Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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22 Tlie Bill board SEPTEMBER 3, 19ia THE FOR TUNE HUNTER Closes After a Successful Run at the Olympic Thea- tre, Chicago—Sam Lederer Springs Joke on Associates Chicago, AOS. 27 (Special to Tbe BiUboaTd).— Tbe CUcago engagement of The Fortune Ranter la ihrooght to a close this week at the Olympic ■ Theatre. ■ . It haa indeed been a anccesa. J. Hartley Manners' The Girl In Waiting Is next 'OB the Olympic's books. Lanrette Taylor will act la this play and will hare In her company: A. H. Van Baren. Joseph Allenton. Jnlla Balph, Hary Keogh. Wallace Ersklne, Galway Herbert, Wilfred Draycott, Geraldyn Peck, Ada GUman, Alice Gale, Frank Sherlock, Eliza Haaon, Her- bert Bndd, and Percy Ames. Kreryoiie of Uanager Sam J^derer's friends who -luiTe called In to say "howdy" : to blm OPENED I N PIT TSFIELD. Pittsfleld, Mass.i Ang. 27.—Tbe company play- ing George Ade's comedy, Jnat Ont of College, oader the direction of Ona. Botbner and Bobert 'Oampbdl, opened Its season at Pittsfleld, Mass., Angast 23. The company Is comprised of: Ezra Mathews, Herbert Colby, Sammy Bonan, H. P. Brlns, Clarence B. Kennedy, Ferry. S. Golden, Stephen T. Fam, Max Abbott, Darwin B. Rnssell. Hany Dreasell, Edward Smith, Catherine Camp- bell, Irma Croft, Mary Harland, Frances-Heller, Alice Adams and lionise Fomeroy. The execatlTe staff Is composed of: John B. Campbell, hnsiness manager; William C. Cnbltt, actlns, manager; Herbert Colby, stage manager; Laurence B. Johnson, musical director, and Ed- ward Smith, stage carpenter. LaEMMLE- AGAIN SPRINGS SOME- ■ . THI NG N EW. - dilcago. Ang. 2T (Special to The BlUhoaid).— Xbe host of theatre managers who are on the ■ mailing Hit utnixed by Carl Laemnde are nsed to snrprlaea. The little Naooleon of Morlng 'Pictures haa a habit of springing Innovations - Wltli ataitllns frequency. His latest Is a let- tar aa large' as a good-sized stand of circus . paper. It Is a splendid piece of circular work and has caused much comment. Of course It dwells on the merits of tbe Laemmle Film Serr- 4ce In his familiar stralght-from-the-shoolder , manner. Ijaemmle is a."llTe-one** all right, all right, and be keeps those who are In touch with . ■ Um supplied with np-tp-the-mlnnta news. . ~ -. Newton Hires Lady Treasurer Chicago, Aug. 2T (Special to The Billboard.)— Geocge Newtoo, president. of the. Gregory Fire- works Company, is following the pOUey of Harry Powers, as far as his box-offlce Is .concernel. That Is to say, be has engaged lady tren^m^rs . to handle the money and tick^c^ fo? his big ■pectaculai production, Tbe Siege uf Jericho. Hiss Sarah Goldberg will have charge of the box- offlce ladies and will also superintend a corps of lady nshers. Jay Canlfield, who for many years was a treasurer of Powers' Theatre. Chi- cago. Is acting as a member of tbe executive staff of The Sipge of Jericho. H. H. Wright la the contracting agent. George Kewton. him- self, directs the general .business of the show and keeps bis finger on the pulse of operations all the time. Mr. Newton has made an enviable record this ^ear. -He has added materially to bis already splendid reputation as a man of high calibre. He has landed some of the biggest lire- works contracts In the market, and In every In- stance be has "made good." His persevering policy of conservative aggressiveness Is respon- sible for the success of the undertakings with .which be Is associated. His persffliallty pre- dominates. His is tbe master band wblcb is always evident. He is a thorough showman and there Is not a stain on the page which chron- icles bla past performances. He : Is a potent factor in the show bnatness ot to-day and is ■teadUy growing more powerful and noticeable. Ko mmttec the ; extent of his success he Is the same "(Jeorge" to bis host of friends who tnMteS. Um by the hand In less palmy days. What be does la characteristic of Newton, the man; mace, power rto hlm. GRIFFIN'S ENTERPRISE. Toronto. Ont.. Aug. 27.—Tbe Griffin Amuse- ment Co., ot Toronto, Can., have leased the Ha- Jestie Theatre. Toronto, nils house was on the ICorxia .Circuit last season. The house will he maaased bgr Mr. Peter F. Grlflln, and wm play ■n a«s oB' the Orlffln Tandevtile (Mrenlt. Tber . open August 29' with six acts and pictures. ".ney^. .have also secured a long lease of the Otud- Opera House, Ottawa, which opened on August ^ with six acts and pictures. Crossby .B.