >IOTE8. OOMPOSBS BOSOHMA'S A BUST HAN. K«rl L. Boieluu, tbe tUted compoter of Thne TwlM. Bilsbt BTca, Madame Bhirrr. ud lat- terlT, TiM Otil of Mr OTMnu. bujrtres Baals UcOor. wbo made (ocb a hit In Tbree Twins with Ui Tama Xama Han, aaotlMr food thins. Mlas HeOor- la •tarrtas la Chaa. B. DlUlnc- ham's prodnctlan ot Tba JMw, tUa aeason. It is a work by aome now eompoMr. and Mr. Hoaebna waa called opon to lewrlta aoma of tbe music. He did ao. and Incidentally, wrote In the Soldier Sonc for Bcaste UeOor. She la doioc a^andldly with It. and It looka like a hit to U. Wltnurk ft Bona, its pnbllahas. Mr. Boactma' la also flnlahlng the aeon for Victor Hoore's new comedr. The Han ■ Vrom Coney Idand—book and lytlci by Otto Hiuar- bach. THB BELLB OF 8BVILLB. At Sooth Norwalk, Ooon., teceBtly, Marlon Qinon ft Co.. opened In a new, noral and baan- tttnl Taodarllla act. called The Bells of BeTllle, the book and lyrics of : which are by W. W. Btlncr and the mnale by Eraaat B. Ball, the wdl-knowB composer of To the Bnd of the World Vlth Zoo. In the Qardso of lly Heart and other standard ballad snecaaaea. H. Wit- mark ft Bona will pobllih the moalc of tbe act. The Belle of BcTllIe opened most satlafactotlly, and great ancccas In It Is predicted for Hlas Oarsoo and her aasoelatcs. who were wsrmly eoncratnlated at the doee of the perfocmanca. All the aonsa were faToraUy, and. In aoaa tn- atineea, enthnslaatically recelTsd. while Boat et them were encored. The titles of the Tsrlooa nnmbets are: Iiore. Ill Chooee My Own: Men, Men, Men, duet; PaaalU, dnet; Those Were Daya, baas aonc. and a aolo and finale called I Am the Bdto .of Berllle. The lyrics throajdiont aiw axedleBt and the mnale axeaptlonauy .sood. M. might hare been expected from ao sifted a composer aa Mr. Ban. U, Wltmark ft Bona are mneb pleaaed with the outlook aa xesaids The Belle.of Be?Ills and Itsrbesntitkd aiaue. ■ ■ ■ 4* NEW mPPODBOHS SHOW MUSia ■ady In the eominc month wHI witness tbe bMlnnlng of the fifth aeaaon of the New: Tnfc Bwodtome. and the'«gen)sr of the fifth ahow giTen at that abode. of nuinala, and, atrangs and cTen aetnally Ineiedlhla aa it auy asenu this aeaaon'a ahow promlaea to tar cdlpae In Taatneaa, aplendor, la the number and' eleiaiucaa et Ita aorprlaes and efltects and the beauty of its music those of cTery other prodnetlon erer (iTen In the mammotli playhonae. Aa nsnal. erer alnee Uie Hippodrome opened. M. Wltmark ft Sons will pnbllah tbs mnale of this seaaoa'a production. WoUowlBc the ■ fOna of constmctlon adopted by the Hippodrome aunagement, fire yeara ago, the new ahow will ba in thisa paite—two apae- taenlar playa produced on a pradlgloua -aeale and reapeetlvdy entitled. The latcmatlOBal Om and The Barthqnake and a magnlScent ballet to be called Niagara. The almoat limit- less possIbUltles of thla triad of speelaltlea must become immediately apparent to all. As in former years, they hare been inraited and con- Btraeted by Messrs. Bumalde and Toegtlin, and the lyrics and mnile which so greatly enhance their charm and grandeur written and compoaed by Manuel Bleln, tbe gifted mualcal director of the Hippodrome. Ibese three wonder workers in their respeetlTe llnce hare been hard at It, all anmmer, and now confidently ^edge tbemselTes to suOh a stupen- dous ahow and snch enchanting mnale aa dull ceannes the pleasure aeeklnc world that they BSTe by no meana ezhanated their powers and re- sources, sstonndlng ss hare been the reaulta of their