The billboard (Sept 1910)

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AA Xtie eillboard SEPTEMBER 8, FILM REV IEWS The Latest Contributions of the Film Manufacturers Reveal Subjects Govering theDrama, the Comedy, the Educational and the Scenic Element XOTIOV FICmiSE FATEBTS COHFAHT. BSSANAY. THE lULUONAIBE AND THB BANCB GIBIi—(I>tama; releued Sept. 3: length, 987 feet). Nellla Blair and ber father, an InTalld, are' Id bard drcnmatancea, dae to the long illnew of the latter. Thej bare mortgaged their ranch and the mortgage Is held by a yoong millionaire In a distant city, a local agent, howeTer, rep- resenting him.: Howell, the agent, an nnsempn- loos and eraftr schemer, loves Nellie, and having ' ispposed-to her nnsaccessfolly, llnally resolves to make nse of the mortgage which he, by lav, Buir foredose at any time. Howell, angered at KeHle'e refusal to listen to. bis propoeal, writes linton Bodd, his employer, explaining In highly ezanerated terms the fallore of Blair to pay tbet mortgage. Bodd replies. Instmctlng Howell to collect the mortgage, bat to the letter be adds A algniScant postscript to the elTect: "Bnt, If they are financially nnable to meet this, give tliem all the time they desire." Bnt Bowell bas the Blairs evicted, notwithstanding Instruc- tions to the contrary. Bodd, who goes to the ranch for bis health, at' length learns the true •itnatlon, discharges Howell, ana tnms over the psoperty to tbe Blairs.- It is evident, too, that more than a friendly Interest haa arisen between Bodd and Nellie. A DOG ON BUSINESS—(Comedy; release Sept. 7; lengtli, D40 feet). Weary Willie, vho Is hungry anu obsessed with a desire to make ■ome far money, Uta upon a leally.: excellent .Uea.r He appropriates a sc<Ke ot.dogs, a-tencfh - o£ .dog- collars, and a sign, which reads to the •Sect: "$100 reward for the return of my pet ; log, beating collar with name 'Blver.' Mrs. Dogonyon, 22 Stung street." The .%ign Is pasted and aweary" lingers dose by to await develop- ments.. TiMy start immediately.. A copper .vranders by and reads 'the sign with interest. -The Hobo, nnfearful. hurries back to his corral. selects a canine and hurries: back to the cop- per's beat. The Umb of the law is easily roped In, pays Ave dollars for the dog, and huRi^ off to loalm the reward. The process Is applied to others who are anxious to get the reward. So<a there is a procession of people, each person en- cumbered wltii a dog. Imagine the crowd's dis-' may when they find that 22 Is the number of an empty house. The finish Is fast and tariona. AN INDIAN GIRL'S AWAKBNING—(Drama: release Sept. 10; lengtli. 851 feet). Silver Beil, an Indian maldeii,..lias t8Ben In love with Jack Sherwood, a miner who has protected her from abuse of a young brave , from her own tribe. Sherwood attempts to drive her away, bat llnda this is a difficult task. Silver Bell la aarprlaed and heart-broken to learn that Sherwood Is lost to lier, when, coming to vlait him. .she finds the miner.vand ibls;.wife in each other's embrace. TTEAQBAPB. AUFE FOB A UTE—(Drama; released Sept. 2; length, 995 feet). In A Life for a Ufe Is embodlea the p^chologlcai and basic principles of manhood, companionship, love and gratitude, wliich are bound to raise a man to a liigher leveL The young daughter of a prison warden becomes the friend of a' prisoner. Her kindness and aympatliy toward the poor fellow have mel-^ lowed his heart, and he becomes a changed be- ing. Soon the warden makes Urn-a tmsly and gives him the freedom of the prison grounds. Through an unforeseen event, ' an opportunity presents Itself wherein the convict shows the slncetUy : aiid :,<depth> of Us loyalty to those who have betriendedv him; The warden's Iiome catches fire and 'his little daughter, who Is m the bouse la unable to .escape from the flames. The convict rescues her, altbongh lie »iim««4f sustains severe bums. The last picture por- tr aya t he reward he receives. THB WBONO BOX—.