The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. Xlie Blllboardl 43 ALABAMA. VOBTOOIIZBT.—UAJESTIO (W. S. Ctondi. fflsr.) Majeatle Stock Companj eoBttnaea to pUy flnt-elua •ttnetlons and the mttcndane* dar- ing tbe rammer bai bMn ezceptionally luge, ARKANSAS. OUUfDOr.—NBWTON'8 AIBOOUS (B. D. & J. B. Newtsn, msn.) Motion pictures and Tanderllle.. - pons BLUIT.—BLK (0. B. Phllpot, mgr.) The Smart Bet Sept. 3. BtUy 22. ORPHKO fPfaUpot Wllhoch Co.. mffrs.) Slff Belnfleld's Lady Minstrels Aag. 22; good business. MOON (Biidolph Lewlne, mgr.) VaadeTllle and plc- tnrea. CALIFORNIA. SAK JOSE.—TIOTOSY (7. A. Olsea. mgr.; K. & B.. bookings agents.) Opening of Brlasar- Hallet Players, as a rammer stock company, in The Fatal Wedding Aog 16 and week; pleas- ing production to good busin es s. THBATOtE J03B (W. T. Warren, mgr.; 8, * 0. Olrctilt) Opening as a Tandevllle house. Josephine Sax- ton and Dixie Kids, assisted by Musical Bins- gold, headllner; pleased greatly. Herold, iu mnscnisr feats, irork splendid; Sleetra, the ha- man dynamo, excellent act; Bisner and Oores. songs, good; O'Brien and Osborne, Irish comedi- ans, work amused; Will Tracy, singing popular ballads, delighted; snd motion pictures week of Aug. 14-20; business ■ good. LDNA PABK (Audley Ingersoll, mgr.) John L. Sullivan and Jake Kllraln as an added attraction Aog. 2S. COLORADO. LOKOKOITC—DICKBNS OPEBA HOUSB (W. 0. Conlehan, mgr.) The Keogh Stock Company presented The Road Agent week cf 22 to- well filled hoase; good stock company. THE ODGON (CViulehan A Stoddard, props; C. D. Stoddard, mgr.) Opened Aug; 20, and bad to refuse ad- mission to over lOO people the, first night; splen- did performance. . CONNECTICUT. BBIDOEFOBT JACKSON'S (Ira W. Jack- son, mgr.) A Country Boy Aug. lS-17; pleased good bQfllness. Bobby Bomlt 19-21; pleased good business. Tiger Ulles Burlesque 26-27; A Hatter of Money 29-30. POLI'S (Lewis Garvey, mgr.) Summer Stock Co. In When We Were 21 Aoi;. 22 and week. Vaadeville ■ seaeon opens ^SAirailBT,—TATLOB OPBBA ROnSB (P. P. Martin, mgr.) Will open the season Sept. S, with The W^df. The Bine Mouse 8. HEBIDEH,—POU'S (S. Z. Poll, lessee; Mr. KIrby, mgr.) Mile. Tbeo and her Dancing Dan- dles. The Balloon Girl. Walter and Vivian In Tile Actor and the Maid; Anita Julius, The Hobbling Girl; The Three Davis Brothers, In comedy mnslcal act; The Strolling Players, cbiglag and Instrumentalists, and moving pic- ''tores. ' ILLINOIS. BELTISEBE.—DBRTBICSC OPBBA HOUSE (Loop * Dysart, lesqeea: Boy Sewell. boose mgr.; James WIngfleld; booking agt.) Opened Aug. 25 with Pinky, the Plnkerton Girl: 29. Cast Aside; SO. Broken Idol: St, St. Elmo: Sept. 1, Wm. Maeauley, in Classmates; 2, Lew Sully, In Am I a Chinaman 6; Paid In Fnll 8: WUard of Wlsdand: 13, Isle of Spice. MAJESTIC (Ts- bor * Babeoek) Motkm pictures; bostnesa good. MISCBLLANBOUS —Week of Aug. 80, Boone Comtr Fair; Home Oomlng Week week of Oct. 10; Great (JoamopoUtan Shows. No. 1 did a very good business week of Aug. 15. Terry's TTncle Tom's Oabln gave a satUfactoiy perfwmance to a fair andtenee tmder eanvaa 4m the lot Im- medlatelr adjoining the one occupied by the Cos mopolitan Shows on Aug. IS:. BU81UIEIX.—^MAIBSnO (J. B. Clem, mgr.) The Vulture Sept. J; The Girl of the V. 8. A. 7. AIBOOMB (J. B. Clem, mgt.