Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. Ttie O 111 boar d 29 IN BRIEF SAN FR ANCIS CO, CAL. New Grauman Theatra Naars Comple- tion. Policy Not Y«t Announced. The city Is DOW aaaamlng boUdar attira for Ihe comlBs Admlnton Dar Week calebratlon from September 8tb to lOtb. Twentr bloeki on Market street and otber principal bnauwaa atreeta lire being bone wltb tbooMUidi Of elecMc Utbts. (Ucoratlons of flaga, buntlnt and foUas* K balnc iiliccd on all ttae principal atreeta. band ataoda nre being erected along tbe Une of marcb, and tlioasaoda of vliltota are ezpacted. All tbe urtnclDal botel acoommodationa are already re- scrredVand tbe committee antlclpatea at large a crovd as attended our Portola reatlTal last rear. Day and nigbt parades, regattas, atbe- letic siwrta and llreworka dlaplaya are on tbe nrocraui* This office Is In receipt of a letter from Blike and Amber from Soutb Airlea. eneloalng several excellent preaa notle» dlspcdftom Zlia Transvaal Leader, dated July IC This jderer couple wore big favorites, in; tjie„ old Fisher Ttaeatre, when tbe Kdb and DIU company played their long original ecaiion__ttere. The city la now .beartly bUled with the Bamum and Bailey Clrcns, Ijaigr, v snnoniictaf a «ve days' stand beginning September 8th. These should be banner days, as the drcns wlU oaieh the big "Admission Day Week" cele- ""A'ugu'st 28th. s new mosleal comedy com; Kelly's company. , .The-WW . c«^ U called American Travest/ SUn. aad ue nnder the management of v. T. WSppem, who la alao tbe pro- ^"Mose Coldsmltb. late of Seattle, has purchased tbe lease «t tbe Hayes Theatre, located In napa. CalKomla. Be takes poaseaalOT some time this month. : TaadSTUIe and moving pictures at : popnlar prices will be the policy. • ' , - ^ Owing to the Immense sneeeM of Sophia Tocker 'at: the S><antes Theatre, abe baa .been (MOked tor a letura engagement tat two weeks coming back from Denver. After the Cbutea time abe goee di- rect to Ijos Angeles, to appear on the opening bill of the Paatagea' Theatre. - A are atarted. la the botd ad- jplning the Chntca at lOdO. p. ai.. Tnesday. Angnat 16,' and by qnIA action of the Ghntea cwnnsny's watchman, a serloos cotmagra- tlon was prevented. Alex' Pant^ges left for Seattle, Monday. Augnat 18th, aM wHI re- turn In two weeks. He then will go to Los Angeles to lie present at the opening of the new rantagea' Ibeatre. Daly and O'Brlea leave next week direct to Tanconver. to catch a steamer for Anstralla, wbna ' Uwy are booked for an extended aaasoa. Exeella and Ftanka, pbysieal enl- tnre ^Is, play tbe QB«en> TbMtn. San Diego, week Antnat SL Beporta from Honolvia aaya that Bnnirea and Oldeoa opened at the New Orpbemn Theatre ■* aa added attraction and were a pnmoonced hit. Mabel Bnnyea'a beaaty and clever rendition of Sidcon's owa songs, and UellviUe OMeon'a man- r Ipulatlon on the piano laatalled ' them as prime favorites. John U Snllivan and JUn KU. ' < «In played to packed booaes at '^Al'""' *e*k Augnat 16 „,Jh« "leT of May Tohe, who Is , playing an engagement at the BIs-i SlilSt £?'•' J?» gamlabeed bar Sheriff Finn. The levy wag tmSi • t» payment of a blU of M0.4IO alleged to be due for antomobUe bire. r^"" id??.* ^S^'S.e?^^are*^Sk.S"for TZ.'iS^ r,:rwce'i stb^sss^.'^'^ vslt^ ( Ooatlnned OB page 85.) TO LEDO, O. Town Once Mora Witneaa- ■no Opening of Thaatrieal Season. we«%S*h?'?fi.'™lJ"" o« the theatrical season Thi. h^^ S!.°?!' >n*«od»«ma opened the boose. mm iSL USi H'V ««S?S" eneeessfBl and bosl- SSS.^^'S a'f&cuS!^ * want* ti,*J?iK" '"^**«'' »>«»• •ndlencs «?«trt ♦^S'S "* f«ho»Id have been reeT caUed Mr*. Wertbington'a Oa- ■iKT''wiS'"iS!l?iJ?^'*" ""^r* ■ «<*d day Son- Urts weceM. The lltafer r'.enf". i,.?.ii**"S*''»> "any Improve- Tue M.Vl»?>»?'»'li'«>»«,ot the Hasten Whed. l il .S'O'M?* "'ll-h""** comedian, «a. for tK«; ."5.1 0» ■ttraetlon Kiui. S,"* ^"*>h' Dobbs, Jane I«Beav, Ocorae »n7 fafllf"'' rua, MMaSTud a33S rS. LS? J?