The billboard (Sept 1910)

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46 Ttie Billboard SCPTEMBER 3, 1910. COBSXBPQMD'SSSCE. KEXTVCKY, 42.)- _ £qiC 2 v&ai Xtudca SMme; js«ac CWfi FBOFZOrS 1(7, 33>, SEUcboiv 9«r.} DiSBsr Eiack FZ)(»Ur£ IHEATEE fiU: JMasfe Bwiiec. tatmctcr eomeSaii. AIBDOKE C&zdi Sniia. a«r.i Jkae. 2Z BiBCB aaa Beta. cwBeOr aAwSas aaA teSk- ^Jtiu&raTro:—.m ill ulH TM <2>. B. jEe»- rti ?■! !■ In J lit I n t o amm aSfkSlT- SJaSK ■ tMTfrAlt TrftiT SttiiaHar* Ctaea Aa».: IS; MAINE. xaEwsaxajL—vcsic saix om Bober. MCc? Ssric jma Ca<9ez. esoaeCtais. fair; Ssft JM attDtm^ Sbe tSa^ag sbTlet. The ima^ . tiKW,. .■may ^anAn nOeSxat mat OmA la Xtas •mimg-.ltx. Beb^tK. -rarr »as7: (3d71 it (be Omtr BnmB. der«T: lackle nd T«st. ■Mca;r axt&ti^ Kfr; GSane sad O—ae. MARYLANa »aTmwi«a.-AeMBMtr or wxic uc. 7. on; 9i«x.} Fnd Oteum, The Omt Ba- > aaA O wuu i m . Bc3cs CmnyB. Cealcgraa , SB (Ch*s TiB<.-asr.> Ho^« Tttsm -neck fiC 22: AL S. WtSm is abtt a IZcSaod TO<^ «C S^t. Su JUBlXi&XD IF- C. MtbaSuet^a^ n^r,) K<m B«3r«s aad Jade J^flr- «^~*«-« £>. ^HITs I'laTBS, Kidskt Bm. XdBe I«aA aaS 13bat Wcstaa. rack cC 39 SA.TOZ OW. tt«ii1rr.- Msr. Idicx UBCK, Xbe Bo«-JU g F«llx jtBA OaSie wck aC 2S. fiAZBCT CW. Iiu Bal- laaJL mzTA 9>e fireit BdixBis Sboir week of a t; Tte MMiiIkW HiU* week «t 29. JUOnT- mESC&I. iM'OBtafpit 2wx6bm, sasr.) T&e JbUr fltslB week «r 22: PaaHae r«nde ireek of 29 aCHXIIU.T giauma. ' <W. F. XUe;, ssr.) HuiT VUM, fB saaMsaker eC ». -TIO - SOBU. .(O. K. Lmris, mcc-) TaaOerffle. WH.- I. jE«9a]Mv. ncr.} V enaerllle. STUWJkS SCHESTHALl UXa.—aCAJRUSD rwm. CMdoe, ■tp:.; SIsB-XIidBaser careoit) Tadmme. ple- tmm. iMMt wtfXm MH ftirinlWir De Hxtcs sad TWMIt, a mu lMl* : DEfl^r Mar. and Blidce. KwT Me aaA BiUte; laniDea* is acDOO. TIC- nSU CVceacSser SroL; aszL) Fine letima — ' - OTitim.naap: gAgg thea- BOii. BST.) TaaderiDe ana-yle^ . wdL Cambwlind Fair aod r via ke tela. Oct. , 8-7: «knse E. Iloaes »: am ndij- Old Hone Wsdc will alao te Md Oel. »-7: Baor Weber Is aecntsir. MICHIGAN. miZZLE-CUEEK.—POST IE. R. SmlUi. IT;) Hlmipririii's Stwk Flarers Ans. 22 sad BITOC (Wm JbxAall. msr.) Anctfn WaUb. Snne Smeaiioe 8p<*iewnan; Blekndl sad GIboer, la Tbe Lad7 snS tte XjUbmSti; Call MeCnnoaiJi. faotU«)it bnpressiiais: CamA-Cfl- . acrobats: Anc-21 and week. ^' r.—WAfaiKOTON fW. J-. DaSBt. ■EE.) Qaeaed Aik. 28 wlth'Tbe.FidtnBe. .^AI> VOBAOO CW.'J. Oaaat. a^.) Tbe Monis-lboia- ttM Stock Compasr wm be tbe ope ning attne- tlam. B0OU (7. D. Fttaisa, n>sr.) Opesed Aac. X wia Cil Stewart as heaOSaec. WE- SOXA BEAGH PA2K CASnrO (J. Neweomb. ■sr.) HaiiiBstoB. ICUzed and laester, conedT' Wnailin, alaek-wire artists; CotdE and Oak^ a. aad d. ; .plet n «s. w eek ot Aug, g; bo slaeas cood. W^*'tNie s huss jeydgt (ood fmalneas. ZaCXKnCr—BITOC nrank S. loipinaa.- SiSr.; W. T. A.; Aans Buckley's DaaeiBs Bora, gaod: WnUs HiU sad Co.. la Daiid eaniek. Jr.. exetiOeat cooodj' aketck;. Xale and SimpBaQ and Safer HHmr, mdodr and minlar. went wen; ne Be Kitbi, dsneera, pleaaed; Geoise BsZToa. < eB*fdIsa. Te ty sood; pictnres. week ct 21. AXaEKABOC CH. J. Porter, msr.; K. * EL h i nt lugs ) HiBae opened Ans. 29, with Hlamte- Ida's AsBoelatie FISTes. EAUJCAZOO.