>-▼■nStTflle. songs and pictures. DBBAHLAND (Jackson * Webber, ng rs.) Motio n pleturee. SEOATnB-^POWafDBS (Ttaos. F. Bmian, mgr.; K. & B:- hseklngsT"Goddess of Liberty Sept. 8. Is the season's arst attraction. NBW BUOn (— Sttrled. mgr.) Will open early in September; house now plsylng pictures. DKKftMIi&HD (Ed. Baker, mgr.) Oleson vs. Bmest Aug 22; drew well COLONNADE (W. H. Bllla. mgr.) Good business with plctnres. COLONIAL (W. H. El- lis, mgr.) Pictures: drawing well. FIVB-OBNT BIJOU (A. Siegfried, mgr.) WUl open early in September. DIXOK.—DIXON OPERA HOUSE (S. B. Ba- ker, mgr.; K. & B. booking) Will open aeasoa Sept. 15. FAMILY (C. H. Esstman, mgr.) Con- ral the Monk Aug. IB and week; big business. HOOSESXOir.—THE VIRGINIAN (Max M. Nathan, mgr.) Ray and Ray. S. and D., and pictures Aug. 22-24: Veda and Qnlnteman on the rolling globes, and pictures 25-27. McFER- RBN OPERA HOUSB (M. HcFerren. mgr.) Love Pirate Sept. 6; Classmates IS: Gllplns, hypnotist. IB; Paid In Full 23: The Vulture 28. HATTOOM.—MAJESTIC (J. F. Rnechler. mgr.) Daniel ' Boone on the Trail Aug. 23: Cood performance to fair house. The Great Mason, hypnotist; 24-27. LTRIO (B. D. Par- rlsh, prop.) The Great Deltas, hypnotist: 23 and week. FOHTIAO.—FOLK'S OPERA HOUSB (M. M. Folk, mgr.) Season opena Sept. 2 with The Girl from IT. 8. A; St. Elmo «. _ B00X70BD.—OR&ND OPERA HOUSB (Geo. Sackett, mgr.) Opened Aug. 26 with Pinky, the Plnkerton Oltl. Wm. Norrlt In My OInderella Olrl 80; SI, Oast Aside: Sept. 2. Ishmael; S. Am t a OhInamanT S, Wm. Maeauley In Class- mates; e. Port of Missing Men; 7. Paid In Full; 8, Jos. Howard In The Goddess of Liberty. ORPREUM (A. J. Shimp) Vaudeville; bnslness good. Bill for' week of Aug. 22: Shesn and Co., In Quo Vadls Upside Down; Harry Bachelor, saxophone player: 8 Dolce Slaters, singers; Hop- klns-Axtell A Co.. In Travel Troubles: Miss Wynne Lamar, dancing. BOOKFOBD (W. gl"*. mp.), J>RII!AMLANID (A. Lang, mgr.), STAR (Ohas. Gilberts, mgr.). OLTMPIO (C. A. Johnson, mgr.), COLONIAL (Bert Gibbons, mgr), LANE(;tfs_HABLBM PARK, rammer amuse- I msnt closes on Labor Day. The Johnson-JeHrlss fight pictures were shown Aug. 20 and 21 at the Riverside Baseball Park, just oatilda the city limits. BTREATOB.—PLUMB OPEBA HOUSB (J. B. WUIiams, mgr.) Season opened with Honeymoon Trail Aug. 26; The Girl In the Kimono 28; Oar New Minister 30. UNDER CANVAS—SellS- Floto Shows 23. INDIANA. AH00LA.-OBOXT0N OPBBA BOUSB (Ohai. Blya, mgr.) Sherman Stock Co. Sept. B-10. BLOOMIHOXON.—HABBIS 6BAND (B. H. Harrla, mgr.) Opens season with Two Amer^ leans Abroad Sept. 2. WONDERLAND (W. A. Brissenden, mgr.) Lewis' Mnslcal Comedy Aug. IB and week; pleased capacity business; return week of Sept. 8. EVAirSVILLB.—^TBTB NEW BRAND (Martin Beck, mgr.; Orphenm Circuit) This home mOl WZST BAOEir.—WEST BADBN 8PBINGS OPEBA-HOUSE «(Beb«H:'«.'-Harrla,-less»e;-W.. J roor, local mgr.) This house wUI open tor the seasoD present week with complete bookings of arst-eIsss.attraetIOhs^-~Mr. Harris, In sddltloa to- eontrolling' a' droMtr^'of Southern Indiana booses, will send oat some eight road companies, touring the west, central and soatbem states^ His headquarters and booking ofllce are at Bloomington. The Adams and- Stabl Carnival (Company was here week of Ang' 20, and played to good business. IOWA. ATLANTIC.