The billboard (Sept 1910)

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50 T lie Billboard ROUTES AHEAD Hknacen and perfonnen ue cespeetfnllr nqnestcd to conMbnte their OatM. fiir tbls depart- aat. Bootes nmst teacbTbe BOIlwird not later thmn Satordar of each week ta laaiiie pabUcatlon. Tbm Bmboaid forwards all man for profesaloiiala free of durge. Uemtfers of tlW nrofanloa art tented, wMIe on the road, to bam-their mail addreased la eai» of Tb* BlUboaidL and It will be tbnratded pmnvt^. Talegrama inquiring for routes not given in these columns will be^ignored unless answers are prepaid. Performers and Acts with Circuses 'BiayMw- found in -mother'colamn. PBBFOBMEBS' DATES. When no date Is given the week of Aug. 29-Sept. 3 is to be supplied. Adanu, Billy: 45 Union St., Cambridge, Mass. Adams & Mack: Old Orchard Beach, Ue. Altkea. Jas. & Edna: 967 Park ave.. N. Z. C. ^ '-Aitkens,7:-JTw» .;:Gieat:>:a2I9. Oravler. ab^ New .'"/.''Orleans, .lia."^ Albanl: laes Broadway, N. T. C. Aldrach, Blanche: Athens, Ga. : Allen & Kenna: 125 Brewer St., Norfolk. Va. Allinel'B. Job.. Peter the Great: 422 Bloomfield St., Hoboken, N. J. AlTin & Zenda: Bqr. 365, -Dresden, 0. AlTlno.dc Blalto: Stock's Hotel. White Hall. UL Americas Slnglns Fonr: 410 lesth at., Bronx. N. T. . Amorlta Slaters (£vrlc) Ft.- Wayne, Ind. Anderson & liUlson: 3603 Idcnst at., Phila. Andersons, Anatrallan Twins: Care Paol Xaa- ; slg, 104 B. 14th Bti N. Y. 0. : Andrews & Abbott. Co.:. 3962- Moigan St.. St./ ..;'Iionis..-'.,'/ ..-; ' T Amds, His. Wnu E.: G01W. 139th at., N. T. ApoUo'-Qnartette: 639 K. -State St., CMcagu. Aichee,.* Carr: Greenwich, N. -T: ;AraoUI« Geo.: 600 Dearborn ave., Chicago. ' Arnold-ft Blckey: Owego, N. Y. Aner.-tS. tc G. (Syndicate Halla) IiOndon. Eng., JnlT'll-Oct. 8. - Anstm Joe: 714 W.-6th St., Dayton. O. Angld^Saxon Mnslcal Trio (Casto) Ashtabnla, 0.;,f(Geni) Xltosrille. Fa., 6-10. AmSKslhe (Theatvrlnm). HonstOD, Tes.' Alberta : (Electric Psrk) San Antcmio, Tex. kAmeaeiis, Four k(Gloonty ; Fair) Iiaporte; Ind., 30- .' :, Befit. 2. '.■ .', .,.'.- All's. -Hassan -iBen. Anba (Canadian National ■. Exblbitlan) Toronto, ~27-Sept. 12. :AIber'B Polar Bears (Oaiiadlan National Exhibl- ;^/< tianV^TorontOr Zr-Sept 12. . -:i:ATecj:&iHart'=<Orpheum) BtooUtii. .» . -'-Arllngtoa FOOT (Anumbra) Ns t;'.c. Adier. Harry: White-Bats, T. O. - rAltkot Broa.:>234'Bedf<M sbv FSU Blver. Xasa. ..American I>aneaiB, Stz:£lO Plain St., Pmrtdence, R. I. . Amstodanf Qnartette: -131 - W. 41st St., N. T. 0. : Amesens, The: 1817 N. Kedzle ave., Chicago. . Aahner Sisters: 12 S. Newatead ave., St. Xonls.' .v-Aznolda, Cbaa. .. (Hbnie's 'FiaTUIon) .Uma, O., 29-Sept. 10. Arizona Trio (Grand) Toongstown, O.; (Vicr tocla) Wheeling, w. Va.,-5-10. Aaiaiam.