Ubors In the paat. Mr. Klaln'a lyrica and mnslc are paTtienlarly delightful, this year, and tboae wbo hear them sacs wm aasoicdiy deaiia to do ao again, and consequently pnr^ase copies of the varioaa num- bers for home enjoyment. Here are the tltlea of the songs: riftr Testa Ago, liOrlmt. the Bona of BT'ry NatloQ Are American TtHlay and TaCbtingk Bealdea thess there are a Skip- ping Bope Dance and the mnale of the ballet, Kiaaara: AU are pobllabed by H. Wltmark ft Bona. ♦ WITH THK WITMABKB. Tbe_ Chicago Sally. JoonU- ipaaha thna of lard, Oo"-rr-r- . . Ulke Bernard, ao fanaag taMaa plaalat. who Is playlna the fkarinatthg^^WttMairlc number. T'oiptatlon. Bag: ■•Beinatd giTea a pUno-pIay Ing exhibition that leoka Ilka aa aerotiatie alde- sbow and sounds liks a speeding plsnola. Ber- nard plus the TSmptaUoo Bag andPadmiwakfa maaterpteeo with tha same aIameaUI> motlT* of rorc*. ■ ♦ Althoogb nalther member of the ▼aaderllle "••""'.Hodgs and Holmes may he actually or penonajly what one might cull ••lorealck," this f!"" *no ainga tha (atcbtnc norel^ aong baar- ,JA}*^ pleasantly anggaaUve tlUa in aa equally iTm, I«»«slek la by Umi» Wealyn. ?°»'S.'>' H«»?rt Bpencer.' H. Wltmark ft ions are tba pabliahars. ♦ S"^ A" •'»gi"g Charme d'Amonr, Ton S2f» Hojr Kncb Ton llnt^ to Know la SSl?. t£ "^"S How Utile You Know,. and ? A^f<2*!.? *'.H"*01d Man. and are making time,tha-laat week In Augnat. ft ^2JS Sl.S'M"^ 4 •< *»• Wltmark • Bsoa* jwofaaatoaal dapartmaat. and who, By the way; la a clever and enltlTated musician,' la taking a lirlet breathing spell orer on the Pallaadea theae hot daya. Hla many frienda In and who frequent the Wltmark BnUdlna, miss him greatly and will gladly welcome him back. ■ ■ ■, ■' Here Is still another team wbo are making a hit with that weird Wltmark winner. Shaky Byea. Howard and Walsb la the style of the tsam and they an "aoma" alngera. too. BURLE SQUE WORLD Gleanings of News Interest From Both Wheels Gathered E^pedally for The Billboard By SYDNEY WIRE. The burlesque season of 1910-lftlt la now fully under way and encouraging repotta of banner openlnga ax» coming fiom most of the ahowa on both iwheela.' That the people aia hnagiTi far the borteaqne abow la plaiaiy erideneed by the remarkable: bnaliiaaa at many of the tbaatrea on both dfcalta, and whan the fact oC anf^vsr- able weatlier eonditiona la taken Into conaldera- tion, thr proof of the growing demand for the burlesque attraction" becomes more and more apparent. The dainty little comedienne, featured thla aeason In Ferry'a Panama Co. (Baatem Wheal). She la tbe wife of B. H. Perry, booking manager tor the I>eiTy Amoaement Ca, of St. Paul, Minn. Boaey and Hack are doing great things with Barry Armatroag'a peculiar coon song. Shaky Byea, publlahed by M. Wltmark ft Sons. NOTKS rSOM JOS. W. STBBM ft CO. Tba celebrated Tentrlloqnlst. Morin, baa added aoma noTelttea to bis act, which will make it doubly attractive. He holds the recelTer of a telephone out toward the audience, who hear a woman, apparently at the other and of the wira. In a far-away but diatlnct voice, alnglng a p^^lar aong; be also has the flguie which be vaaa in hla act, bold a conTetaatioa with blm wblla ha amokea a cigarette during the dialogue. Morin cloeea his act with Henry and Macdoaald'a big apotllght number, I've Oot the Time, I've Oot tha Place, but it'a Hard to Find the Olrl, and taksa two or three "curtaint" with tbla aong at every performance. ^ Palmer, Mlaa Bllnore tbe