The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. THe Billboard 66g Marathon OlrU. PUl Sheridan, msr.: (Bmplie) Hoboken, 2«-Sept. ^ _ ^ Mlilnlght MaldeM, Ciui. Taylor, mn.: (OaT*tr) Maiiimore 20-Sept. 8; W»«Ji., D. 0., 5^10. I-aulDE Parade, Claranea Burdlek. msr.s (Uoa- iimental) Baltimore, 2B-8ept. S. I'at White'* Gaietr OlrlB, Walter Oraarei, mgr.: (8th Ave.) M. i. C„ 29-8ept. 8. . ^ I'euoant Winners, HolMrt Mllla, msr.: (Standard) St. Uiole, 29-Sept. 8; (Qayetj) ladlanapoUa 0-10. l-urlDian WIdowa: (Waldmann'i) Newark, 29- OuLH-a'ot Bohemia, Mas Spiegel, mgr.: (Gay- eiy) illlwaukee, 29-Sept. 8. uuoeDB ot the Jaruin de Paris, Jos. Howard, mgr.: (Mohawk) SebeneeUdy, 28-31; (Bm- ulre) Albany. Sept. 1-8. Itecior Ulrls, Morria Walmtock, mgr.:: (CaaliiD) Brooklyn, S-10. Uolilckers, Alex Oorman, mgr.:: (Latiyette) Kullalo, 29-Sept. 8. KeutzSaDtley, J as. B. Early, mgr.: (ColamUa) X. Y. C 29-Sept. 8. Itevves', AL, Beaaty Show: (Oayety) Brooklyn, au Sept. 3. Kobluson Crusoe Olrls, Cbaa. Boblnaoo,mgr.: (Murray UUI) N. Y. O.. 29-Sept. S. Uuuaway Girls, P. S. Caark, mgr.: (Oljrmpte) .\. y. C„ 29-Sept. 3. Syiii-U's, Bose. l»ndoa. Bellea, W. 8. Oamp- bell. mgr.: (Gayety) PitUlHUV, 89-Sept. S. Sam X. Jack's,. Geo. T. Smltb, agr.: :(Bmpb«i Urooklyn, 28-Sept. 8. • - Star Show Girls, John T.. Baker, mgr.:.«(Star) Cleveland, 29-Sept. S. ' Senruaders, Geo. Anutnng, mgr.: T (OajetT) Ituaton, 29-Sept. 8. Star Ss Garter Show, Frank WIesberg, msr.: (Uurtlg & Seamen's). N. X. (3., 29-Sept. 8. TiKer Lilies, Wm. Drew, mgr.: (CoUimbIa) Boston, 29-Sept. 3.' Trocadenw, Chas. H. Waldron, mgr.: < (Caalno) lloston, 29-Sept. 3. ^' Vanity Fair, Jos. PettlngUl, mgr.: (Standard) Cincinnati, Sa-Sept. 8; LonlsvlUe. S-10. Wise Gay: (Star) St.'Panl. 29-Sept. 3.- WaahlngtoD Society Glils. Loo Watson, mgr.: (Bronx) N. Y. 0., 29-Srot. 3. Watson's Barleaauera, W. B. Watson, mgr.: (Star) Toronto, 29-Sept. 3. World ot Pleasnrs, iMUs Talbot, msr.: (Folly) Chicago, 28-Sept. 8. » — Vankee Doodle OItUl.' Sol Myers, msr.: (Oentmr) Kansas Clt^i 29-Sept; : 8. BANDS & ORCHESTRAS; American Collegian Band, C3ua. CnwtM, mgr.: (Clyireslde Park) Ashland.. Ky..: May 14. In- def. American Band: (Lakeside) Denver, Colo.. Ans. 14-Sept. 10. ■ Bands Roma. Sis. Slrlsnano, eondnetor: (Slver- vlen-) Louisville, Ky.. Jone 19, Indef. Itraillcy & Noe Ladle■^Orehe8tra, Winifred Noe. msr.: Pawhnaka.: Okla.; 29-Sept. 3; Bartles- vllle 5-10. Corrado's Boyal Italian Band: (Monroe Park) jLlobHe, Ala.. May 1-Sept. 25. Cavallo's Band: (Forest Park Hlstalaada) St. Louis. Mo.. April 83; Iiidet: ^ V ^ Conway & His Bandi : Atlantic <»ty. B. Y.. July '"3-Sept. 21. . ■• • .