— rVUXS. CW. J. Daanenr. BCr.> nz«e Twizts, wStb Vletor acodej, As^ 20; exceUeot Tetarss. MAJESTIC (Hsrtr W. CmU. Bfr.) Helm Chliuren. jorenlle eamedlans. tot ■ood:: Ktetaxe. eceestrie immrlaii. dne;r Tte Bamlba, x^Otr skaters, tcit denrr.Boomack Quartet, haaomr slasen, grand: Pad Kleitt. Vtatondmlc eomedisn. crest; pletnres. MI NNES OTA. MIUBVMPOLnL —SUUBEJtT (A. J. Baln- Mdsev Jc, mcr ) Tte WUte SEster. wUIi TloU ABea week of Aug. 29; Tte FOortbLBstate week 0t Wegt. 4. KETBOPOIJTAX OPEBA HOUSE (£b K. Seott; axgr.> Bazrj of BaHrmore. wltb qnn a i fj r Oleott, week of Ang. 28. I.TBIO (A. 7t. BaJattUgt, Jr., mgr.} Ibt iTiie Tteatre MKk C uaxsflu , wltb I>e Baker and Edltb : E *eljji ,-I n A H odfr n Ma gdaleai week of Ang. 38. ■B0OO OFBBA HOD8E (Tfieo. I<. Hays, mgr.) Xke Bidll Stock Co., wltb Sarah Ttumx In ZIra wa^ ot An g. 28; In Old Kgitneky week ot B ep C d. ■ OBgMBPM (a. E BsTmond, mgr.) 3|M £eadfBg - Xsdr, with Margaret Hanej and -On.; Bmltk and Campten, In Camping Ont; The ntfiar JiaztlBS. seilsltets; Tte Serli; .tte Ser- Tiat sad tte Man; Forties snd Bowmsa,' singing ■aid dsneiag; Irene Hswlex. the HarriBan-.Flater OlcS; jmd Wstaoo, monokigist. snd tbe Eiso- a vck of Aug. 28. mUES (W. F. OsBs- ■SX:.) Alfred tte Flat; KsdsiBW Csmllltfs -stssa'Bog CIrcas: ABen. sad Jjee; Ed. Ke- . sadTOampsnT; Mnrld'Window; Ddmar and mar; aad tte jmeneope wtA of Ang; 29. SOmBEBir fW°. A. Sdlj'. mgr.) ContIm»ms -Ts nder llle^ moooa plctnrea and fllnstrated songs. IIEWK7 CArelile Mnier, mgr.) KooUn Bodge week of Ang . 28: mner'a Amsrieana week <tf Best. 4. GAZBTT (S. B. Slmoq, mgr.) Ibe Golden Crook E xtrtr agsnaa Company week ct Aag. 28, PRINCESS (Obas. S. Green, mgr.) BSgb-eisas TsnderlUo. motion pictures and IBns. trsted sosgs week ot Ang^ 28L BNIQDE (Ja^ lailott; mgr.) Tte mree BKaxdMb aentati; Ibmin Csawidl sad Anhsv Xalaa; Jb Tm am- _. _ ea-'-'F'sn, 're£a^s3;?^Sie '^t^tree 39Bq|ie35a2B. vixgess find daa- Cfsx; ms Si^na, jn a itmi ai iflgia; ieama Wadte and -tits tThm^fiwape mef^ «C Ase- 2a. eiEIC <A. 7. Saiana^ Vscl CmeSxtr oans vnflHSOe, sxeum psamses aai Wmsxtiet maeet -mele: sf 28. B.Z«md, SEtgr.! Sssgs acBd SDCtnrea. SCSBStH? <J. B - WhnrWIt. nrgrj> Xongc asA fSssmxs. 'SdiiXXJr Y ft u B. lomd, mgr.} Scoigs and juete^s. W03iPBBI «A3a> O^S^ llaaA, mgr ) Soega ai^ jOEtnaa. JiAJ^B- TC3C-'<l i- SL Lnaid, 9ntx.> £fmg» and pOetDxes. CBEBZAXi {B. J. liS Bs^ mi iaj«. fS0¥32r£. Stncs and gfetgag. I^TS- 33AX31L £0S»^ and jti B a Jj l Liefc . BSBdMZaAJsaX. and inrHiim BLSXE (A. B. AadoaiBi. mcr 9 Siacs aoS jiSEtcoes. caS3CO giwyjrw BIXK tA. C. Ifaerti,, aiigr.j BtiBer Skattw^on- wt acdiaaizs; apBisI feaimn. elc TWIX. oxz wosaaaiikaa* AMCSEMSO' fabk CP, S.-flax^ angr.