(Comedy; released Sept. 3; lengtlx, 985. feet). A yonng man iiaa pur- diased some flowers'for Us best gld and also He Didn't Know New York City, Aug. 25tlii (Spedal Des- patch.)—Jolm Smith was shot and instfmtly killed today by tiie accidenlal dischai^ of a revolver he was handling. He did not know it was loaded. The cry is uniyersal: "I didn't know it was loaded!" The Exchange man didn't know it was loaded till he was gobbled up^ The exhibitor doesn't know it was loaded but he will have a rude awakening. ^ r royal- ties and rentals a huge gun. Its muzzle is pointed directly at you. YOU ARE AT THE WRONG END OF IT! When the smoke clears away do you want to holler that srou didn't know it was loaded? GET OUT OF RANGE AT ONCE. You will not only better yourself finan- cially by using our special-program, but wiU help weaken the power of compet- itors. PROGRAM Ecdair—Eclair Fihn Co. Imp—Independent M. P. Co. Yankee—Yankee Film Co. - Biaon—N.Y. Motion Picture Tkirsdl} . Co. Powera^Tfae Powers Go. Thanhouser—ThanhouserCo. Ansbrodo-r-N. Y. Motion FictutBCo. Atlas^Atlas Film Go. C3iampion — The Cbampion Film Co. Nestoi^David HioiBlGy. Fridq Saiordi} Motion Picture Distritatiogand Sales Go., Defender— Win. H. Swanson Dramagraph — Dramagraph Co. Film D'Art—Baumann- Laemmle. Imp—Independent M. P. Co. Lux—B. Piieur. Bison^N. Y. Motion Pic. Co. Thanhouser—Tlianhouser Co. Gt. Norihem—Gt. Northern Film Co. Italarr-N. Y. Motion Pic. Co. Powers—The Powers Co. Ill East 14Ui St.. NEW YORK CITY WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FOUR COLORED LiTHOeiMPH AND TWO COLORED DLQCX fRINTING FOR THC JEFFRIES-JOHNSOH FISHT PICTURES All Sizes from ^-Sheet Herald to 24-Slieet Stand. RIVERSIDE PRINTING CO. 203 SchiUer Bldi^.. Chicago. lU. 220 Third Street. Hllwankee. Wis. "Wise-awake Exhibiters Are h-OWL-ing for IMPS! " "YOP SWED MY LIFE" That's the title of . the Imp rdease of Monday, September 5th. It's going to rip the moving picture business wide open and make the whole blamed country rock with laughter I It shows the experiences of an actor in a moving picture studio. Just tliink of the possiliilitietfTur fun! And we didn't overlook a blessed opportunity to make it a screamer! If you don't laugh 990 laughs for this 9g0-foot film, your bump of humor la as extinct as the dear old dodo bird. B^n to ask your exchange for it at 9 o'riock every morning this week* !1* SISTEB'S SMBIFIOE" This wiU be released Thursday, September 8tb, and will take Its place among the four best Imp dramas ever produced. It is one of the simplest stories in the world, yet It will make the deepest and best kind of impression on your patrons. If you really want Imp films, why don't you either force your exchange to buy them for you or else switch to some exchange that will? Why indeedl IndepeBdeDt HorlBf Plctmcs Co. of America Carl Zaemmle, Preildeot All Imp Films Are Sola Tliroagli tha Balea-Co. VOTIOT:—«nr tmr mUntM In lOS W. lOlit Stnat, ooraar Oolnmtaa Atoim.^ llaka s not* of It richt now. JUinu all commialeattoaa thare, toraaftar. OATrnoyi -awn Saof tlia ezohanc* whloii dom not ciro yon BOTH WPS ZVZBY WKKXI