■■■■:"*;■. Creatore & Ms Band: (Sana Sooi>l Park)' Chi- caso. III.. May 2S, Indef. DeGrosz. Maxum, and his Band: (Bleetrle Park) Waterloo, la., Jnne 13. udef, • ElU'ry Band, Cfaannlns Elery, msr.: (IdormPark) Oakland, Ca).,-Ans. SS-Srot, 24. Elmwood Ladies' Cnocert Band, A; Scbmldt, mgr.: Buffalo, N. T.. Aug. IS-Sept. 4; Maneh Clinnk. Fa., 5-12. » ; I^iDE's Zouave Band, W. M. Ewlns, mgr.: (Fair) KaUonal la.. SO^pt. 8: (Fate) Bloom- lUEton, Wis., 4-10. ■ Perullo-s Band, Fortaae GKllo, .bos. msr.: (Oaks I'srk) PorUand,;Ore., Ang. 2S-0ct. 1. Pisrtaer & his Kxpoaltlon^ Orchestra: Arlington Hotel. Petoakey, Midi.,' Jnly. O-Sept, 0. (illliland-s Black Bnssar Band, Ausostns J. Fil- lln. mgr. : Sbamokln, Pa.; July 2-Sept;v 8. (.rcgg's Imperial Band^^ Ord>estra:'!(F«otalne Kerry Park) Louisville. Ky., May 1. indet.- Grella's Rand & Orchestra, W. I<. Walte, mgr.: (Blue Grass Park) Lexington, Ky., indef. Oiif-liattl's Military Band: (Luna Park) Cleve- land. O.. indef. Henry A Yoang*a Mtlttary Band, (Siai. T. Ed- wards, mgr.: (Sbellpot Park) WUmington. Del., May 28. Indef. , Innvs Band. J. H.: Shonk; seii. mgr.: (Bismarck Oanlen) Ctilcago.: III., Aug. 2(>-Sept. 30. '•■well tc his Band: Batnum ft BaUey Sbow. ^'Ti'.*? Conc*rt<iBand, J., Bart. Johnson, mgr.: (Mcbolas Park) Jackson vine. lU., Aug. 23- S»pt. IT. IvIlilM Band, T. P. J, Power, mgr,: N, Y. C, Indet. ■^>7l and hia Band: (Bteetrtc Bark) . Kansas City, .. Mo.. 21-Sept. 3. Ulwratl'g Bsnrt: (Whit* City) Ohieate; IlL, .\iie. T-Sept. 18. . ~» • Martorano'B Band: (Washington Park) Phfla.. ■July 11. Indet. Mitlcr'B TwenUeth Regiment Band: (Kingston , Point Park) Kingston. N. X.. May 80, indef. •^'tlello ^ bU Band: Long Branch, N. J., July 23-Sept. 10. • .National Chautauqua Band and Otcbeatra, D. L. Wort, mgr.: St. Joseph, Mo., 29-81: Hanni- bal Sept. 1-8; St. Umla T-10; aeasoQ cIoim. .Naviissar Ladles* Baad:i(l?X8ta«» Fab) St. eaal. MlUQ., 5-10, ^'■>-.;...'.;.':^'-.?c:.v.n'■ . Keel's, Carl Ooneert Band, ander canvas: Ohs- rsw, S. C, »B«pt. 8; Wadsshoco, N. 0., o-lO, PhUlpplnl, Don, Band, Ned Hanks,-mgr.: (Zoo- losical Garden) ■ Cincinnati. O., 33-8ept. 6. Qnlntano's, J., Boyal Venetian'Band, No. 1 (Bay Shore Park) Baltimore, Md., indef. QninUno's, J., Boyal Venetian Band. No. 2 (Lakemont Park) Altoona, Pa., indet. Royal Artillery Band: (Blvervlew Park) Balti- more, Md., May T, indef. Boyal Venetian Band, B. Lambloae, mgr.i (Xoong's Million DoUar Pier) Atlantic City, N. J., Indef, Bounds', H. 0., Ladles' Band and Orchestra: Malvern, Is., 1-4; Central City 6-9. Buzzl's Band: (The Oaka) PoctUnd, Ore., 28- ■■Sept.' -18., .