} SeenlE xaBwaT-. «ad nSI. SvwcsBV ajraaame, «pe»t3r Tsaaeriflej, Tr>rti1fT*a acmair Band, etc , s( Aac 2e. FOBBBX PABK <S a. Tfn^mi, s^t^) Ol>e»aIr rtwa'trr. elSecUSe Immmeht, ^ lanHrig paTfl &s. jefa a a ix Mj it gariiUB. etc BIVBitVIEW PABS (Hanr CbscsD. ogE.) Bfffier esiesles. ezcoasd. band CMMgrta. lefrabanest parlTlmi, etc BIG rerj-wrt PABS; Xske URmw-timka (P. J. Hetadoi^ BSr.) BouCT csBitEr. (dp Ifasagk Taowstnne Ky*- tie BireK riectrie a eatne i,. hand eneerta. de. IjDSt^SZAW edBIKEiiS CB. 7, Joaea, mgr.} ZgeMgical aad bgtaidal a3mt». tiaiid em- cata, tralaed aaiaal stews, Ibe of In- dia. pSeale zmads. ^ lOSXZBOXA SXAXB FAIB iC. 'S. COBgtam. imeexttxrfi -ihmmy. rues. Tsadernie. lOOer Begs.' 101 Baaeb, bsad «DBeexts, Gsesmy's dies<Jnk« , eatlie duwa, eoa- m^ e m , ^c, wiedc of Best. 5. SX^ BdirZ.—MBTBOFOISrAS S. Scott, ■wr.) Mra. FUe In Becky Shaspe Aug. 25-27: Aag. 28, ereslsg, PlUars of SocleiT; we^ of Ang. 2^ Xte aatree Tw&sT GBA!n> (Xbeo. !>. Hays, mgz.) Tbe Sem Cs.. Ssnh T!nisz la Zfn. weA of 21; week of Ang 28. opening of Ite regnlsr season. In Old Krnfwky- OBPB- ECOf IH. W. g lenmg. age) Ob Sttav Gnaad. l7 lottle wmiaiBs aad Cbi.. tte liiigM a g sae- eeaa, Fiteder's FtealAed Rats, iiy WBIaid Simaa and Co.. Beznaadlaad Westoi, Jos. Add- aan XSasSIr* ^lia Gaeati'AaaU aad Xnnve la sugle aad< aayateir: FM'Wateon, Ulnar, Bnitt- CT. aad tte^gtooamme: w »dt of AnsMt SL THB SBI3BBBf THBATBB QIc Stema. 'mgr.; Ite Foarfh Ectate week «t Aug: 28. ^ ICAJES- TIC (J. Cot*, mgr.) Tte Zle^er TUo; eqnl- Uhrists aa^ artists: ilz. Caiailea Staait. Sngllab tenor; isesvolitan Dw. Teoetian aingefs and In- sttameatalUts; JDsa Pearl liCSter. singiag and dangftt g MobrettK; Tbe Hoqs, comedy iketdi: Tte Two I/eex, giil wltb Iieantlfol liair aid tte boy timairtan. week of Ang. 22 STAB (A. Voeaer. ntgc) ZdmoDd Sayes, In Xte Original Wise Goy. week of Ang. 28. WOSDEBIiAND. Twin Oty. Anmsement Park (F. H. Camp, mgr.) l>a AatoBS, acrobats; Hatert and Germain, trapece and casting set: Hanlson and Hawkins: Batd ringing'snd talking comedians; E. F. KortsB, moBidivIst; Bsby Botdnaoa,--halUdbt; illustrated soogs and motion pletniea. week of AngL 21. crac FAJ(n>T THEATBE (J. Gllow. sky. mgr.) ContiBnons motloB pletnres, lUns- trsted songs, T sndetl Ue wiHi fan ordieBtTa. 3>EW PAIACE THEATRE (W. Sdbeinian. mgr.) Cootinnaos moring pietmes mbH IDastiated' so ngs, i n rlndin g TsndeHUe with cretesira. GAIETX'jTHEATEE (O. Bath. mgE.)-^Xiateat motion pletnres and imnstrated saBga,i#ade- sine with M l w<fl i eilf s. r';: ? BRAmSB.—PABK OPEBA HOUSE (Frank' G. Hall, mgr.; C. P. .Walker. hooUng.agent) Aiiaooa Aas. 30; :3te. Ftower of Oie : Bmidi Sept. 1; Xte Cow and aie Moon Sept 13; Tte Bine Ksose Sept; 22. THE ^BAND THEAXBB (F. B. liow. mgr.; SnlliTaa aad CoBSIdine Clr- enlt) Flo Onsinnan, Tte. Baker Slsteta,- Utile Olga. Cnba He SdioD.. Clifford and-Canip, week Ang. 15; business good. MISSOURI. eABUTHBBSVIU£.