*a Dogs & Pony (Canadian Natlmial Ex- hibition) Toronto, 2T.Sept.rl2. .l AbdaUabs. Six (Orphenm) Dninth. Mnn. Apdale's Animals (Oiphenm) Salt Ijike, TT.i- S-Vt.' ■ - . ' ■ Artnss. F. (Orphenm) Savannah, Ga. V-Alpha Troupe (Orphemn) Des Moines, 7a., 5-lOL Ahems, The (Academy) BnlTalo; (FTancals) Uontreal. 5-10. i Alfarretta. Syinonds, Ilyan & Adams (Wigwam): San Francisco; (Grand) Sacramento. 5-10. Allen. Bra (Majestic) Albany. H. Y.; (Darf) Amateidam, . 5-10. ' Abbott & Alba (Uajestlc) St. Panl.' Anger, Ion (Orphenm) Oakland, Cal. Bacon, Betsy: Baconia, R. F. D., Mountain View CaL Balrd. 'Blanche: 12 W. 60th at, N. Y. C. Barbee d: Hill: 1262 National are., San Diego, Cal. Sarber & Palmer: 61T N. 22d at., Sontb Omaha. HA. ■■ Barker, Bobby, 1191S S. fHlgh at., CcAombas, ^ O. ■ ^Karry & Richards: DIngman'R Ferrr. Pa. ^Kartell A Garfleld: 2699 E. 53d St.; Cleveland. ^■Beard, Blllyil401 Drayton St., Savannah, 6a. ^'Beifk, Norman Ed. (Dominion Park) Montreal. Beck & Evans: 14 N. 9th St.. Phila. Beecher & Fennel: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. C. . Bpcs. Two: 502 Bryant ave.. Chicago. Bv'ford. Family: Palace Hotel. 518 N. Clark at., Chicago. . Fen. Bert: Princess lAeatre, Phnilpsborg, Kan. - Bennett Bros.: 258 W. esth St.. N. Y. C. Bennett k Marcello: 206 W. BTth St.. N. Y. O. Bergeie. Jeanctte & Bose: 224:W. 45fb St., ia. Y. C. Bems, Misa Iicslie: 716 Bnckingham Place, (Alcag. Blanea, Mlleo.: Care Max Hlrscb. Metropol- : Itan O. EL. N. Y. C. Bllyidcfs Gknt; Sea Dions: Care Das Programme, i ; Berlin; Ger..v . iBIndley,-?' Florencer 5407 15th ave., Brooklyn. ; .Blancfaard & Marlln: 1159 Octavla St., San Fran- •;:'.■...'•:- tlEea, vBIaney. HnA:: 248 5th ave.. PIttsbnri;. Pa. i Blessings. The: Moss & Stall Tonr; England. -'Bostoil.-Ke'wsboys' Quartette: 1 Ashton Sq., E. .'•■■'.';. I4ine^~'Mass...':-.., ■ -'iBradlevB. The:;. 1814v Bosh ave.,.,3irmlngham, V BraIua's^IadIes^^Qnartette:-1129^.- HOI sL. Lob .''."''Angeles^'CaL'"^^:!-.. ■.• j:."';^:-. Brand; rXanra Miartlere: 615 Malnrst., Bnlfalo. TBromer-,: - Sanmel N.: 285S TnUp ; at. - Phlta. Brewer. Cant. Chas.: The Bniboaid. ClncUnaU. J»rlntleys, The: 424 W. 39th sfc. N. Ti .t-. ,. Brlnkman Ernest: The Billboard. Cincinnati. Wrtttoni'Neniei'MO Morris Bfc; -phUa^; n , Brooks'*: Brootai:- Ibe Bmboaid. Gli^iinati. Pmokes & Chrltde: 88 Slenwood snw^BnAalo.- Brooka A Kingman: Bszflard Hotel. Boston. Brown.. Bobby: 1055 Frank st^ (Silcago. Brownies. The. & Co.:' Ctb & Jackson, sta., To- peka, Kan.'.. .■'.■.:. • Bndds, Aerial: 119 W. Fifth St., Dayton, O. Burgess. Harvey J.: 627 Trenton ave.. Pitts, bnrg. Pa. BameU. LUlian: 2050 W. North ate.. CU- cago. Burt, Al. J.: Bancroft Bldg.. Altoona. P£ Byrne, John H. W.: 218 W. 34th St.; N. I. Belmont, Han7, A Co.: Iiynn- Maaa.: CPeabodr Park) Newport B. I., 6-10.3 j ^' Borbank & Danforth (Wick's) KIttannIng; Pa: Brooks * Kingman .