^cArthur Is local manager. -&11 tbe Griffin houses'^' report big business. ^ey are now : leasliv every opera house available tbronghoat i'::Clnada.'. LEASES FT. WA YNE LYRIC. Ftaet 'Wayne, Ind.,' ■ Aug.- 29.—Sprague .A. Oreen;'fmnerly manager of tbe Gaiety Theatre, Il(9e.: |ias leased tbe: XtzIc Theatre, formerly a 10. 20^and 30 cent vaudeville house and Is put- ting m pictures and-ona vaudeville act. Ti^ATRE ORDERED CLOSED. Ada. 0.yrvADg. 27.—Tbe 'Knada-'Tbeatre has been ordered dosed by the State lire matshall. tbe bonae wIU: remain dark until tbe necessary repairs axe made.. .. since be returned from his European visit, have been handed an Impwted story about tbe now famous (jrippen case. It's a big laarii oppor- tunity. To give proof poatttve tlmt it^ a 'teal good one we mentl<m tbat TOm :Norfli :"MI'^ for It. READING M ANAG ER rIsIGNS. Beading, Pa.. Ang. 27. B. ZeltXi vrbo has been serving as manager ot tbe Palace Theatre, for tbe past four montlis. resigned In order to accept the .management of the Newmeyer Thea- tre at Easton. Pa. W.. E.r (Joldenberg, of PblladelpUa, Pa., has succeeded Hr. Zlets. INTEREST^ST^INED In The Sporting Duchess, and Play is Well Attended Throughout New York Engagement Corse Payton Popular New York, Ang. 27 (Special to The Billboard). —For the closing week of a very successful sea- son; Ccise Paytoo. Is presenting at the Academy of unalc,, Tbe Sporting- Daebess.: Tlia :..<fld racluK : melodrama, with Its plot laid at Emon Downs on Derby Day seems to have retained In a'remarkable degree Its power to tbrlU and, like all tbe Payt<m audiences, that ot last night enjoyed to the full the foiling of Major Mostya'a designs-upon the fortunes of the Earl of Des- borongh by tbe Sporting Duchess. The size of the stage gave Mr. Payton an. ex- cellent .(H>portnnlty to portray tbe atmosphere of the race course and - the paddock, and the doien nee hones and a biinaie^ extra people gave color to tbe -scene. Misa Fbinips had 1 DAVID BELASCO, ^9, Whose productions excel in artistic value. Ira Jackson Passes Away Bridgeport. CVmn., Ang. 27.—Ira W. JackmA, proprietor and manager of Jackson's Theatre, passed avray Tnesday;'at his borne on-Fremont street. Be bad-lieen a snlTerer for a consider- able period, but with unfailing pluck and kept about and attended to bis theatrical interests, which were large. Mr. Jackson wss shout as late as Friday, but was finally obliged to give np tbe brave fight -which he had waged. Mr. Jackson was a native of Mystic, Coon., and made his home there for many years. His first. venture Into matters theatrical was the acquiring control of the Mystic Opera House some twent}--ave years ago. Success was his from tbe Urst, snd after a time he branched out - gradually, acquiring : Interests In theatres in New London,, the I<yccom. the Cummings in Flteblnirs^ iMasB.; the Woonsoeket Opera House, BtDadway,-I(orwteb.'and others aa well. At one time Mr. Jackson was the manager of the Clara Turner Bepertoire .Company, and also for Nance O'Nell, now a Belasco star. In February, 1909. Mr. Jackson purcbssed from Ed- ward C. Smith, the theatre here, which now bears his name. Mr. Jackson was a member of tbe Elks snd Masons. A wife and a sister, Mrs. I>. Cohn, of New Xork, survive him. W. E. Whittle opened bis second season on Wm. Horris drenit. Angost SO, at the AmericaB Mnate mu. New YOrk City.--.' Chas. Steidinger's Sad Death - WUkes-Barre, Aug. 23 (Special to The BUl- baeM.)-«has".Bt^dInger, asslsUnt suge car- penter at PoU'a ^nieatre, while going home to bis lunch <me day last week, stepped olt an anto •>ns. slipped, and fell under the heavy machine, which went over bim, breaking bis neck, and kiling bIm instantly. Ur. Stefdlager baa beeS put on tbe road many seasons with some of the biggest productions, such as Bobt. tAraine, the EnglUb SUr, and a production of Hn. Delaoey, Wm. A Brady'a Lost Elver, and several otben. He was very well known, and very well liked, and bad many, friends. He was 88 years old, and leaves a wife and two children In Pitts- burg, Pa. A peculiar Incident connected with this accident Is the fact that his brother. Oeo. Steldinger, who Is also connected with Poll's beie, was married this morning. BRISTOL'S NEW MANAGER. Bristol, Tenn., Ang. 27.—The Barmellng The- atre will be under a new management this sea- son. Chas. Brown, who baa managed tbe bouse for the past two yesrs, baa letlred in favor Of Harry Bernstein, .of Blebmond, Va. , , if*-.J*.?"'