The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 8, 1910. Xlie Billboard 45 THIS WEEK'S E SSANAY WESTERN OFFERING Hiiaut of Sahirday,S*j>iBBbH 3 "THEMILLiORMREAND THE RANCH GIRL" LENGTH, APPROix. 98T FEET A picture of unusual stteqgth with a deep henrt interest.' The E^esanay's Wednesday Releaae ie the Most Popular. Reltus of Wadiatdaj, Siphnber 7 "k 006 ON BOSINESS" LENGTH. APPROX. S40 FEET A full reel comedy with a 'riot of laughter. You will «ldom find a picture so genuinely funny.- s READ THE ESSANAY GITIDE. ESSANAY FILM MFS. GO. 43S N. Clark St., CHICAOO, ILL. LONDON, IWHtarSUW. BERLIN. 3S FHaMcktt bnr* hlioaelt a nilt of pajamas. Uoawaia of bla mistake, he sends tlie box contalnlss the paJuBM to the home of Us sirl friend, with the note UKjinf be. bope* sbe -wiu wear tbem for his sake «t the receptloa which tbejr had planned to attend that eTentng, When the adored one opens the box and recognizes the contents one can readily see tbe 701UIS roan's tinliib. At the reception (be yonng man can not nnderstand the 7oang lady's treatment of blm. Ihe matter Is sot at aU clear nntU he Tetnms home and finds that be bas sent tba wtooc box. As soon as possible be goes to the girl's home with the flowers, explains the mistake, and all It (or- given. - CHEW-CHEW tiAMD— {VtSif Mttttji release Sept. 6; length, 600 feet). Chew-Chew Land is a fairr story, claimed to be ss marrelons as Alice In Wonderland, and as pnssling In Its magical performances as Alsddln's Lamp. A BOOGH-WBAXHBS COCKTSHIP—(Com- edy; release Sept. 6; length. 400 feet). On board the steamer Is a gay and attractive widow who Is tbe cynoanre of the eyes of all. male paasen- gers. After some sparring, they manage, one after another, to make her acanalntance. The captain Is not Immane from her charms, and be decides to lay eonrt to her heart, bnt so Infatu- ated is she- with the gallant and attentive pas- sengers, that the captain makes- little headway. A lew days later, when tbe steamer gets weU Dpon the bomm of the deep and the boat begins to roll and rock, the passengers begin to feel seasick and. ene by one, tbey sneeomb to "mal de mer." Tbey sre so ainorbed In lo<dclng over the side of the sblp'and sustaining their eqnUibrtam they neglect and entirely focset the pretty widow. Tbey are obliged to seek tbe recesses of their cabins nntil tbe coast is left entltely clear for the captain, who soon wins the widow. When the psssengers come on deck and try to regain tbe lost vantage, they gradually realise tbe lay of the land. FILM BARGAINS . We have for sale almost 1,000 reels of film at wonderful bargains. ' If you buy films cheap and get good films— that's a bargain. , If you buy films cheap and get junk— r You're stung. Our films have all been cleaned by pun secret process and are almost as good as new. SEND FOR BIG LIST. THE SIGN OF SQUARE DEAL, GHICAdiO FiLMERS 173 M. at| iMrtateM. lU. Make Tour Own SKdes Wittaont : aid of photography; trom oidlnary uwtpaper eati, pbotMRaph£ pott cards, colored tthistnttOBt, tte. VTOO^Uuf IUj3 TOVX pwv Annonncemcnt 8Ude». Advertlsemeiits. U- lostrated Song Slides; eoloieA nietnraa from comic paper tsppiementt. SLIDES eta be made bra few minntea. PLAIN OB IN OOL- 0H&. Completo ontflt and dlteetkma. tl.OO. South loth St., Dept. O, Omaha. Veb. EASY '*HAUD.