—BZZIB AIBOOBB (H. K. BoOloian. mgr.) Corry and Blley. in singing, dancing, talking, planologae act; pictures and ninstrsted song.. VTBC aranriOT! Tnrbnne, mgr.) Pletnres an d lU nstrated song; fair bos- InesK. OPEBA HOUSE (Frank Sh^inrd. mgr.) Week Dt 27. dark. Bobby Foontaln Stews under canrss Aug. 17, were delayed in t^ehlag city on sceoont of railroad wreck, bnt msasged to Siww at nl^t; Sbow fair, bosiness good. NEBRASKA. BAUUtUB?.—81XECB*S OPEBA HOUSE (P. TL. Bain., mar.) Tte Sqoaw Han Sept. 14: Cast Aside 15; Two O rphs na 21. ZmOUr.—OUTEB (F. C. Zdmmg. mgr.) wntoa Iwkaye opena tte season In Tte Battle Ang. 25. ITBlC (!<. U. (Gorman, mgr.) I-yrle S todc Om pany opened thev season Aug. 25. OBFHEUK (H. B. Billings,' mgr.) Sea- son oDcais Ang. 29 witb blgfa-daas randerllle. BOBFOLE:— AUDITOBIUH (Ml W. Jencks. mgr.; K. ft E. booUngs) Season opened Aug. 20. with Graee Cameian 1^, Kan^. to fair bnsl- NEW JERSEY. TBEETOB—TATLOR OPERA HOUSE (Hont- jWiaeij Moses, mgr.) ISbmael week of Ang 22: St. Elmo 24; Gay New Yotk iS-Zl. XBENT (MontgomexT Moses, mgr.) Opened season Aqg. 22 -arllh the fonowiog bin: Ce Dora, motor er- ellst, excellent: Qnimah and Blchards In The TraTeling Dentist, langhing bit of tbe tdll; TJt- tle Patty Boyle, eomedleane. rsy entertaulng; Eebrode and Mulrey, comedians,-well recelTed: Miss Bntb FrandB, asslated by nioa. J. Huid and a quartet of.yonng men,present a Tery good nraslcal comedy; Croas and JotepUne In Dying to Act, Imlesqne etmiedy sketch, wen recelred. , NEW YORK. AT.BAWT.—HABMANUS ' Bt.EECEER BAU. (J. Gilbert Gordon, res. mgr.; Shnberts. booklnt; agents). Jeff De Angells, in The Beanty Spot. Ang. 30: Max FIgman In Han- Jane's Fat, Sept. 2-3; Tte Chocdate Soldier S-6: Home nes 7-8: De Wolf Hopper In ^A~ Katlnee Idol 10; Madame X 12-14 . ■, -...^i., " :< EMPIBE THEATBE' fJ: iBlMdea. mgr.; Eastern Wheel).- Knickerbocker Bnrlesnaeis Ang.' 29-21. Qneea (ft: - tte Jarilbt de Paris Sept'l-S. ■ PBOOTOB'S THEATRE (Howard Gtdiam. mgr.; E. ft P. Circuit);' Tanderllle' and pie- tmes. * MAJESTIC THEATRE -(Emll Delcbea, mgr.) V andeTll le and pictures. ^- BUFFALO.—STAB (Dr. P. O Comell, mgr.) Week ot Angost 22, flnrt.half, Tte Country Boy, opened to fair Imnnes a; las t telf, Geo. Brans' Honey Boy Minstrels. SHEA'S- (M- Sbea, mgr.) Week «t 32, Mite. Dai!*,-, good:' Codln, Bteeia aad Cazr. ezeellcBt; tts^-Fim Axmaalas; coed; aiA sianis-MiB^Br as good tilled an cxc^ltst tm. TBCaC OC OatHil. mgr ) W«ek of Aag. SK. Vbw DmikebhaBr and Ids aiinstrc3t opeiBed to sood JnnilnEBE; we^ of 28. Tbe CUy. LKB.IC iCatx.- ^nr pfh-Hn , mgr.) JCQiSjed Hgilsnd is A Paradise ol Ukk, czseOesi; w«t!k «f Ang. 29, (QieBlsg <Bt zegslaT season in Faaams. XAFAxr BTTB Bass & BodUey. mgta.) Aog. 22. Tte SuckBsgi; good tnKlneiE. CA8SEK Ulr White, mgr.) Sew Sua snd Garter Sbow. featurllig r*aSx Adlet, 13tK Fan Genins. W«ek of 28, Fred Xrnn's Big Show. SEW ACADEMY iUL tvMn, i&Er.3 'Zen Idg acte aad ptelarea; CT r elliw i t bns- iiHsa. TEMPIaE-l fligb.4aaas^^:T^^ aad lOeaizee. VC^iainii 'Co ort- - .lias tor - a aew st- jTifTion a sew Indian TBJage. Crystal Bcseli. 0]e(«t Beach and Fort Bile are sll doing fair *°'^"'«» tdendte Ote wtMtba BDfCBAJnOB.