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Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 8^ 1910.' Ttie Billboard 25 THE W IFE T AMERS Baby Mine's Successor at the Princess Meets With the Approval of the Critics^A Compendium of Their Opinions. Cblcago. Aug. ZT (Special to The Billboard i— Tbe dramatic editor ot the Cblcaco Trlbunr used tbe above "bead" on lila article wblcb rcrerred to tbe farce which laat week. took the place of Baby Ulne at the Prineem Theatrv. We qaote here Mr. Bammond'a printed oplnloD of the entertainment: "As a resalt of onr vlalt to the Prlnceaa laat eTenlnf, we i feel that we may, with reaaooable aecnrlty. encase In the precarlona fonctlon of commending, with a few reservations, the musical farce performance cur- rent at that theatre. Tbe entertainment npon which we thus bestow the prlcelesn accolnde of our approval Is The Wife Tamers, a spirited and frivllous bit of nonsense with songs and dances, contrived by tbe Messrs. Oliver Herford and James Clarence Harvey, .eminent -In Amer- ican Wit and bnmor, and Ur. B<rt>In Hood Bowers, • diligent melodist whose tunes oecnpy no negligible position la onr national tinkle. "Tbe Wife Tamers la a thing of action and picture, not of words; a pleasantly complex recital. In the French manner, of mistakes and mlsnnderstandings between acme Interesting young persons and some others who are not. getting down to detail. It may be said that bidden In one of the secluded loles, a modest violet benesth a mossy stone. Is Ulss Gertrude Bryan, of whose existence we have been nn- aware heretofore, hnt who notwlthatandlng this Is one of tbe most attractive figures we have ever encountered in our song and dance ex- perience. Before the evening was over she was <|nlte the favorite of the whole affair. Miss Florence Reld, who haa a personality as well as a voice, sings the prettleat song In the score— something atwut a Rosy Moon: and also one of those Impndent and nnmannerly oombera with which people In the boxes are insnlted. "And tbere Is Mr. Uonel WalSh, who efrrrt* Mr. Frank Worttalng's manner Tery well Indeed, and Is funny; and Mr. Wallace McCntcheon, Jr.. who plays a wolf in sbeep'a clothing and is gno<I without apparently knowing that fact. Mlax Juliette DIka has ' tbe acting honors of tbe piece, Dlaylng the seductive French milliner ■8 a polite picture of sin, auggesting saogbtl- ness without really Intmdlng It; and Miss Haxel Cox. blonde and earnest, imperaonates a ser- ious bride who has faith In her tanaband. Miss Correne Uzsell dances : most attractively sn'1 Joines In tbe ebonises. Miss Katherlne Mlley gives a little song with great gnsto. and a sparse ensemUe of young women apeaka well for Mr. Marion'a taste in such things. Unqnes- New Morris Theatre for Chicago Chicago, Aug. 2T (Special to The Billboard).— Tbe announcement recently made by William Morris, Inc.. tliat they will balld a theatre at Wabash avenue and Madison street, waa played op lu Urst-psge headlines by the lending Chi- cago newspapera laat wrek. We bave had maov stories of this nature folated upon na but they did not have tbe foundation facta which go witli this one which tells us thst the new bnuse will l>e the only real mnalc hall thla aide of the At- lantic. The real estate deal Involved approxi- mately $3,000,000. The land has a frontage of 07 feet on Wabash avenne and 172 feet on Madlani street. Edward 8. Bloom acted for William Morris, Inc.. and J. A. Ainaworth represented Famnm, WlUonghby & Co., who acted for the Manger estate, who controlled tbe ground. It is expected that work will be begun Febniary 1. and that the building will be compfeted aometlme before Beotemlwr 15 of next year. . For the constroctlOB and maintenance of the building" the American Music Ball Company, tncorparated In Illinote. will tloat a ^000,000 bond Issue. The architects who will plan th^ stmctare and its innolntments are BoIsMrd * Roche. We are told that the new playhonae will have three promenades on tlie theatre floors, a large main promenade, a so-called Ely- alan promenade and a coM and white de luxe promenade. There will also he a large root garden on the top of the bnlldlng which will be operated In- dependently. A rathskellar la planned for the basement and a buffet and cafe on the second floor. The building U to be 300 feet high. It ^»>,be of brick an^ atael, and Bnlsbed in white Italian tile. The atage will be OT feet wide, 34 feet deep.' with a v SO-foot«proaceniam. The floor area of the house la eatlmated at 1S.O0O feet and the arrangements will permit the seat- ing, of 2,304 persons, wntlam Morris. Inc., and Its brancbes will occupy tbe Brst Ave doors. RESERVATION MADE AT POWERS' Cblcsgo, Aug, 37 (Special to The Baiboird).