Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 8, 1910. THe Bill board 49 ■0 tba putor aikf tbat wme of the m«ii (olka eaeort tbem. Poor Mnsor la booked, mndi to lilf dugria, and wlien the trio naeb tha de- ■erted Ptrt ot tbe toid the tnmra attin appw. Uimar aaannd tbe ladles ot bSm pcotectfotf ao to fear not. TtaU daclaratloii the tiampa ngaid aa a joke. Well,- the affair la on aad althoacb Hascar appears In a torn, dlah^Teled condition Ua oppoanU bare to be earHed bodily to tbe coola-^th ^kaoAed ont. ' Mabel la JnaOy proud ot her Hnmr. < A smiMBB IDn< (Onuna: releaae Septem- ber 6: lenctb Ml : feet).—Albert Woodson, a talented yonnK artlat, propoaed to Cora Irwin, a fellow artist, who resarda bis protestations aa a Joke and laosbtnib' leleeta bis, proposal. Desponded, Albert deeldea to take a lone walk- Inc trip la the eoontrr. Alone the roadway be meets a pretty little staepherdess. with whom be talis In lore, wblcb feelinc Is reciprocated by tbe ■Irl. Cora, meanwhile, baa regretted ber aetlon, and leamlns Albert's address. Imploiea talm' to retorn. Tbe City's caU U Irresistible, and back be goes to the galettea of tbe metropolla. LITTO! AnOBUS OV LUCK (Drama; releaae September 8; lengtti 888 teet).—Edward Boae, aa president ot the Independent Sngar Company, bu^ieen sidd oat to tbe Sogar Tmst. tbrooBh tbe betrayal ot bla partner. Heart-broken, he retoms to bis home. His two small chUdien oTerbear tbe conrersatloa between father and mother. One Of tbem is aoddenly seised with a bright Idea tbat tbey i(o to aee the prealdent ot the Soger Xrnst. :Oalnlnx the desired address, they tmdge aeir ewr to Wall atreet into the sQcar klng'a offlee. ^ Aeir plea to the old gentle- man Is answered, for be immediately addresses s note to tbe father offering bim a portion aa general manager ot tbe sugar latenats at a TCT7 agreeable sslaxy. ' THAMHODSEB. AN A8SISTBO BIAPBlUgNT (Comedy: re- lessed Angnst SO; length 1,(M0 feet).—Olade and Sears are next door neighbors and old friends. Olsde has a dangbter while Sears has k SOB. The yonng people have never met. be- IBE away at adHXfl while tbe old folka have been craientlng their triendahlp. Aa tbe two men own adJoUUns plaeea, tb^ belleTe tbat tbe best thing for the young peorfe to do to to get mar- riedT Bo they try to bring tbto abont. Gladys Glade and Charlie Bean meet oa the train whUe they are tetomlng home aad Start a lllrtatlaii. Bete tbe old folka "bntt la" and as a resnlt the yonng people lose all Intaieat in jnefa other. Then the fathers try another tai*. Tbgr deckte to be bitter enemies In pnUle, hoping that oppo- atUoa wlU lRiag the dilldrca together. The new Plan worka like a dnnn, and .Gladys snd CbsiaeT^resIlxtng thdr psrents" shortetMnlMS, decide to elope. They do as, modi to the satla- taetion of Glade and Sears. A HiBSH STABX (Drama; released Septem- ber 3; leagUi 1.000 fiMt).~-Jlm, sn expert «*a«tf- tenr, U discharged tnun a garage tOr Inaobrietr- Pennllesa and lieing nnable to obtain a new ait- natlon. he takes to the road, a eommm tramp. Stopping at a booae on tbe mad he begs for teod and to befriended by Uttle Ifsrie^ tte dsnghter of the lumse. Later oa an opportnnlty preaents Itself to Jim to repay the kindness of tbe little Klrl. Two men bare ptottod to kid- nap tbe child and liold Iter for ransom, bnt ^Ir scheme la thwarted by Jim. who. besides return- lag the child to itn paients. apboee eon- orators and tnma th em or er to the police. HIP. (Carl t a emmHf ) TOG 8AVKD HT inni—(floandy: release Sept. 6; length, r^— feet). ,A young leading actor aaves a youth's Ufa. aad. to xeward him. the yonng man pramiaes to Intercede with tbe tatber/(Mr tbe who eawMs the actor chap sandir besrt Orohe sod a Uttis soul a n gn Uh . Bat an good InteatloiiB do aot materialise and the yonng man tan* la his amtMSsadorlal mto- alon. The sommer comes on and. to llU.ln tbe time, the actor obtaina a poaltloa In a morlng pictore atndlo. Posing foe the picture ha <s making be 1* making Hie eternal tow to tbe gill in the aeene 'wbea he la detected by hto sweetheart snd renounced foceTer. In still an- other aeeae bU friend, wbose life be bad sared, dIacoTera iiim tied to a tree, soon to be burned to death. The friend endearora to rescue the sctsr, bat after all excitement baa anhdded he lesma that the actor was mateir padag (or the Iilctnree. Tblnga commence to go ri^t again, t appem tbat tbe taUter** Tttosal to consent to Ua daughter's manlage is laaaed oa tbe fact ' that the girl has aa^der aad ngUer alater who la unable to eeeoie a loTcr or a tanaband, so, as a reward, tor having aaved bto life, tbe yonng man oltera to'marry the atoter, so that the actor can marry "tlw Ater*a" atoter. The wedding bells send forth a doable peal and four that are Imt two face ttala craay old world tor better «r worae. A SI8TBB>S SAOBIFIOB—(Drama; release Sept. S; length, feet). A yooag girl to lored by aa old man, one who to ui tbe antnmn months of bto Ufa. Tbe brotbw of the girl to In flnandal dlOenlUes aad agreee to pay ■ large earn ot monn^ within a tew days, lost at thto time the eld man's aoa arrives from a Joomay: and at their flrat meeting falto in lore with the'mald^vi The old man goes away on a vacatiou.: but be baa pnTlooaqr made ■ pio- posal to the girl whereliy her brother's pros- pects may be radeeuMd. Tbe girl eomee ta the old maa'a houae to accept tbe proposal, pro- viding he glrea bar ten ttMuaand doUara to pay her btotber*B debt*. The aoa racelTca tbe girl and tbe aeeaage and deddea to taUlI bto f atbo'a promlie. Suddenly the brother diacoTera that bla alater to about to aaetlflee her life tar hto sake aad determlnea to atop the marriage. Opoa bto anlTal the alater tsUa bIm that ahe to not aaeriaelBs her life tat leally tom tbe jomit man. and the eere m a uy talme ^aee. (Film TCleases will be found oa page 03.) rOR 8AIX—1,000 ft. reela lUm, |S to gSS per reel. Lnbln, Power, Bd- Isoa machines, {30 to «aO: new. glOOi ^«a- alonal StereqpUeoo, ttO; Uodel B. cTaa OuUlt^ SSI"- ^ if^^s?*-:^ ^iSt-cS'-^ SSi"*'™**^! I"- Wm buy. gaa oot- town^ill *• - — Water- ^ WANTED TO eUY LOT OF FILMS Old AMuetothm or Independent; mnat be dwap. Bend list and prices. B: N. BIiAIB, Greenaburg^ Pa.. General Diillrery. FILMS FOR RENT EVERY Independent American and Foreign Headline nim for Rent at Reasonable Rates. OUR NEWEST SYSTEM SERVICE in- volves many advantages over the old meth- ods. RUSH ORDERS are placed in the express office WITHIN TEN MINUTES after we receive them. OUR SUPPLY DEPARTMENT can't be beat. We con- stantly caxry a laige stock of all standard made movmg picture machines, also supplies ol every description. SEND row FILM LIST. ANTI TRUST RLM CO. 77-70 Clark St.. CBICAGO.IIX. 188 Caaal St.. GRAND SAPIDSg HIGH. The Thanfaouser 2-A-Week KEUBASED TUESDAY. AUGUST SO. HERCAOAINI AN ISSUEOF-THANHOUSeRrUNNVFILMP* AN ASSISTED ELOPEMENT dMndd assist yon to better Imslnese and hdp pull down for yon tbe praHts that are i the wlsd-iq> of Summer. Tlie "Tbaabonser Twlat" ' —.