The billboard (Sept 1910)

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34 Xtie Oillboard aSPTEMBER 3, 1910. HELP THE P EERLE SS POTTERS. BaryTlUe, Tt., Jone 16. lilO. The Bmboard, ' Cincinnati. O. Dear Gents—We beard from anthentle eorre- •poBdence that Mr. Henry Potter, of the Peer- Ii>H Potters Aerlaltet Co., bas been In a very aerioiu.state of sickness for a lon^ time, whicli has brongbt bim and bis family to a state of want tbat needs oar assistance, especially tor hia wUe and Uttle child. Please call attention of all otlKr elnmses to this wortby canae, and for them to send tbalr anbscrlptlona to The BOI- 'boaiO.' Enclosea please find snbserlptlon Ilat of the Hmre's Sreat I^indon Sboira anjlvman^ order tor the amonnt of f32.50. Tonrs tmly, W. F. WAI.I.ETr. Snbscriptlons for Mrs. Henry Potter of the Porrless Potters, from the Howe's Great London Shows: leny afnglTan....$5.00 Bert Bowers .... 6.00 Wintam Eddy.... 5.00 W. O. Dale ir. r. Wallett.... 5.00 Ed._ GiTlanii Ja* Ben ........ 1.00 'H; F. Can •.....^ -i.oo wm DcIaTcqre ... 1.00 Kerrltt 1.00 Kd. Nathan ....fl.OO Chas. A. Taylor. 1.00 ~ • ..1.00 _ ..1.00 wmiam Teasier.. 1.00 Bad Wrigbt .... 1.00 B. Doherty ..... .50 Geo. Allard .... .SO Mr. *Mra.KeUog 1.00 John Smith .BO Xemben Al. 6. Barnes' Clrcna: ifa^c Trench «2.0U 6. (Shrimp) Sett- Wm. Xafe 2.00 ler .. ...H-OO Jaa. A. Morrow .. 1.00 Tote Bncrow .... 2.00 Barry Parrlsh 1.00 Mr. * Mrs. Wm. Ben Beno ...... 1.00 Crooks 2.00 Rariy Moore..... 1.00 Hany Ebbets.... 2.00 Hany HaUe...... 1.00 ' . From attachea of AI. F. 'Wheeler's New Mod- el Shows: Mr. AL F. Wbed- O. B. Xkylor ....S1:00 er ...$2.00 Engene Welkes . Mrs. Geo. Jennler 2.00 Jobn SpanUIng. Walter Jennler .. I.OO Capt. B. Snider. Roy. Jennler .... I.UO Elmer Myers Miss Josle Asbton 2.00 ~ AI Millets . B- 'O; Smith CIuui..T..WUlIams 1.00 Horace Laird Adam Gllleapie: F. C^Carlini: Percy Melrose Oscar. liiwande. Alpine' Troupe J<mn^' Booney - \ W.- F.- Melrose Ty-Bell TroDpe 3. D. Miller . Bob Avallon 3.00 FbBter Olasscock .. 2.00 iToe Flenr .... 2.00 Arttaor Gagnon ... 2.00 Wm., O'Dell 2.00 B.. Alio ......... 2.00 O. .lb. Cnrtla &00 Ote. Jennler ..... - LOO Joseph Ijafferty .. 1.00 Bert IiGo .... Win T. Miller .. .. 2.00 Tom Watson I.OO F. C. Ferguson.. " D. Q. Miller . 1.00 J. A. Dmrwatd. .. . 1.00 Gns Berrey . 1.00 property for ber act. and U really infferlnc for the neceaaltiea of life, as Iter hosband'a death baa rendered her dsstltnte, and her praaent employment brlnga her bat a mere pittance. She la now aerrfiis aa janitreaa at T£t North Delaware arenne, Indiana poUs, Ind, Tniop- eta who are In nrnpatliy with onfiirtonate mam- brts of the proteadon are aakad to aaalat thla wortby woman, who la amdona to cat ont of debt and get emwgh to pay for the mpmtr «he needs while at work on the toad. Kail contribntionB in care of Tlu Billboard, payable to Mra. Sosie Wney. Boabenr Brotbera. pro- prietors of Bcmhanr Biotber*8-Shows, llaTe ang- cested the Institution of tliia fnnd, and they (oarantee the canse a wortby one.. . CONTBIBlmONB. „ rbe BiUboard Fnb. Co. fl0.00 a. Bella 1.00 Bead Anurid ........ 1.00 AdT. Car Mo. 1, nm. BoMaaoB Showa.^..: Nat Croaa Wm. Todd ............ Mr& Todd ........... 0. 8. 8. Misa Etbel itm y« •«•■•■••■•••' Hany Wallaee ...... Cluuu Blotdiy a. Wllhelm B. & M. iningworth 0. J. Yarbrongli 50 1.00 1.00 .60 .GO .80 .60 LOO S.00 1.60 1.00 PLAY DATE AND DATE. Anstin, Tex., Ang. 26.