— rrank J. Mclntym, The Traveling Saieamao,. ims made -resenratloas at Powers* Theatre for two weeks, beginning Sunday night. September *■ When Hr. Uclntyn was In OUeago last wuMtm he stopped at the honse ot which Will J.: Davis is the proprietor. . Bbwerer. ' this time il? occupied by The Girl of My Oreama. some other girt and aome other drummer are "%'atered at the Grand Opera . Ronae and rill" ¥*'?'r'* » man Of Tery few (tbouaand) wont be has told aome of his Intimate trlenda ;J^L"»'f. "Oder the impression that the couple Powera' The Traveling Baleamsn will «hlblt hia JIne of langbter. It Is of the same «;si -S, Among tbe demonstratora ul S"iif"'J?*„J'E'""J^ are: Gertrude Cogh- nuVj.'J*'' McVlcker, William Beach, H. D. wilr^nf•,. O'Nell, Jr.: Perclval T. BlS2JSl.'",Sf*„'*. M*"' ?• Turner. Maude B. Hinclair, Nieholaa Bumham and Robert Dudley. tlooably tbe Prlnceaa la a place to go while it liarfcora The Wife Tamers." Aahton Stevens, is Tbe Examiner, said that Gejptrude Bryan and Katbryn Mlley come to the rescue of The Wife Tamera. He deaignatea tliem aa "two twinfclera." - In the Inter-Ocean, Brie De Lamarter ssld: "Tbe musical numbers are splendid examplea of the carpenters' art. The piece la prettily staged and Ita progreas la Intereating, even though the speed laws are not violated." The Bacord-Herald printed the fdlowlng: "Originally.^ The Wife Tamers was a German faTce, 'lf memory: serves correctly. Later, under tte adapttnffjiaiid .ot Olirer Eterford, It became The :Flonst ^ Shop aad had > -brief and unsaUa- factory career in New Torlc Xow. after a plan (CoDtlnned on page 58.) ON THE E VE The American Adaptation from the German of Leopold Kampf Invades Windy City—A Drama of Modern Russian Life Chicago, Aug. 27 (Special to The BiUboard).— The east of players who Interpret On the Eve, at the Chicago Opera Hooae. la as foUowa: CHICAGO OPERA HOUSED—Henry B. Harrla piesenta Hedwig Relchcr In On the Eve. a drama of modem Bnaalan life In four acta, by Martha Morton, from the German of Leo- pold Kampf. THE CAST. Note:—In the following caat the characters are named in tbe order in which they first ap- pear. Mascha Vlaadar Beatrice Prentice Sophya. Anton's wife Minna Adelman Anton, a printer .. .. .. .. .. ..Burke C3arke Otto, a young student Lawrence WIndom Vasalli Robert Conness HERBERT C. DUCE, Manager of the Oarrlek Theatre. Chicago. New Triumphs for Lottie Manthey Chicago. Aug. 27 (Special to The Billboard).— Her tikorongh European training and methoda showing plainly deaplte the generalities of the dances with which the pig W. P. Mann edition of The Broken Idol la replete. Lottie Manthey, laat aeaaoa one of the singing principals of the Vlenneae Opera Company, wfaleh inaugutated the new Zlcgteid Theatre, Is this week appear- ing at the Crown before the many Chicago flrrenda won by her aterllng work of the previous seaaon. While MIsa Manthey'a vocal and ternal- the new Zlcgteid Theatre, Is this week appear- •- - ■ "'■lea— vlo chorean cKorta and her great pantomimic ablli^ are fheton'Renarally lecognlied and^ applauded, but tew know that the dImlnntlTO actresa a few yeara ago waa awarded a gold medal by,.tho competlUon board of a great intematiooal dane- ing connesa held at Bssen. Qermany. Tte honor aSa» to her on being adjudged ••the xlevereat Rusalan child dancer of the World," quoting from the medal given her. Peraonally. Mlaa Hantbay haa that aomethtng called magnetlam about her, with the result that her friends are a legion. She Is reliability herself and already haa been called upon several times to understudy others or The Broken Idol Company. Jumping (Continued on page 5S.) Broken Idol Opens Two Theatres Chicago. Aug. 27 (Special to The Blllboaid).— The Broken Idol., garbed and curried tor tlie road, played its first engagement of the W. r. Mamt rexime last week when It opoked the sea- aon at the National. Thla week It uShexed In the festal year for the Gtovrn. The aame cos- tumes and really nnoaoal scenic effeela which dtstingnishcd the original production liy B. O. Whitney, mark the load edition with • ebmpaiiy which gives the show Ita full value. The aet of prtnclpala ta really of metropolitan caliber and in Perle Barti. the prima doana, the com*: pany has a "And" of lemarkaUa voIeK Oob Macmlllan realisea hia beat work in the old Otte Barlan part of Doe Wliatt. The remarkable anecesa of the mnaleal com- edy In Chicago, New Tork and B(ntoo, where It ran for two seaaoos collectively; the fact that it now goea on it* drat tour of the provlacee and the additional conalderaHoD