*, •""'■ess coatlmisl^to »!r^^ •t^P c"t*ur.".''cl«i a- •»* "'^ •li* BuVt'^^Sn" fftwerty knovni aa ivith Ji^i"'..*'!.' "P™ <"» Sunday, Augnat 3S •Tltca SM »he old fav- ''«y«n jgtSJ^nJiT on** >B the ettt. The aycea stock Oompany opened the American Sunday, Angnat 28. Hor the opening bDl The Planter's Daughter was selected. All tbe local picture ttaeatrea have bad big bonsea and seem deatined to outlive tbe extreme anmmer heat. The Valentine Theatre will open tbe llrst week In September, with grand opera. ' Tbe Auditorium opena aome time early In Sep- tember, with one of the best of the Bhnbert prodnctiona. • (Continued on page S5.) ; . PROVI DENC E. R. I. / Thomaa E. Shea i« Coming to Provi- dence in Repertoire. The Albee Stock Company's season at Keith's Theatre cornea to an end on Seirtember S, 1910. IMmr Day win see the opening of the vsndevfUe sesson, and aome of Uie atrongeat attraettons ob- tainable are booked foe tbe opening/weefca. - Tbe Empire Theatre will open i^'iecnlar fall and winter aeasoo September 27V 1010, with Tbomaa B. Shea, in repertoire. Tim ^ays al- ready booked for the early mmiUis constltnte the best Showing that has ever been engaged at that boose. Many of then. have never pievloaaly been seen In Provldenee at papular prices, rol- lowing tbe pcrfonaaneea In Tepertohw by Hr. Sbea, will be Kngene Wdtei** play of modern life. Paid In FnU. followed by P<d]y of tta Olr- cna, George Bvana* Minstrels, Oheeken^ The nileC, The Wolf, The Traveling Salesman, and SPOKANE, WASH. Report Current That Klaw & Erianger Will Not Secu re the Now Theatre. Charles Uuebiman. manager for ITocrla, baa letumed from New Tork, and states that K.-B. have not aecnied control of the Uorrls honse, now nnder construction here. Tbe Andltoriom and Sptdcane theatres -wet* dark week of 14. The Orpbeimi had one of tlw atroogeet bills of tbe aesaon and did a recced boilness. Week of 21 is the second amilTeisair week. The headllhen are Dlnkelapiel*a (Siriat- maa; Waterbury Brothers and Tenney, Unton- Lawrenee. Waalilngtan. With the Aeroplane Oizi, B<daad Carter Cou. Tom OlUen and Walter I,aw Co, tbe patrona of this house, were well treated week ct August 21. (Contlnned on page 5S.) EAST LI VERP OOL, O. Local Theatrical Seaaon Sueceaafully Launched. One House Dark. The local theatrical season got In full swing August 29. when sll hlgh-elais. popular^prlced vandevlUe houses opened foar lOlO-lt and tbe opening of the Ceramic Tiieatw. Aagmt SO, with Oeorge Bvana' Honey Boy Hlnattels.' ' MeCllntock's Slectrle Theatre opened August 29, and win give two shows In the afternoon ne Weatmlnater Theatre, after a summer s ssaoQ of popular vaudeville and moving pie* totta, opened Ita legnlar aeasoB of bonesqas on Angnat 13, with BoMe'a Knlckerbocken, Ballock'a Theatre, vandevtne and moving ple- tntas, whieb eloaed about live mtAa nta, wiU qpea Iiabor Day with a strong list at attrae- tlona. Several ehangea have been made, eoaal8t> Ing «( a aevr loMiy with a wide entrance, .while a gins aad im cuwtar, extending to. Um edi* (ContUmed on page 5K.) SEAT TLE. W ASH. National Opera Company Cloaea Road Teup and Returne. Big prenarationa are being made for the Western- Washington ralr. which will l>e held In Seattle S«vitember 18-25. Geone F. Mat- tox. formerly with tbe Alaska-Yokoa-PacUlc Exposition, has been appointed director of conces- alooa with beadqnarteie at Sll Globe Building, Seattle. The National Opera Oompany. after having had aplcndld ancceaa on the road the paat two mootbs, returned to Seattle, opening at tbe AlhamVra, Augnat IT, In The Mikado tor one ivcek. Their atay at the Alhambra will be In- deSnlte. ' The Waablngton Theatre, tbe new cosy mov. lag pletoia honse on First avenue and Columbia street, opened lAngnst IT to a packed traoae. It wu a most ampletous opening and tbe manage, meat I* to be congratulated upon their excellent taate. Mlaa