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SEPTEMBER 8^ 19ia Tlie Billboard 41 DATES aOB If ■BBT-OO-ROTIND Km—n* ■ blMMt months at tb* nuon an oft-band aat jom orgaa down't plar> Hmr oo yoa azpaeria nuk* moauT^ Bcttar ban m* com* at one* ta Ox root (Bxan. O. r. BAXH, Oixaa BalUK, AbUuia. SOUVENIR WHIPS Bur from the muntaetnrer and ut* tb* middle- man** uroBt. Tbe nrj flnest. trimmed with loofis. SA-lnch, t4.B0 cr. S. kAIUCAir, tU SMkar BtTMt. PUoa. H«w Tsrk. THE INTER-STATE GRAND ARMY RE-UNION will be beld at City of Snperlor, Nebnuika, Sept. 12 to IT, 1010. C. B. ADAMS. Commander. . TBB 70Bir B. BKITH SHOWS ABB BUFFAZO BAKOB mU> WZSE EZBIBmOB WABT for return trip Sontb. Ferria WheeLand two more ■ood Sbows. Cowbogrs.'Cmrglrla and Indian*. Trick Bldera, Bopers, and a good able Manager for Wild: We*t.' JapaneBe BaU ;Game. . Candy 'Wbeel, Knife Back and Cook Boose, Confetti and MoireltteB, and otber legitimate Coneeaalons. Smltblleld^ Ta., Aug. 29 to Sq>t. 8, a maiden town, mider tbe anipices of tbe BmlthOeid BaaAaU Asaoelatlan. Ellzabetb Cltjr, M. C, -week Sept. 6 to 10. Tben tbe cottim and tobacco'fields of.tbe Soatll far tbe balance of tbe aeaaon. Bemembe r. th i* Is tbe abow tbat never doses. A-borne for tbe wtnter tor tbe rlgbt parties. JOHN B. SMITH, Proprietor and General Usnacer. : WAIITED-FO B MOOSE CIBC US. ONE QEPIUNI and 1W0 CUIEIS. Mdress LII.MIn,liliet,HI$. SOIIVENIR GOODS In nib7,:;nbj nutt and gold, and gcssa and gold glassware. SUITABLB FOB IWra, Carat Tata , and Streetmen. Oood. -np-to.data salleis. Write tlsr catalog. OBIBNTAI. OI.ASB 00.. 8. 8.. Flttabntt, Pa. fairs fairs fairs t-he: grei/vt Jabk Goodrode THE SLACK-WIRE KINO Has d few open dates. Riding bi- cycle, unicjrrle, stilt-walking, ad- vanced juggling. Address Sept. H, W. A. Celebration, Caiatswortb, HI.; Sept. £-10, FaU FesUval, lawood. Ind. g Wirti netm Hn READ THIS OSAVOfe XOBB ~ TO DUUBIB Tte offered. FosttlTeiF a gK wsrblns for mur VIA Takea sersa diffmnt stjies ot pletans tn- dndlng tte xAxtW mtm- dlo sise. Write f«r cat alrapa. UaOHAMICS* CARNIM WORKERS, NOTICE Japanese Ujatle Rewen. pw' gross $4.00 Jspsaeae Spldos, per groes l.eo 44-ln^ Bead Onanl ^alas, pet crocs.... 4.00 M-tacb SbaU Ooaid -Cbatna. pat groea 0.00- Sqiiawker BaUooaa, (aaiinge) per gross «2.2S ....................................dt 3.79 Shell OoUats, per doaen i,>*t Se-ln. Whip*. fancT bandl**, pw gioas, SS * gS Confetti Ihisten.^clit eSora per 100.... ^ .91.00 A l«TO BbeB fmaas. per dona....tUBI.'«l.48 * l.TS Sand for 1010 Noreitr Oatalogn*. GOLDBERG JEWELRY CO. IW A HI W. Sixth BtiMt, Buaas atr, Kfc THE CIRCLING WAVE ts ^ntt sdt to n>r the aman aawnat «t capital tbe nHMt pradtaUe lB*ssta*A imm ...t.