(Central Parte) Dovn; N. H. Bteton-Bunlde Co. (Grand) Homestead. Pa.: (Variety) Allegheny 6-10. "°"«™«»' *^«-' Bayes & Norworth (Maryland) Baltimore. Balloon Girl (Orphenm) Boston. Baader-I^aVeUe Trio (Statn Fair) Hamllne. . Minn. Bnsany, Bros. (State Fair) Hamline, Minn. Balton Troupe (State Fair) HamUne, Minn. BeUcIaire Bros. (Hammerstein'a Boof) N. Y. Brown. Harris & Brown (5th Ave.) N Y. Burke, . Dan, &:6Ir]s (Orphenm) Brooklyn. Barcfclay, Gertrude (Fair) Montlcello, la.;- (Falr) E>alem, S. D., 5-10. Bithner's I^st Day of School Co. (Grand) Youngstown, O. Bernards, Original (Street Fair) Cumberland, la., 30-Sept. 3: (Columbus Jet. Fair) Colum- bns Junction 6-9. Brunettes, Cycling (Hetshey Park) Hershey, Pa.: (Alhambra) N. Y. C, 6-10. : Boynton & Bonrke (Orphenm) Kansaa City. Mo..: . 6-10, ' Braatz, Selma (Bennett's) Hamilton, Can.; (Or- phenm) Harrlaburg, Fa., 5-10. BedeU, Walter H., £ Co. (Proctor's) N. Y. C; (Union Square) N. Y. C, 6-10. Burton. H. B. (Weet End Park) New Orleans,' ■1a. Bison City Four (Orphenm) San Francisco. 5-10. .Bnrt. Ertoll (5th Ave.) N. Y. C. Butler, Amy (Proctor's) Newark, N. J. Bennington Bros. (Highland Park) Qnlncy, 111. Blanehaid's It. Happened In Arizona (Fairbanks) SprlngSeld. f O. Bisbee ft Connelly (Star) Allegan, Mich. Bretonne, May, A Co. (Airdome) Wllklnsburg, Fa.: (Grand) Homestead, 8-10. Bxott^lStatr A Co. (Hippodrome) Lexington, Ky.; (New Walnnt) Louisville, 6-10. Bradleys, The (Brown'a) Texarkana, Ark. Bane, Holland & Bane (New Star) New Phil- adelphia. O.; (New Star) Akron, O., S-IO. Ballots, The:. Montlcello. la. Bama Girls (Orphenm) Oakland. Cal.: Belmont. Joe: Pntney, Eng., 12-17. Cady, Hypnotist: 114 F. ave., W., Cedar Bap. Ids. la. Caivert-Parkers, The: Portland, Me. Cameron, Ella: 381 Broad at.,- New London. (3onn. Campbell-Clark Sistera:: C3arendon Hotel, Chi- : cage. Garlln tt (Hark: 013 Prospect ave.; BnlTalo. Caion'ft Herbert: Fair Haven. N. J. Carpenter, Lawrence .S.: (Ideal) - Jackson; Mich; Caaada; Three:; : Darlington, Wla. Case,Charley: Xockport, N. Y. Case, Paul: 81 S. dark St.. Chicago. Crawford. Glon S.: 1439 Baxter St., Toledo. O. Crelghtoo, J. C: 115 Clymer st., Brooklyn. This Uank is available for xoo^ data in case you halve no rottte cards. Cards wiU be mailed upon applicatic^ feruaneut addr] If you are unable to route, and deure to.bave your per- manent addiess lisMd, kindly provide the neeessaiy informalabn; uang this blank. Kamei Permanent Address. Bernard ft Harrison (AlbambraT N. Y. C. Brads^w, Cbaa. (Music HaU) Brighton Beach. BiancI^ Mile. (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, Breen. Harry (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, N. Y. Blondell. Ed., ft Co. (American) N. Y. C. Bush, Frank (American) Chicago. Belfords. Seven (State Fair) Hamline, Minn. Boucicault. Aubrey, ft Co. (Majestic) Chicago. Banks, Charley: 317 Park ave., Baltimore. Barrett. Frank: 240 5th ave., N. Y. C. Beers, Leo: Saratoga Hotel. Clilcago. Bellows, Temple ft Bellows. Jr., 50 Broad at., jf^. "Y. C. ' ' ' Bldette, Hazel: 856 Market St., Oakland, Cat. Bigelows, The: 2662 Monroe st., (Shicago. Boutin ft Tlllson: White Bats. N. Y. &' Bowen Bros.: 20 Nash St.; New Haven;;Conn. Brown, Al. W.: 2016 Walnnt at, Caileaga.', Bnncbn ft Alger: 2319 W. Main St.. LoolsvIUe. Ky. Benton. Elwood' (Audltorlnm) Winchester, Ky.; (Pastime)' Jackson. O., 5-10. Burgess, Bobby, ft West Sisters (New Walnnt St.) Louisville: (Orphenm) Portsmouth, O.,- 5-10. Boyle Bros. (Unique) Des Moines, la.: (Ma- jestic) Sioux City, S. D.. 5-10. Brooks. Franklin A. (New Crescent) Put-In* Bay. O. Buckley. Louise, ft Co. (Majestic) Salt Lake, IT.; (Lyric) Idaho Falls, Idaho. 5-10. Busklrk. Mnslcal. ft <>>. (Palisade Park) Jersey City, N. J. Bella Italia Troupe (Francals) Montreal; (New Academy) Buffalo, 5-10. Brlsson. Alex. (Majestic) Butte, Mont.;- (Wash- ington) Spokane, Waah., 5-10. f ]Seyer.:.Ben,: ft Bid. (Oipbenm) Spokane: (Or4 : - phenmi -iSeattle.'5-10. " . Burke. John P. (Rood's Park) Baltimore; Md. Cteyle.? T. Carroll: 201 S. Davldaon at.. Indian- apolla. . . ' ' ■. ■ ■ Crawford ft Delancey: 110 Ladlow st.. Bene* fontalne, O.' .::::^ : Crotty. Geo.: White Rata. 112 >6th ave., Crhl- cago. ,' C'amllle Trio (Maryland) Baltimore. Chocolate Drops (Orphenm) Boston. Cowles Family (Fair) Wagner, S. D., 6-6: (Fair) Ollmore City, la., 7-9. Cllne, Maggie (Hammersteln's Boof) N. Y. O. Colored Cooka ft Walters (Hammerateln's Boof) ^. Y. C. . Cllir. Laddie (6th Ave;) N. Y. C. Clipper Quartet (6th ave.) N. Y. C. Carnival of Roses (Orphenm) Brooklyn. Clarke ft Bergman (Orphenm) Brooklyn. Charmlon (Alhambra) N- Y. C. Constantlne Slaters (Amerlcaif) N. Y. 0. Chilo, Count ft (teuntess '(American) N. Y. O. Conway ft Leland (American/ uhlcago. Cleopatra (American) Chicago. ordna ft Maud (State Fair) Hamline, Ulnn. Conroy : ft Lemaire (Majestic): Chicago. . Caston, Dave: 1553 Broadway,'^.N.-X. O.' Chester. Chas.: 820 S. '4th at., Qnlncy, III. Colnmblans, Five., Inc.: Flndlay, O. Crollos, Dick: Vandevllle Comedy (3nb: 224 W. 40th St., N. Y. C. Cullen Bros.: 2918 Ellsworth at. Pblla. Cleveland, CHaode ft Marlon iSceale Temple) Severe Beach, Mass.; (Keeney's) N. Y. C.,- 5-10. :^ Cretos, The (Fair) Strawberry Point, la.. 6-9. : Carpenters. Tbc (Fairyland) Hlnton, W. Va.: (Opera Bonse) Paris, Ky., 5-10. (Jooke