—ATLANTIC TBBATBB (D. B. Eldrldge, mgr.) Sept. 7, The Queen of Beauty: 10, The Cowboy and the Thief; 18, The Man On the Box; 10-24, The Chase-Lister Theatre Com- pany; Oct. 5. The Wizard of WIselsnd; 8. The Wolf; 28; The House of a Thousand Candles. OLYMPIC: AIROOMB (Blake & Co.. mgra.) Ang. 26 and week. The Leonard Stock Company. UJIDBR CANVAS—Sept. 20, Miller BroOers and Arlington's 101 Bench Wild West. BUBLINaTOV.—GBANID OPEBA BOUSE (M. 8. ScovIIl, mgr.; Don Stuart, booking agent) Miss Nobody From Starland, Sept. 2; Weary Willie Walker 4; Ishmael 5; Grace Cameron 6; Billy Clifford 9; Daniel Boone 11; BIchaid Jose 14; Olrl From U 8. A. 15. Since the change of ownership, a new policy will be followed this year. Manager Scovlll playing Sonday Bbows.. 6ARBI0K (John M. Boot, mgr.) VaadevUle. ELITE (W. H. Taylor, mgr.) Motion plctnres and illustrated songs. PALACB (L. P. Blank, M08E GUMBLE, Director Professional Department for Jerome B. Bemlck. open Its second season of high-class vaudeville Sept. 4. with atractlons of the Orpheum Circuit. TBXl WBLLS BUOU (Jake Wella, mgr.; Chas. SWeeton; local mgr.; E. ft E.)The Girl In the Kimono will open the season of 1910-11 late In Angnst. The Girl In the Taxi and Margaret Anglln will follow. THE NEW MAJESTIC (Ed. Raymond, mgr.) The policy of. this new play- boose is yet to bo announced for the coming season. THB ORPBBUM (Chas. Sweeten, mgr.) Pictures and vaudeville will continue here-In- definitely. TBXi (XJiLONIAL (RniseU Braaen) Pictures and songs of very .high order contuma to capacity business. OAK SUMMIT PABK (Bdw. Rsymond. mgr.) Week of Aug 21, Cooke and Carrol, Donald and Hnntlngton, Ghas. Hitch- cock, Holmes and Holmes, pleased two large bouses daily: all concessions are doing well; thla park will remain open until Slept. 11. XADISON.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Ernest J. Matthews, mgr.) Will open season late In September, playing .stock, repertoire and mus- ical comedlea. BiaHXOXS.—THSATORIUM (S. S. Cook, mgr.) Pictures and songs. PALACB (R. M. Wenger, mgr.) Pictures and songs. ARCADB (Bov B. Parks, mgr.) Pictures and songs. GiEN- NETT (n. a. Sommers. mgr.: Ora O. Parks, res. mgr.; K. ft E. bookings) The Oennett opena Sept. 1. 'NEW MURRAY (O. O. Murray, mgr.) The Murray will reopen within two weeks, play- ing vaudeville and legitimate atractlons, the latter being booked Independently. UNDER CAN- VAS^-jHagenbeck-Wallace Circus Aug. 27; Rich- mond Chautauqua Aug. 26-Sept. 4. mgr) Motion pictures and JUustnted songs. LYBIO (living Bros., mgn.) Motion pletnrea and Ulnatrated songs. BES XOIHES.-FOSTER'S OPERA .HOUSB (Ed. Millard, mgr.) Bose StaU In The Oioras Lady Aug. 28-31. OBAND (Ed. 3UUaTd, mgr.) The LymsA Twins 28-31. NBW MACTSTIO (El- bert ft Getchell, mgrs.) Lottie Mayer, Oora MIckle Hoffer Co., Dan Roby, • Scatt, and Wllaon, Brown and Mills, Norrls* Baboon and Monkeys Angaat 31 snd week. PRINCBSS (Elbert and, jQetchell. mgrs.) The OMmtry Chairman 28 ^ week. UNIQUB (Elbert ft Getchell. mgrs.) Vaudeville and plctnres to packed houses. LYRIC (Dan Bnrgam. mgr.) VaudevlUe and pictures to good buslnes. ORPHEUM (Henry Tonnenberg, mgr.) Hal Stevens and Co., Irene Hawley. Harlan B. Knight and Co.. MorrUey Slaters and Brothers, Bamest Pantzer and Co., Marquis and Lynn, Arthur Bowen Ang 31 and week: string bill to big tmslneaa. INQBBSOLL PARK (Fred Bnchanan, mgr.) School Boy and Oirls, Five Brown Brothers, Two Baeketts, Burn. ham and Greenwood, and De Lisle week of 31. TBB AIBDOMB (Wm. Vance, mgr.) A Sonthem Romance 21 and week; good bualneaa. DBBUOUE.