The billboard (Sept 1910)

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48 The Billb o a r d SEPTEMBER 3, 19ia Film Reviews - (Contlnoed from page 4S) sIOD.tff Ui legacy.- Bat James Jaidlne "was not drowned' and retnnis to biS'.home completelT enred. XoTe also comes witb bealtb and Alice Orlg gs goes with blm as Us bride when he n> turns home. He Is not a welcome Tisltor when he arrives, for Bill Is riotously enlOTing him- self with some of hia boon companions and does not relish belns tomed out of the house with bat a small allowance, bat James Is mlodfdl of the manj- Insnlts and annoyances and the time ot leckoninK has eoiii& , OAUMONT. (Georse Klelne.) NEIGHBOBS (Drama; released Angnst 23: length 4S6 feet).—^Tvonne, a fair maiden, and her widowed mother, find lodelng In cosy rooms among the middle class dwellers of Paris and soon become well acqnalnted with the people ' of the neighborhood. Mother and daogtater both fall In love with -an elderly gentleman living In the apartments next to thelr'a, hut im- fottnnately for Tvonne. It Is her ntotfaer^oB the elderly gentleman lores. After a time the mother writes telling her daaghter that she has tnade np her mind to marry her neighbor. TTonne Is overcome with grief and after a time makea np her mind to leave them and spend tfac rest of her life In the convent. After writing a short note of farewell to her mother, and packing np her treasnres, Yvonne qnletly steals from home. ■ . FOOB. CITTIiE SAIIiOBS (Farce; released Angnst 23: length 506 feet).—The opening scene ■of Four lilttle Sailors Is a tailor shop, showing the foDT assistants more or less in love with their employer's danghter. After some time the tailor says he will give his danghter to the one who shows himself to be the etevetcst. Soma -very - amnsing Incidents follow: - The competl> tfon is keen, bnt the last man^' however, falfiUs the.:deilrea tasks and is duly accepted by the ' 'daughter. THE TOW (Biblical drama; released Ang. 27; length 888 feet).—The Tow Is fonnded on a BlDlIeaa .story wUdi oeenrred some 1,000 years, IN* THE PTBENEES (Scenic traTdogne: ie> leased Angnst 27; length 122' feet).—In ttis pictnre, called In the Pyrenees. Is shown a com- nlnatloa of senic and spectacular subjects most annsnsUy and originally set forth. THE SHBPBBBD AND THB HAID (Drama; releaaed Angnst 30: length TOO feet).—^A party of tonrlsts go mopntalneering one morning, and a lady of their number becomes separated from the others and falls down a cliff without, how- ever, any serlons Injury. ' Her cries are heard liy: a moontain shepherd, who, gnlded by the ■ soond o£: her-: voice; flnds . her* He Informs her ftther,!. nnd take* the' girl back- to the house In whliai-lie lives:;:'3Iie :Aepberd: receives flielr thssks, bnt he haS> conceived^ ■' great UMng for the yomg lady, which IHdng; Is .retamed. The separation proves nnhapny for both. The last scene Is forty yesrs afterwards. They have not forgo t te n fhrir party and the vision . of adr one kiss rises before their eyes. ANCIENT CASTIiES OF AUSTRIA (Scenic: : leleaaed Angnst 30; lagth 290 feet).—In An- ' «IeBt Castles ol Austria are abown famoos old stmetares In and atonnd Ttenna, besides seen- -ery along the electrle railway from Mbdllng V to HlntObnihl. TTBBAN-ECT.TPSR. , (George Kleine.)' ' ES(UlPE of THB ROYALISTS (Drama: re- leased Aognst 21: length tm feet).—Crode, a Tevolnttonary spy, surprises a psrty of noble-, men, who are planning , lll^t; l Orerhearlnr tbetc anangementa;'he follows >:them: nnseeii to the sesahore. The benntlfnl danghter of a revo- . IntlOnist gives her Jewels to'the fugatlve to as- : sist .their escape. Falling to arrest either of -' ashmen. Ctoche seises the girl, compelling a ^ yoong oOcer to take her as prisoner to a nelgh- i lKBing bm. Impressed by her beauty the officer : aaalsts her to escape. Followed by a crowd of cxdted revoIutKmlsts. Croche gives chase, csp- tnres the girl end drags her to prlsoiL Her >^ protector tells his story to the ciiief of police, . Imploring ^ him to grant her freedom. He obtains a signed pardon, and permission to marry his protege. Returning to the prison. Cradle finds our hero leading forth his captive . In trlnmpb. SHIP BUIIDEBS OF TOTJIXMr. FRAKCB (Indnstrlal; released Angnst 24; length 296 feet).