Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. Ttie Billboapd 27 mmt comprwnl»«" and concefle to effect, where the scout can drlTB directly to hU end. Xta public has anderatpod Uiit, ,andjha» eheeiw fully lent Ita Imaclnatlpn ^to make tber pletnra whleh the aliowinBii wasted tCLtieTealataad oat> In Ufellke cola* Tftr jhow-foen tvn jam y morning wlien the i^ weat came to town. jn»t how imwarriorlllto i wte tto todtan bniTa. wtatn aeen at doae ranee. Tet. tin ^ow-goers la a armpatUtle frame of mind tor the apec- '*Bn't always they have had wlUi them one rtal cenulna bit of the wild wnt'a nature and character emhodled In the commaadlns IlKure and compelllnc jperaonalltj . 01 tbe cbtef of all aeoota—BoSalo Bill. : ' WITH FOREPAUGH-SEti.8. Cortland N. T., Ancoat 22. Sunday afternoon, Aoroat 21, at Cortland. U. Y., many of the ahow people went out to filir Santello'a home, where the Tialtora were made honored gneata of the day. Mr. Saotello entertained many of dinner.' The ahow- roen reciprocated, fln Uonday by baTlnc^vthe veteran place hla feet one mole m-the anibhle field beneath a cook tent . dome. : peaking of old-timers In the bnalness. ' one mtmt recall tbe remlnlacebcea span wben John Nogent, the reteran canraaman. Joined ont again at Flattabnrg. N. T., Angnat 13. ^ The flrat one to welcome him was Hanr C . Chapman. Chap- man and Nngent were with the old Etorepaugb Wagon Show before It was consolidated with Bells Bros.' big Inatltotlon. That la going a long way back, bot It was In the latter OO'a. Ur. Nugent waa coaxed by tbe management to onlt farming In Florida and again take np canraa. Mr^ Chapman Is In America this yesr for the Brat time In flve seasons.; During that time he was In England Introdncing American ahow Ideas. One of tbe happiest men with tbe show at the present time Is Wm. W. Chambers, better known In the ahow world aa the "Star Kid." Mr. Cbambers Is head animal man. For four weeks he was In terrible snspenae owing to tbe Illness of bis fonrteen year Old son. The yonnger Chsmbers; was atrieken with typhoid nt nla bome in SellsTlIle, Cdnmbni, O. Be la now on tbe. road to recoTexr. Bert Xorerldge, twenty-fonr hotir man, re- joined tbe show at Malone. N. T.. Angnat 15. Lorerldge was esUed home recently on sccoont of the Itlnosa of his father. He reports that rater Is considerably on the mend, and that there Is little chance of bta not being on deck to remember his friends In Chicago at Christ mas time. Alvin M. DsTls^ who took Xorerldge's posi tlon while be was away, has ictnmed to bis regnlar charge, that of checking lithographs ahead of the show. David made many friends during his temporary tnm at twenty-four hour work. None was more glad to see bim get away so.creditably than I^Terldge. Curtis, the other twenty.fonr hoar man, was alao delighted at Mr. DavlB'i aaeecsa. ' " George Denman. head depliant man, has dis- tinguished himself this year witb his elephsnts. At Syracnse, Angnat 19, tbe.nerres of the ele- phant men were put to test. The parade-waa moTlog.down Genesee street.