■■■^^ ' Slater, Wm. E.. & his Band:' (Brighton Beach Hotel) Brighton Beach, N. X., indef. Spica's Boyal Italian Concert Band: (Borham Park) Lewistown, Pa., May 28, indef. Sonsa & his Band: (Willow Grove) Pblla., Aug. 15-Sept. 5. Tosso. . Emlle, ft his Band: (Weat End Park) New Orleans, La., May I, Indef, Vessella's Band: (Steel Pier) Atlantic City, N. J., Indef. Wbeaton Family Orchestra: '(Waverly Park) Lansing, Mich,, May 28-Sept. 15. STOCK COMPAMIES Albec Stock Co., Chas. Lovenberg, mgr,: Prov- idence, B. I., Msy 2, indef. Academy of Music Stock Oo., Wm. Fox. mgr.: N. Y. C, Ang. 29, Indef. Alcaxar Stock Co., Belasco ft Mayer; mgrs.: San Frandsco, CaL. Ang. 23, indef. Arvine-Benton Players: Indlanap<dll, Ind., Sept. 5, indet, . Alley (Jomedy Co,; X. C. Allay, mgr.: AsbevUle, N. a, 8»%pt. 24. AU. Mock Sad, StockOkt MeiTllI. Wla.. 29- Sept. 3: Cranam 8-10. Aubrey, Belen, Co.; Jas. Davis, mgr.: Lakeside Psrk, Joplln, Moi.. 21-Sept. 8; Plttsbmg, Kans., 5-lT. Baker Stock Co.. Geo. L. Baker, mgr.: -Port- land, Ore., Aug. 8. indef. Belasco ft Stone Stock (^., Belasco ft Stone, mgrs.: Loe Angeles, Cal., Indef. BUon Stock Ca., Kllmt ft Gaxzolo, mgrs.: Ctd- csgo. 111., Jnv 23, indef. BUon Stock Co.:: PawtBCket, B. L, Aug. 8. in- ■def,"--. Bishop's Playeri, W. H. Bishop, mgr.: Oaklano, Cal.. Indef. Bnntlng. Kmma. Associate Players: Atlsnta, Ga., indef. Bnrbank Stock Co.. Oliver MomeOb mgr.: Los Angeles. CaL; indef. Boyer, Nsacy, Stock Of.: Ft. Wayne, Ind., 29- Sept. 3. Burgess Stock Co., Wm. Burgess, mgr.: Sallna, Kans.; 22-Sept. 3; Hntehtnson S-IT. Balley-Lockwod Stock Co.: Independence; Kans., 22-8ept 3: lola 5-lT. Brlant Bros.' Stock Co., Boy Briant, mgr.: New- tmt, Kans,, 2Z-Slept. 8. Bowdlsh Stock Co.: Evans Cltir; P*.i 8B4tept. 8. 0>lumbla Players, Fred 6. Beijcer, mgr.: Wash.. D. C, May 2, Indef. Oalg, John, Stock Co.: BMtoa, Hiu.. Aug. "20,. indef. . Cornell's Players: Bntte. Mont.. Ang. 14, In- def, ^ :-'..^v:. Crescent Theatre Stock C!o.: Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 5. Indef. Oiauncey-Kleffer Stock Co., Fred (^banncey, mgr.: PhoenlxvUle, Pa., 29-Sept, 3; Lancaster B-IO. Copeland Bros.' Stock Co.: Ottawa, Kans., 22- Sept. 8. CoamopoUtan Players, AI. PhIIUpi;: lligr.: Sher- man. T«x.. 29-aept. 3^ Ciilhane's Comedians, . -wm B. Colhane, mgr.: Kl P!aao,' IlI..r 2B4ept.' 8: OiBnl S-IO. ' Culhane's Comedians, Hacklyn AIIyn, mgr.: La- Porte. Ind.; 29-Sept. 3; Bloomington, Wis., 6J0. (Ailhane'a Comedians, Tom Wilson, mgr.: At- lanta. 111.. 