The billboard (Sept 1910)

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47 aayde Pearl, Oreene and Parker, Jack Tan Bpp* ■ and >'Del4-phone.^ (Matthews A Smltb, iiigra;)' ^Tli!a niniiner theatre ctaanged ttom atoek'-to TandeviUe. Tbe followlDg pio- nam wai glren week Angaat 20; Texlco and Oo.> featured Xrila'a'Dance to tbe serpent; Jim Ble Qreen, moDOIogiatt .ftuugr; Jnllao and Dyer, comedy acrobat*, and Xata HcOQlre. lonbrette. TENNESSEE. BRISTOL.—HABMBUNO (Harry Bemateln. mgr.) Opens the season witli Poll; of the Cir- cus Sept. 8, followed by Lnla'a Bosband Sept. B, and Oastin ramam In Cameo Klrby Sept. 10. Tbe boose Is under new management. Ur. Bernstein Is a well-experienced manager, know- ing tbe sbow bDslnesB well, baring been aaao- elated wltb Jake Wells tor years.. BAGIiB (Pat- terson-AmaaeBont(Xi.vjngni.VUotlnipletiires to good basinets. FAIBYSAND (Patterson Am. CO.. mgrs.) MotloB pictures eoatinue to draw well. AIBDOJfB (Doe Donohne. mgr.) Vande- Ttlle and motion pictures to_good business. COLIIXBIA.—OPBBA HOCSB (Wm.. Barker, mgr.) Boxing contests by local talent-23; UII- dred'a Comedlaos In atock plays 25-2T. SOUTB SIDB PABK (J. P. McOaw, mgr.) County Fair and Hons Show Bent. lS-17. < OHYSBimo.—TdB AIRDOME (Kate Sbep- ard, mgr.) Popular priced TandeTlUe to eapae- Ity buiineaB. PALAOB (Kate Sbepard, mgr.) VandeTllle and pictures to fair business. AU- DITORIUM (Scott Bros., mgrs.) Season opens Oct. 4 with rrank Dudley Stock Co. . UCKBOV.^UTB THBATBB (Capt. W. D. Ament, mgr. tc owner) Week of August 22, Jarrls and Harrison., the Jolly Jester and the Smiling Olrl; The - Musical Enisons, unique musical act; come well recommended; good bouses. TEXAS. BEAUMOHT.—FEOPLB'S (B. Cos.. mgr.) Mu- sical Wilsons, Myrtle Delqr, baritone; The Two Oeloys, comedy sketch: Nina Iiester, song and dance: •, Carl and Bbeil, ; alnging, talking and dancing. Aug. 22 and week; good bill to good business. aOBKAH.—STBNOBB OPKRA H0D8B. The Musical Pfalf ers closed Aug. 30; vlayed to good 'business here.-''- ' CLEBTTBaE,—UNOBB CANTA8-«base-Lbter Co.. two weeks, August 8-20: first-elaas shew to large attendance. AIRDOMB (W. w. Mur- ■.) Albert Taylor Co. week 22.. -AIBDOMB (B. D. McClelland, mgr.) gpedden-Page Oo. Aug. IB-SO: good sbows, good business. liXBIO (Joha Salrley, mgr.) Picture*; good business. OAUAB.—LAKE CUFF CASINO; (O. 8. Man- gold, mgr.; Rw * B. bookings)- Doe Oazlena and Co. In One Best Bet, went w<al: Henrietta Bry- an, In song seleetlou*, pleased; Jack KeBy and Co., Australian stoelt whip king, good; Fennell and Tyson, the Soph.' and the Freahle, retrceh- Ing iklt; GDero and Carmen, musical act, clev- er; Lightning Hopper, the human adding ma- OTOLB PARK (T. J. Brown, mgr.) The Hon- 'eUae, Tcry good, August 21 and :weel[. eymoon Olrl IS and -week, drew well; The Girl from Below Aug. 21 and week. Tbe Initial per- formance of Tbe Olrl from Below played to capacity business. !i HAPPY HOUB THBATBB (Dalton A Nerllla, .mgr.; Cbas. Hodktns* ixwk- Ings) John W. Man, with the educated hoopa, elerer; Earl Mack.'song and dance and Talking Doll and tbe Bulie, won much favor; Pryor and Claire, the DoU and the Bnbe, pleasing skit; Imperlsl Quartette, pleaaed. Aug. 21 and week. MAJESTIC THEATRE (O. F. Gould, mgr.) Opens Sept. II with: highHilass -Tandevllle. K0V8T0V.