** STOP UCUNO Any tonr ot oar hlgh-dasB Aaaonactment n.v). wt* oot ihb^ - ' - HUOJOA BLID8 OOXFiaT, 8«r-Catalog. It's Tonis. jroa S ALg, KOTIlftt riOTUBX AND TAVSE- 1?I>U XBBAniB, la fltst-daM eondltton: S80 chairs, moving picture maeblne and aU other pataphemalla^or operating tbe same. Tbe only ^ >n tiia place; doing good boalnett. Baason nr Milage have other buUnrss snd cannot at- j^&fSJL*- Sotdcbeap it taken at oace. I.TBIO ^BATBB AMDUUlBNT CO., B. L. Bush, Treasurer. BddrrHle. Ky« • With a Mat taiga and a katt-tou ent bon - fcr lB atmnp. OLAT tlO OO., ~ lOBATINfi Clay Oottar. Kaaa. ^ZAniOAZ. HOTEia. PHn.AT>KT.?inA. FA. Un.^Blg|a, T28 Tina St.; Utamla taUer. M4 nanklbi V. BeU Phone: Ifarket dSSft. Bates per week; Single. |2, tS; Doable, |8, 04. WIG Bargain, Hunaa Hair,' brand nnr. Black Soubrette ., fLM Cfatraeter, Bald. Import...... LW By maU, ioe ntora. O. KUPPniT, laifertw, MS dtk A**.. H«T. OUt. MBUENTO or TBB PA8T^(Drama: released August 29; length,: 038 feet).: Uttle Tldefa sadden death has elianged the sweetness of At* into bitteraass and gall. Be dnnmt his misery In drink, while she slaves with : her needle. Weary of the life, the woman at length decldea to leave her hnsband. He . makes no attempt to stsy her ontu the sight of a toy which Ttolet bad elosped-ln ber arms ss she Isy dying, gives birth to snother violent quarrel. Both claim this last memento of their child and both dutch desperately at it until the tension Is sud- denly and spontaneonaly broken by a sob, at the memory of tlwlr child touches some fmgot- ten spring In tbe minds of both, and husband and wife, with a sadden cry for mutual aym- patfay and forbearance, cling to each other in close embrace. KIDS WIU. BB KIDS—(Comedy; zeleaaed August 28: lengthi 361 teet).: Olekr aad Locar are cautioned w their panatt, who'are about to go oat. to do their lessons and be good children. Tbe two youngaters promise, and oi their bo<As before tbem. The door, however, I scarcely shut before tbey have commenced aeries of someisanlta, Jnmpa and other stsrt- Ung acrobatic - feats, which continae nnlnter^ mptedly nntU a ring la lieard at the door. parents have returaed, and when they enter the room they Sad the dtUdien with their head* buried la their books; .iMrd at work at their studies. ADTBBXISINO FOB A WHS—(Cogiedy; le- lessed August SI; length. 015 feet). A man baa advertised for a wife. Wlglblf flock.Ia great nnml>era to the bewildered felloWt residence, nntll he devises a selieme to "black- up" and play tbe rale of a colored man. The rdhe works, as there Is a-wUd tenuable for ex- its when ^ the women lean 'of his color. In tBe- end tile yonng man marrle* hia maid. ^ SATBD FBOU BUIN—(Drama; released Sept. 2; length. 682 feet). John Mortimer staying' with hu wife, Marlaa,'and< her sister. Beatrlcoi' at Mimte Carlo, and* la faat ruining i»iwi«»if at gambling tables. C!Iaade (%arIton Is a great admirer of Karlcn. and one day. eceing her bns-<' band lose his fortune at tbe Casino, he despatches a note to her tliat. if she will meet blm, he wlU advance her husband sufflctent to set him on his feet. ' Beatrice, who baa noticed Olande'* attitude toward her alster, la suspldoos when the note comes by menenger sad opens It. fleaitlirokea at Itstnlng of her bratheT-ln-Iaw*a nUatortane, die dseUes te keep the apnolntanst: heradfc' At ths appolated