^> A woman stand- ing near the enrb became lnteretted wben the elephant herd . came alonK. ' WhDe ber attention was ab9orbcd'i.Ia' aome otlier -direction she re- leased her hota in ■ baby csrrlage in whidr sat an Infant. It went out. Into the atreet right In frost of two -elephants: Tbe elephant men expected the herd to swerre, but one of the pachyderms planted a foot In front of the Teblele and held It there antU one of tbe boys dropped from an. animal'a bead and palled It back to the woman on tbe sidewalk. . Die action of both animal man and animal' won bearty applanse from the throng . that witnessed the eltaatlOD. . - . - Denman baa with bIm the boys that started ,>nt at the beginning of the season. They are Blchard Staltb and Wm. Hayes, who work the clepbanta in the rings with Denman, and Nor- man Johnson;- Oscar Toght Albert Nelsoo. Darld Mil berry, Barry danaen, George Mlhllaner. Har- rison Case, Fred Weber and Clarence Eddy. At BaTerhlll. Mass., the boys showed great Eresence of mind.- Two horses, hitched to a earr coal wagon ran away. Denman and two of his men forced* them to the sidewalk. One of the horses, In trying to get away, fell. Denman and hia aides, by their efforts, threw the other horse and quieted both before tbe team waa Sllowcd to regain Its feet. Billy Jamleson, down. Is nursing a painful wonnd. Several days ago he called to Ed. Wal- ton, a fellow clown, to throw him a long Iron tod nsed as a down "prop." In-tossing it over to him from one of the.wagons the end of the rod struck Jsmleson In'the left eye. Injuring tpe eye ball, and nanowly missing penetrating ue pupil. However, .under the-care of Dr. FYank Eiiet, he Is'reeoverlng-rsnd bas reanmed bla regular acts In tbe-nsrformanee. Joe I.aFlear>^ In luck this season.- Earlier In the year he showed ' Providence. hU home ISU"-... 'la* occasion;" vrtilch was the first time that ijiFIenr played there Id nfteen years.- be waa given a hearty reception when Bd. J. ,S7 Introdnced him to the andience before linear made hIa backward dive. lAter on r.aFIeor visited Plattsbnrg, N. Y„ In wbleh city he was bom. Tom Murray Is doing well with his minstrel Show wWch Is a feature of the concert ned Wanrell waa .the recipient of a handaome present August . 21. Mrs. \TarreU joined htm . J^fb or so, bringing with her a line pair of elk teeth mounted In t«)d, and made Into cuir buttons. Mrs. Watdeir will remain with the "BOW about a week and then wUl return to bcr ''"m1,'" S.''>"b Bend, Indiana. Wiley Pranks, of the Two-Franks, U now a realty holder. He recently pnrcbaaed ten acres of orange land In Florida. %I8 tract Is within hS'J'ty^ <bat recently acquired by Jnllan ^y Bell. nf'rS^vu?''""': works one of tha troupes ?hi. „ """vis thinking of visiting Europe »i,J. -SfS'"". ■'rtnter. Mr. Baling baa^been to tiip old country before, flH™."".'* J*"J*'»fi engineer of the ateam stake Jf i>r.-. ' 5"* 'bow. Be dropped off ! JiS'^ii"?'""'»5L'- *° » cut on bfffaeo h..I.Zl? i";^ The wound was at flrst Ignored In Wo"' Ito Slight Site. Blood poisoning set pn„?°'^''*I- and.acting under orders from Dr. ?:ir;fcr'S,mXc«t%S..'°%! *» """"^ ti,»"i!l!2 1^^ tbe paaUme In . JfSS?*J!« room !._^ liV)r a while the comedy s^^iTn.^V.L'"""'? there was really nanseatlng. n,i ..S 'i""? *f«> P»t out by It organised H.. Stsndera." iJow any offender who i»f • I«>»«rlsbly standa on bis S^onTi"' IP* •"'"lance of those neanat blm T^-J"* olfense I. committed. Jennie and Mamie Kimball, trapese artists. bave won fame. A critic, on one of tbe papers In a town visited by tbe show, referred to them as tbe-V'Heavenly: Twins." Tbe^erlal Fosters, who ball from Dixieland, are locUng forward to a "tea weeks' visit of business and pleasure In the cotton conntiy af- ter tbe season closes. Fbllz Axtetl, who In the show world Is known as Flellx Ortaney, Is