The billboard (Sept 1910)

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60h T li e B 11113 eta F d Poll stock Co.: Springfield, UUs.. May 2, In^ det Fotl stock Co.: Waterb ui j, Coon., May 9, In- det •- - ■ Poll Stock Co.: Wnk'es-Bscre, Pa., U»j 0, In- def. PoU Stock Co.: Worcester, Mass., May 2, in- dof. PriDcets Stock Co.: Dea Moines, la., Ang. 28, Indet, People's Stock Co., Jack Hntcblson. mgr.: Se- dalia. Ma., 22-Sept. 3; Ft. Scott.- Kans.. 5-17. Pierce. H. B., Associate Players: Dnloth. Minn.. 32-8ept. 3. Price's Players: Falxfield, Ue.>; Ang. l-8ept. 3; WaterrlUe 6-10. . ... . , . Bod Stock Co.:. (Itair*Iew Park) Oaytoa. O.; May 30.^ Indet. Beeves', Oocotlv. Stock Co., Cllffbtd- Beeves. mgr.: Grand Island, Neb., 22-Sept. '8. BInaldo'B Players, Swaney & Binaldo, mgrs.: EvanSTlIte, Wis.. 2a-Sept. .3. Rosb, Eamnnd. Stock Co.: Grand Island, Neb., 2Z-Sept. 3. Seattle Theatre Stock Co.:'Seattle, Wash., April 24. indef. - Spooner, Edna May Stock Co.: Brad(Iyii. N. S.. Ang. 20-Sept. 3. Stnbba-WllsoD Players, Chas. D. ^WUstm. mgr.: . "(Olentangy Park) Colnmbas. O., May 30, In-. def. ■ Snborban Garden Stock Co.: St. Louis, Ko.. May 15, Indet. Sommeis Stock Co., Geo. A.: Snrnmers, mgr.: Hamilton, Ont., Can., Jnne 6, Indef. Spedden-Pake Stock Co., Sam Slpedden, mgr.: Dallas. Tex., 29'-Sept. 3. Sherman Stock Co.; Angola, Ind., 5-10. Sights Theatre Co., J. W. SlghU, mgr.: Wapello, la., 29-3ept. 3; Colnmbns Junction S-10. .. Spence Tbeatre Co., Harry Solms, mgr.: New-. ton, Kans., 22-Sept. 8; Emporia 5-17. : Stahl Stock Co.:- Excelsior'Sprlnga, Ho., 32- , Sept. 3; Jefferson City B-17. Slnclalr-Weber Stock Co., J. H. Weber, mgr.: Salina. Kans., 22-Sept. 3. Swafford Stock Co., J. B. Swafford^ mgr.: Bellows Falls, Vt., 29-Sept. 3. Turner. Clara, Stock Co. Ira^W. Jackson, mgr.: WlUlamport, Pa.. May 30, Indef. Taylor Stock Co. H. W. Taylor, mgr.: Alliance, O.. 29-Sept. 3. Thome. Mabel. Stock Co., F. T. Parker^ mgr.: Manhattan, -Kans.. 22-Sept. 8. Wolfe Stock Co.: Wichita, Kan., Ang. 29, In- def.'':'■ ■ ■ ■ .;-. ' Woodward Stock. Co.; O. D. Woodward, mgr.: . Omaha, Neb.. Ang. 27. indef;' , Whyte Dramatic Co.: Springfield, Ifo., 22-Sept. . 3; Idtkedde Park, Joplili, Mo.;-5-17. .Ye Colonial Stock Co.;. lola, Kana., 22-Sept. 8; Atchison 5-17. : DRAMATIC & MUSICAL Abom Comic Opera Co:, Mlltan.-& 'Sargent Abom, mgrs.: (Olympic-Park) Newark. N.- J., May 31-Sept. 10 Arcadians, Tlie. Clias. . :Vrobman,:: mct. : N.-X. C Ang. 1. indef. : Abom English Grand Opera Go.,'.3Ulton.-& Sar- gent Abotn, mgrs.: Toronto, Can., Sept. 5-10. Am I a Chinaman: Belolt; Wis..' 1:. Belvldete,' 111.. 2; Rockford 3; Mollne 4; Bock Island 8; Mnscatine 6: Clinton 7; Davenport 8; Cedar Baplds 0; Mt. Pleasant 10.. Adventnres of Polly. Blaney-Spooner Co.; mgrs.: Richmond, Ya., 29-Sept. 3; KaBhvlUe,.-Tenn., 5-10. ■ . . ''.^ At the. Mercy of TIberlns. Tangban- Olaaer. mgr.: Toledo. 