—Ship builders of Toolon, France, pre- sent a series of perfectly photographed plc- 'tnres, comprehensive It dealhig with the rontfne empl(7ed In the making and launching of great ^shl ps of the line, ■ ^BUYING A BEAR (Oimedy; released Angnst ^Bl: length 485 feet).—^A Jiarty of holiday seek- Vers come Into the possesslim of a besr, which ' in the hands of Its new owners. Is not well be- haved, and as a result there is a strenuous time for all concCTne d. . A CRUISK IN THE: MEDITSEBANEAN (Tkndognes 'iiileaaed Angnst SI; leigth 420 f'eet);--Xhe inflneiuy ot Oe trip shown la Olki picture extends from Messina vis Berronth, Smyrna, and the Oolden Horn to Constantinople. There are eight plctnres of interests: . : EDISON. THE ftAN WHO LEARNED (Dramatic and Educational; released September 2; length 890 feet).—This pictnre combines a strong snd In- tensdy interesting story with a dear and con- vincing illnstratlon of the contrasting methods of preparing and distributing mlU: In a great city. THE BIO SCOOP (Drama; released August 0; length 1,000 feet).—Jim Connon, a crack reporter on one ot the large New York dallies, has been dismissed because of his addiction to intoxicating llqnors. He pleads for the return of his position, promising abstinence-from drink, but his plea Is turned down. In a dejected mood the reporter wanders shont when he sccidently stumbles across a : clue leading to^ a story of great Unportimce. Through some clever work he (tbtalns tidl detaSs and then hurries off to his paper, which la the only one to print the story. "BIOGRAPH.- THE UODEBN PBODIGAL (Drama; released August 29; length 992 feet).-^Ihe Uodem Prodigal Is a story In symbolism showing tbe result of youth's egotism. THE AFFAIR OF AN EGG (Q>medy; rdeaaed September 1: length 295 feet).—A romantle, rustic maiden, while gathering the fruit of the nests for market, conceived the bright Idea of sending a .tender missive with'her imme and ad- dress on one of the eggs, relying upon Cupid delivering It to the affianced one. Bnt Cupid fell asleep at the switch and the next we sec of the egg Is when it Is served at a restaurant to a young man. Espying the writing thereon, he at ouce repairs to the address given. At this address be meets sa old maid, of fifty, fondling a eat. To his query she answers that the lady In question resides here and that she Is the lady. No, this Is not posslhle for 'tte lady he asks for is the one.whoae name is written on the egg. Here is where the romance Is scrambled. Zac she tells htm that she wrote that when she was a girl many yeara ago. The poor maiden knew nothing of cold storage—where the egg had re- posed all fliese years. U1J66ST BECOUSS A BBBO (Comedy: re- leased September 1; length 683 feet).—When we left Unggsy In the last Blt^^raph subject he had Just redeemed himself with his sweetheart, Mabel. Hence it la that when Mabel la re- ijuested by mamma to accompany her to the; church meeting, she sends him a note asking him to meet her after service and he may walk home with her. Mnggsy is there on time all right, bnt fate conspires sgain. The sisters Frost, two spl^isten, on their wsy to church, were accosted by a eoniile of burly tramps, who frightened the poor old ladles ao that they were afraid to make the; return trip unaccompanied, Position Wanted by M. P. OPERATOR AND ELECTRICIAN ' TaudevIIIe or picture house. Beconunended and reliable. R. D. DDBAND, I.ansing, Mich. FILMS