—^For tbe first time in Its history, Austin will have tbe opportnnity of seeing two circuses on tbe same date, October T. Tbe ccntraetisg agents for Sells-Floto and Barnnm & Bailey baTe completed arrangements tor tbe exbibition of their respectire shows here on October 7. Anstin is considered one of the best tbeatrical and Clrcns towns In Texaa and there is no doubt tbat both circuses will play to capacity boslness. I,ATESX mPBOVEO FOBTABKE ATBIOAir DIPS. The season's greatest attraction. See him SPLASH. A mint on fair grounds. Write only. MEXICAN ABMADIIXO CURIO CO., Boom 200, 86 Fifth Ave., Chicago. A-1 TROMBONE AT UBERTY Would like to locate. A. 7. of U. 0. E. 0 0 O B B A V, ISSB Kansas An., Topeka, 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.OO .80 1.00 .50 1.00 (5.00 W. L. Travis.....Sl.OO Wm. Vannerson 1.00 Fred Lasere ... 1.00 Wiley Franks .. LOO Bichard Welton.. 1.00 W. TS. Thomas .. LOO Ab. Jcduuson .... LOO Bobble Beed .... LOO J. e. mnes .... 1.00 HasI^ 1.00 Wm. Edwards .. LOO W. E. Oonahngh 1.00 Alvarex ........ LOO Btank Mortia ... 1.00 F. Ortaney ...... 1.00 C. ^ J. _i:aibrangb LOO .t5.00 . 6.00 . 5.00 . 6.00 S.OO 3.00 LOOlu ..The BUIbeard has forwarded check for the ■mooBt to The Peerless Potters, Venice, ChL • HELP 8U8IE WILEY. Ro aaattar iKnr small the eimtrlbntlan yoa can afford to give, doe credit will be ^vea yoo It iMStawed in care of The Billboard, to help Bnaia Wiley to Ugoldata the debts Inemred by the death of her husband, William Wiley, who waa wall known to tbe drens fraternity as Cne to give where aaslataoce waa needed, and be waa liked by aU tbe troopera irttb wkom be became .aeonalated. His widow has wasfesd baia to pay her debta and tet abaadrto tay MAX STEVENS Gentleman Clown Jailer His comments which accompany his turn are excruciatin^y FUNNY Par. Add.. Billboard PRINCESS DE CARMEN IN HER DANCE BEWILOERMENT LEADING FEATURE RtMisn's Fams StaR, Seasii 1911 STODDARD & WALLACE Clowns and producers with Sun Bros.'Shews. Ssasen 1910. Regiards to friends. THE NOTED WIRE WALKERS FAMOUS VANI'S THE ORIGINikL NEVAROS .An act eMcated with MghtiUng_ impldIty . ■_ ~ " B, MILwaOKEB. WIS. HARRY SIX ==S E C O N P== World's Greatest Headforemost High Diver Notice, Fair IVIanagers! This act is not owned or controlled by the TRUST. So don*t book same through a trust agent as th^ cannot deliver the act. You have to book this act direct from me. Just FJnIshsd Two Weeks at ONTARIO BEACH PARK, Rochester, N.Y. Booked for one week and held over. Increased Ae front gate 50%. If in doubt to above statement write Mr. Ben L. Peer; Manager, in regard to same. Southern Fair Managers, have a few dates open, write me direct to 1440 Broadway, Holland BIdg., New Yorft City. All mail answered prompdy. ACTS AND PERFORMERS with the HOWE'S GREAT LONDON SHOWS — 1 91 0 — UYENO FAMILY 6 Japanese Jufit arrived from a successful trip tiirough South America ENGAGED George (Monk) Allard The Real Copper that Never Sleeps on Ifis Beat EARL WRIGHT Artistic Trick Tumbler with so many Original Tricks Featuring a Somersault with s CSuur, mill a 22 ft Drop ED. NATHARS HEBREW aOWN THArSiOL OUil OUII QUI! Merritt Belew Six Horse Act and Comedy Mule Hurdle J? ROBINSON 10 BIG SHOWS FEATURES SEASON 1916 TOURS '