— . ud moat popalar uansement iMIag dsvlee la pa*. Ka«ll7 and wdekly set n and taksa dm. mezpentlTa^to operaU aad^ tranapert fnat ARMITAGE <8u GUINN, >afa«t *s s ,ead Ide MaBatMtarscs. SniimflLLE, EIIE OBUNTY, NEW YOm LOOK HERE II We are tbe low- est price wbole- **le Jewelry and NoTelty Bouaa In America. WBU B BOB UUX-nUOB OATAZAaVB W* have every- thing o{ the latest and largest stock of OUTL BBT . HOVZLTIEa We are exeloilTs D. S. A. agenta tor the greatest Money Uiket*. Bamlet & Baynold Watrhea; also HamlUoo l>eat sdling Basora. GORDON «. MORRISON IW-80I B. MaaiMn Street, Chicago, m. THE NEW JERSEY COLORED STATE FAIR -HELD IN- DRUMMOND PARK, ASRURY PARK, N. J. S«ptonr»b»r S. 6. 7, 8. 9.10 ■nd 11. Tle|c««for th*7 Days, S1.00. EX. BROAD SOe DOZEN. CANE RACK MEN CANES, WHIPS, TINSEL PENNANTS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. S. SCaOEN a SON. Blaniifactareris. CO Ann St.; ilEW YORK CITY SOU) WXBS ABXBn ABB : We now bam tbe lar g es t and bast Mm of Satin BU- Tered White Brltanla Cnteb Collar and Belt Plna on tbe market, all alsea and abapea; also Vtoba and Naek.- lacea. Send for Ulnstrated dtenlar. SPECIAL RKuuun oBg ov nenr sntos No. I. (10.00 per gnat; No. 2, >1S.00 per groas; Mo. 5, CimU Blag, ^18.00 pec aroaa; Mo. 8. Beaaty Rlmc. gST.OO per co**: Me. A, same as ent. ^.00 per gram. W arranted SOtb Stock. JDEBOZHS JZWZLBX OOXFABX. tS diambsfs Btrast, No. 4 TOBx cm. NOTICE 1 MEDICINE AND GIFT SHOW MEN WATCHES, ete^.: mltaUe ftr sdsH. JBWBUtY. Alse eiasas Paints. CSU Burnt Ootfc. Best in the markef. eatalos No. B-20. Th* Old BeUable. B. G. UHER & CO., 84 Wabash Avo. CHICAGO Som ram oim Ofdiums ScwEwecTiBr. N.T, •00 TOD 8£L£ LEMONADE? K •» yoB ihould try onr Lomonette Powder. It» made {rem lemon* tedneed to powdered form. Simply add water, tweeten and it i< ready to dirwk. A pound makes 45 Kalians. Price, t2.2S lb prepaid. S«nd a dime for a trial (galloa) packaee and our catalocue. postpaid. Yan will be surprised and delighted. CHAS. T. MORRISSEY CO., B-2430 HAKKISON STREET. CHICACO. ILL. ^.^ : :■ WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Wire-Walkers' Oil-Paper and Silk Umbrellas Also theatre souvenirs. Sample souvenir sent post-paid receipt of 25c. Wiite for prices—Umbrellas. W, A MENTZER, Importer Japanese Goods, 92-04 I.AKE STKEET. - - - CHICAGO. THE AMERICAN AVUmON SCHOOL Correnwndence contse and flnal ttUIa «n best sTlatora. Beat of teaebers aasnred. Under tbe Addresa 1950 W. MOBTB AVEKUB, CHICAGO. to cMBpctent of Vb» AiiitRlcan Aerooantlcal Society, HUMANATONE THE MOST yABVELOUS MUSICAL IN SraUMENT EVEB INVENTEO Notbing like It In tbe world. Frodncea aweetest music, whether It be tbe Joy- ous nates ot a quick-step or the solemn strain of a cbnreb bymn: In fact, any dass ot music can be played on the Hnmanatoae wltbont prac- tice, as It la almost a selt-playlos Instrument- Flayed with a piano or any other accompaniment, the etfect Is entrancing. Tbe beat aeller and money getter for fairs, eanlTals. celebratloas and demoostntlons. Send tor Jobbers'price list. Samples .12 and 21 cents. . HUMANA-rONE CO.. t04-10« Nassau Sc.. NEW YORK CiTV Tinseled Pennants, Canes and Wbiiis Tinseled Pennants in assorted colon, all stock designs. Price (3.00 per bnndted. Including canea. Bed, wlilte and blue Feunints, slxe 8x20, with I<Mig tassel attaelKd. price ¥5.00 per