29-Sept. 8; La Harpe S-10. . Culhane's Oimedlans, Al. Beasley, mgr.: Wy- oming, m., 28-8ept. 3; Petersburg B-10. Cutter Stock Co., Allen O. White, mgr.: 'Wapa- koneta. O., 39-Sept. 3: Napoleon 5-10. GoUler, Wm.: Denver, Ooto., Ang. 7-8ept. 8. Cash, Bnrlelgs. Co.: Emporia, Kans., 22-8ept. 3. <}taamplln Stock Co., Chas. K. ChampUn, mgr.: Schenectady, N. Y., 29-Sept. 8. Davis. Harry, Stock Co.: Plttsbnig, Pa.. Sept. 5. Indef. DeLacey. Leigh, Stock Co.: (Honntila Park Ca- sino) Rolyake. -Mass.. Ang. 1-Sept. S. Oe Boame, Truman, Associate Players, F. W. Hays, mgr.: Pawruska, Okla., S94ept. 3; Bartlesvllle 5-10. Dorothy Stock Co., M. A. Reld. mgr.: Fremont, Neb.. 22-Sept. 8. DtummoBd, Bthel. Co., Oeimood ft MhoMo. mgrs.: Msnsfleld, O.. 29^pt. 10. EIltch-Long- Stock Co.. Mrs. Mary BUtch Long. : mgr.: DeaTer, Col.. June 12, Indef._ Barle Stock Co., L. A. Earle, mgr.: Oarksburg, W. Va., 29-Sept. S. ■ Euclid Garden Tbeatre Stock Co., Max .Faetken- hauer, mgr.: Cleveland. 0., Aug. 88-lBdet. Farm Stock C&: Toledo, O.. June 12, indef. French Stock (>>.: - Montreal, <Mn.. Aug. 15. indef. Qlrton Stock Co.: Los Angeles, Cal.. June 26, Indef. , Glaaer. VaDgbaa, Steek C^: Boehestor. N. T.. Jnly 2S-Spt. 3. Gordon's Associate Players. Jack flordcn, mgr.: Ft. Scott, KanHs., 21-Sept. 8; SpilntfdlCMOw. 6-17. Graham Stock Co., Oscsr Grsham, mgr.: Atelii- son, Kans., 22-Siept. 3; Bxcelsloi Springs, Mo., 5- 17. Grahame Stock Co.: OU City, Pa., 29-Sept. 3. Orayce, Helen, Stock Co.: Portland, Me., 29- Sept. 3. Havlln Stock Cb., Wm." Garen, mgr.: St. Lonia, Mo., Aug. 8, indef. Hallday Stock Co., Etarold Stout, .mgr.: East LiTOrpool, O., 29-Sept. 3; New OasU^ P«.. Haliday'a, Howard, Stock Co,, (:haa. E. Whit- ney, mgr.: StenbenviUe, O., 29-Slept. 3; Blast Liverpool 5-10. Hallday'a Players; Palmer KeUogg, mgr.: Home stead. Pa., 29-Sept. 8; WaaUagton S-10. Hallday's Comedians, AL Ttoat, mgr.: New CaaUe, Pa., 28-Sept. 8; Btaddoek 5-10. Hallday Musical Comedy Co., Geo. V. Hallday, mgr.: Braddock, Pa., 2a-Sept. 3;-Homestead 6- 10. Henderson Stock C!o.. W. J. ft B. B. Hendetaoit, mgrs: Ft. Oodge. la., 25-Sept. 10. Hlmmeleln, John A, Imperial Stock Co.: Decatur, Ind., Sept. 5-10. Hlmmelein, John A., Associate Players: Jackson, Mlcb., ^pt. 5-10. Hall, Don. C, BepertoIre dow:: Staraas Point, Wic, 22-Seft. 11. HIckman-Bessey Co.. Guy Htekmaai mgr.: Mna- kogee, Okla., 28-Sept. 3; Tnlsa B-ln. Hlckman-Beas^ Co., Bairr O, Uhon, mgr.: Edwardavllle. 111., 29^pt. S; -tton 5-10i. Untchlion, Louise, Stock Co... Jack Hntdilson. mgr.:.Jefferson City, MOk, 32-Sept. 8; Sedalla 5-17. m i lmnn'a Ideal Stock Co., No. 1. Lacy M. Hayes, mgr.: Logan, Kans., 29-Sept. 3. Boyt Stock Sb.: La Fayette, Ind., 2a-Sept. 3. Hall, Helen, Stock Co., G. S. Flinders, mgr.: Lawrence, Kaiu., 22-Sept. 8. JoUy Players Jepson ft Price, mgra.: Cnlon City, Ind., 29-Sept. 3. Jeavons Stock Co.: Leechbnrg, Pa., 29-Sept. 3. Keith Stock Co., Jamea E. Mooie, mgr.: Port- land, Me., April 19. Indef. Keith Stock Co., Cato S. Keith, mgr.: .Crfaana, HI., 29-Sipt. 3; Loganiport, Ind., 6-10. Kelly ft Sherman Stock (jo., S. Ii. 