—STOKE OPEBA HOUSE (F. GOlen. mgr.) Black Pattl Troobadoots will open tte seaaini Ang- 27. BOBS PABK (J. P. E. Caaik, mgr.) Carinas Dlzie Trostisdoars plesaed large crowds we<^ of IS: re-engsged for week 22. CASI3CO PABK (J. P. B; Oark, m«.) Woodmes of tte World Bocampment week 22; Srawlsg large crowds. BITEB6IDE PABK (J. E. Gray. laop.) Ekatinx rink aqd otiier attrac- JAXE8X0WV.—«AMUELS OPEBA' BOUSE, lew Dockatadcr opened tte sesaon Angost 27. I.TBIC. WUI i9en season lAtmr Day with' blgb- dxM -raaaerUJe^ CEi:.EBO!< (James Waters, mgr.) Hayes aad Jidnuon, Alezaodrolt Ttanpe, Tir^,^ danccxs: Wslsb sad Melrose, comedy aaohata: Idle. Bealtow in Tte Artisfs Dresm: a nd O bestsg and : Grace Ang. 22 and week. JmrentOX.—BIJOD <Geo. W, our., mgr.) Opened tte aeason Ang.- 22 wltb tte foUowIng bUI: Boe Beares. eomedisn; Geo. B. St. Cisir and file Perxy Sisters, scrobatie song and dance artists; Iduiy and Grace Sylreater and Maek and Ho ward: also m oring pictures. BOUeHKEEEEIE.—COUUbiGWOOD OPEBA HOUSE (W. G. Mmisrd, mgr.) Tte Blue Moose IS: jessed Urge audience. Girls 18; god r»- tmras. Jnst Ont <X College 22. ABUNOTON (W. H. Qnsld. mgr.) Vsnderille and pictures; doing good, business. WONDBBLAND (B. B. Sweet, mgr.) Pictnres drawing -welL TBOT.—BAND'S OPEBA HOUSE. Floyd Stanley and Co. In repertoire week of Ang. 39. PBOOTOB'S. Patronage good. BIB week of Ang. 15 Inelndcd J. W. Mackey, musical Imi- tator. TCir good; Bedell and Co., sketch, took weU; ITiMC and * Ammm_ comedy alnglng. act, plessed: Caty Comedy Four, liked. TBOZ FAIB, bdd Aug. 25-26. : imCid HIPPODBOMB (P. F. Clancy, mgr.) Opened tbe season Angnst 15 with the follow- ii^ hni: Adam Dorr, aetobatle act. pleased: (Sraham and Ersns, song and dance; fine: Grif- fith B- Hnghes; baritone aololst, exoellent; Md- Ife Granger, toe dancer, big bit; and aonga and vletnies: packed hoases- J. C. Woods snd 0>.. in Cknntiy Cousins, comedy 'Playlet, good: Jack O. Williams, eccentric comedian, Tery good; The TtreB Gilden Sisters, song snd dsnce, Tery good : and songs and pictnres 22 and week. MA- JESnO (J. O. Brooks, mgr.) I«w Dockstader's MInstrds Aog 17; good boiiness. The Black PattI, -musical' comedy; entitled A .Irlp- to A(-; rlca,': 27; - Jefferson PeAngells ln;,;Tte;.f Beant y. Spot, Sept. 3: Madame X. .,19-21;'- . OBPBEUM (Fetd S. Anderson, mgr.) SmlOi and. Harris In 3%e Doetw's Shop, Une; Fred Werner tte man ifith - tbe bi? TDlce; good;' Three Ernesto Sis- toB, tight-wire act,. Aag.-22-24;, Scott, and Da- pree; comedy singers and talkers: Hamad's SeT- en Arabs, pyramid huildets; Inall and Tedlnar. norelty enter tainers: and pictnres. and songs 25-27. SUUBEBT (Wm. D. Fitzgerald, mgr.) Jesse Tm, lAsky's-^Fhe Phlend Minsti^. elabor- ate; Seymour and Dnpree, comedy dancing, good; ^Marshall' Montgomery, ' monolORist, fine; .Lanctls*. Xneler md Co.. pleased: HsTQand and Thornton in A Question of Policy, sketch, pleased: Mamie Hamisb. singing and talking comedienne, hit ^of the bill; Fred-and Bess Lnelf. a mral com- edy, fair; and pictnres snd songs Aug. 22 and week.':.. OHIO; cnciXHATI.