0..'2S-Sept; 3: Cleveland 5-10: As the Snn Went Down. Artbnr C. Alston, mgr.: Chicago. III.. 28-Sept. 3; Benton-Har- bor. Mich., 4: Soutb Bend. Ind., 5; Goshen 6; Marion 7; Ft. Wayne 8-10. Aviator. The, Cohan & Harris, mgrs.: Atlantic City, N. J.. 2g-Sept. 3. Baby Mine (Enstem), Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. Y. C, Aug. 28, Indef. Baby Mine (Western). Wm. A." Brady, mgr.: Chicago, m., June 6. Indef. t Bobby ;Bumlt. Ilenry B. Harrts, mgr.: N.- X. v.. -Ang. 22. Indef. ■ ■ Brass Bottle. Chas. Frohman, mgr.: N. Y. C, Ang. 11. Indef. Beverly (Eastern), Delamater & Norrls. Inc., mgrs.: Kansas City,- Mo.. 29-Sept. 3: De< Molnra. la.. 4-7: Omaha, Neb.. S-10. Brewster's Millions, Al. Rich, mgr.: Boston, Mass.. 23-Sept. 3: Worcester 5-10. Beyond Pardon. John S. Price Am. Co., mgrs.:. Mondoe. N.- T.. 3: Florida 5: Highland Mills 6: Warwick 7; Chester 8; Walden 9; Cold Spring 10. Bachelor's Honeymoon (Sontbem), ' Gllson &. Bradlleld. mgrs.: MDgank. S. D., 31; Wc-b- ster Sept. 1; Aberdeen 2: Ellendale 3: Edge- ley 4; I.aMoare 5; Oafces 6; Bedfield 7; Fanlk- ton 8; Gettysburg 9. Billy the Kid: Norristown. Pa., 2. . - Carle. Richard, In Jnmping Jnplter. Frazee A ' I^ederer. mKrs.; Chicago,-III.;:. Ang* 4. indeC- Cbocolate Soldier. F. C. -Wbitney, mgr.: lAndon. Eng.. Sept. 10, Indef. Commuters, The. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. T. L C. Ang. 15. tadef. IConntry Boy. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: ST.--T, C.,- I Ang. 28, Indef. 'Curtis. Allen. Masical Comedy (^.: Salt Xake City, trtah. Indef. Cow and the Moon. Cihsi. A. SeUon, mgr.: Ra-. cine. Wis.. 3: Sheboygan 4; Oshfeosh 5; Wan- . san 0; Dniuth; Minn.. 7-8; Hlbblng 0. Checkers, Stair & Havlln, mgrs.: Worcester. Mass., 29-Sept. 3; Boston 5-10. Cowboy and the Thief. Rowland & (Clifford Am. CO.,-props.:. Kansas City, Mo.. 38-Sept. 3; St. Joseph 4-7. -Cat and the Fiddle.- Chas. A. Sellon. mgr.: Fond - dtt Ijie, Wis., 31; Sheboygan Sept. 1; Osh- . kosli 2; Wansan 3; Ean (Haire 4: Dnbnqne, la., ■ 5: Decorah 6; Charles City 7; Mason City 8; ' ' MaiBbantown »; Waterloo 10. -Cast AaSaet St. Lonis: Mo.. 28-Sept. 3. :Cto8man;- Henrietta, in Anti-Matrimony: Salt - l^ike; Utah, 5-7. Clifford. Billy-Single; Bob I^eBOT-. mgr.: St. - Joseph. Mo.. 28^1; ItesUoInes. la., Sept. 1-3. Carew. Mary. B:-;Ss.'Kfngston, mgr.: Panlding, ■ O., 1.:-■. - .".-.^iiit^j^i;^;; LGbnnty Sheriir.rfiKts'K^.Wiee's). Clias.. Brooks. mgr.: Woadstndc^lC'^'.; CUi.,'1; Frederlcton 2: McAdam.-SS'r - —-t ' ChinatowntTmnki^-Mysteiy: Waah., D..-tl.-,^29- Sept., 3. -'ZjS: -' - - - (3Imax, The,r'Tot£W<eIier. mgr.: Bastaii.%|bsa.,' 29-Sept.-3. -^X ■ - r-i Dollar Mark. .~Wm:?'