of Its having the original Investiture—all these points seem to saake It the moat notsvrortiqr ot the mnaleal ahow* this season taking their ticad Weatward. And then there ia "Wally" Decker to look after the fortunes of tbe company, which means "nnf. aed" as to the prosperity end of the tour. Anna BlcanSkaya ^Hedwtg Belcher Tantnl Vlasdor, Maacha'a fatlier .. .. .. B. W. MOCTlaOB Alexel NIcholaJevIcb, aon of a rich banker .. .. .... Arthur Row Dr. Michael Petrovleh. a celebrated phy- sician .. Maurice Fraaklln Ivan, Sophya and Anton'a aon Robert Tansy Simon. Janitor Geo. Sehaeffer Captain of Police Felix Kremba TeploS. Chief of Police .. ..Menifee Johnstone Corporal WUUsm Bolger Cexgle Pavlovlcb. of the department of flnr anee ..Joaeph Addmaa Boris .. ..Arthnr Bow Louisa Gwendolyii BiMkf Nanom Helen Btrlckhuid OttUla .. Elsa Lorlmer Flora, ptemlmi danseuse Mary Bamptca Varvara. irlte of Sergia Favlovleh .. .. .. .. ..Helen Strickland Monaleor Bypolite Le Baise, In the French diplomatie aervloe .. ..B. W. Morrison Servant .WilUam Botger SYNOPSIS OF S0BNB8L Aet L—Tbe Printer'a. Act II.—The Palace of Teploff. Act III Bohemian Student'a Quarters. Act IV.—Palace of Sergle Pavlovieh. The scenes are In Busala In modem tlaeg. Period of action—within a week. Staged by Frank Relcher under the peratnal supervlsian of the suthor. Acting Manager .Clarence Jaeobaon Bnslnesa Manager Dick Richarda Stage Manager ..Geo rge SehaeOer NOTED CARTOONIST IN VAUDE- VILLE. Clilcaga. Ang. 27 (Special to The BiUboard).— Arthur Bowen, staff cartoonist of the CUcago Jonrnal, has signed for twelve weeks on tbe Or- piienm dzcnlt In a cartoon-song sketch and opened last Monday in Dee Moines. Bowen. be-' sides being one of the devetst deplctera of current topics among the country'a caricaturlsta. is the possessor of a baaao of truly grand opera timber and consequently ia enabled to make hla sketch aa much of an anrical aa an optleal de- light. The mnale he uses ia from tlie pen of Aubrey BtauOer 'aad many of the lyrica his own. The Skit Is going "big." Chicago's Neighbor- hood Houses Chicago, Aug. 27 (Special to The Billboard).— The Haymarket. entirely renovated and icdee- orated. opened Its season last vreek with The Red MilL Thla allow house, the second largeat in Chicago, Is wearing a new dresa and abows that the luinda of the cleaner and decorator have been busy during the past few weekfc:T*e at- traction announced for thla week la Tte xUMb the Place and the Girl, with Geot Bbner and Aipanda Hendricks. Tlie executive staff of tbe Haymarket Is as follows: Wm. Roche, general manager: A. J. Kaufman, acting manager and treasurer; Ralph T. Kettering, general repreaen- tatlve; Joaeph Smith, aaalatant treaaurer; loaeph Meyera. advertlalng manager: Horace Tabor, master mechanic; R. B. Clifford, chief eteetri- cian; Loola RIddell. property master: H. W. Sinn, mnaleal dliector. and Margaret Thomton. matron. Tbe Dairy Farm la the attraction for the week at the BIJou. with Miss Anne Bronsngh In the leading rue. The Crown Theatre, la thla week. oSertng its patrons Under Soathem 3kies. while at the National Is seen Just aa the Sun Went Down. At the Crlterioa Nobody's data Is the tbriller offered for the vieek. WtHfx^ Theatre, formerly known as tbe CidnmlHis. Is presenting to ita paticooa The Kentucklan.' dias. B. Marvm's Maiiowe Theatre opened oo Mon- day with The Man on the Box, with Leila Shaw. Albert PhiUips. Daniel Eeed and .Hande Tinaz and others In the cast. Sham ^;lll l-e tile opening production on September a ot the Marie Nelson Playera at the People's Theatre. HEWITT HAS NEW SCHEME. . Chicago, Ang'. 27 (Special to The BlUhoard)-— Wm. Jndklns Hewitt, who Is known to prais tleally everybody In tbe carnival business and vrim has a wealth of practical experience in this Held of amnaement endeavor, has a new sAeme. Just wliat it Is In detail he Is not at this writing ready to divulge. However, he tells us that Ithaa to do with atreet fairs and slm- llar eoterprlaea and that It will prove a boon to the ImslneaB men's associations andpthj* orgaoliatlooa who celebrate with outdoor en- tertainments Mr. Hewitt haa fulfilled hla con- tract with tte Vnlted Fairs Booking Assoela- tloa. and la In <%leago worktng oat hla new idea. IMPRESARIO SUMMERING ON THE COAST. Chicago. Aug. 27 (Special to The Billboard).— F. Wight Neumann, cxar of Chicago's concert aeasou for a quarter of a century. Is apendinc a mcoth on the Pacific Ooaat. He Is at present at Vancouver. He will return the middle ot September to prepare for the opening of bin seaaon a few weeka later. Madame IneatiiM Shumann npink will l>e his openlatc "cant."