Olga Bnalaad. the Roaalan contralto aoloiat, proved a ^ favorite and made many friends. It li a most pleasing matter of comment to the lUQltttiide .of moving plcCore devotees In Seattle to learn that the moving pictnrea are asmmlng a higher standard of excellence, ei- pecially the Lyeenm and the several booses nnder the management Of Eugene I«vy. John Oooke. manager of the' Majestic, says they had the biggeat week'a boalaeaa in tbe lUs- tory et this beantUtal theatra, week of August IB. The Venetian Street Singers had a lot to do with the condltlona ot tbinga. MISS Daphne Pollard is spending the summer (Continued on page W.) and three at night. Tlila vaudeville baa lieen completely renovated during tbe doaed season and presents a neat appearance, both interior and exteri<». J. O. Walsh, Jr.. manager of Walsh's Dream- land Theatre, announced to The Blllboaid tUs week that over (5,000 would be spent Improving the ttaeatre tlils fall. Thla bonae baa I>een playing to capacity an summer and wHl close «n or aboot September 11 and rtmals dark probably aix weeks. Adjoining tile theatre la a pool and bUliaxd parlor.and the tlieatre and billiard room. la to be thrown into one room. TiM ceiling Is to be raised and a new 40-faot stage bnHt. Tbe seating capaetfy will be In- ereaaed from 20O to 600. Wicn tne opening .of the new honse, the prices wiU be Increased oom 8ve cents to 10 and IB. Attractttms from the Nixon A Nocdlinger iMwUnga will b» played, al- tliough tbe house la now on tbe lAer^drcnlt out of Pittsburg. In tMs eonnectloa it is related that tbe N. & N. people plan the formation ot a new western circuit, and that the booking of tbe Walsh bonae, here. Is the stsrt ot the new proposttiaa. ■ (Contlnned on page SB.) HOUSTON, TEXAS. Outlook For Theatricals Jn .Houaton More Favorable Than Usual. The ootlook in Hooatoa for a bricht, and prae- perons theatrical season never was better. This la one of the greatest amnsement : going placea tor Ita sise In. the eoontiT and proapeets are ex- cellent for a variety of anmsements that will please all. The Prince Theatre, which, takes care of the legitimate drama, will again nnder the man- agement o( Mr. Dave Wela. Mr. Wela baa as- snred the public that the (hows playing his theatre tbia season wiU even snrpass those of last aeaaon. which la saying a great deal. The Majestic Theatte. whIA takea esia ot high-class vaudevllte vrill again bo " Under the able management of Mr. Onaa. A. HeParland. Vaudeville playing this Iwaatifnl playbonse wUl lie booked by the Interstate Amnaemeat Oo. of Chicago^ which insures the Majestic Tbeatre Dttrons the highest class vandeviUe presented In America. The new Cosy Theatre wiU in completed la October and reinreaents one ot the finest popnlar* priced vaudeville homes In the South. Under the guidance of Mr. Uanrlce WOlf. who atarted the Old OotX Theatre with moving pictures, Mr. Wolit baa added capacity to his house nnnl be dnda blmselt unable to accommodate the public in a way he desires, and iie lua been forced to (Continued on page 65.) THE TRi-C ITIES. Goeeip From Davenport, Rock Inland and Moline Gdnceming Theatricala. Although a little early In the aeaaon. theatri- cals In the Tri-OItles ^ve already taken on a busy atmosphere, all playhouses to be opened la tbe next week or so. After a moat ancceasfnl engagement lut- ing .thirteen weeks at tbe Moltne Alldome, the Indiana Stock Ciompany closed Angost 20. Dur- ing tlie Moline engagement tbe company playad to over 50,000 people. After a week'a engage- ment at tite Bock Island Alrdome, the IncUaaa Stock Company will commence an Indeaalte na at the Princess Theatre. Davenport. The Hlinoia Tbeatre. Bock laland, again luder the maaagenent of Mr. Benben Taylor, waa formally opened for the aeaaon Angnat 21. B. O. Wliltney'a The Show Girl waa the attne- tioi. Tbe Show Old alao opened tha ^MUIae ISieatre, at MoUne. Angnat 