taleatid young character artiste, w(i<> is now playlDg In Mew Tork Olty and vicinity. Is festnring Al. Solmsn's ebaraetcr a(ag. Follow tbo Car-Ttacka. Mlsa Palmar to also ilngtng tbe soubtette song of the yesr, I'm Not that Kind of a Olrl. iUthonsh Mlaa Palmer la practically a newcomer In the vaadavllla field, ahe cauaed the "}mr" et vau- (COBtlaned on paga 68.) In most sections the weather has been onnsa' slly warm for th6 opening of tha theatrical aeaaon, and tn spite ci this fact, the harleaqne hoosea 'have met with the moat gratitylag sne- The roster of Max Spiegel's College Olrla Is aa foUowaL Mas Spiegel, owner; Phil Isaacs, At most of tbe theatres every eliart'has bee n mada to render the Interlora cool and oom- fortable and to add to the comfort of the patrooa by tbe installation of fana and other ventilating devieea, while ushers serve Ice water tbrocgfi tha andlkorlnm all through the performanca. There la no excnse tor tbe manager who neglects to make an eltort to Improve conditions at hla theatre and no stone ahonid be left nntnmed which will. tend to better eonditiona or aOaet improvements in any dlieetioa. To aatlafy his audience Is the first duty of the loesl msnsgar. and, apart £ram the quality of tha ahowa. thera atlll remain tha conduct of tha hooao emnloyea and the cleanltneea and comfort of the house.- When the weather Is cold the eOnt is to mate tha boose warm, and when tha waathar la hot the effort ahoold be in preelaely tha opoalte di- rection. Tha extra axpenae of a taw faaa abonld aot prevent the manager from aending hla, patrooa away In an easy and comfortable frame of mind, and the mors comfortable a theatro to tha bettar will its bosliwaa ba and the nota pajj^nlar win tha theatxs baeema. | _ . Harry H. Hedgea. boalneaa manager; O. Ik Bowman, leader; Hsny Bawkina. carpen- ter; Arthur T. Kelly, property man; William Jonea, electrician; Mra. Zltella Ilynn. wardrobe mistress; B. M. Knowles, stsgs dlrseti»'. The esst is Joe rields. Qaorge Besnlon, B. U. Knowles, Harry Hawkins, Frank Oraee, Andrew Tombs, Florence HlUSk Edith Parfrey, Belle Olzon. Klail Bendrix. tbe Barr Blaten and Nelle Adams. The cborua la Mildred Glbaon, Anna OUmore, Irene Clark, Babe Clark. Tiny WUIIama. turre Frits. - Ada JeweU, SIgne Pat- terson, Cleo-lAwla. Jeannette I,ewiB. Bllda Bar- rlngtott, Gertmda Barr. inreleen Bacr, Beba Fat- nandea. Belle Adama. Jeanne DeUaa. May An- ton and May Bald. Tbe roster of Qos HUI's Vanity Fair Companr Includes: Gos BUI. owner; Joe Fettengill. manager; Ben Krans. agent; Oscar Zdebemun. mualcal director; Arthur Boaeh, carpenter; Frank Tonne, electrician; Elsie Lyle. watdrobt mistress; BUUe Bitcble. Dick McAlUater. Cfaas. F. Carden, Wlnltred Francis, Iiena I«CoavIer. Louise Morio, Howard and lewis.-Red Baveo CadeU, Jolly Trio, Welch and Martland. Dorcas Huxley. UUian Healy. Madeline loff. HUda Bvana. Tirgle Beld. JnUa EUwood. Elale Lyle. Katie Howard. Mary Jordan. T.fiH.i, Boas. Boae Brown, Bena Nathan, Augusta Nathan. Made- line Ung. Helen Tortonio. Bnth Weber. May Burke. Myrtle Bender. Iiottle Crossland. Margie Hilton, Nellie Waters and Kitty Blake. ♦ ^ ■ .' With One HlU's MldnlKht MsUens are the following people: Chas. Taylor, manager; B. M. Odter. mnslcsl directs; Ben Bolen, agent: Jack Corrlgan, electrician: Jack Barter, car- penter; Battle Tresk; wardrobe mlatress; Tbe American Fualliera. Barry Bmeraon. Marguerite Clemona. Gladys Besrs, Joe Boward, Fannie Bowatd, Ctelghton