—PBI$[CE THBATBB (Dave Wels, mgr.) Win open early in September. MAJES- TIC THEATRE (Cbas. A. McFarland, mgr.) Opening date Sept. 18, with the following bill: Bllndt BrSK; comiqnes; BeUe Meyen, singing comedienne; Tiuee Bums Slaters; Hslllgan and Ward, Jane.Dara and Co., in the .'Phone Girl; Tom Moore and Stada, The Eagle and the Olrl, and motion pletnre*."i (H>ZX THBATBB (Mau- rice Wolf, :mgr.)'Hie Mnsleal Wtlaoas, excel- lent act; Foley, and Wblte,;:daneen, wmt well; Eary and Late, . he*dIlaer; .TeiT entertaining, big hit; and motion pietnrea week 22; capacity boil- nesa. CfBZSTAL (W.delblg, mgr.) TandeTllle and motion pictures; New bouse JtroTlng very popular, enjoying capacity buainen. EM- PIRE (B. B. Morris, mgr.) VandeTllle and mo- tion pictures continues to please big business. TEMTLE.—VOGEL AIBDOME/ VandeTllle to capacity buslnen. UNDER CANVAS—Grondl Stock Co. Aug. 22 and week; capacity bnaloegs. WACO.—B07AL THEATRE Oloyd H. Huff, mgr.; Southern VandeTllle Circuit) The Foxes, comedy aketcta, good; Bird and Kemma, comedy sketch, Tery good; Gwinn and Gosaett, har- mony singers, entertaining; J. S. Black. noTelty mualclan, fair; Monte La' Cron.r buck dancer, went well; Jas Kelley, singing oomedtsn, excel- lent; big business. VEMDOMB THBATBB (Box Broa.^ mgrs.; Hodklns' Circuit) WlUlama and (MilTer, singing and talking, hit; Clarence Few ell, black face comedian, .good; Dan &andall, Character change artist, went big; Lloyd and Lester, alnging and dancing, fair; moTliiK plc- turea; good bnaluess. AIRDOME (Bmnslng Bros., mgrs.; Hodklbs Circuit) LeTls-and Lloyd, comedy singer* and dancers, rery good; Brans- wis BroB.. alnging. entertaining; moving . pic- tures; excellent business. -■Utah:;: : 8ALX LAKE CITT.—ORPHEUM. Creasy and Dayne In the one-act playlet, Tbe Village Law- yer, wen the headllner* of a very strong bill for week of Aug. 22. SHUBBRT. The Curtis Mnalcal Stock Co. In Tbe Cow-Boy Girl Aug. 22 and week; pleased good business. SALT LAKE THEATRE. Tbe season will open Sept. 5 with Miss Henrietta Crosman In Anti-Matri- mony. GARRICK. Season will open Sept. 4 with Wm. Ingersoll Stock In Brother Ofll- cers. COLONIAL. Wilton Laekaye in The Bat- tle Aug. 29 and week. SALTAIB: BEACH- Fu< rello'i Band Aug. 22-Sept, 5. WASHINGTON. ZVZBXTT,^—BOSE THBATBB. Florence Trio,, featnte: The Muaicnl Mansflelds. Snowey May- belle, Jones and Grelner, BadcIIITe and Belmont. Vaughn Sister*, Miss Gordon and picture* Aug. i!2 and week. WEST VIRGINIA. TAIBXOHT.^BAND OPBSA BOUSE (Vin- cent Scavlile, mgr.) The Bight of War Aug. 24; JelTriei-Johnaoa 9At pictures 26-27; John W. Vogel's Mlnatrel* "Sept. 1; Earl Stock Co. week of B. LTBIC THEATBE (Cross Bros., mgrs.) VaadevlIIe and pictures. UMDEB CAN- VAS—Miller Brothers and Edward Arlington's 101 Ranch WIM West Aug. 8, to S. B. O. at iMtb performances; Robinaon. Bros.* Uncle Tom*s c abin Co. 18; fair buainess on aeeoant of rain. WHJUELDIGk—(XIURT (E. L. Bfoore, mgr.; Klaw 4k Erlanger, booking agents) This house opened oo the 18th with The Wife Tamers, and did good bnolness. WISCONSIN. BEIiOIT.