22. ' . . Everytlilnf is now Imstle and bustle vnUt tbe Bock Islaira Bxpoaititm Company, la aiaktaB preparations for the Third Anaau — Bock Island Bxpoaltlon. wiilcb win be held tlie week of September 12: Mr. Travelick, who will again stage the free attractions tUs year, taaa Iwen fortunate In securing auna very good acts. Among them are tbe famous Boys* Zonave Band. The Boyal lapanese Troupe, Tro^e of Trained Polar Bears, Comedy Tumblers, and several othera. A strong effort is alao Iteins made to aecnre Glenn Onrtias and his airahips. From present Indleatlona tlie Third An- niml Boek; Island Bxpoaltlon win be Itigger. grander ana better tlwn ever; Mr. Harry A. Sodlni formally mened hia vaudeville theatres, Tbe Family, at Moline. Tbe Ma- Jeatlc. at Bock Island, and The Family, at Clinton, August 28. Mr. Sodinl has advanced tlie nrlees of. admiasioa tea cents, at tbe Fam- ily. Mtdloa. The bonae is now a 10, 20 and DO. In return, Iw prom- laes hia patrons better attractions The Star Tlwatre, Davenport, un- der tbe management of tlie Boas Brotbets, oontinnes to draw the people. The Star is different from tiM ordinary picture boun, tin Bbaa Btotlien givug tlwir patrooa as aa added attractioa a vaudevllla act. Oeorge C Martin, last aeaaoa with tbe Melnv Trki and KU Kid- den, la now oa th« atatt ot the. Davaapott Xlmea. Mr. Hhrtia Mdi - ,a traveling poaltlan.: Xha asasca ISU-12 -wlB flad a \ - naw vaoletUla playhooaa la the TkMStlesL The Majestie at Boek Islaad. wm, after the present sea- son, be Teplaeed by a new 180,000 straetnre. All plans luve been drawn, nie new playbonae cells for a parquet, two balconies aoA a seating capacity of I.20O, aitd when completed will be one of the hand- somest vaudeville tlieatres ontalde of Chicago. A higher grade of at- tractions will alao be preaented.. ■' ■ • ? Mr. Chaa. Berkell, manager ot : the American Theatre, Davenport. Iowa, has returned after an extended tour last- . tag two nMBths, during which time be visited the principal vaodevUle theatres In the leading dtesL Mr. Berkell opened the American for tbe aeasoo. August 20. He announces that tbe booklnga for the coming season will embrace the leading talent which- appears in all tbe principal muaie balla controlled by Will Morrla. xba feature act for the opening week waa iTwia and' HetsQg.' Septemiwr 15 will ace tbe opening of B. A. Sodlnl's Ttaeatre. Tlie Banymore, at Moline. Chaaneey Olcott wm be the atttactlon. Mrs. Chas.' Berkell, wife of Manager Be^ kelL has. sfter her s<Qonm on the Paeifle Coat, recove r ed tier liealtli; having returned borne prae- tlcally well. Mrs. Berkell baa snOered an lUnen ot several raontha* duration. Tbe Majeatle Tlwatre. fBrmcrly tbe Bopp, un- der the management ot R. A. Sodlnl, wUI pre- sent a very aat^ appearance when opened again to the vnSllbfiThe entire house baa been ledee- iirated, and. leeupatedi and the stsge refitted (Contlnned oa page 55.) NEW ORLEANS, LA. Looking Forward to the Promised Shubert Attractions. no Taadevina bin at West End this week la aa tcdlows: Harry B. Burton, In sooga; Mlaa AUce Berry, tbe DoU ComedlcnntV the Dletrfcfc Brothers, modem athletes: Tbe Aldiws, motion pletotea and Prof. Emile Tbsso's Militir? Band. Human Bearta. In moving pictures. aiU 4lie ■ricks, gymnaata. and illnstrated songs by nyron J. Wilkoff, aie the attractions at the Shob^rt this week. Tbe offering at the American ^rn^lc Hall tbia week is aa fonows: Godfrey Trio of Srand. Opera Singers, Marie Mae Montrose, snget;- Dick Shades, comedian: LeRoy and DlaUhad, Bingers and dancers, and the Amerlacope. ^ Mr. Sidney Drew, in a play called BlUy. w^t-;. tea by his wife, will be the openibg aWraefeU' at the taahlonable Dauphlne. September C Moving pictures and concerts, by Prot. Vea- sey'a Multaiy Band are the attractiooa at tlM popular city park, all the coneesaiaBa rsport: < that they are doing a big bnslneu. v— ' WILLIAM A. yTOgKi