<<--A. Brady, mgr.: Chicago. ni.. Ang. 27:'Indef. Dressier. Marie, in Tlllle's Nightmare. Ijew Fields, mgr.: N. Y, C, Aug. 11, indef. Dan Cnpld. J: K. Vetter. mgr.: Emmettsbnnr. la.. 31r Esthervine Sept. 1; Storm Ziake 2; Cherokee.3: Sioux City 4; Slonx Falla,' S. D., 5; TennUIioa 6; Tankton 7; MitdieU 8; Silem ft. Daniel Boone On the Trail - (Rgbt. H. Harris' Eastern), Ben H. How^ mKB? Unton, Ind.. 31;. VInceones Sept. 1; HedOersOli, li^., 2; OwenslwiD 3: Lexington 5; Cjntblana 6; Georgetpwn 7:, Mt. Sterling 8: Ashland 9; Huntington, W.'Va., 10 - Daniel Boone On the Trail (Robt. H. Harris' Central), Chas. A. Teaff, mgr.: Barry, lU., 31; Hannibal, Mo., Sept. 1: Canton 2; Qnln- cy. ni., 3; MOberly. Mo.. S; Macon 6: Shel- byville 7; Palmyra 8; Ft. Madison, la., 0; Bnrilngton 10. • Daniel Boone On the Trail (Robt. H. Harris' Western), S. A. Mitchell, mgr.: New Lon- don, Wis., 31: Shawano Sept. 2; Stnrgeon - Btyfa; Gteen Bay 4-5; Arlsona 0; Plymouth 7; S^monp 8.:: ; -.1-V v: Edeson, Botiert,:, in - \nieie'' t^^ Trail Divides. Hemr B. Harris, mgr.: Tortmto, Can.; 5-10. EU ft :jane-.XSontlieni),: Htocr Green, mgr,: Bloomfield, Ind.. SI: JaaonvlUe Sept. 1; Ob- long; ni., 2; OIney 8; W. Salem 5; Athlon 6. Ell and Jane (Coast), S. W. Waldron, mgr.: Herman, >nm>., 31; Uorria Sept. 1; eienwood 2; Alexandria 3; Melrose 4: Uttle Falls 5: Boyalton 6; Staples 7; Wadena 8; Frazee 9; .'Detroit 10: Fcdlles of 1910. F. Ziegteld, Jr., mgr.: N. Y.. C- Jnne 20-Sept. 3; Chicago, HI., 5. Indef. J'ortnne Hunter, with Thos. Boss, CJohan & Har- ris, mgrs.: Chicago, lU., Dec. 2e-Sept. 3. Fortune Hunter, with John BariTmote, (3ohan . & Harris, mgrs.: N: X;C, Aug. S-Sept. 3. Friedlander, Billy, (3b.: Tucson,- Aria., indef. Fiske, Mrs:, in repertoire; Harrison Grey Flske, mgr.: Milwaukee, Wis., 29-Sept. 3. Ferguson, Elsie, in A Matter of Money, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: New Haven, Coxm.. 31-Sept. 1; Springfield, Mass., 2-3; Boston 5-17. Flirting Princess, .with Harry Bulger, Mort-H. Singer, mgr.: Dea Moines, la., 31-Sept. 3; Council BIuEs 4; Lincoln, Neb., 5-7; Grinnell, la., 8; Ottawa. III., 9; Aurora 10. Girl and the Drummer: Chicago, 111., Sept. 4, indef. . Girl of My Dreams, Jos. M. Gaitea, mgr.: (Chi- - cjgo, ni.,: Ang.. 6, Indef. Girlies, Frederic Thompson,. mgr.; N. Y. C, Jonc. 13-Sept. 3. Girl and the. Banger. J. \. NMman, mgr,: ilam- Uton, Mo.. 31; Kingston Sept;- 1; Polo 2; LjLwson 3; . Odessa.. S; . Oak. Gsore :6;. Bine Springs 7; Lees summit 8; ..Greenwood 8: Pleasant HHI 10. Goddess of Liberty, with Jos. E. Howard, Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Wankegan, m., 1; Janes- . vlUe, Wis., 2; Springfield, liL. 3-4; Oecator 5; Jaclraonvllle 6; Peoria 7; Bloomington 8; Rockford 9; Madlaon, WlB., 10. Granstark (Eastern . (Bastem),. Baker & Castle, mgrs.: Newark, N. J^ 28-Sept, 3; Trenton s; - Johnstown, :Pa., 6;'McKeesport 7; Vlieellng, W. Ya., .8-10. , Granstark (Southern), Baker Sc Castle, mgrs.: Harrisonburg, Ta., 31; Stannton Sept. 1; Lynchbnrg 2; Salisbury, N. C, 3; Spartan- burg, S. C, 