'Kelly, mgr.: Mej^co, Mo., 29-Sept. 3. Keene, Lorraine, Associate Playeca: Beatrice, Neb., 22-8ept. 8. Landers Stock Co.: Newark, N. J.. Indet. Lawrence Plsyets. D. 8. Lawrence, mgr.: Seat- Qe, Wash., July 25, indef. Lindsay-Morrison Stock Co.: Lynn, Mass., Aug. 20. Indef. Lyric Stock Co.,. I.. M. Gorman, mgr.: Lin-. coin, Ndk, Aiq;. 29, Indef.' Lawrence-L^ceom Stow Co.. O. L. Lawrence, mgr.: Kearney, Neb., 22'Sept. 3. Lewis-Oliver Stock CO.: Pittsburg . Kans., 22- Sept. 8:v Chanute 6-17. Le Boy ft Hazletott Comedy Co., Wm. Le Boy, mgr.: Lavrrencebnrg, Ky., 29-31. Leonard, Wm. B., Playos. W. B. Leonard. mgr.: SlcTUx City, la., indet. Lewis Stock Co., W. F. Lewis, mgr.: Aurora. Neb., 29-8ept. 3. Jfeyers. Irene. Stock Co.. Wm. H. Meyers. mgr.: (Manila PaA) Tamaqnh Pa., May 29. Indef. Morris-Thurston Slock Co.z Baj City, Mich., Sept. 6, indef. Myrkle-Haider Stock Cio., W. H. Harder, mgr.: (Lakemont Park) Altoona. Pa.. Jnne 13-Sept. Mncray-Mackey Co. (Eastern) John J. Uorray. mgr.: Warren, O., 29-S9pt. 3; StenbenviUe 5-10. Maltland, Gertmde, Co.. Jefferson HaB. mgr.: Champaign, 111., 29-Sept. 3; OIney 6-10. Morey Stock Co. (Le Comte ft Fleaber'a). J. A. Murphy, mgr.:-Junction CIO'. Kuis.. 29-Sept. 3; BeUevUle 6-10. Maher. PhU. Ck>., Leslie B. Smith, mgr.: Sis- tersvlUe, W. Va., 29-Sept. 3. MaJesUc Stock Co.: Council Bluffs, la., 22- Sept. S. Morgan Stock Co.. J. D. Morgan, mgr.: (%dar Rapids, la., 22-Sept. 3. Metropoutan Stock Co.: York, Neb., 22-8ept. 3. Murray ft BosteU Stock Co.: WaterviUe, Me., 22-Sept. 8. Nelson, Marie. Players. J. T. Prince, Jr.. mgr.: (SUcago. ni.. Sept. 6. Indef. New Criterion Stock Co. Kllmt ft Sasxolo. mgrs.: Chicago. III., Aug. 14, Indef. North Bros.'' Stock Co.: Topeka, Kan.. Indef. Nlckenran Bros.' Stock'Co.. Cihas. A. Morrell, mgr.: Ghanute, Kans., 2it-i3lept. 8; Indepen- dence 5-17. NelU, James. Stock Co., Edwin H. NeUl. mgr.: Minneapolis, Minn., 28-Sept. 3. Orpbenm Stock Co.. Grant Laferty, mgr.: Phil- adelphia. Sept. 13, indef. Park Stock Co.: (Lagoon) Ludlow, Ky.. May 2», indef. Partello Stock Co., W. A. Partello. mgr.: Cal- satT. Alta.. Can., indef. Paycen Stock Co.. B. S. Lawrence, mgr.: Tole- do, O.. Aug. 28, indet. Payton Stock Co.. Corae Payton. mgr.: Hobo- ken. N. J.. Aug. 29. indef. Pemchi-Oypaene Ca, O. D. Pemehl. mgr.: Tam- pa, ria., indef. Poll Stock Co.i Bridgeport. Omn., May IS, Indef. Poll Stock Co.: Hartford. Oinn., June 27, In- det. SLABS