- . ... , Is tremendous la thto .... bowl your patnma over or we miss a gueaa. IF WB DO, . 11*1X1 BB CUB DAXB. So fOUow thto jnedictica tor a qeedy TerillcationI Appnidaiato Length. 1.W10 Wtet So. 1S8 Code Word. AaalBted KOEASED FRIDAY. SEPTEHBEE 2. "Say ■Tlianheuaer'tethaExehans* Man" by Latter, Wire and PItona FOR THIS I A. F'REISH START will add seat to tbe fresb start your business to due to get at thto time o' yesr. Book It without delay. From the description you can see that It'a one ot those pletmes yon CAN do witboat. but which you're slways a whole lot batter oil for running. It'a one of those Hlms tbat makea "ateadlea" of occasionsl patnma, bringing them back to yon In the liope tluit they'll aee somethhw ebe as good o It. . Approximate KengO, LWO Feet ' ' y-'■Vol.'iaa-'^^^ Code Word, Start THANHOUSER COMPANY, NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. Novelty Announcement Slides Are the Best p!g (hanged! Pries 3Se. ueh Btinlnlly eolorad. Potligi Paid ^GOOD Write for free catalosne. Beware of .imitators. We make laatera alldea for ereiy parpose. NOVEXXY SUDE COMPANY e* Fitth Aeenw (oer. Uth Street), • • • SEW yOSK CITT. ADVERTISINa SUOES OUR SPECIALTY MANAGERS AND OP E R A T OR S ^ Don*! Fall to Secure a Copy of NOTES FOR OPERATORS Containing a -rolmne ot TalnaUe lntormati«n tor Operatora and Haaagws. Caatenaed ad yon can aee at a glance Jaat-what yon want to know, will Ulmlnate 80 per cart, ot your troidde. WItbont question the l>lggest lot of information yon ever got for yoor money. Jnat tlie tlibis to mi that Tacant spot la the ptojectiag cab; practical information that will poaitlTdy get the deelied resnlts on the screen. The nloe ot Notes For Operatns to managers wHl Iw fnUy apprectoted when tber are cal led op oo to do a turn In the c ab. Highly recoeuneaded by ex- •wrtemwd opentors. A WtD XOS FOS BEOIBBESS, ASS FIBST AID TO THE JCAVASEE lOSHOT, AU foe tlie email sum ot 20 cents In stampa or allTer, wlille they laat. J. W. BUICKEROOD, - 131 W. 24th Stmt. Nw Yifk Citi JAPANESE GOODS ALWAYS THE BEST FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION We citrry the largest stock of goods in the West, suitable for paddle wheel, fish pond, roily poUy, pick out and genetal same purposea. Our prices are positively below all competitors. SPECIAL FOR MOVING PICTURE SOUVENIR— Japan*** Salt and Pepp*r 3liaK*r, awwll ala*, lawr ahapa, SXM pwr ura**. Comidete Catalog of Japanese Goods FREE. TAK1T0,0GAWA&C0., . 166 L Ijike St, OflCA^ HALLBERG MOVES TO 36 1 23nl Street My new offices and showrooms are the finest and most modem. I guarantee to save two-thirds on your current bill, and to give the best Kght you ever saw with the Hallberg Economizer —Ooe Custoner Says:— DOVER ELECn^RlC XJGBn: CX^^^ 25 Essex St., Dovw, N. J. Dover, N- J., Aug: 1, '10. Mr. J. H. HaUbeig. . 36B.^rdSk, NewVork. Dear Sir—I herewith enclose my check to cover the balance due to you for the Economizer furnished to IW for the Bon Ton Theatre. I cannot tdl you how much your mtushine ia appreda.ted'a^ how goodJt IB as^ how It has really made good. Please accept my thanks for helping me to get a good consumer,. and at the same time a pleased one. . V : Yours very trulyi H. J. Gerlich. ^ Ask sA)6a1;my FIickerIessM. P. machine, 4,000 c. p. arc lamps, ELECTTRA Pmk Label carbons, spot lights, exhaust fans, asbes- tos cables, lenses, colored an- nouncement slides and all kinds of supplies. Write for FREE Catalogue. No. 17B. 1. H. IULLBER6 3tE.23llSt., - Nra YMk I