—GBAND (John H. HsTlIn, mgr.; K. ft B. iMoklngs)' Season opens Sept. 4. XinsIC (James B. Fennessy, mgr.; Sbnterts, booldng sgents) Season opens Sept. 11. KEITH- O0I.UMBIA (Harry E. SchocUey, mgr.) Season opens Sept. 4.. WAUiUT (E. W. Dustln. mgr.-; Stair ft HaTlIn, booking agents. EMPRESS (Edward Shields, mgr.; SnlllTan ft Conaidlne Circuit) Season opens Aug.- 28. AMEBIOAN (Hsxiy Hart, mgr.; Sun Circuit) Season opena Angnst 28. PEOPI.E'S (James B. Fennessy. mgr.: Western Wheel) Dreamland Bnrleaqners' 22 and week. STANDABD (F. J. ClemenU. mgr.; Eaatezn -Wheel) Bowery Bnrlesquets 22 and we^ BOBINSON'S (S.' Orerpack. mgr.) TaoderlUe and plctnreft.- AUDITOBIUU (Mr. Bre asler, m gr .) Va ndeTille na pictures. ATHKllB-rATHENS OPEBA HOUSE (Slaugh- ter ft Flasterwald. . nigra.) - Vocel'a .lOostrels opened tte aeaaoD Ang. 20; boslaeaa good, show msde h it. UNDEB CANVAE—Miller Broa.' 101 Bandi -Wild West Aug. 17; played-to capacity at both performaneea. CAITBRTBGE.—«X)IX>NIAL (Chaa. and Geo. Hammond, mgra.) Season openedwith : Ben]ab Poynter in The Utile Girl that He FoiEOt, Aug. IS; fair bosiness: Uncle Tom's CUdn 80; aL G. FW d'a Ml nsHels Sent. 1. cnMli.KWIiTiT BBABP (W. ' Bsarttman, mgr.) Tte ^Tlme, flie Place aad 'tta Om Sept. BEEIABOE; —CITIZENS' OPEBA HOUSE (B. W. Wortman, mgr.) House opens Slept. 6, -with Sis Perkins: Tte OoU snd her Dollais 6; n» Girl Ttefs AU the Candy IT: Tte Middle SUte Stock Gompany, -with Gladya George w«ek ot 10; <&ace (3amenm in Nancy- 27; JoUy Playera -with Happy Han Prlee week of Oct. S: Col- bane'e Comedlana week of Oct. 10: Rosalind at Bed Gate 17; Tte CUmax Nor. 2; Beverly ot Granstark Bee. 6: Stetaon'a Uncle Tom's Oabin Dee. 8; Howe's Storing Pictnres 22 IBOHTOB.—MASONIC THEATBB (B. P. EUsteiry, mgr.) John W. 'Fogel's Minstrels 15: capac ity: Daniel Boone Sept. 12. EMPIBE THEATRE (Henry Hunter, mgr.) Gloria Fuller, character studies and songs, weB liked: Qrenler and Weils, norelty dancing, good; The Two IlOTes, Western norelty act. fine; Bert and Bess Drsper In ttelrCoon from Mobile, big hit: Tom Post, bisck-faced comedian, weU recelred; I/et Msck and Co., assisted by Frances Klgler, com- edy norelty, rery good; ninstrsted songs snd motion ' pictures^grest bnslness week IB. VS- DEB CANTAS—WaUace-Hagenbeek Clreoa Sept. 'KEHTON.— DICKSON OPERA BOUSE (S. Brick, mgr.) My 'WIfe'a Family Sept. 5; The D<n and her Douats 9; Granstark 23; The Gill mm the U. S. A. 27: St; Elmo Oct. 14; The Nary 16: Tte Olmax 27 IDLE BOUB (J. B. Sterenson. mgr.) Pletnrea and songs. OEM (LairreBce & Boss, mgra.) - Dark. PAI<A(3B ((L Bloom, mgr.) Pletnres and aooga. XUBOK—SUILBT Ora&A HOD8B (b B. Mmer. mgr.) Opeaa^Sept- IS wltb tte Foaher pie- Stock Compsny for « weA't ctisd. 'AlBINMai (l>, IL Mjlt«r, mgr.) PlctariM, THE GRAND (F. P. Stintick, tDgf') PMnrw aad asoga. XABIOV.