—GRAND (Wm. L. Bradley, mgr.) Opened the season Aug. 20 with Dan <3upld. NEnr MAJESno (Jake Bosenthal. mgr.) WUI open the first week In October with vaudevlUe. AIRDOMB (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.) The Harvey Stock. (Tompany. playing to large audiences. DREAMLAND. UTTLB BUOU and BOYAL, fair business. STAR and PRINCBSS. reopen Sept. 3, with pictures. UNION PARK THBA- TBB, drawing fairly well with concerto aad .'Plettsea.-^ '— ..^-^ ^.w^ -.'w-. TOBT XADISOV.—imiNeBB OBAND (W. >. Bhinger, mgr.) Season opened Aug. 2S wltt The Bed Mlll: :Ishmart Sept. 4. BMPIBB and GBM (AL W. Swend.' mgr.). Pictures; business good. IOWA' Omr.-COLDRON (W. S. Colter, mgr.) Opens Aug. 29 with'.Vorey Stock Co,, which Is tiooked for one week.' BUOU (H La- Boy Smith, mgr.) Moving plctnres and vande- vllle; to good bualneas. THB NI0KBLODBON (Thos. A. Brown, mgr.) Moving pictmea and lUustrated songs; excellent retnma. - THB AMBBIOAN (Fred Baclne. mgr.) and THB AB- CADB' (Mrs.' Katie B. Presson. mgr) Moving pictures; good buslness- 08KU.00SA.—MASONIC OPERA HOUSB (Busby .Bros., lessees: Harry McManns, mgr.) Season opens early in September. UNIQUB (Cnbberly ft Mitchell, mgrs.) Vaudeville and pictures. GLEN WOOD PABK (J. Mace Began, mgr.) Boiler skating.' WATiaKUiO.'—THB' WATBBLOO THIUlTBB (A. J. Bushy, mgr.) The Cowboy and the TOet Ang. 2B;'The. Man on the Box Sept. 2; Tha Honeymoon Trail 3. THB OBPHEUM (J W. Marcellna, mgr.)- Week of 15. May Nanneiy ft Co.. Im8 : aBd > Zay, Pearl B. Popejoy. Kaimett and Loirar.-Lakola''and Lorain; Abbott and Al- bIa,'-OehInuitt Mnslcal Trio and the Orpheusoopa to"|>lc bnslness. Week of '20, Van "Kaatluifaa Quartette; Mr.- atfd Mrs. Thornton TrlSL Miia Ita]a,.'Dlck BIcbarda and Co., The Three Amarsa, The Musical Sracea, Eniott and Elllatt, Pearl E.:.P.ope]oy,' etc. BLBCTBIO PARK (B B. Parker, mgr.) Week of Ang. 16, Dave Fergoaon, Leon and'Adeline,' Lewis Stone. La IVance ana Everett, The'Cycling Zenoraa. Maxnm De Orosa and his Band, etc.. to god business. A'BSNA. U. S. Carnival Oo to fair business KANSAS. FOBT SC!OTT.—AIRDOMB (Harry C. Ernlch, mgr.; Bell Olendorf-Ballard Circuit.) Cordon Associate Players Aug. 22-Sept. 3; exceUeBt performance to capacity business. UNDBB CANVAS. Rlngllng Bros.' Circus Sept. 13. LEA'VEirwOB.TBE.—PALM (C. F. Mensing, mgr.) Musical Turners. DeVItt and De Vltt. Three Beckers, Miss Florence Royar, tllnstilited songs and plctnres Aug. 21-24. NEW OB- PHtn JM (M . B. Shanberg, mgr.) Opens Sept. 4. WICHITA.-NEW AUDITOBIUM (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.) The Wolte Stock Co. In The Other Girl week of Ang. 31. WONDERLAND PABK (J. T. Nuttle. mgr.) A. Bell Boy Co, with Johnnie and Ella Oalvin week of 15; vaudeville 22. ■ •,■:;.'