—WILSON'S OPERA BOUSE (R. H. Wllaon, mgr.) The season, opened August 21 with Cast Aside; The J>lnkerton Girl 27: A Broken Idol 29; My Cinderella Girl Sept. 2;: Lou Sully 3. ZOro SB LAC ^HENBY BOYLE THEATRE (P. B. Ba her, m gr.) Houae dark.-IDEAL VAU-' DBVILLB THBATBB (O. J.'Vollert,-ss«r.) Ba- fayette's Begs. SyMa De Frtnkie. Wiesie ana Dean, F. W. Woodward. Jamea Tadiello and pic- tures week 18-23; big business. BIJOU (W. B. Smith, mgr.) PletuTM'and long*. BOYAL (-nr. E, Smltta, mgr.) Plctnrea and aonga. ROY- AL (J. H. Welch, mgr.) SMg* ■na:tfetnfe*. BALLOONIST AT LIBERTY Have LABOR DAY open and later. Have two new ted. white and blue balloons. Address CAPT. <X)LEMAN, P. O. Box 339, Morrlstown, Tenn., References: First National Bank. ^KE^ICAL LUMBER- Brnja^^BATTEHftSTRIPa, RAM, SBoaTnoTaBB^Aos iIoobihg, etc. „^ ■ , Alwaya on .hand for prompt shipment. Write for dcllvcted prices. Shipments made In any quantity desired. THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPAIIY, CHICAG O, ILL. At Paifct,Faln andAamamml ltM0i1t.E«My«feM« The Orsatsat Fun Maker aad Mean; Maker to « TOTt""g Xinar Show. 8«at piopesitUa tmt offend tbe limniameat Xaaag**. Large returns on a small Investment. Basily managed. Ay one m be eoc- eesaful. Bunning expense* h*r«y anyttlng. Al- ways ready for bualne**. No trouble to get the pemle In. The roar* of Unghtw ttom plsaaed patron* draw the crowds better than aqr bdartioO|| Our Improved mimn an made of « highly poUshad nickel compodtion metal. They can not rait iBd win not twttUh. Same appearance as the ^a* mir- ror* and answer name purpose at far ua* eoac Be- ing light In weight and non-bteakabl*.'th*y_*l* tk* oialv really portable mirran ever made. _We nave made the langhing mirror a gpedalty. and cantor nlsb Idea* that are wi*. to get th^mogjr^Jglte iSSSfa^ooJ^Y^^^^^' Xayar Bnflaing. CTOaU. nXPTOIS, OPERA CHAIRS from the most inexpensive type to jbhe finer upholstered chairs. E.xcellence of design, durability, moderate prices are the things you demand. Ourchaira meet the requirements. Address dept. s. timehcan Seating Company 216 Wabash Ava. NEWTOHK. NSm CHICAGO. AUNT DINAH'S •W E AL.SO SELL HAND LAUNDRY GETS THE COIN AT THE FAIRS It wa* made for that purpose. Fnimleai ball Kame evt>r made. l.ooks as big a* ballyhuo. They stand la line to get a chance to break the windows or hit the negro wench on thr nao<IIe. Making t2S to $50 a day at fairs. More tain and mora money this seaaon. Time to get years. Eas- ily set up. dated.. Can be checked. Ship- ped promptly. . Price. gSO. complete. (25 with Order. Send for circular. WOBID'S QBEATEST HOVZLTY 00. go Elm Street, <<InoinBatl, Ohio. T H E A F* St I CAN D I P . . . 1 The W. M. PoUard Shows lip 0 BU. I" And Attractions "HUi L Playing select County and Street Fhlr*. Can alway* place good Novelty Show*. Legitimate Con- 'Cession*, etc. Address aH communications t» W. It, POUiABD. M Pferin Building. .CXneimlatl. O. Correspondence Invited from Tellable Fair mad.street SUr Managers. WANTED Merry-Go-RoUiiil, Circling Wave & Ferris Wheel OCT. B to 8 LEE COUNTY FAIB, JONBSVUXB. TA. OCT. 5 to 8. Also Concessions. Inde- pendent Shows. The best and biggest Fair in Old Virginia. Addrcs* W. U. POLLABO, Manager Attnctlons and AmusemenU, 64 Perin Bonding. CInelnnatl. O. ■ ^ ■.:..