a much dellgbted man. He came to America five years ago to become a dtlsen. Be wanted freedom for hIa children. On arrival be took oat his first pspers. Be has finished - the necesssry Ave years residence required by' the: naturallxatlon law. When tbe show closes Fells is going to New ToHc and greet the Goddess of Uberty aa <«e of her alien charges abonld. Tbe fact that be can become a full-fledged citizen on application has reju- venated the head of the Ortaney Troupe. Frieda Blcharda, one of the Blcharda Sisters, of Iron jaw fame, has developed Into a chariot driver. She now drives a black team In the tonnuunent.. . Pete Cornelia, of the Cornells Trobpe, irlalted the sbow at Cortland. Angnat 22. He enters talned Wm. O'Dell. Wm. Tannerman and Walter Thomas at dinner In the pavilion Uttle Tork 'Ijike. .^''^ . . . Bernard' O'Nell, one of tbe old-time clowns with the BlngUng Bios.' Shows, was a' visitor at Cortland. likewise was the Cornelia Troupe, Tbe greater portion i>t Snaday afternoon O'Nell and .Max .Dlllae were recalling the eventa of bygone daya when they. vrere,alde by side In the rsnks of the funnies.- Joe Wallace, of Pern. Ind., Is a bnsy man around the lot this seaaon. Sadie Connors la In the menage act and Is a race rider. George Swift, asalstant to.John Sbeehey on the- front-door,- waa granted' a 'few daya off In Older that he might visit his home in Boch- ester. Be rejoined the show st Oortlsnd. Mark Patterson, - of Baraboo. Wis., assumed a part of Mr. Swlft'a duties while he was away. Warren Wingate, one of the clarinet playen In the band, -was In bla home town In Cortland. Tbia waa bis Orst Tisit bimie In three years. Eameat Wallace; former clown, visited tbe sbow St Syracnse. Angnst 19. Mr. Wallace la now employed by the telephone company In that City. Joe Harris, the wardrobe man. baa become a boaster for Dr. Ellet. Joe baa charge of the leaah hounds that present the dog race. E>ellz Ortaney. Jr., has qualUed for a flying act. At Norwich. N. X.. Angnst 30, be took a beader out of a clown cart dnring tbe races. He landed flat footed, caught tbe cart, eUmbed In, and finished his race. While the act Is not a part of the program Felix got quite a hand on bla quick work. Jna Sbeehey, of St. Louis, has broken Clarence George, one of hlH front door men of the **Kan- aas Laugh.'* The "KaUaas T.augh" Is a low. chuckle that Mr. Sbeehey classified as "an out- bunt of tbe jolly that Is not half on the square." In dispensing the terse vernacular Mr. Sbeehey has Billy Baxter outdone. "Back" Massle, please note, SELL8-FLOTO RIDER INJURED. Bloomlngtoo',;^!!!., Aug. 2S Miss Mae Scott, rider with the Sells-Floto Sbow, met with an accident «t the afternoon's performance here yeaterday:- Miss Scott was riding on the backs Of two horses, and It seemed that she rode too near.'one of the guide ropes and was caught scfoss tbe breast and thrown to the gnuind. Itoan investigation it waa found that her left wrist wss htdkOi and ber staoalder frac-tnred. She'waa taken to a local phvalclan and given medical attention. It Is thought that the acci- dent win not prere serious. UNIFORMS For Bands, Military, . Minstrel First Partjp Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base BaU, Foot ^U, Basket Ball, etc, etOc SmtottTAUI. r J3v Sbtc 4Duf JKenHon ^ndt^ Uniform WanML Western llDlform Go. flM«.euum«T. CHICAQO WARNING ToSHOWMEN WE HEREBY SERVE NOTICE Diat our 1910 IJrt (tf Show Eqaipmoit is an.actuaJ jwceanfy to your Jbuaiiieaa^ and you need it now. IT'S FREEr—SEND FOR IT. We point bert baaneta on abort notice, witb no delay. Get our quotations. We are also agents for BOLTS A WEYEB IJQHT8. ' — UNITED STATES TENT & AWNINQ CO. EOW. P. NEUMANN, Jr., Pres. JOHN C. MoCAFFenV. Trwis. 