Trio (Alamo) Cbarl<;tte, N. C. (31ark ft Duncan (Majestic) Chicago. Cfarrler, J. T., TYonpe: Carrol,. Neb. Cnnnlngham ft Marlon (Grand! Syracuse, -N. Y. Ckbatet's Dogs (Queen) San lllego, (Jal; Cobnm ft Pearson (Kelth'a) No, Platte. Neb., 1-3; (Imperial) lAlllance, 5-10. Parker's The Ojdjr Snccessfnl Portable JunirfBC Hoiw Macbiae on the Maricet and the Greatest Money Maker In the Amasemeiit Line One machine earned fIS.SSO.00 in 28 weeks in 1904. One machine earned tl7.943.00 in 29 weeks in 190S. One machine earned $16,692.00 in 25 weeka in 1908. One machine earned $16,017.00 In 27 wedca in 1907. One maebine earned $12,862.00 in 27 weeks in U08. One machine earned tIfiM2.00 in 2S wades in 1909L Above figura will be verified to pros- pective customers. Write for'cataleg and prices, ciw. PARKER, AbileiB. K». We make them In all styles. Tbia IIIastra> tlon shows one of our metal fobs with band.: colored artistic portrait In center. We make a variety of different styles: also with leather hangers. FV>b blanka In different styles. ' State expUcIUy what you want, doa't let ns guess at It. Wb are nunntactnteta. AMERICAN BADGE CO. 141-143 W. MiehipiSt. |ipt.F. Chieiie. HI. *;thisisit" llie greatest money getter of them all. pMce, fsaoa, CASH Complete, with strong tnmk for shipping, and all attachments, ready to aet np and uae. TblM la the only Bitent article of Its nd on the market; any others are In. fringements and will be nrosecnted. Add. ATBiaAH 9IF 00., Box M, ZsnasvUle. O. Machines aent O. O. D. upon a depoalt of flO with order. F^R SALE Twentieth Centnty "B. Cf." C^mUa Orapk-^ ophone ontdt; good aa new; a bargain. J. K. HAPOHTOlf. Hotel Kayar. Paaiia, m. DODGING MONKEY In viendid healthy eondltlon and excellent dodger; rliesas; weighs: aboat- fonrteen ponads. By far the beat money getter In the wotld. Will take In dollars where other conceaalons get nickels. CLYDE A. STAGG. Btagg'a Smokery. Greenabnrg. I nd.- .:;:■',"■.'■: ..■:'. ■" - ' ";■ HUNT'S SHOW WANTS CIRCUS ACTS OF ALL KINDS Ciomct and Tnba Player, Ferfonnera must do two or more acta. Join on telegmm. Tickets to th eas we know. Address. BrancbviIle, M. J.. Bent. 1; Sussex 2; Mliford, Fa., S; Bilshklll. Fa.. 5. long season. —WANTED— FOi^ THE LUCAS SHOWS Comedy Sketch Team up in med. bua. (Hiange for one week.: Make aalary low aa it la ante. This ahow. workB the, big ones. Open opera booaes ; Oct. 8.: 1010. wdte qaleit. a. V. LTJOAB, Tracy.'BIInn.>:;,.,';,Sj. ,.:'■:: fy;-'- Gitr Opera House. Bowie. Texas - Some open time left.. Population 0,000. SeaUnf capacity 600. Good attractlona wanted. Cropi Sne:: lota: of money. O. B. UIXARO. Manager.: BILLPOSTER WANTED ED. SEAMAN, Shreveport, La. mmmm «. a. aaira. ■oosiiKi.nt risklbw •T,,mBU, lib