■.■..•■;.>:..-. WANTED Colored Side Show Band —12 Pieces neaka of all kinds. Animal Acts of exceptional merit. Address or wire as per roote Vs., Sept. 1; Alexandria, Va., 2; Fredericksburg. Vs., 8; Blchmond, Vs.. 0. Manager Side Show. Bobhison Clrcna. Front Boyal, Address AL. CONLBN, Hark Ye All in the Carnival Biz.! Krause-Maxwell Shows want for the blggeat Old Home Week In Western, Pa., tUa year, at Bochester. Pa.. Sept. 5-10, andvfollowing dates: Morgantown.. W..Vs.. big. Kbemea'a^Carnival: Parkerabnrg W. .Va.. day and night fair; Huntington and Bloelield to fOIknr. Want Crasy'Bonac,.*ttaBg- Plantation Show^ aad any other good Show that don't conflict. Bemember, Bocheiter wlU be tbe biggest In Weetem Fa.: tms year. Would like to hear from Cap. S^ltb with Millie Kristlne. Write or wire, . BEN KBADSE, Consraangb, Pa. LOOK I READ! Shows, Concessions, Carnival Workers, Join a Real Uva one If yon want to make money. lontf Seaaon. NOTE, THIS CO. wiU Famish aH thelATTRACTIONS for "The Pythian FaU Festival" EX.WOOD, IND. 8 Bie DAYB, COIMKHCINO LABOB SAT, SEPT. S. BIO PABADE; feature float wUl coat U,000. Over SSOO EtP EHPED IH FHEE ACTS. Advertised LIKE A CTRCOB; M.OOO TO DKAW FKOX. FnrasT CROPS evkr knowv. laboest tin-plate «ll nr nEs v. 8.; pay say wbile WE abb THEBE. ho CABNITAL fob BIX YEABB. It wiU payyon to Jmpa long way to get to us, for WE HAVE KOBE TO FOLLOW. WE ABE UVE OHBI^ WJUTCES-SBOWB OF EVEBT KDHB AND DESCKIPTION IF CLEAN; PLANTATIOH BHOW ; we wIU furnish top and front: GIBL SHOW. PLAXFOBX BHOWB, FBEABB; aPECTAL TEBXS TO FEATBBE 8B0W8: oHE-bnro omctrs. BOO abb pohy. jSixhal. siviHe ont ia. a oooo bsp. co. can ge{ money with na. CoNOESSIONS of every kind and descripti on. MIUUCXAHS: First Cometh Snare Drum. Tuba, for our white hand: others write. PEKFOSMEB8: Clrens Acts, Vaudeville People that do two or more turns, or double band. Plant. People, Diving Girl*. Dancers for girl show. apiELEBS, salary and per cent.. WANTED—Tents and Light*. B. a- D. Sketch Team, man aad wife, to change slnjcles and doubles for week and put on acta and make them go. Also Comedian, good Sbnbtette, Human Bonlette. Ocean Wave and Fay Swing*. - Any one that can join at once, wire Pflbeam and Wliite'a nUlV Shows, UnHed, care K. of P. Lodge, No. 166. Elwood, Ind., otherwise write lis there. Tnwnit Wantinv Caniival l"^a"a> Kentucky, I owns TT aUUng VarniVOl Tennessee, Illinois. Missouri, Ok- lahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, write. CORAMICKia HOFFER&CO. PRESENTING— "Th8 Way t^'a Transgressor" - "Iheie I* more class to the society comedy o( .Cora MIckle Hotter and Co.. presented at the new Wankegan Theatre this week by way ot artist*, scenery snd stage setting* than any- thing ever Iwfore presented In local TaudevtU* circles."—Wankegan Snn. "Miss Con MIckle Hoffer has s faselsatlna and magnetic personality; sin 1* a ipleBdU act- ress of charming addresi."—OhteagoF* Twdtct. Addiess CABB XBB BUXSOABS, CUaaa*^'