22-28 North Desplaines Street, WALTER F. DRIVER, VIoe-ProS. EDWARD R. LITZINGER, Sac'y- CHICAGO, ILL. ELEPHANTS LIONS LEOPARDS Camels, Llamas. Ete. Monkeys, Python Snakes from 7 to 20 fast, Monstsr Rsgal Python Snakes, 25 feet. CANARIES FOR BIRD WHEEL. ... tOIIISRUHE, 248 Graill St., lEW YORK MURRAY & COMPANY ''V'XINCORPORAnTEO)' 30z60-foot Tent, 10-foot Wall, 8-oz. Drill, good condition, $80. a40-a4S MerldUm street. CHICU%,00. .V SEND AT ONCE for Our Big List of SECOND-HAND TEN'tS. THREE HOTEL CARS Sleeping capaetties, 11, 23 and 25 ALSO EVERY SORT OF CARS FOR SHOW PURPOSES HICKS LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR WORKS^ Biker BolUmg^ Chicago. BERNARD WINTON THE MUSICAI^ (lEW With Sun Bros.* Shews OPEN FOR DATES IN VAUDEVILLE Aftar ScDt. S, 1910. Farm addrasa eara Tha Blllbearci. CInainnatI, Ohio.- Monster Man Monkey Coold be fratared w ■■gorilla." Price 1125. CAN LEOPARDS. Catamoiutg, mtmtoK link." or a BABY BEARS, MEXI- Pralrle , Don. Wolf C uba. Alllwtoni. SWAKBS, AND MONKr EYs. snxvaira wild amsuuL bxobs, «9e 'WkiUactvn Stnat. BaSUo. ». T. WANTED ReliabliB Billposters Correapondenee atdielted. $18.00 per week. Open shop. No. dranks need apply. R. HUXBN, Manascr, 820 Dryadca Street, New Orleans. IJU CARS FOR RENT ScTcral steel framedHotet Cara for rent.^ Ad- dress HARRX ARMSTRONG, SOt ScliUler BIdS-> Cbtesso. TENTS-AH Sizes in Stock K. xaaxz a soh, xa raitoa at, v. t. oujr. SPARKS' SHOW WANTS QUICK BOSS HOSTLE R Route: Lake City, Iowa, September 3Fd; Audubon, Iowa, S(Bptenibar Sth; Avoca, fowa;SeptembfflT 6th. ^ ^ ^ FOR SALE—ONE TENT, 10x10 FEET Cost $25 irltb poles and stakes; one 6x8 ft. plct. banner, snakes and Cblnese DragoBs. cost (12.20; one pit. 48-ln.z7 ft., coat $11.90 new; one snake trunk, new. cost $8; one sboe tmnk. cost $15, arranged to be used as ticket stand; one new gas lamp, boms mantle, coat $T.50; banner poles, frame for pit, everytblns leadr to set op and ataQw; u sn ak es . Inelndins two Battlers and one Cblneaa Dragon; one -Davdark post card macbloe-witb tripod and enoogli anppUes to maka $10 worth .of photos. $10 tues all of the aboTertZO down and balance & O. I>. Address D. E. ROGERS, eaie General Deliverr, N. Topeka, KansSA Wanted-lndependent Shows Can place one more good show at ... Indiana WaakSapt.12. State JPair Thia wwa big laat yaar. Also want one good show for Da>rton Industrial Exposition at Dayton, 0.,waak8a|rt.1S. Thiawill batha Maooatawant awar pultod eff In thaauto. Address HERBERT A. KLINE, Box 68, Flint, Mich. WANTED-SHOWS FOR THE ROCK SPRINGS FAIR Fouir Days and Niffhta. SEPTEMBER 20-23, 1910. We want all kinds of clean, attractive shows. Our fair is held in the famous ROCK SPRINGS PARK, and are open night as well as day. State particulars as to character of show and exact space necessaiy. Good opening fdr a big CSarnival Company. THE ROCK SPRINGS COMPANY, . - - - CHESTER, W. VA. JUST ACROSS THi; ItlVCR rROM EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO. HBB BIIXBOARD MAKES A. SPEClAIi COMPUMENT.^KY KATE GS ADVERTISINO TO MKMBFnftS OF THE PROFESSION ON PKOFES* SEOMAIi AMKOITMCasaiXQraB AND MX UBEStXT CARDS.