5; Greenville 6;-Montgomery, Ala., 7; (>reenville 8; Pensacola, Fla., 9-10. Girl from U. S. A. (Eastern), Hamm Scott, Girl from v: S. A. (Oentral). Harry Scott, mgr.: Big Baplds, Mich., 31; Mt. Pleasant Sept. 2; Owosso 3: Saginaw-4;'Bay City 5; Monroe 7; Tecumseh 8; Moreatd 9; Adrian 10. mgr.: Dwight; III:, 1; Pontlac-2; LindOn 3; Galesbnrg- S: Avon 6;'Bn8hneU 7; Macomb 8: Mt. Sterling 9; Hannibal, Mo., 10. Girl from D. S. A; (Southern). Harry Scott, mgr.: Peoria. III., 4-6; Si^ngfieia 7-8; Terre Haute, Ind., 9-10. Girl from Bect<Hr's, A. H.. Woods, mgr.: Boston, . Mass;, 20-Sept. 3; AUantic City, N. J:. 5-10. Girl from Sector's,-A: H. Woods, mgr.: Sche- necUdy. ,N. .T... 29-31: GloversvIUe Sept. 1; Rochester 2-^; Erie, Pa., 5; Butler O; Altoo- na 7; Latrohe- 8; McKeesport;-Pa., 9; 'Wheel- . tag, W. Va.; .10. Girl in- the Taxi, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Cleve- land. O.. 29-Sept. 3: Cincinnati 5-10. Girl In the-TbxI. A. H. Woods, mgr.: Toronto, Cam,- 29-Sept :3; Montreal 5-10. - Girl In the Taxi, A. H. Woods, mgr.^ Fhlla., Ang. 29. indef, Glaser, Taughan, In the Han Between, W. B. Gaiyn, mgr.: Toronto, Can., 5-10. Girl of the Mountains. O. e: Wee, mgr.: San ford. Me.. 31; Bochester, N: H., Sept. 1; Ipswich, Mass., 2; Gloucester'3.' Girl In Waiting. Cohan & Harris, mgn.: Buf- falo. N. Y., 29-Sept. 3. Going Some, Lajnence & Sandusky, mgrs.: Lew- Iston, Ida.. 1; CoHai, Wash., 2: Dayton 3. Hartman, Ferris, Mnslcal Comedy Co,: San Francisco. Cal.. Ang. 8. indef. - Hitchcock. Raymond, In the Man 'Who Owns Broadway, Cohan & Harris, mgrs.: N. Y. C, Sept. 3,. Indef. Hello Bill. Frank L. Mahara. mgr.: Rock Rap- - Ids, la., 30-Sept. 2; Santwm 3; Cherokee h. Honeymoon Trail, Kelly A FItzOcrald,. mgrs.: Peoria, m., 28-31: Dnbnqne, la., Sept. 1: Ce- dar Baplds 2; Waterloo 3; St. Paul, Minn.. 4-10. - Happy Hooligan. Gns HIU, mgr.> Wash., D. C, 29%pt. 3; Norfolk. Ta., 5-10. House of a Thonsand Candles, No. 1. Rowland & Gaakni, mgrs.: Sycawore, 111., 1; .Morrison 2; dtaton, la., 3; Waterloo 5;'.Independence 6; Manchester 7; Oelwein 8; New Hampton 9; Charles City 10. House of a -Thonsand Candles, -No." 2; Rowland & Gasklll. mgrs.: Bloomington, IlL, 5; Moq- . mouth 6;-Ft. Madison, la.-, 7: Keokuk 8; Ma- Home Ties. Marlon Bnssen.-mzr.: Mlddleton,. N. Y.. -81;;Kewtmrg Sevtt-. 1; Klngstcni-^2; J^obns- :''^^'-' ■' '■ In Panama (Al. BIch's (Jo.); Wm. W. Wpolfolk. mgr.: Buffalo, N.-Y., 29-Sept.'8: Youngstown, O., 5-7; .Akron 8-10. In the Bishop's Carriage, Baker ft Castle, mgrs.: Walden, N. Y., 31; Fiahkm Sept. li LOTg Brandi. N. J.. 2; Red Bank 8; Newark 6-10. In Old Kentnc%. A. W. Dingwall, mgr.: St. PauL Minn., a-Sept. 8.^^^^^- . . r ■ SH:-:- Jnst a Woman's Way (A). 