BLOWBB and ESOBAVJSK want space In Arcade or Museum for winter. Who wanta n»; C. DeWITT DAVIS. BUlboatd. New York. Best Town in Arkansas Centrally located between Little Bock and Ft. Smith. Fdbniatlon to draw from 10.000. Seating capacity 890. Good stage. We would like ta book yon. W. Q. NSaL ft CO.. BossellviUe, Arkansas. NEW OPERA HOUSE, Bolivar. H Y OOOB ATZBAOXXOHS WAHTEO. Zive town. Ho eppotitioa. B. X. QaTm, K>p«ceg. Lafayette Booking Exchange MICHIGAN AVE THEATRE Seating capacliy 1.000. Good chance for atock or repertoire company; one or more weeks at cheap prices; 10, 20, 30. Sbmething with »i'i> clal feature. Vandevllte Acta write. Addnvo. DB; M. CAMPBELL; Lafayette Theatra; DetruIi. TSATELIHO ATTBACTXOHB have few wore good dates open In real live town, real bouse, and big business, to merttorloos attractions. If you are coming this way, it will pay you to write me. Oakar Xom.. Mgr. Grand Opam House, Bsy City, Texas. Fop. 6,009. : Wanted, Attractions. BAIXOON ASCENBIOir, etc., Oct. 6. 0 and ,7. No gambling. Addreaa Jaar. OaniTat Aasoala^ tion, Butler, Ohio. .. WANTED-Carnival Co. OB.SHOWS, Concessions and EVee Attractlona for Wtnamac Street Pair, Oct. 5-0-T-8, 1010. Best Street Fair In Northern Indiana. Addresa O. M. Mclaughlin, chairman, Wlnamae. Ind. FiLMORE (»nimYDi? AND NlSli^ MIR PBSSTOB. xnoi,. Sept. u-n, uio. Can book a tew good shows that do not. con- aiet with what I have already botAed. Havo room for legitimate cancesslons. FBASX J, tBACH, Seor.. Preeton, Minn. . . '. • • TROY, PENN., FAIR Unda entire new management SEX>T. 13-16; laftO. ■WANTED BROWS AND CXIirCESSIONS OF AIX KIHDS. We havo the people, the people ham the money, Oiima and get jonis, E. O. OABEEBTES, Secy., TBOT, - - - - - - - 1 - - - - PA. Wanted fer Warren Bros.'Show At once; trombone, liartton^. tnba. Salnty sore every week; and performem In aU. lines, except riders. Write or wire, Bagleport, O., Aug. 31: Blue Bock. sept. 1; Bexmllls, Sep*. 2; New Concord, Sept. 3. Band Leader. C. C. BBAGOS. WABTES :- Husicians, Cornet and Tuba Player Others write; also. Performers; no tickets or boose. Address MANAGBB OVBBUAND BXPO- SITIOM SHOWS, Mooreland. OMa. SNAKES and MONKEYS Bulls, Battlers, GUa Monsters, Armadillos, Show Batmers. Small Animals, Monkeys, etc.. ot all kinds. All Snakes fixed safe to bandle. Cor- respondence solicited. E. F. .WATSON. 189 XtoUgaB Ato., Detroi t. IPeh. Only Skating BInk In town. Can be con- verted into theatre. For rent, sale or excbansr tor dear land, Chicago property or what. Coll- aenm Bldg.. Fbnd dn Lac, Wis.: 60x150 ft. Valne fSO.OOO; inc. 313.500. P. L. .MIM.ER. TO La&alle St., Chicago.