—.OltANU OPEBA BOUSB^M. J. SoUirso, mgr) Al, O. V1«ld. maatrria «p*Bcd tuiuae for sescoo, playing io S, B. O. Beit dow h« «rer bad. To* UtUa Bomcatead Aag. 22; Maaaue X sod Polly of: tte Cireas booked fOr near fatnre. OBPIIBUK (Son * Jforny, mgrs.) Dirk. LUNA (Wm. Staasbertr. mgr J. WON. DBBUUID a. 8. B^id, lunr,); BUOU (A. F. Bnoitrbmr, mgr.), QDBkT <ic A Xcarsea. mgr.; I<. D, Smitl), rca. nigr,)-4ast tear are mortng picture booses; sll bare been zcaMdcM and redecorated and are doing t>lg bailacaa. UNDEB CANVAS—Fsrepsugb * Sdb BMtfemr September 1. IriLES.—NUES a. SUttord. mgr.) Tande. rllle and p icture s to good bosisess. sxzuBanraxz.—AiBDOMB (a. a iraos, mgr.) .Tte Holldsr Stock Co. Aog. 22-27; good bosiness. Boward Stock Co. 294ept. 3. NA- nONAt; <W. O. Hartahom, mgr.) Sesaon o Aug. 29 wltb higb-elass raaderftle and tores. WABSZir.-^WABBEN OPEBA BOOSB (Uhu 3, Murray, mgr.) VanderlUe and moring ple- toriM all week excepting Friday, and boaineaa reported rery good. Friday, AL' Ftcld'a Mla- atrels: big stnrsctiOB; eailre boose sold aad standing room st a premlnm: ni>waiiT.»ww (Bnbtell ft Co.) Ucensed mondg Metnres wltb Tsoderine oo Friday and Sataiday. THE GRAND (D. 8. Flslicr. mgr.) Licensed moring pletiucs. wblch the manager reports as' pleasiag a Teiy good attendance. TOE: CBB8CBNT (Porter ft ommen; E, C. Porter, mgr.) iDdepeadcnt ple- tnres; good sttendasce. WASanrOTOV O. H.—EHPIBE (W; B. Dale. Bigr.) National Stock CO. and Fay St. Jbba Aog. 22 and week: delighted capacity boalaeaa. Time. Place and tte Girl Sept. 1. 2:ABEffVIIXE.—WEU.EB TBEATBE (M. Bala Clreolt, lessee; W. 8. Ckimlog, manager) Bouse will open aliont Sept. 10. OBPBEUM (O. G. Miirrsy. owner; Bsrry 8. Csrteiv mgr.) To open Sept. S. with Gns Son nnderine. foor acta and orchestra. QUIMBT'S AIBBOMB (W. C. .Qulmby, owner.) PoOaek acts aad motion gletorei:.: two a: night: and ten:cent admission; nsiness - to capacity. TBB SCSETOBTE OPEBA HOUSE. Dark. OKLAHOMA. FBEDXBIOK.—AIBDOMB (Oox Bros., mgrs.) Tanderllle and pletnres sn week did record- bteaklac:- bnalness. DBEAMIiAND SKATING BINE (Dean Broa., props.) Biggest business of the season; norelbr ■v.Mi.g race skatlBg was the progrsm all week. inrSXOOEE.-^THa LYRIC (Fred Schembel. mgr.) Tanderllle: capacity bosiness. THB OIiYMPIjO.(a H. Wheaton, mgr.) Barrle Stoa Co .week of Angnst IB; good retama. ' PENNSYLVANIA. BEBWIOK.—p. O. 8. ot A. OPEBA BOOSE (Oyma Smith, mgr.) Opened jeaaon i Ang. 20 with Granstsrk: S. -B. O. boose, good LY'BIO (Frank Bengh. initT.) Pletoiea aad i good letnms. . BROW BBVLLXE. ' BBOWNSTIIXB OPEBA _OUSE (lUy Bosh, mgr.) WOI Sept. Ig with the Bla^ Bean BOUSE (lUy Bosh, mgr.) WOI opea tte aeii " •pt. Ig wit h the Bla^ Beanty. GRiaamixa —ikAiBo op^lI housb (w. H. MOIer, mgr.) Tte .Fegdlaaad Srabaiae Oom- paoy laangoratBa the ttmn ■t-.ttia bauae Aag. 22, after rehearsing for one week. Tte com- pany namlwTS eighteen seoide, teaded by - Mr. O'rahame and Miss Idniaa Oeane. ' Locretts and Delalr, comedy Jngglers,. head tte fire rande- ■vlUe acts. Plays presented during tte engage- ment, for eadi'of which a fnU acenle proineaan Is carried, were Ttedoorlet and tte In^. 