01lTer-:^jal>aiIiK mgr.: Hartford. -Wis., 4; Wanpnu 5:-.Haoi£l>^ woe 7; (Allton 8; Appleton 9; Fond-dn Lac 10. ' ■.. " Jnst a Woman's Way (B), John Balily, mgr.: Victor, In., 5: Deep Blver 6; MtUersbnrg 7; N. English 8; Wellmm 9: Kalona 10. Jnst Out of Ckillege, Bothner ft Campbell, mgrs.: White Blver^Junction, Vt., 31: Ran? dolph Sept. 1; Barre-2;-Burlington 3; Platts- Imrg. N. Y., 5; Saranac Lake S; Malone 7: Massena Springs 8: .0gdensbnrg 9; Oswego 10. Jim the Penman, Wm::-A. Brady, mgr.: Chi- cago, ni., 22-Sept. 3. Upman; (Hara. In the Marriage of a Star. Wm. ^ A. Brady, mgr.: N; -T. C., Aug. 16, indef. Lore Among the Lions. Chas. Fronman. mgr.: N. y. C, Aug 8. todef. Light Eternal. M. E. Bice, mirr.: Grand* Baplds, Mich.. 28-31: Mnwanicee. Wis., Sept. 4-10. Lire Wire. Kllmt ft Gazzolo. mgrs.: Springfield. 111., 28-31; Peoria Sept. 1-3. Lyman Twins: Des Moines. la., 28-31. Lacfcaye, Wilton, in The Battle, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Salt lake City, 29-31. Lost Tnli! Notrlatnwn, Pa.. S, L. IVf. HIRSCH SAMPLE SHOE CO. FOR iBTAQE AND STREET WEAR; - OrlQlnatora of SAMPLE AMD ^r-«-w -w^-^mrr*^^' Hoalaiy to ihateh all oolers at jmpiilar primia.- Mall ordara promptly flllad.:*.-^ BEND FOR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGtE. 404-406 SIXTH AVE., BET. 24th and 2Sth STS., - W. Y. CITY. ELECTRIC SCENIC EFFECTS AND STA6E LIGHTIN6 APPLIANCES. (3ompIete line of CLOUD Effects. SNOW, BAIN, FIBE, Etc. Also SPOT and FLOOD LIOBTS, STAGE POCKETS, PLUGGING BOXES, RHEOSTATS and evcrytiUng used in connection with Electrical Stage Lighting. UFOBTED Carbons, Lenses and Oelattnes at low prioea. Send for CATALOGUE. JOSEPH XESCBES ELECTRICAL CO., Largest Mannfactorera of Klectrlcai Stage Appliances and Effects in the World. 860 West »Oth Bfa—t. Hew York City, V. a. A. CONCESSIONAIRES WE WANT YOU! NEW JERSEY STATE FAIR At Newark, Oct. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ^^Mte We will have tremendous crowds. Our Free Open Air Shows will draw like wild-fire. Trotting and Running Races, Aviation, Motor and Bicycle Contests WE WANT ONE GREAT MIDWAY Something That'll Keep 'Em Talking Plenty of room and space. Cheaper than—Oh, what's the use! Write and well gladly give you all information. Address FRED W. VOIGT, Gen. Mgr., 738 Broad St, Newark, N. J. We Want to Hire TEN Bie TENTS-6ive Dimensions m EASY MONEY ■FOR- WIREW0RKER8 Send today for our handsome, big wire-workers' catalogue. It gives full description of many big money-makers on which you can make from 400% to 1,000% profit. Tliis catalogue is cram full of wire-workers' special- ties that sell like circus tickets. Our illustrated instruction book shows you how to make thousands of clever and handsome bracelets, fobs and scarf pins. Write for particulars about our special bargain No. 1,200. It will show you how you can make $10.00 on the investment of $1.00. Without an exception, this is the biggest bargain we have ever offered our customers. Write today. ; ROGERS, THURMAN &CO. 90 Wabaah Avenue. CHICAGO. ILL.