• ■ (Contlnned on page 46.) MERRY MOSE GUMBLE. A F«w Wordg Concsming Him and a Dozen Reaaons For His Popularity. Sir Mose Ooinble. P. M. D.. (Professional Music Doctor) lat In Ms great arm chair In the Jerome H.. Bemlck olBees. his feet reating lan- guidly upon a potlshed mahogany desk as a Billboard man caught him yesterday opening up a huge batch of professional letters. Be- hind him was a colossal mirror which reflected his every action. "Tell me. Mr. Gumble;" queried the writer, "who Is the' greatest little man In the music business?" "Damlflno." mumbled Gamble. "Weil, who's the biggest little big smokel" "Whatcher drivin' atr* said Mose. He got up nervously, took a step or two with bead bent, meditatively, stroked his $50 walat- coat, put his hands Into hia packets and Unibed a sonata In F. sharp. "Come now.** I said, reaching over and twist- ing Um In front of the mirror. "Bverybodr knows the answer. Why do yoa deny itl LoM at blml" Mose blushed crimson as the polka dots on his 'vest. "Ob, lUttersI" he said; "I'm i»ly a cowboy.'* Saying which he rnahed upstairs to aign some checks. • • • • • • • * • I waa left alone. The soft, balmy air of the summer day mingled with the gentle breese. wafted Ita retreshfnlness upon me through the great swinging windows. The honk-honk of the flying antoa in the street'Mow, the busy bnatle ; of apeeding cabs, the cry of the peae^ peddler, the tnotr odor of "saoeibraten" fnmi the ad-^ joining restanrant, the swISh of the choraa ghd's pettlcaat coming up the atatrs. and the faint odor of patchouli from the departing female star Just glhUng ont of the profeaalonaf rooms, filled me 'wHk air sorts Of remlnlseeneea and I sat down and wrote thla on the mahogany deafc. where a few moments before Mr. Omnble had aat; "Mose. I think yoa are the greatest guy In the garage for a htuidred and fifty rvaaona. Yes, I think yon are the peach penult of the pnrfesb. I think yoa are the Only One of the Old Orchard. And, just because you're so modest about It. I'm going to let myself ont and give the readers of this paper exactly a baker's doien good reasons why I think yoa ought to be the president of the baseball league instead of what yoa are. I think you've got 'em all beat to a fraxxle and the frizzle Is still frying. But let's get It down to the baker's doien right. . "1. You're the fiyest little kid In the rlngl "2. Yoa've worked for Jerome H. Hemlcfc ever ■since he became a millionaire and never touched him for a raise! "8. When yon need a raise he comes to you and aaks yoa please to let him ixtse yon: "i.' You're the filppest pn>fesi«lonaI msn the music trsde ever read about, heard about, or dreamed about! , "5. You're the finest ragllnie player In the world and yoo know It—but you won't say sol "8. Yoa're the best ragtime writer that ever tried to hide his llBht behlml a bushel, but you're too busy counting money to prove It! ••T. You've got more friend.*; In the profes- sion than Rockefeller has nickels! "8. Yonr life Is made np of all sorts of tuma.' Ton turn In at 4 A. M.. and turn out at 6 8. M.—If necessary! "9. You live like a king and work like a cerf! "10. Yoa never give away a profession^ unless you get back its value a thousand *''*11. You married Clarice Vance! "12. Yon have the finest artist for a wife, in the universe, wealthy, gifted and grand and— "13. Last, but not least.—although yop caa have her bank roll, yon are the happiest ,mMI. In the world when you are handing her yontf I