'Ostler Joe, The Stepson,' A Midnight Hsrrlsge, The Poisoner, Two (Orphans, Tte Mormon Wife. OamiUe, A OoontiT Kid. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Byde . OBEENBBime.—ST. dABB TRBATRB (J. O. Gay, mgr.) Win open tte aeasce Friday -with the, JeOrlea-JohnsoD light pletaraa. KBAO- 07 THEATBB will open September IB wItt randerllle and moring pletnrea. OAKFOBD PARK THEATBB wIU dose a aoeceasfol aaaaoa 00 Sept. IB. EAZIXXON.—THB GBAND (Jno. B. Blaaln- Ser,'-ws. mgr.; Beis Circuit) Tbe Bector Girls ng.': 31; The City Sept. T. THB PALACE TBEATBE (Jaa. B. and Jos. Ii. Langfaran. propp;_TayIor and Kaoffman, hooklac ageata) Ang. 22-24: The Great Lerans. cxceuent com- edy tnunpolene act: Bodgers and St. Cialr. fair comedy skating act; Dunlap and Loldcn. tte Kollege KIdders. fair; Uorrls Ahramt. fair Jew act, and motlonplctnres; crowded booses. THB HAZEL PARK THEATRE (Lehlgb TTaetloB Co.. props.; Frank Helrllle,- booking agent) Cloalog week. Aug 22 and week. Ella Lawrence and C!o.. .exccUent Sketch, AH Is -Well that Bods Welt; Ethel Oierlie. great mnateal act: Bald Slaters, fair acrobatic danens: Banunoad and Foster, character change aet. tUr; Weida aad S erano, go od,, serotets; cr o wded b ou s i. a. HDNXfEaDON. — HUNTINODON OPERA /BOUSB (Tnd Retlcy, lesaee; Orel F. Martin, res, mar-) Opening Aug. 33, Umtoolt Broa.. tu maslcal act. and Mack and Bennet. In comedy act; good bnslneis. (yhange ot program Mon- days and Thnrsdaya. THE GRAND (J.' Sewen Stewart, mgr.) Opening with Black Beanty Aug. 80: The Climax Srpt. 3. XSWIBTOWir—TEMPLE OPBBA HOTTSB (E. B. Barerly. mgr.) Black Beauty-Aug. SO: - Cll- maz?Sept;'2:- Bt.- Elmo 8:'Boiil'Xles Sept. IS: Moolln' Booge: Sept- IS;: TkmI : Trail -Bcp t. 22 ; Tankee- Doodle Boy Sept. SS. . PASTIME THB- ATRB (Ted Bleley, mgr.) Taaderllte-aBd Bu- tlon -pletnrea,' HOBBISTOWlt.—GRAND OPERA BOUSE (Cbaa. U. Soothwell,' mgr.: M. Rela Otrcnlt) Will open for the aeMon on August 81, with The Bouse ot a Thousand Candles: BQIy the Kid Sept. 3: On the Trail S. TBB OARRICiK (A. ft Ta. Sabloaky, mgrs.) wni open on Sept. B with randerllle. WIUIAMSPOBT. —TAttAMOUNT : PAT1L- I. ION. Oltn Tnracr Stock Oo. In Oowa ta Old Kentneky Angnst 33 and week; pteaatd good bntlncn; ■ ■ SOUTH-CAROLINA. , CT A BT . TO IOB—AqAPEMT. OF MOaiO (0. B. Hatthewa, mgr.) ThiTaeatoa et lSlO-11 at ttla hmse opened with Tte Smut. Set on Augc 24. Billy was the attraction'on'Aug.; 87. IB addltloa Keith raudernie Ii telDg ahowa 'at Oe Acad- emy. Tbe hill tor the week ot Angost S3 .was as tollows: Auten and 'Weyman, Oharlea Lad- egar, Sesatar Francis Mnrnhy, JuiUn and Dyer. Tuta McGulTe, Darla and Hodge and motion ple- tnrea. HAJBSTIO (G. .ti. BraBttey^ mgr.) Af- ter a month'a Inteimlnloa, randeTulO b Mralu on view at thia playhouse Augnat 90. Ohiyo Is a good Jap cqnillbrlat: Bully and Bnasey pleased; Kararlck, rtoUnlit, mad* a hit; BniU Pritehard and Moontala ware Modi ' ' good. Week Aog. ST, Po« * ItaM