The billboard (Sept 1910)

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40 Ttie BIllboaFd SEPTEMBER S, 19101 ST. LOUIS , MO. Another Premiere is Given at Suburban Garden. Play Pleased. The event of Importance in St. Idols last week, theatrically, was the first prodnction of The Lone Hand, at the SabaAan Garden, with Lanra Nelson. Hall In the leading role. The play started with a big week's bosiness, and pleased Immensely. As this is the second pre- miere this season at Soborban, we begin to look to this feature as a resolar occnrrence each rear. This week we are to have another first piodnctian. Tar and Feathers, br a St. Lonls ■vOor. Tbe Ordec. of Bagles-. were in conven. tloa here last week and the theatres and parks did a big bnalness. There were some 40,000 of them In attendance. Uayme Qnenig, lyric soprano, known as the "Uttle ^1 with B big mice," a St. IjOoIs |(irl. has retonied home from engagements In Europe Aosnst 23. Reports here state that the at- tendance was extremely big, and also very profitable. . Cd. I. N. FIske is at the head of the compsny. O. T. Crawford in erecting a new $79,000 thea- tre on Union and Easton avenues- and will be de- voted to motion pictures and Tandeville. It will be operated as another part of his already large circuit of theatres in this city. The letter Carriers held their onting at Fbrest Park Highlands on Angnst 18 and 80,000 went to the grounds. It rained all morning and the tnm-away was the biggest In St. Xxialtt' history. The management of the Highlands were com- pelled to extend the limit of their tlclcets to one week in order that all might be accommo* dated on the riding devices. The new manager of the Garrlck, MelvUIe St(dtz, arrived in the city on August 22. and took charge of the theatre as the Sbnberts* representative. The hoqse <9eiis September 4, with The Prince of Pllsen.- MEMORIAL HALL, DAYTON, OHIO. "lit which the Hippodrome of' the Dayton Industrial ilxpodtlcai will be hdd. and the East, where critics have I>een favorably Impressed with her woric She wHl be the special soloist with Cavalo's Band at Forest Park aigblands, week of Septembet 4. , 'The attendance at the annnal IIade-in.St. E.onlB Show held in this city week of August 1-120. had an attendance-of 89,000 as follows: Monday, 9,000; Tuesday, 12,000; Wednesday,' 15.000: Thursday. 17,000; Friday, 21,000 and Saturday. U,a00.- Blanehard'fl Imperial Ulnstrel Ualds have made a splendid success playing the Alrdome time in St. Louis. They have been held three and four weeks at each booking and ate In de- mand for return dates. They are ezeellent In voice and costumes and draw immense buainess. The license issued to. William; King ft Co., for the -negro i summer garden at Handlan's Park. St^ Xoob. wa» last week renked-bf-the Hayor. The garden was tlieretoie closed. on Angnst''22. The Otesy Amusement Company. Angnat 15, applied for a permit to erect &. $20,000 one-stciry and bflcony theatre on South Grand avenue, millam Lucas and W. L. Denham are to build It"' ■ ■ ■ Times Gabriel left on Angnst 25, tac Chey- enne, Okla., to bring a troupe of Indiana for the Knozvllle, Tenn., Exposition. The Great Eastern United Amusement Com- pany opened its first esndial at AUm. tin., on Mr. Leo McManns, of Forest PaA Highlands,, has again sprung a surprise for St. Lools. Every year he is found with a Ilat of soloists for his band, but he has In Caroline Ehrmann and SIg. Tortl. two of the'best heard here.- It Is the intention of Mr. McBfanus to carry this duo over the Western Circnlt of Tandeville this winter, and bis efforts should prove a treat in music.. 'i-vy. The Merchants' Fall Opening ^ will : be held week of Saptember 4 at Lanadowne Park In East St. 'Louis, tills year. ' GregiKy's Siege of Jericho will be the special attractlai, and a carnival of greater magnitude than ever held In Bast St. Louis wOl be on for the week. The park, with all Its natural resources. will draw an immense attendance for this-week..- They, are billing St. Lcols heavily. . Mr. Stanley Ward Hart and his family have spent the summer st Lansdowne, East St. Louis, conducting the bathing beadi. They have made much money-with It. GoL 6. W. Hall, (Fop Com George) was a visitor In St. Louis, Angust 23. and states that he spent the prevlons night with Pat Crow, the evangelist, at Bloomlngtqn, HI. He states that he has just purchased Tip O Sahe. the only nmbreUa-^ared dephant. for Us show, together with a den of seven lions. . He also has pur- chased a foil herd of full-blooded steers, all of which will Join the show at Watien, Uo. WILL 7. FABLBT. LET US SE ND YOU OUR CATALOG NOTIONS, JfOVELTIES, TOYS, SOUVENIRS, CARNIVAL AND STREET FAIR GOODS TAXICAB HAT (new) Gross $7.00 Doz. 60c PANAMA HAT . 