Brotbera. Fanny St. Clair. Barto and MeCue. Emily BaU. The Dancing Btour. Nellie Melvme^ Hay Earle. Blanche Mc- Arthnr, Neita Barter, Ethel Barney. Brownio UcArthur. Phyllla Fbater, Anna Clark, Freda Pttsse, May FUher, Battle Tresk, Uay Wilkin- son, Ella Saeka, Mamie Irwin. Edna Mason. Chrolyl Brennan, Hasie Ring. Blanche Foster, Grace Celest and Idura Bardy. ♦ - Easter of the New Centory Girls Co. for sea- son 1910-11 is aa firilows: A. Jack Faust, man- agw; Harry and LHUan Ellswortb, Hay Bel- mont, Tom Bnmett, Johnny Marlon and Grace T.tiiun, - Chas. Saunders, Irving Gear and Cnr- tln and Stevens, comprise the principals. Tbo Aeroplane Girls are Janet Wtmat, TnUa Ellison. Mai«eretta Utter, Sadie Carroll. Kaitherlne Tanghan, Alma King. Cleo Moyne, Delia Cur- ley. Grace Waller, Mayme Simonda. Herle Settler. Ethel Wilson. Margie Stewart. SteUa Gllaon, Nora Snlllvan and awhle Wilaon. iHth J. Thos. Brady in advance. ''Stuge" McMillan Is carpenter; Clyde Anderaon, electrldan. and Jnllua Manrer, leader of orcbeatrp. The Star Show Oirla' roater to John T. Baker, manager and principal comedian: Joe LeavUt, treasurer; Joe Oomey, advance agent; Jack Ut- ile, carpenter; Itaak Bnma, deetrlcian: OharUa Emmett, mnslcsl director: Bart Westoo, Billy Waldrm, Charles B. Bsded. Bd. snd Frank Stewart, Jack Uttle, Mae Hadley, Haigie Hil- ton, fionto Iiynn, Fraaela Keith. MarOa Lock- wood, Ada Garry. Cborua. Lillian Walne, Boea Henley. Beatrica Oliver. Bcasio Tyson. Olga La Msrr, Msbel Baaaon. Sleaasr Walne, Tiny Emmett. Kmma Boaa, Badto Waal; Hanarat Scott. Frankie Tray, Baa Bathbuni. Uoto Flank and Louise Mann. All who Imaw poor Billy Bversole. regret his desth. He wss^ la hU time, one of the most capable agents who ever went oat ahead ot a ahow and. nntn tlia laat. hto heirt waa In hto work. Ha iiaa bean replaced ahead of Sim WU- IIama' Imperiato by Harry Shapin. one of the weatem wheel buatlera, who waa. at the opening of the aeaaon. ahead of Mcrrla Walnstock and The Bector GIrla. Blm baa picked a wlimar, aa Barry la an untiring worker and la always on tha Job. Harry H. Hedges, ahead of The College Girls, made a big showlns In Pittsburg the other week. In one ot the prlnelpal jewehy atore windows, there waa dlaplkyed a bandaome leather cmh containing two magnificent diamond bH-keis purported to have been presented to tbe Barr Sisters in a cborua girls' beauty contest tu-IJ at the Actors^ Fund Fsfr isst spring. Tbe glrU are Pittsburg gtrU and arc featured heavU; b> the bluing. ♦ Ona BUl'a Vanity Fair Company atopped over in Flttsborg, on August SS. The show was on its way to Dayton, where It plays a three-dST*' Stand prior to tlie opening ot the regular season at the Standard. Cincinnati, on Aognat ST. The members ot the Vanity Fair Company were en- tertained by Manager Phil Isaacs, of the College Olrla. and enjoyed witnessing a performance ot that show. George Brennan to back again with Wsldron's Ttoeaderos. Geo^ Is a clever boy and Is auo an excellent chef. I remember being tals guest at a pleaaaat little sapper party at the Wayne Botel at Toledo a few seoaons ago. The prtn- dpal dish was a (adnese concoction, the nsma ot which hsa Slipped my memory, but It wss aome hash. Clarence Bordlck. who waa last agar ot the Jardtn Le Parla Gtrla. to with Gor- don and North this season and baa the managa- nwht ot Tbe Passing Parade, i^ools B^pstslB Will sgain manage The Merry Whirl, and tm TUbot, The World of Pleasure. iContlnued on page 58.1