*'" formerly •ssoclatad with Jake Wells. _Tbs Harmeltng's season opens Septeiaber 8, wnh - Paily of. nio Otrens. raw booae wlU bo Oder tb» ■■opcD-deof" prilcr. plenbr of dash and sparkle In tbe'title rola aaA Clauds Payton, as Lord east, as -were Mlaa Grace. Fox Milton. lb -was wall Mlas- Ktbal ACTOR IS HURT. Cleveland, O., Aug.- 27.- -Hugo Koch; Ihadlag man in The Port of Mlaslng Men, at tbe Vy* eenm Theatre, narrowly escaped serloos lajonr tbe night of August 24, when a brick wall, used In one of the scenes, fell on blm. At the close of the third act an exploslaa ocenrs,-wblcb fcaet Koeli from a brick wall to which be la chained. Owing to the eardessaess ot > one > of the emplms tbe ezploaian :Oeenrred '.pccautor^ and :Koch was boned ander a- ton of . brick. B* -was cut on the bead and knocked down. \ GLOBE THEAT RE O PENS SEPT. 4. CUeago, Ang. a7-(Spedal tO:The Billboard.)— The Globe Theatre, which not ao long ago waa knoam as the International, opena lta aesson mi September 4. with The Bosarr. one ot Bowland A Clifford's prodoetians. Tbiis piece was writ- ten by Mr. Edward B. Bose and Is staged nndet his personal direction. ORWIG IN AD VANCE. Mansfield, O., Aug, 27.—Chas. B. Orwig, who has been doing newspaper work throDgboot the South and In Ohio, baa accepted tbe posltloa of press representative with the Manhattan Opera Company for the coming season. Walter Duggan, who worked ahead of the Uanhattans last sesson. baa gone with The .Bosarr : Com- pany. : ■:. . .: ..- ; ..- ■■ NEW HOU SE AT OTTAWA. Ottawa. Ill,, Aug. 27.—A new theatre la being built in Ottawa, the same to be devoted to van* devUIe and pictures, booked through the W. A. Bills will be changed twice a week. It is planned to open the bouse about November 1. Geo. H. Hidcombe, at one time director of Bolcombe's BsadC- ls behind the ventnre. : Heard on Chicago's Rialto Cbtcsgo, .Anx. 27 (Bpedal to Tbe Billboard.)— Miss Ovnsuelo Bailey Is now Interpreting tbe role of the scheming wife In Baby Mine; which waa recently transferred from tbe Prtneesa to the Garrick Theatre. Miss Bailey Is tbe thM to assume this role which was created by Mar- guerite Clark. It is announced that Herbert <3ortbell, who was rehearsing In the Kast the part in Baby Mine, Stayed here by Otis Harlan, will be at the ead of the cast of Tbe Girl and the Dmmmer, the George Broadhnrst musical farce vrhlch romes Into the Orsnd Opera House on September Maggie Pepper, a new playi hy Cbariea Klein, la said to be the next veMde In iwtaldi 'Base Btatal will appear." : Tbls ^prodoeUon' hsa' to do with a saleslady-In a department-store. Word comes to ns from Ksnsaa City, that Harry Bulger, who Is starring in Ucrt H. Slnger^s The Flirting Prlacesa. :was greeted with a large and enthusiastic audience and tiiat later In the sesaon be wHI play a return engagement at Kansas City. lb. L. B: 8neU, "B. K.." formerly cooneeted with the Stodebaker box-ofllce. is now perform- ing the same duties at the Chicago Opera-Boase. Hr. Snell bss bad considerable: experience in this line of work and Is proving himself a vai- nabla asBletant in bla new location. Tbe executive staff for Henry B, asrrta* Tha Traveling Salesman, la aa tollowa: Jaa. Foibaa, general msasger; Angnstns Pitoa. Jr.. aenag manager: Whltaksr Bay, business repreaentatlva, and Perelval T. Moore, stage manager. JUDELS JOINS A. H. WOODS. Plttaborg, Pa.,' Ang. 2B.—Nicholas Jndela, tbe clever character actor, who played Morrla Ztak, with Blanche WaUb, In The Taak, Mined Al. B. Woods' Girl In "Dm Taxi, August 28, having been especially engaged to play Alexis. . the French waiter In tbe Cort success. Mr. Jodalt Is a tme Cosmopolitan, and a llngnlst, speaking French,. Dnteh and • other Bnroiiean languages perfectly. His nench dlsleet la one of nls strongest faenlties, and the sdeetion is • hap one. Nlebolss Jndels ; la BOIIandet by ' and Is a son of the tamooa Dutch actor. COLONIAL THEATRE DARK THIS WEEK.' Cblcsgo, Ang. 27 (Speclsl to The Billboard).— Madame Sherry haa left the Colonial Tbaatrs. Pending the eagsgement of The Follies of IBIO, Manager James Jay Brady has put his boasa la tbe bands ot cleaners and decorators. Judging f^om the lobby dscorstlona which depict some ot the shapely young ladlea who will play here in The Follies, it will matter little to tham If the hottest kind of weather ptevalla.. -In . fast seme opine that tiMgr -wUh-hava- jBif^" ' Suaoee on the tharmoaater.- -