tlm, beavUx vallea, ahe meets Claude; bnt a guit of wind allows her: partlaUy coneealed face to be aeen, and Claude, greatly surprised, hears the whole story. He Is generous-hearted enough to teassore tba trembling girl, and advances Mortimer the money for tbe sake of one whom he says he has foand to be an angel la dixgnise, and wtom ks decides to.many. . DBBB BTINTnta IN TBB CELEBES IS- LaNDS—(Scenic; released Sept. 2; length. SOS feet). An Iniereatlag pletnic, called Deer Bunt- ing In the Celebes Islsnds, shows how aatlvea hunt the deer on hoiaebaek with lassoes on the ends of poles. MAOOIB BOOUBAN OSTS A JOB—(Comedy, released Sept. 3; length, 830 feet). (Sancy, tho cop, triea hard to secure for Maggie a poalthm that wni bo permanent, hot without avaU, natU he decldea to many her. After tbe ceremonyv he takes her to hU home and latrodnees her to his children, only, ten ia sIL Boo She settlst down, and looking after this family • keeps har bnay. LCBIN, THB 8TBONQBB 3BX (Drsms; released Aug.' SO; length MO feet).—Laura Jackson, left sn orphan, flnding it almoat Imposalble to make a living wage, dons man's garmenta. and seta forth to obtata employmeat. A position aha has Uttle dtlBcnlty In procuring. Besldea alw wine tha love of the giri atenographer and la forced to disdose her secret to the gIrL Ths book- keeper, Jealoaa of the tteaogrspher^ love toe nie new elerk. tells Laura to the Boor with a blow, and la the exclttment the stenogrsphcr discloses Lanra'a secret. Laora It sent to ths boapltal bnt makes rapid recovery and returns to her poeltlon, now In tbe proper aarments of her sex to become a member of the arm through marriage to Its bead. . _ ' TBB MAN WHO DIBO (Comedy: rcleaaed Sept. 1; length 900 feet}.—James Jardine la wealthy, bnt he would willhigly give his money, to regain hta health, -tbongh tho best lorgeoas have pronounced hie paralyste iacnrabl*. Wm.' Jardlae; bis graceless brother^,cones at a sdf- Invtted gneit and nsorps to hUateU ths rlglits of the hooaehold, aad^srta comes *» regard Jamea aa an Intmder. Bo Is rather wSB pl esss d it^it It Wleeed that ^thaJMpleMjuTtai roUed. into tha laks and Ukea eomplot* poatca- (Ooattansd «B pais 48) PROCLAMATION To the Exhibitors: THE SWANSON- CRAWFORD FILM CO. SWANSON- CRAWFORD FILM CO. GREATEST EXCHANGES OF THE WEST NOWr COMPOSED OP ' SWANSONST.LdUI$nUiCO. I WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE I O.T. CRAWFORD HLM EXCHANGE I WAGNER FILM & AMUSEMENT CO. I COHPO&BO OF I SWANSOiiST.LOUISnLMCO.' [WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE 10. T.CRAWFORD HLM EXCHANGE I WAGNER FILM & AMDSEMENTCO. We are the biggest film rental concern in the world. We buy three to five prints of all the leading brands on the market—18 in number. We get about dghty-five new reels weekly. We can take better care of you than any exchange in the world. How can you afford to get your film service elsewhere? Do you realize how much this ^gantic consolidation benefits you if we supply your service? We have ten thousand reels to start I THINK IT OVER! COME OFF THE ANXIOUS SEATl GET THE SERVICE THAFLL KEEP TOU SMHJNG! SWANSON-CRAWFORD FILM CO. 200-202-204 N. 7til St., - ST. LOUIS, MO. PimnoFnui ROPERLY SELE6TEB ROMPTLIBEUVEREI (CORNER PIN^ TBELAKGEST nut KENTAL BUMEAU IN THE WOKI.D PUTBRES IF MERir RICES RlfilT ERfECrUpKHiMl