3.25 " 30c SOUVENIR LOOP WHIPS " 5.00 " 60c JAPANESE WIND BELLS—per 100 6.00 "76c JAP CROOK CANES per 1,000, $12.00; per 100, $1.26 WHITESON COMPANY ■aBuftieUirais, ImpoitaK k, Jobiwrs S40 ELUadison S<^. CHICAGO. lU. XIR. ADVERTISERS H^wasYour'AD'' -V'^^^v-- 500FT.INTHEAIR YOU WOULD BE THE ' Talk OF THE A VOUCAN REACH THEM AU- PONYNESWAY SILAS «r. CONYNE. 3508 MeLaan A««.. - : Chleaae Dear Slr^l know that yon are In the market for a good advertiser at all times. AM AEItlAIj "AD" IS THE TOP-NOTCHER FOB PUBLIC- ITS'. ESPECIAIX.Y FOR BIG DAYS. Now if you will only mak'e a few figures I will show yon the rates yon can get. How many people will be in your city circus day?'At your caridval? At your fair? dl'other'big days yon :have? One of my No. 3 Ex. OntflU will reach them all. It consists of (as per cot), one (1) 6 ft. kite, one (1) spool of line, one (1) big banner. 9x18 ft. with your "ad" on, and one (1) life-size dummy trapeze performer, all complete. Price, $33. TEEMS: 1-3 WITH ORDEB, BALANCE a O. D. Any bright young man can operate it at a cost of from $2.00 to (5.00 per big day. Now estimate your crowds, and yon will see the cost. It Is easy'to And the rates. What do yon think of reaching big crowds at the low rates of 25c to SOc per tbonsand? YOD CAN'T BEAT IT. NOW Is the time to get in the game, and g<4 the beneflt of all the Big outdoor crowds, Wnx PAY YOU. (1 HAVE NO AGENTS'), photos. IT Information and Infringement Condemned The Circuit Court of the United States granted an in- junction to the Chicago Ferrotype Company against a Western firm forbidding them to manufacture, sell or offer for s£de, Cannon Photo Button Machines, thus upholding the Chicago Ferrotype Company as the original manufac- turers and owners of patents. - WE ARE PREPARING TO PROSECUTE ALL jNFfUNGERS who are offering for sale photo button machines that embody ideas contained in and which resemble . the "WONDER CANNON CAMERA." We shall do this in the interest of our present and future customers. our Don't Waste Tune and Money' - with an inferior machine—one which they say is just as good. Deal with the original photo button house ana you inll be assured fair ana honest treatment.^^^ W devote our own three-story factory building exclusively to the manufocture of "WON- DER CANNONS" and all sup- plies. Our plates, frames, and developing powders are guaranteed to be perfect- that is why oiu* customers are making money. KVk flll buys a complete outfit and ^ZO.UII starts you in this big mon- CT-making buaness of your own. Outfit consists of Wondar Oaanoa Gamata, tiipod and enough supplies tomiJte400 finished photo buttons. Additaonal button pbites, S1.00 per 100, g^t fiiaiiMB, $1.26 per grass. Wrtto today tor ipRCe CATAi-OG. CHICAGO FERfiOTYPE GO. OBIOINAI. KAMCFACimtEBS AHD PATENTKES D«pt. 120. . . CHICAGO, ILL. WEIGHS 4. I.BS.. COMPLeTE Made in one month with i 00^ LONGSS?Sl Honer Uke Oaaatant atream of nioklea. dlnia& onarten. Alwrnn Bwanr ■ Mint oomliiB in—Orispettas solns out. farrlne, CU.. **Oae aaj** " «Ieaa380.00." Start in uifo, pioflULblo. o«V, Im»(dniitrn« —- b m l nma . Outdoon in •nmmir—Indoon In irlnter. In towna. Tillages; oitiea. st faiia. pazka, oamlviUa. aosunec rosorta, oixonses—wbezerer *I.ore*B a crowd. Otiapettea are fine-all like tbein—T::iiBS and old. Soeaartosetthe moner. Xnnrbodjr^lisgtoaaendamallmoner. HU. Uona madfr oi Go pteoee.^3tlnk oC fortanea mue in 5 and 3D oentato io a sU uutcarcom p a nle B fire pent ghow- Hacblnealmple—eairtonndentand and work. Toll in* atrootlona-eecret fonnnla. InTcaticate. Qet toll par. tlcolaiB—reportB from naera. Sea what othezakavedoae. JuOse what yon can do. Write a «ard nov. W. Z LONG. 173 High Street^ Springfield, OW Implored Cane Assortment. 120 Canes, Indndlnc SO Blngs.;..............* B.00 Implored Cane Aaaortment. 240 Canes, loelndlns 100 , 10.00 Improretf Cane Assortment. S50 Canes. Indndlos 100 BlngS 15.00 Imptored Cane Assortment, 600 Cinea, Inclndlsg 20O BIng* 25.00 No. 9, Bittoa Lone, Fancy Loop Handle Whips, asstd. eoU. best made, per sr. B.00 ShootinK OalletT Ontllt. complete. 2,SS7 pieces, for onbr 7. - 22.00 200 Assorted Focket Knives, for Knife Backs, a Good Flasll... 16.00 Uoge CaMofne net. Enlre^^ Watebet, Umbietlu, Tor WUp*. ud Otna Data. ttlH Deposit, Balance C. O. D. Pennant Canes, per 100. fllaS; per 1.000, •11.00. GLEVELAND CANE COMPANY, Cleveland. Ohio. KNIVES, CANES, NOVELTIES. - AZX JJOESX VOVKLHES out. SOUVEHIBS or AIX KUfSS. Salloona, Wlilpa. SSST ?^',H?S*lL£?"*Si c^7!P'.r. BoMo"*. confetti, nuaten, Slanpeta. Tinsel Psn- .SS^l- ^5'" '"^"•1 J"""- Walcbea. Prise J^veby. m<moatMi 'fP ^SPn. ^55"^? Balls. Glass NorelUes. BIbbon, Rosettes. Fountstn Pens. B-cent Show Soar** nlrs. Tricks. Poszles. Larjri^t Korelty Snnply House in Ohio. TUouiindi of uUifl^ eutomM. Oiien sUpped same i»r aafeeelred. »I0 Catalogne FRKB. oi Muaneo suaB.»»™. BUY DIRECT from MANUFACTURERS and IRfPORT^ Tciy Whips, Caaes, Pennants, Gas; BaUoons, Knives; Oanee for Cane Board. Send for 1910 Catalogue NM^CL LA BROiS.i 32 Atiantle Aw*.. BOSTON. MASS.