hundred, including canea. Whips, 36 Inches long, assorted flashy colors, price, 13.75 per grass. Deposit reaulred on all orders, bend for onr free new catalogue. ^r ^LWADEL A. SHIMMEL, 144 Park Row. N. Y. City J ORAN GEL ADE A Pound of th« Powdar MakM Forty-five Gallons of Dolleioua Orangaad*. and Retails for S40. We guarantee this powder to make the best Orangeade on the market. Tastes the beat and pays yon the beat proSt. Does not contsin Coal-tsr color or snythlng prohibited by any Pore fVMd law. IT. S. Serial No. 11788. No trouble to Dreuare it. almnlT add water, aweeten and It Is ready to drink. Price, ^25 per lb.. We slso make I^monette, Raspberry Cider, Straw which are the same atiength and price aa oar Orangeade powder. - aaaoctment r* ••——^ —■— We make 10 dilnka In " .4Si, hf e a nees s , ni«- — eoMsn, lAsss sU, and win aend a complete aaaonment ot saiaplea (aetnu talne. gUai paid, tor ai. Sample of any one Had. with catatogoe. tor iae._We Jan. tambier carrlen and:t«ttbten at lowest prices, 8o O. O. B's. CHAS. T. MORRISSET CO., B-2430 Harrison St, CHICAGO, ILL LAST OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE LIMITED SPECIAL Frei-Nickelei ConUiatiai let Crean 6oii Carrier & Gnitir Tny Juat tlisthlna forealllngoenesto erowdaatfairs, ttiaatras, oarnlvals, parKs/aemen*eireua Valne ai.SO: siie 10x14 inches: FREE with each order for 1,000 of the High-grade, Hand-made, Single Baked HOMET BBAMB CAKE COHES. All flaTors— Strawberry . Lem on. Vani lla a nd Cbocolate. Finest sugar, csss. dour and tmlt flaTOrs, OTTAKANXEED Wt THS XT. B. 80VZSV- MXirr, Packed 100 in a sealed, corrugated box; each cone wrapped witli waxed paperiten boxes assorted in each crate, st 11.00 per box. TKBM&—One-half cash, balance C O. D. REFERENCES —Any Chicago Bank. HONEY CONE A, CONCESSION CO., 27-29 W. Illinois St., Chieago SBMTD TtOVR ROVTBt TO XHXS BTfiT.WOARP TO-I>AT. A f\lL'^ NEW LINE or POST CARDS AND PENNY ARCADE SUPPLIES ..I wet. ,l.,.r.i>«.. •' jl |. ^.c.t P"'" •••• . . !.-- > ....clfl-. >v..„i,.| .1.1,...,.,11. Ml . EXHIBIT SUPPLY CO. AUTOMATIC MOVING SHOOTING GALLERY Ain> BASEBAXili NOVKl/nSS WHte ter price list. WX. WUBFVIZIB, mr,. 106 B. Baeond St., Fhiladalphia, Fa.. B. B. B. PADDLE WHEELS Handsomest, atrennat, llgbteat wei^t whed on tbe market, Beautl- fnlly painted In bright colors. Buna amootnly on baU beariaga. 83 la. I in diameter; nombetcd ■ flam 1 to 60. Fries, complete wit h pa ddlea. ■10. CASH wanAO- C OMBA B Y O B B B B. OTHEB WHKKi.W AZ tU, and tao. We alio carry a comidete line of amusement end gaming dertces, club room far- nitnra, carda, dice and poker checks. Highest class workmanablp; Iawe*t possible price*. 8I.A0X XFO. CO.. IM Franklin Street. Ohieago. 11 CORN POPPERS! Capacity 4 to 12 bushels per hour. PEANUT ROASTERS 10 quarts to 2 bushels per roasting. earn. EJec- tnct Spring and Hand Power. Price. $830 to $350.00. GelatinB, Ice Cream IDisiieis, Ice Cream Cona <Dvens, etc Catalog free. KINGERT MFG. CO., 106.108 E. Pearl St, Ciiidaaali,0. Great variety.