CLEANED Onr plant Is the LABSEST and BEST EttB IP- PEO riLX GLEAmHO plant XS XOBTESaS. THE OXrAUTY OF Om WOBX IB UHEaVAIr- ED. We actually make old rainy, greasy films almost AS GOOD AS HE W. FILMS UFBOTED S00«— _ We are looking for people "FBOX US- BOXrSI." We can SHOW Tdw. ^ Ton don't know tbe meaning of FIUC CLEAN- ING unless you have seen OUR WORK. Cata- log showing idiotos of onr plant covering 6,000 aq. ft. of floo r spa ce, aent free^^^k. f«r It. . WE AX80 BEtS: rUMB. BEES FOB BIO LIST. THE SIGN THAPS BACKED BY PROOF CHICAGO FILMERS ITS N. Green St., near Lake St., CHICAGO. - - - ILLINOIS BUTDINO FTLTf BEHTAL CONTRACTS—WhUe practicing law I perfected a nniv«sal form of Film Rental (Street and Bond, which abso- lutely binds customer and la valid In any atate. This contract will save yon many losses. Write for ssmple and prices. HELTIN UICB, Son. Exp. Bldg., -Memphis, Tens. "MIRROR-SCREENETTE" Lstest and most powerful mirror effect obtain- able. Costs little, easily applied, and lasts in- definitely. Make your pictures the talk of the town and get rich. Agents and demonstrators, make big money handling "Mlrror-Screenette.** Write for prices. MELVIM BICE, Mfr., Son. Exp. Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. PHOTOS I DOZ. PARIS PANELS. tXOO 60 T.«0 100 " 1S.0S FEINBEBO, Its Bowery, V.T. a EYER'S AKE-UP Oar object is not to see how cheap bat-how GOOD we can make onr Hake*np and other Theatrical Goods. In all forty years we've not had one conplalnf. It's worth a jiood deal to one who oses make>np dally to be aUe to secure Guaranteed Goods. Meyer's Hake-np Is pure and harm* less. Take no other. Sold lay Dealer* everywhere or address GHAS. METER, 26-28 Uaiio Sqnara, levTork; $88.00 We have on hand sevetal sets of 27 Aluminum Chimes as per cut, (slightly used) but thoroughly over- hauled and guaranteed first-class in every respect. A $140.00 instru- ment for only $88.00. Will ship C. O. D.on approval with $5.00 deposit; FIRST COME—FIRST SERVIED. J. C. DEAGAN, 3800 No. Clark St., CHICAGO. FREE—lOO-page CSntalogue for the asking. It your mi^y o( route hanated, aafc for more. la COB* SOUVEIVIRl DAY At tlie THeatre. ttie Park or .tike Fair Always Brina* the Crowd. MJl. MANAGER:—"Whether you are in charge of a Theatre, an Amusement Park or a Fall Fair, you want a big attendance every day and any suggestion that will help to Bring a Big Crowd will interest you. Just announce "BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIR SILVER SPOON FREBI" and see how tbe^ublic will respond. Everyone irill want one of these teaspoons, and the way the crowd will fldok to of bnsmess.will surprise you. ' "LAIMES* DAY AT THE FAIR." Set aside one day af the Fall Fair and call it "Ladies' Day." Give one of these spoons Free to everr ladv attending on that day, and your records for attendance will be broken. - ' ' .cr /w. ^"f teaspoon is coin sUvct plate, French gray finish, beautiftd design and is the Ideal Souvenir. Price, SS.OOperlOO. Special prices m lots of 1000 or more. Write for a sample now. UNITED STATES FACTORIES CO.. 40 Dearborn Street. Chleage. J. FRANK HATCH FILM COMPANY Writ* (or UsftaTotfaor HATCH BtJlMJI MG. t09 Fourth Aven ue, PITTSBURG, F»A. JFllsns F^OP Rent 6 reels, ship^ on e shipment. $8.00? 12 reeb shipped t wo shipments, $14.50. fiBMsSpfoeketc for EdiMa maeliines,fl.6a Tickets, 10,000,90 cents. Electric Globe*, 10 cenU each. Carbons, 5^x6, $2.3S pw hoBAed S^ia $8.50 per hnadred. NonAreekabie WbHe Condensers, 75 cenU. Metal SBde Carriers. 75 cents. Notice-Moving Picture^^^M^^^ Can be operated by ANYBODY. Equally effective when used before or behind the picture sheet. Be a live one and give a live shOw. Your box office receipts will show a decided improvement at once. Address YERKESi MANUFACTURING CO..Inc. HiMt.UMx 6nD. SriemaU BUi., N.W.cer.87tli Street ami 3nl kn., NEW YORK